Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Jeremy on 12/29/2006 03:11:00 AM

John- Sorry I didn't return your call. I didn't get the message till like 3AM, and figured that would be a bit late to give you a ring back.

If you needed somethin' I'll be available tomorrow any time after Noon if you want to try again.

All- I switched carriers for my cell phone. Unfortunately, since I'm moving from one prepaid plan to another I can't transfer my number. The new number is 330-201-7552.

Published by John on 12/28/2006 08:36:00 AM

So did you guys want to get together and maybe play some board games sometime next week? Let me know.

Published by John on 12/25/2006 12:12:00 PM

Merry Christmas dudes!

Published by Bubbles on 12/25/2006 10:45:00 AM

Merry Christmas guys, have a good'en.

Published by John on 12/23/2006 01:34:00 PM

I can't wait until April!!!!!


We MUST go see this :)

Published by John on 12/22/2006 12:56:00 PM

Well I've offically been added as a staff writer for www.bloodtypeonline.com

Check it out :)

Published by Bubbles on 12/21/2006 03:02:00 PM

Farva, when you type do you just punch the keyboard? Well damn man that sucks, what did you do to lose it?

Published by John on 12/21/2006 09:28:00 AM

You lost your drivers license? That has to make it difficult to get back and forth to work eh?

Published by dave on 12/21/2006 02:49:00 AM

hi all how have u been im suck here . lost im drivers liessen .i hate thebmv....

Published by Bubbles on 12/19/2006 02:41:00 PM

I dont know what I read didnt say.

Published by John on 12/19/2006 02:20:00 PM

Bubbles--So what did he get arrested for?

Published by Bubbles on 12/19/2006 02:17:00 AM

Found out something interesting, one reason Bastard! was never finished is because the creator was arrested during the making of the seventh episode.

Published by Bubbles on 12/18/2006 05:07:00 PM

That sounds like it would be awesome.

Published by John on 12/18/2006 04:03:00 PM

So guys I was wondering if you wanted to revisit my All Flesh Must be Eaten take on the modern fantasy roleplaying game. I've collected my ideas and would like to continue it. I believe the only people that have played in it are Dustin and Jeremy. I would like to run this on the off week opposite from Scott's game. Would you guys be interested?

Dustin--Are you planning to come back on Mondays? I was just wondering if I should plan on you being back.

Published by John on 12/18/2006 08:57:00 AM

Looking forward to some anime and pizza tonight. See you then.

Published by Jeremy on 12/17/2006 09:33:00 PM

Damnit... more disks I'll need to replace, I guess. =/

Honestly, if I ever get some money coming in again I'd like to start the collection over using those LightScribe DVDs. The disks are finally being released non-branded and are down to an affordable price. (Like .37 each... down from over a dollar.)

Published by John on 12/17/2006 11:52:00 AM

Jeremy--Those Beserk discs are pretty scratched up. I couldn't copy them, but was able to watch them. That is of course except for the last 10 minutes of the last episode!!!!!!!! I checked the internet and was able to get a synopsis of what I missed. This is another anime that you can firmly put in the Shatz really digs column. Good stuff, and a really great story. The end is sort of brutal...... lots of dead characters.

See you guys Monday night for some Bastard!

Published by Jeremy on 12/16/2006 05:15:00 PM

Bastard! sounds good to me. I haven't watched that in a while.

Published by John on 12/14/2006 01:58:00 PM

Dang where are all my homeys at? You guys need to post!

Published by John on 12/12/2006 10:45:00 AM

Okay so this coming Monday is a geeky take on Christmas. I think we had discussed maybe watching Bastard (cool anime) and ordering some pizza. How does that sound to you guys?

Published by Jeremy on 12/11/2006 11:11:00 AM

I'm going to need to call the game tonight... or least it won't be happening at my house. You all can do what you want, but I won't be available till about 8pm or so.


Published by John on 12/11/2006 10:04:00 AM

Just wanted to check. Are we still on for tonight? It is Scott's game right?

Dustin--Are you going to show up? Wait nevermind you never check the Blog anymore.

Published by John on 12/04/2006 01:48:00 PM

Yeah movie night. I'm bringing Aragami Raging God of Battle to watch. I think we had talked about some sort of anime too.

Published by Bubbles on 12/04/2006 12:23:00 AM

Hahahahaha, holy shit.

And I thought it was movie night.

Published by Jeremy on 12/03/2006 06:02:00 PM


So, are we doing something tomorrow?

Published by Jeremy on 12/02/2006 07:45:00 PM

Huh. I guess Preacher got bumped down from Feature Film status to Made-for-TV.
That's not good.

Published by Bubbles on 11/30/2006 03:40:00 PM

Yeah I remember you talking about it one day so I figured I should post it. I've always meant to check it out but never have.

Published by John on 11/30/2006 03:01:00 PM

Jumping Jesus on a Pogo Stick! That is my favorite comic ever! If they screw this up I swear to god I'll track them down and kick them in the nuts........

So have you guys read Preacher? The whole series is available in a collection of Graphic Novels. It is a really good read.

Published by Bubbles on 11/30/2006 02:30:00 PM

Oh John did you know about this?

Published by Bubbles on 11/30/2006 02:11:00 PM

That seems like its going to be all kinds of fucked up.

Published by John on 11/30/2006 01:59:00 PM

So cool story for you guys. I've started a movie review blog where I review the horror films that I've watched. I've gotten some feedback (including hate mail from a director that I was not very nice to!). But something happened that I hadn't expected. The director of a short 15 minute movie contacted me and asked if he could send me a screener of his film. Yes someone actually read my blog and thought to themselves "I want this idiot to see my movie". Go figure. So anyways the movie is called Night of the Hell Hamsters.


So anyone want to watch it with me :)

Published by John on 11/27/2006 09:33:00 AM

Scott--It's all good, work sometimes happens. Just so you know I am looking forward to playing your game. The last time we played I was in sort of a funk that really isn't your fault.

All--Since we aren't having a game tonight I think that I'm going to head home and take care of some work that I need to get done. I'll see you guys next week.

Published by Jeremy on 11/27/2006 06:29:00 AM

We could hit some place for dinner?

Published by Bubbles on 11/27/2006 01:59:00 AM

Hmm well does that mean that we wont be getting together then? Or are we still gonna do something.

Published by Dunesmuggler on 11/26/2006 06:32:00 PM

Hey guys,

I'm not going to be able to make it tomorrow night. I just found out I have to work it, which isn't /too/ bad since I need to buy a new car. Sorry for any inconvenience, but we really haven't been doing much with the game anyway.

Talk to you guys later.


Published by John on 11/25/2006 09:24:00 PM

I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving. I know that I did, ate way too much turkey.

Published by John on 11/21/2006 10:45:00 AM

Just wanted to thank Jeremy for all of the good food last night. I know that it took some effort on your part to cook for our lazy asses and I really appreciate it. The films were pretty damn cool as well. I had forgotten how much I enjoy both Time Bandits and Baron Munchausen. I think a good time was had by all.

Scott--I'm looking forward to next weeks game. I promise I will be there. I had a couple of crazy weeks in a row. I also know that Dustin is planning on being there as well. He may even be bringing a new gamer!

See you guys later.

Published by Jeremy on 11/20/2006 01:31:00 AM

If you would all like to shuffle in tomorrow, I'm allowing you bums into my home as early as 4PM. I took the day off, so I don't have to worry about sleeping in late.

Published by John on 11/18/2006 01:26:00 AM

Jeremy--Nah I didn't hang onto anything when I moved into my new position. In fact I don't think that I've ever even ordered any of those.

Cthulu puppet + You Tube = Some pretty funny shit!

Published by Jeremy on 11/17/2006 09:39:00 PM

Hey John - Do you happen to have any of the replacement rubber dot-feet for the bottom of the powerbooks in your office somewhere?

They sell 'em online. I was gonna' buy a few. Figured I'd ask first. I know you work on 'em, so I figure it's worth a shot asking... maybe you've got one of those factory-sheets with a few dozen of 'em still stuck to it. :)

Published by Bubbles on 11/17/2006 12:57:00 AM

That was fucking great, haha.

Published by John on 11/16/2006 04:25:00 PM

Check this out.


Published by Jeremy on 11/16/2006 09:12:00 AM

Yeah, we're still on for Monday.

I've got the actual food food pretty well covered, I think, but we could always use drinks. You're just getting water or a few flavors of Crystal Light from me.

Chips, side dishes, whatever you want. I haven't gone shopping yet (saving it for one of my days off...) but I'm probably going with chicken wings or leg quarters depending on what I can find, corndogage, and some sort of baked potato thing that would be suitable for those who don't feast on the flesh of dead animals. Jason may decide to show up.

Published by John on 11/16/2006 08:53:00 AM

Okay a few things.

1. Sorry about Monday night. I had picked up my beagle from the Vet and taken him home. He had one of those collars on him (he had 4 tumors removed!) and when my wife saw him she freaked out. She went from "Don't you dare leave me here alone with a sick dog" to "Go away and leave me alone". When push came to shove I decided to stay and take care of it. One of those "husband" things that you have to do sometimes.

2. Speaking of Monday what did I miss? I know that I was a bit grouchy at the last game, but I was actually looking forward to playing. I hope you guys did okay without your super cool healer chick who flees in an honorable goblin fashion at the first sign of danger! :)

3. I broke down and purchased one of those Nintendo Gameboy DS thingys last night. It is super cool. That means I have a Gameboy Advanced for sale. It is one of the nice silver ones with the good backlight. I've kept it really nice, almost like new. Let me know if anyone is interested and we can talk price. I guarantee you I will be cheaper than the game store.

4. We are still on for next weeks movie night right? I've been really looking forward to it. Jeremy what can I bring in addition to money for the food? Do we need soda, chips or something like that?

Later guys. I promise I will be at movie night next week.

Published by John on 11/13/2006 02:45:00 PM

Hey guys I have to pick up my dog from the vet tonight. I will be at the game, but it will be closer to 6pm than my normal arrival time. See you then.

Published by John on 11/13/2006 11:27:00 AM

I don't understand you will play the gay game, but when alternative lifestyle stormtrooper comes around you push him away..... Bwahahahahahahahahahaha...... :P

Published by Bubbles on 11/13/2006 03:27:00 AM

I don't give a god damn! That game is fun as hell.

Published by John on 11/13/2006 12:08:00 AM

Okay seriously Bubbles I watched people play that game at the Best Buy in Canton. You seriously can't look hetro while playing a little plastic guitar in front of a television. :P

Published by Bubbles on 11/12/2006 12:00:00 AM


Published by John on 11/10/2006 03:40:00 PM

Bubbles -- That game is super gay!!!!!!

Farve -- Figured out how to change the font size and color eh? If we decide to do another Baglecon it will be sometime early in 07.

Published by dave on 11/10/2006 02:37:00 AM

i hate o h i o . now that i got that off my chest i feel better . sorry being on house arrest
s u c k alot . if u do baglecon can we do it after the 30 of nov. so i can come plz.
bubs } we hav one set up at the walmart where i work . its so koool . iplay it on luch all the time !!!

Published by Bubbles on 11/07/2006 12:59:00 PM

GUITAR HERO 2 OUT TODAY! Now only if my ps2 worked :(

Published by John on 11/07/2006 10:08:00 AM

Jeremy I forgot to tell you that Richard finished our Baglecon logo. This is a 3d logo so he can customize to to whatever we would need. Speaking of Baglecon I'm thinking that we need to start organizing and begging for free swag again if we want to have another event.

Published by John on 11/07/2006 09:00:00 AM

Yeah well I actually had two reasons to go to the vet. First Wolfgang has a couple of tumors that they are going to remove and biopsy. The second is that I had to take our new puppy in for her first checkup. Yes we bought a new dog :(

Jennifer wanted to get a lapdog, so now I have this little 2 pound 6 ounce bundle of joy to deal with........

Published by Jeremy on 11/06/2006 05:28:00 PM

John - Yer' dogs having problems again?

The new schedule was made a few days ago, so had to put in my request already if I wanted to get those days off. So I work seven straight, then I get off the 19th and 20th.

The 20th is a go for Gilliam, cause I'm watching it and eatin' wings whether the rest of you assmonkey puppets show up or not. ;)

Published by John on 11/06/2006 03:11:00 PM

I've got to take one of my dogs to the vet tonight. Sorry for the late notice.

Jeremy--I realized that I really want to have a Terry Gilliam film night. So to hell with Dustin, let's plan the shindig. If he shows he shows. Also let me know what I can bring or how much I need to pony up to have it "catered" :)

Later guys, and sorry about tonight.

Published by John on 11/02/2006 03:30:00 PM

So I've been having fun posting to another blog that I've started. I review the horror films that I've been watching. Thought that I would link the other blog here. Take a look and let me know what you think.



Published by John on 10/31/2006 10:03:00 AM

I'm in for the 20th. I'd be happy to throw some cash at you for the food as well. I've been jonesing for a Terry GIlliam night for a while!

As for next week I'm sure I can come up with a couple of choices for our viewing pleasure :)

Published by Jeremy on 10/31/2006 03:57:00 AM


We've been doing movie-nights every-other week. We've got one next week on the 6th, and another on Nov 20th.

There was some talk of catering an event, and actually having foodstuffs served. I'm willing to get the food and do the cooking, but I need to plan for it. I want to request off work Sunday and Monday. (The day before to do all the work, and the day-of so I have time to clean up.)

So giving some notice for work, that would be the 20th. I'm going to guess that this is still too early in the week to clash with any Thanksgiving travel plans, but I wanted to throw it out there anyway.

We've been holding on to Time Bandits and Baron Munchausen for a double feature, so I'd like to do those. (Which means we'll need something for next week.)

Who all is interested?
Who all would be willing to throw down a few bucks to help cover the cost?
Who all would be able to make it? (Yeah, Dustin... lookin' at you here.)

Farva - if you still check the blog, you're of course invited as well. Give me a call sometime if you read this (late evening is fine) otherwise I'll give you a ring in a few days.

Published by John on 10/30/2006 06:40:00 PM

Dustin where are you at?

Published by John on 10/26/2006 03:02:00 PM

Hey Scott you need to publish your post if you want people to see it. Otherwise they will only see the post if they are in here editing or posting themselves. Again use the Publish post button, not the save as draft.

So everyone have big weekend plans?

Published by Dunesmuggler on 10/24/2006 05:13:00 PM

Black and white is fine.

Bubbles... if you can't find anything with goblin traps in it, then make some up yourself.

Published by John on 10/24/2006 09:37:00 AM

Monster cock and line dancing zombies. Does it really get any better than that?

Dustin--Dude if you really aren't into movie night let us know and we will do something else.

Zub Zub bitches.... later

Published by Jeremy on 10/23/2006 07:34:00 AM


Now I just need to get a color printer.

(Will black-and-white work?)

Published by Dunesmuggler on 10/21/2006 05:12:00 PM


Coolies, print some of those off for me and yer set!

Published by Bubbles on 10/21/2006 04:27:00 PM

The only thing I can find is YuGiOh cards

Published by John on 10/21/2006 02:15:00 AM

Best Goblin name ever.... Bob Peterson! Fuck yeah!

ps: Dustin we started a new campagin :)

All--My lovely wife is going to meet the gas man so I'll be at Jeremys around 5:30ish for the movies. I'll bring a couple of horror films from my collection (sorry Bubbles no shecock). I know for sure that I'm bringing Feast, it is a riot. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Published by John on 10/21/2006 02:13:00 AM

It's fixed yo :)

Published by Jeremy on 10/20/2006 10:51:00 PM

Pics? Easy enough:


Published by Dunesmuggler on 10/20/2006 08:27:00 PM

Well, no one seemed opposed to the idea of doing homework for extra XP, so I guess I'll give out some assignments...

Larva... not sure why your name is Larva, but apparently here it is...
your homework assignment this week is to find a picture of a sexy goblin chick... or several pictures of them if you can. Also neat pictures of goblins/goblin lairs will get bonus points.

John... Your assignment if you choose to accept it is to find me lists of good goblin names. For bonus points find me some common Goblin Slang.

Bubbles... Your assignment is to find me descriptions andor pictures of Goblin traps and equipment. For bonus points you will do the truffle shuffle for me during game whenever I really need to express the hardship of goblin life.

Dustin... You get more homework than the others to try to catch you up with them. Your first assignment is to make a character, write up a background for them, and work on a funny accent you are going to speak with when you play him. Your second assignment is to find a list of good goblin tribe and orc tribe names and standards. For bonus points, show up on time.

Thats about it.
Lemme know if there are any questions or problems with the assignments I have given you.
Good Luck.

Published by Bubbles on 10/18/2006 11:08:00 AM

Penny-Arcade rocks

Published by John on 10/18/2006 08:47:00 AM

Huh that is actually a pretty good idea. Let me run it past wifeypoo. (she owes me big time!). I'll keep you guys in the loop.

Published by Jeremy on 10/17/2006 11:17:00 PM

John- We could always just all come to your house. Y'know... so you've got all the doors covered incase the gas guy tries to sneak in the back, or something. all helpful-like. We just happen to watch movies while we wait... ;)

Scott- I'll see what I can find.

Published by John on 10/17/2006 11:00:00 PM

I just wanted to warn you guys that I may have a problem attending this Monday, which would be our film night. I have an appointment with the gas company, so god knows when they will show up. Nothing set in stone right now, but I will let you guys know when I have something for sure. Later.

Published by Dunesmuggler on 10/17/2006 10:44:00 PM

Hey guys,

Would anyone be interested in doing projects for the Goblin Campaign that would earn you all extra XP?

If you are I will come up with a few things and post them here. If you do them and bring them when we play the game you will get some extra XP for it.

Ideas I'm having are finding good goblin related articles/pictures and printing them off for me, finding a good mini for your character, finding cheap miniature props to give me for the game, that sorta stuff.

I'll come up with a few for the next session if you want and may even give enough so that you can get to level 2 at the beginning of the next game session.

Let me know what ya think.


Published by Bubbles on 10/12/2006 10:53:00 AM

Rob Zombie is going to be hosting a show on TCM, about cult horror movies.

Published by John on 10/09/2006 10:41:00 PM

That video has got to be stupidest thing that I have ever seen. ::thinks about movie collection:: Okay not really but top 20 at least :)

I don't know what Cartman having diareha all over his mom is funny. But GOD DAMMIT it is funny!

Bubbles--Dustin wants us to go thru his dungeon. I say what the hell I could use the extra loot :P

Published by Jeremy on 10/09/2006 03:37:00 PM

Dustin suggested going out and getting food last night- so if any of you actually read this before coming over, come hungry.

Published by Bubbles on 10/08/2006 07:29:00 AM

Farva...What the fuck are you talking about?

Published by dave on 10/07/2006 05:58:00 PM

my hands r bananas has b
to be the funist thing in the wold i love dum people

Published by Jeremy on 10/06/2006 04:12:00 AM


Keep 'ze monkeys away from my hands!

Published by Jeremy on 10/06/2006 12:45:00 AM

Dusty is always determined to make us slog through his entire dungeons. Especially the ones he spends weeks designing, laying out each meticulous trap and encounter, waiting for the exact moment to ambu---

-- oh, wait... we can just show up in this guy's living room? Sweet.


BTW - I love these "How it should have ended..." parodies. He's got a new one up for the Superman movie.


(I'm batman.)

Published by Bubbles on 10/05/2006 10:57:00 PM

I tihnk Dusty is determined to make us go through the entire thing.

Published by Dunesmuggler on 10/05/2006 08:56:00 PM

I think we should bypass all the little demony guys in Dusty's game. How about we shapeshift and polymorph and stuff into evil nasty things and just walk through up to where Feng Shui or whatever his name is and kick him in the head till he's dead.

Or we could see if scrying and teleporting work once you are /inside/ the actual castle.

Or we could just burrow through the different parts of the place in different forms until we find the big bad.

What do ya think?

Any other ideas.

Published by John on 10/05/2006 07:24:00 AM

Grats. Well we are going to look pretty cool riding around together :)

Published by Jeremy on 10/05/2006 04:40:00 AM


Published by John on 10/02/2006 12:41:00 PM

Two of my favorite things together.



Published by John on 10/02/2006 10:34:00 AM

It is in fact Dustin's game tonight. Hopefully he shows up :P

Jeremy -- I hit level 50 and ground 1/2 way to 51. I'm so close to equipping my Krol blade I can taste it! And yes Scott this is WOW talk :)

Bubbles -- You guys moved?

Dustin -- You coming tonight? I hope so ye bastage!

Published by Bubbles on 10/02/2006 09:49:00 AM

Isnt it Dustin's game?

Also wouldnt the Wild enchant work too?

Published by Jeremy on 10/02/2006 04:13:00 AM

Tatoos were in the Eldrich books, I think. I can see if I can dig up my PDFs when I get home.

Bah... it is Monday again. I have to get the basement somewhat in order... Were we gaming?

Published by Anonymous on 10/02/2006 01:57:00 AM

Scott-- As I see it, there are a few ways to get around the items losing effectiveness when polymorphed or wildshaped. One is to use an unsloted item, but that triples the book price for an item, and you still have to worry about absorption. I guess you could swallow it or something, as long as the item is on/in you, you will have the items effect. There are also a lot of magic tattoos that can be placed on the body that would change to fit your new form, keeping the effect going. Unfortunately, I don't have any books/pdf's with tattoos in them, so I don't know too much about them. And lastly I found a magic item that allows use of other magic items while shapechanged. It is called wilding Clasp, and it is out of Oriental adventures. Basically, it is a 3 inch long gold chain, it gets attached to an item that either fits a vest slot, and/or an amulet slot. It costs 4,ooo gp.

Published by Bubbles on 10/01/2006 11:27:00 AM

If its like WildShape, I'm pretty sure your abilities change.

Published by Dunesmuggler on 9/30/2006 09:07:00 PM

Sure... just ignore my questions and talk about yer little WoW game.

Published by John on 9/29/2006 02:59:00 PM

Jeremy--Most companies don't have tech people do their interviews for them. So any old fucktard that can snow people has a shot at getting a job. We actually interview all of our techs, so we get to weed out all of those morons. It is fun to watch them squirm when they figure out we know more than them. That is my theory anyways.

Published by Jeremy on 9/27/2006 08:20:00 PM

It is an hour before I have to go to work, and I have a fucking migrane.

Grandma's PC, that I just built two weeks ago, is already acting up. Two weeks with XP, and she managed to do something that broke the damned boot.ini or the HAL. I just spent a half-hour on the phone attempting to explain to a completly tech illiterate old-person how to change the boot order in CMOS I couldn't see so I could get it to boot to the CD. And that was supposed to be the easy part- I didn't even get to try to explain to her command-line options in the recovery console.

Then I spent another 20 minutes trying to talk down the damage done by the dipshit who she had look at her computer. She had their local "computer guy" poke at it. He works as a tech for one of the companies down there, but he occasionally helps the local neighborhood old people down in that retirement golf-course she lives on.

He knows nothing. My Mom can diagnose hardwre problems more efficiently than this douchebag.

The first thing he told her was that XP couldn't even run on the computer, because it "...only had 64 Meg of memory." The jackass, who didn't even know how to get into CMOS, was reading the VIDEO POST. He apparently didn't notice that this PC was using NVidia brand memory!

Now the first thing that came to mind was "is he just trying to sell her something?" All commercial, Best Buy level techs lie their ass off in order to make a sale. (Commissions do that.) So I probed further. I fully believe he's just good, old fasioned, honestly stupid.

He's not the first person to do this to me, either. When we were building machines for AVNet... a multi-Billion dollar a year company, with over 100,000 clients.... they called us in a panic because we'd supposedly borked up a few hundred clients. One of their HIGHLY PAID TRAVELING PROFESSIONALS, who was flown to Canada to set up a truck full of PCs sent to one of the larger customers, had blown a gasket because the machines weren't configured properly. The 512M machines all had "...only 64 Megs...!" ...of video RAM.

What the fuck am I missing? Seriously? John, you've worked in the industry long enough... I need advice. What lies am I missing on my resumes? How do these overpaid shittards keep getting jobs, while I work at a goddamned hotel? How?

Published by John on 9/27/2006 07:40:00 AM

Jeremy you are a freakin' genius. I HAVE A PUPPY!

Published by dave on 9/26/2006 03:18:00 PM

My work schedule is fuck up right now I will post when it's better.

Published by Jeremy on 9/26/2006 02:28:00 PM

That was quick...

John, that WoW patch I was telling you about, with the riding changes? Went in today.

I got boned out of another 80g or so as it went in before I hit 40... but it looks like I'm gonna' have a riding puppy. Which is still totally worth it. You get a chance to try yours out?

Published by Bubbles on 9/26/2006 02:00:00 PM

Movie nights are fine, I just couldnt make it this week because we moved and what not.

Published by John on 9/26/2006 10:48:00 AM

Farve--So homey when are you coming back to Wootown for a Monday night. Or better yet what is your work schedule? Jeremy, Dustin and I might want to do a road trip to Columbus. We could check out casa de Farve.

Gromero - Horde Warrior supreme - Elune

Dustin and Bubbles--So I have an honest question here for you guys. Not trying to be "bitchy". Do you guys not want to do movie nights? The last couple really haven't gone off that well (partly my fault I know). If you guys don't want to do them that is fine with me. We can play board games or something. Just wanted to put it out there for you guys to think about.

Scott--Polymorphing is very cool, but has been nerfed to hell. You will want to check the web resources that Jeremy uses to see how WOTC has modified the rules. They are still cool, just not as broken as they used to me. Also whenever I played a character that could polymorph I kept a few of his common forms on me. Trying to do polymorph on the fly is way too time consuming.

Later Bitches :P

Published by Jeremy on 9/25/2006 11:34:00 PM

PCI... 4... Gag.... computer? *twitch*

Jarusso - Horde Priest - Elune

We still need your character names, too.

Published by dave on 9/25/2006 10:20:00 PM

so I quit that dum ass job to day {so happy}and build a new pci 4 gag allinwounder computer it's so nice to have money .
I cant move no jobs for a dum white boy ther . so in my life I have a new job as frontend magr. for oue's 10.50 hr. . I left my slut of a girl friend ....!!! I live in a 3th floor walk up studio aprt. i lost my friends list so post our wow toons names plz.

Published by John on 9/25/2006 01:09:00 PM

Movie night double feature

Published by Jeremy on 9/24/2006 10:32:00 PM

Bwaahaa. I love being a priest. I was grinding NW of Southshore, when some random Paladin decided to throw down a duel flag. I Mind Controlled him and ran him into the middle of a bunch of Elite ogres, who then beat him stupid. :)


I don't remember exactly how Jeremy's druid did it. It was either a feat, or some specialty granted by his prestige class that allowed him to keep his items as he changed forms. Plus the use of the Wild enchant on his armor.

I'm not sure how a Mage could pull off the same. Aside from putting your items down, polymorphing, then picking them up again. You mentioned using one of the higher-level Poly spells with a much higher duration, so that could be an option for you, couldn't it?

Published by Dunesmuggler on 9/21/2006 10:08:00 PM

Got another question...

When you Shapechange using the Shapechange spell, do you modify your own stats using the modifiers of whatever you turn into... or do you just become a template version of what you turn into?

Published by Bubbles on 9/20/2006 11:41:00 AM

The only way I know of to keep an item while transformed is a chain in the 3.0 Druid,Barbarian,Ranger splat book I think its Masters of the WIld or some shit like that.

Published by Dunesmuggler on 9/19/2006 10:06:00 PM

Hey all,

Just had some questions about a new character for the high level game of doooooom.

First, Jeremy mentioned a way that people using Polymorph or the Shapechange spell could still keep the bonuses and powers of the equipment that's on them. Anybody know what feats or powers are required for that?

Would a set of Armor with the Wild power work for a mage using Shapechange?

Also are we allowed to choose items/classes from the Magic of Faerun book?

I guess that's it for now.

Published by Jeremy on 9/19/2006 08:55:00 PM

Da na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na BAGMAN!

Published by John on 9/19/2006 03:41:00 PM

You know sometimes I feel bad for you guys that aren't old enough to have enjoyed the 80's goodness. Like WASP singing the title song for Ghoulies 2!



Published by John on 9/19/2006 01:05:00 PM

Check this out it is funnier than shit.


I'm bagman baby!!!

Published by Bubbles on 9/18/2006 02:44:00 PM

Thats going ot be...intresting, haha. How the fuck is that going to work?


Published by John on 9/18/2006 02:01:00 PM

Yes it is shooting now :)

Published by Bubbles on 9/18/2006 12:15:00 AM

Holy Shit! Is that going to be a real movie?

Published by John on 9/17/2006 09:14:00 PM

All I have to say is.....



Published by Jeremy on 9/15/2006 05:44:00 PM


Published by John on 9/15/2006 11:58:00 AM

Jeremy and Dustin--So we are meeting at Jeremy's at 10:30 am right?

Published by Jeremy on 9/14/2006 07:27:00 PM


Published by John on 9/14/2006 11:43:00 AM

George Lucas can suck my nuts. That is all

Published by Jeremy on 9/13/2006 05:22:00 AM

One of two things is going to happen-

Dustin is going to snap, and in a fit of DM rage will throw a creature at us out of the Epic Handbook that is designed to level entire cities.


Dustin is going to snap, and in a fit of DM rage will throw a creature at us out of the Epic Handbook that is designed to level entire cities. Which due to a lucky crit, and a botched saving throw we will defeat in three rounds of combat. Four rounds into the combat, Dustin will scream "Goddamnit, fuck all of you!" On the fifth round, the campaign officially ends as Dustin is in his car driving off.

Either way, this will only end in tears. :)

Shatzer - The new Star Wars DVDs will have the original theatrical cut. No silly CG editing of characters, the original Ewok song, and Han shoots first. However, it is being released as "Bonus Material" on a second disk, with that 2004 remaster being the actual title release. So, I don't know if that counts or not...

Published by Dunesmuggler on 9/13/2006 12:02:00 AM

You asked for it.
Twinking in progress..

Published by John on 9/12/2006 09:41:00 PM

Bubbles--Yep shecock... you missed out beyatch.

Scott--Yeah twink away holmes.

Jeremy--Account is active again. Have fun :)

Published by Jeremy on 9/12/2006 06:33:00 PM

Scott - Twink away. Dustin runs that high-level game, and we've been doing everything in our power to make him cry. (Like one-shot-killing his bosses, and safely disposing of major plot hooks inside portable holes.)

As for the cohorts and familiars, thusfar they have pretty much been under our control, with the DM making the occasional commentary when appropriate. As long as we don't do anything out-of-character or beyond the ability of the animals or the spell (like using befriended animals meaty shields) he's been pretty easy-going about it all.

Farva - She kicked you out already? Heh. =( When are you going to be back this weekend? If you make it back by Friday Evening sometime (at any hour) and feel like running around again right away give me a call. We were all planning a day-trip for Saturday.

Published by Dunesmuggler on 9/12/2006 05:40:00 PM

Got a question.

How much control do we have over our Familiars and Animal companions and Cohorts and such?
(That was a lotta ands)
Are they total NPCs played by the DM or are they basically played by us?

Just wondered.

Published by Bubbles on 9/12/2006 02:25:00 PM

This is real neat Xbox360 Laptop

Published by Bubbles on 9/12/2006 12:32:00 PM

...She-cock? God Damn.

Oh anyway since Jibbs doesnt count as my animal companion anymore, I get to pick a new one not entirely sure what. I'm gonna pick but its gonna be neat.

Farva - Yeah dude screw Columbus move back to Wooster.

Published by John on 9/12/2006 07:40:00 AM

Holy Shit a post from Farve and Scott........ Hell just froze over :)

Farve--So move back to Wooster!

Scott--Bloogers sucks somtimes. I just hope that your account works from here on out.

Bubbles--Hope you feel better. You missed some mighty fine shecock last night :P

Later dudes.

Published by Dunesmuggler on 9/12/2006 06:24:00 AM

YAY!!! I got my blog back!!

Kinda weird that it just went away for a while.

Anyway, I'm working on my character for the uber-powerful game that's gonna be on Mondays now.

I'm making them from the Forgotten Realms Unapproachable East book... hope that's not a problem. I somehow thought we were in the Forgotten Realms East instead of the other one. Didn't know you guys plane shifted. If it's a problem I can always make a new character, but it would probably work ok anyway since I'm making a Star Elf, which are planar travellers anyway.

Would it be bad if I twinked my character out a bit? Never made this high level a character before and, well, it just seems like a Twinky occasion.

Published by dave on 9/12/2006 12:13:00 AM

sorry guy my boss when mantel for real . his wife left him and he is takeing it hard i've been
running the store by my alone so i've been besy alot . my girl kick me out and so im liveing at my sis till i get a place dum girls ack" lol . my mom want me to come down this week end so like call me we will go out to eat or some thing .i miss wooster:<

Published by John on 9/11/2006 07:01:00 AM

Jeremy--I hadn't intended for it to expire. I'll reactivate it :)

All--Wifeypoo backed out of having anyone over. Pissed me off big time. I can come tongiht if you guys still want to do something. I have my copy of zombies the boardgame, or could bring the films to Jeremys place if you guys still want to watch. Advice to all you guys. NEVER GET MARRIED!

Published by Jeremy on 9/10/2006 03:28:00 AM

Ah well. So is Monday totally canceled, or just no movies?

I still have Battlecry III sitting on my desk at home. I haven't installed it yet...

John, your Warcraft account is expired, and that makes me sad. (Not sad that you haven't been playing recently- Sad because I have 350g worth of lootz in Trelan's mailbox waiting to be transfered Hordeside. ^_^; )

Published by Anonymous on 9/09/2006 10:07:00 PM

Ahhh poo, that sucks. On a side note, I just got a working copy of warlords battelcry 3, any1 want to get a copy?

Published by Bubbles on 9/09/2006 08:44:00 PM

Damn, allright.

Published by John on 9/09/2006 07:53:00 PM

Sorry guys I have to cancel Monday night. Please post if you see this. Thanks.

Published by John on 9/07/2006 07:45:00 AM

We could do Sleepaway camp and Reanimator.

Published by Jeremy on 9/06/2006 10:35:00 PM

We got snakes on the Starship!

Published by Bubbles on 9/06/2006 11:24:00 AM

I think you should go with Sleepaway Camp, I looked it up on IMDB and a few of the comments said its a good movie to watch on a movie night with a few people.

Published by John on 9/06/2006 07:54:00 AM

Okay so we are all in agreement the one half of our Monday double feature is Reanimator. Here are a few other possibilities.

Devil Rejects - Very cool Rob Zombie film. One of my favorite films of the past year.

Final Destination 3 - I really thought that I was going to hate this film, but damn if the kill scenes were't way cool.

Creep - Little independant British film that I discovered in the Blockbuster bargain bin ($4 woot!).

Sleepaway Camp - Best ending in any slasher film ever!

Let me know what you guys think.

ps: I was thinking of doing a Halloween "party" this year. It would have a zombie theme (of course). Watch a few choice zombie films, play some All Flesh....... what do you guys think?

Published by John on 9/05/2006 08:04:00 AM

Farve--If you are still reading the blog please respond. I'm having a movie shinding at my house on Monday September 11. It starts at 5:30 and I would love for you to come. Please let me know if you can attend.

Mummy rot FTL :(

Published by Bubbles on 9/04/2006 11:47:00 PM

Loots of from me corpse.

Morgash the Orc Slayer +4 weapon I think it turns into what ever weapon the wielder wants. Orc Bane.

Stone Helm turns into +3 Full Plate

Golem Bane Amulet

58 PP.

Donkey with 3 Barrels of Ale and 2 wine skins.

Published by John on 9/04/2006 12:16:00 PM

Going insane? Bubs you were already there dude :P

Published by Bubbles on 9/04/2006 11:36:00 AM

Hell yeah man, its been like 3 weeks since we've played, I'm going insane.

Published by John on 9/04/2006 08:47:00 AM

Woot you guys ready to actually game tonight?

Published by John on 8/31/2006 01:49:00 PM

I'm free on both Saturday and Sunday. We could do lunch and a movie :)

Published by Jeremy on 8/31/2006 04:59:00 AM

We need to do something this weekend.

What is everyone doing on Friday?

Dustin - Have you got a replacement video cable on order yet? I will be needing that 10-footer back soon.

Published by John on 8/28/2006 03:34:00 PM

I can't really promise at this point that I can make it. I suppose that means that most likely we aren't gaming tonight. Scott will be at the next game and I will be ready. So I suppose we should call it for tonight. Not really my call though :(

Published by Bubbles on 8/28/2006 12:49:00 PM

So..is there a game today?

Published by John on 8/28/2006 09:15:00 AM

Hey guys Molly (one of my dogs) is really sick. I have to take her to the vet right after work. So if I can make it at all (if she is okay) I'll be late. Just an FYI.

Published by Jeremy on 8/28/2006 07:11:00 AM

I dunno. I still don't have the basement ready for watching movies.... so I guess we just wait for Dustin and hope he's got something.

John - I ended up using a program called "Q." (An OSX port of a QEmu with a nice GUI.) After a bit of reading, I've actually got a stable install of 98 on the laptop now. It only runs in a window, but it runs.

Kinda' cool... except now I don't know what to do with it. I highly doubt I'm going to get an emulated copy of Windows 98 to work using an Apple wireless card.

Published by Bubbles on 8/28/2006 12:11:00 AM

Hmm no clue.

Saw Clerks II today and that movie is fucking hilarious, so fucking funny.

Published by John on 8/27/2006 03:51:00 PM


Sunday morning at 8:30 am h. h. gregg delivered my 52 inch television. THESE ZOMBIES ARE FUCKING HUGE!!!!!!!


All--So any idea what we are going to do on Monday? We have three players and Dustin to run his game (if he shows :p). Just wondering.

Jeremy--Virtual PC works fine on an old school processor. Anything above windows 98 tends to run like shit. I wouldn't want to try to game thru it either. But for most other programs it works fine.

Published by Jeremy on 8/26/2006 10:44:00 PM

Hey John,

I know I've probably asked this before, but what experience (if any) do you have with Windows emulation on a Mac?

I think this laptop has enough ass to handle a Windows 98 Emulation, so I've been poking around with VirtualPC and the like.

If you had any suggestions on programs? Can it even be done without an Intel Core processor?

Published by Jeremy on 8/22/2006 06:53:00 AM

Dutch I think. (Netherlands?)

Published by Bubbles on 8/21/2006 12:19:00 PM

Are those guys like, German rappers?

Published by Jeremy on 8/20/2006 10:39:00 PM

Hey... it is Monday again.

What's goin' on?


Published by Jeremy on 8/19/2006 03:26:00 AM


Published by dave on 8/18/2006 12:44:00 AM

im sad to say that im not comming to the game for some time . im have trouble at home and work . i loved playing in the game with u all and hope u will let me keep posting on the blog and u will see me on wow . ihav an alt steelwiskers orc lock if u guy want to get hold of me call at my home number614 873 1691


Published by Bubbles on 8/17/2006 12:36:00 PM

Allright well it seems someone has figured out/found the password to the account I was playing on and changed it. My friend is gonna have the person he got it from call today. Not a real big lose, I was getting tired of grinding and what now anyway, haha.

Published by Jeremy on 8/17/2006 06:53:00 AM

Published by dave on 8/14/2006 06:11:00 PM

sorry my post is late had to work [sad ]

Published by Jeremy on 8/12/2006 05:12:00 AM

I'm waiting for the Tunuk Tunuk Tun remix featuring Draenei.

It will happen. You know it will happen.

Published by John on 8/11/2006 03:01:00 PM

Scott--Welcome to the blog. Never ever lead off with a gay joke against the moderator :P


Good stuff :)

Published by Bubbles on 8/11/2006 02:31:00 PM

I hate, Nightelfs!

Published by Dunesmuggler on 8/11/2006 11:38:00 AM


Alright... now I get why John likes WoW.


Published by Jeremy on 8/10/2006 05:48:00 PM

Yay for Thursday!

Published by John on 8/10/2006 02:00:00 PM

Woo Hoo it is Thursday.... :)

Published by Bubbles on 8/09/2006 01:32:00 PM

I'm allright.
I'm about to start AOE grinding but I need to find a good spot to do it first.

Published by John on 8/09/2006 08:00:00 AM

We actually won a WSG in the 40-49 bracket last night!!!!! Woot.

How is everyone doing?

Published by John on 8/08/2006 07:22:00 AM

I had a great time last night. I know the game was a little slow and the xp a bit light... but hey you guys got lots of loot :P

Published by John on 8/07/2006 03:15:00 PM

So there appears to be no way to make blogger turn off word verification...... :(

Published by John on 8/07/2006 09:17:00 AM

Farve-Plus 18 more for training...... :P

All-Hit 40. Got my neato dead horsey!!!!!!! Very fast :)

Published by dave on 8/04/2006 08:49:00 PM

50 gold 30 more for my mount.

Published by Bubbles on 8/03/2006 08:09:00 PM

Server restarts are gay.

Published by John on 8/03/2006 03:17:00 PM

Post post McPosty...... Where the hell is everyone?


"some people are so cool they have to have signatures on their posts"

Published by John on 8/02/2006 09:05:00 AM

Bubbles-Woot welcome back to the wonderful world of WoW. Roll call time

Gromero - Forsaken Warrior - 37th level - main
Dargento - Forsaken Mage - 6th level - DE mule
Hawa - Tauren Druid - 6th level - Alt (wanted to hold the name, not playing until Gromero is level 60... I swear.... I will *not* suffer from Alt syndrome... Oh god noes I want to heal)

Farve, Jeremy, Bubbles?

Dustin-I can't wait until you move so you can start playing again. FOR THE HORDE!!!! Of course by then I'll be all elite and laugh at your noobness :P

Published by John on 8/01/2006 07:16:00 AM

Bubbles-Oh yeah Dustin will give you a ride alright =0

Farve-Being sick sucks.......

All-Last night was fun. Sorry to break your story line Dustin. It just happens that I'm not stupid enough to smash everything that I find. Well not always anyhow :)

Later guys.

Published by dave on 7/31/2006 09:00:00 PM

sorry guys the littel lady

Published by Bubbles on 7/31/2006 10:56:00 AM

I can get a ride there , and Dusty said he'd give me a ride home a while ago.

Published by dave on 7/31/2006 10:44:00 AM

i cant make it this week proumbles at home
dusty can u get bubs?

Published by John on 7/27/2006 02:44:00 PM


You guys so have to check this out. Condensed episode 3.

Darth Vader: "Is Padme okay?"

Emperor: "Actually you killed her"

Darth Vader: "Oh shit"


Published by John on 7/27/2006 01:47:00 PM

Maybe it was a disgruntled amish guy? Amish gone bad!

Speaking of movies did you guys still want to go to Massillion to see Clerks II? If I don't hear from you guys I'm going to go home and play WoW :P

Published by Bubbles on 7/27/2006 11:37:00 AM

Nope, that wasnt us, but was there really someone walking around town with a gun and robe?

Published by Jeremy on 7/27/2006 04:11:00 AM

A movie...?

Hey Bubbles... was that you guys walking down the road wearin' a black hooded robe and carrying a gun?

Cause that sounds like somethin' you guys would do...

Published by dave on 7/26/2006 11:01:00 PM

i want to see it bubs
jon thanks
thanks a lot jermey
now the hard part is finding the quest spots

Published by Bubbles on 7/26/2006 05:47:00 PM

Hopefully I'll be playing WoW again this weekend. I'm just waiting till we get most of Noah's movie filmed.

Published by John on 7/26/2006 02:53:00 PM

I'm very sad and lonely here on the blog all by myself :(

Published by John on 7/25/2006 03:34:00 PM

Look at me I'm posting WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Published by Jeremy on 7/25/2006 07:07:00 AM


Published by Jeremy on 7/24/2006 07:04:00 AM

Less than a week and she's already sending you out of the city? ;D

We'll see you at the game.

Published by dave on 7/22/2006 06:03:00 PM

hey guys my girl is sending me to wooster monday so i will be at the game!!!

Published by Bubbles on 7/21/2006 10:43:00 PM


Not sure if you guys have seen this yet, thats one of the ways to balance PVE between Horde and Alliance, the better way would of probley been to make Shamans better in PVE

Published by dave on 7/21/2006 07:18:00 PM

slashcutterr@yahoo.com is my adderess

Published by dave on 7/21/2006 12:35:00 AM

bubbles>i gave your book and disk to jermey
to all> i made it home in one peace

Published by Bubbles on 7/20/2006 01:35:00 PM

Awesome, what purple is it?

Published by John on 7/19/2006 09:34:00 AM


Jeremy--There are a couple more items in the mail to Lidda. One of them is a nice little shield :) Thanks for being my guinea pig for my practice "tanking" last night. I'm still getting the hang of things. Also thanks for the advice on the sunders. They really are pretty effective in getting/holding agro. Also wanted to apologize about the few times things got crazy and I lost agro.

For the Horde

Published by John on 7/18/2006 10:26:00 PM

Farve and Dustin--Those chicken wings sure were good tonight. Plenty of them too with just Jeremy and I there.......

Published by John on 7/18/2006 12:27:00 PM

Well I had a blast last night. I think that the game went well...... BOOM dead hydra :)

Farve--Glad to hear that you will still be joining us on Mondays. Wouldn't be the same without you.

Jeremy--Thanks for my stuff. Gromero is pretty fly now, with more to be equipped over the next two levels. I'll have blues in all of my armor slots except the wrist. Must correct that :)

See you guys tonight at supper.


Published by Bubbles on 7/17/2006 11:03:00 AM

Yeah, I can get a ride there, and Dusty said that he would give me a ride home.

Published by John on 7/17/2006 07:21:00 AM

Sent another request to blogger tech support. This time all I recieved was an automated email response directing me to the instructions on how to turn it off. I even put into my request that this doesn't work. *sigh* Well it is a free service I guess.

See you all tonight.

ps: Bubbles do you have a ride to the game?

Published by John on 7/16/2006 10:37:00 AM

Jeremy--Farve's problem was that he was/is using an old version of the browser that Blogger doesn't support. I'll send another email to them about word verification.

Published by Jeremy on 7/15/2006 06:25:00 PM

Well, his cell number doesn't work...

I left a message at whoever-it-was's place that he called from Thursday, and haven't heard back from him. =(

Farva said he had a problem with his Blogger account, and it wouldn't let him log in to post. Something about it trying to log him in as an admin. Shatz, this is your blog, right? Can you take a look at that, make sure his account hasn't been broked somehow?

P.S. That Word Verification thing is still damned annoying. Go send angry emails to a Blogger admin till they turn it off.

Published by John on 7/14/2006 12:26:00 PM

Bubbles-Do we know when he is moving? Did he sell his trailer, or did it get totaled in the storm? It would be nice to get together and have supper with him or something like that before he goes.

Farve-If you are reading this get in touch with one of us so we can get together.

Published by Bubbles on 7/14/2006 11:46:00 AM

He called me yesterday and said hes moving to columbus.

Published by John on 7/14/2006 07:34:00 AM

So Jeremy told me last night that Farve is moving. Yo Farve if you can post is that true? If so where are you going?

Published by Bubbles on 7/13/2006 04:24:00 PM

Yeah, I heard when you get old you do that.

Published by John on 7/13/2006 03:56:00 PM

Ack! I think that I'm talking to myself here. :-0

Published by John on 7/11/2006 02:42:00 PM

Sup my bitches!

I'm too damn sexy for my pants. Yes too sexy by far.

Published by John on 7/10/2006 03:44:00 PM

Shammys are much fun to play (at least until mid twenties which is where I quit). They do have the same fate as Pallys, the dreaded backup healer. Spec to heal or be called a noob. Bastards! That is why I'm playing a warrior. I'll be the hordes boney "meatshield" while complaining that the healers are letting me die. Payback is a bitch :)

Soloing a warrior has been fun. Of course I'm was a level 18 with a fiery enchanted blue sword. Not broken at all :D

Jeremy--I've bid on a bunch of blue mail armor on the alliance side. Hopefully I'll have some armor for you to smuggle over for me. The horde side prices are nuts. That mace I had you sneak over for me was 9 gold buyout on the alliance AH, goes for 18-24 gold horde side. Same with the armor....

All--See you all tonight. Prepare for much death (I'm in a nasty mood!)

Published by Jeremy on 7/07/2006 03:31:00 PM

To All - My phone has completely stopped working. It does not ring when someone calls me (though it gives the "ringing" tone over the phone, my cell doesn't ring.) I also can't make outgoing calls. Voicemail seems to be working though, and it does pop up the little voicemail notification, so leave a message and I can check in.

Tracfone doesn't know what the problem is, and wasn't able to help over the phone. They filed a ticket with the "higher level support" and was told to 'Try again in three hours. If it doesn't work, call us back.' ;_;

John - Glad you like the weapons. Jarusso is level 13 now. He's a beast at this level, even without twinky-gear. And I've got my Engineering capped at 150 already. Heavy dynomite. Oooh gad. Up to 170pts of damage to everything in a 5-yd radius vs. mobs that may have 150 HP at this level. I've been shielding, running around and tagging a dozen level 8-10 zombies with a DoT, then one-shotting them all in one big explosion. It's fun!

And there is nothing wrong with feasting on the bodies of your fallen enemies. That is how you gain their power...

Bubbles - The forums are are place for people to share Nelfporn and cry. Shaman are fine in PvE, as long as their allowed to be. They can be vicious spellcasters, wield impressive weapons, and wear mail armor at the same time. The problems with the class (and the majority of the crying) is due to Warcraft's lack of healers, and an uninspired raid-or-die endgame. Any class that has a healing spell is expected to be a healer in 40-man. It is the complaint of all "hybrid" classes.

Shaman are the weakest healers in the game, yet because they have a healing spell, they're expected to respec into their Restoration tree (making them weak in every other area) and spam flash heals all night long if they expect to keep raiding.

You'll run into this alot in small groups, too... "Well, we can't find a priest or a druid. Hey Shaman... you'll be healing!" Drives 'em nuts.

Shaman used to be the most broken class in the game. They aren't anymore- Hunters, Warlocks, and Priests have all been buffed to just silly levels. But Shaman are still great in PvE and PvP - they just suck in raids. And since there is nothing else to do after 60 but raid, the Shaman are complaining.

I can't blame them, really. It was the same argument that the Paladins made, and to a lesser extent the Druids. (Though their class description even lists them as a primary healing class.) The role of the hybrid blows- so much utility, but so many players that complain when you use it.

Published by Bubbles on 7/07/2006 01:26:00 PM

Yeah, but from what I can tell from reading the forums Shaman are only good in PvP.

Published by John on 7/07/2006 08:05:00 AM

Bubbles--A Shaman? You have embraced the darkside I see. :P

Published by Bubbles on 7/06/2006 06:05:00 PM

I plan on playing horde when I start again
Either a Tauren Shaman or a Druid.

Published by John on 7/06/2006 01:12:00 PM

Bubbles you should join me on the horde. We can pillage the lands and I'll eat the corpses (cannibalize). I have to say though, Jeremy enjoys eating the dead just a bit too much :P

Oh by the way I promise we will have some sort of game this Monday for sure!!!

Later dudes

Published by Bubbles on 7/06/2006 12:38:00 PM

I'm not playing right now, but I plan on playing again here soon. I want to play on a PvP server, because World PvP seems like it would be so fun.

Published by John on 7/06/2006 07:22:00 AM

All-Just when you think you are out they pull you right back in....... I'm playing WOW again! I'm on the Horde side of Elune, my characters name is Gromero, feel free to drop me a note if any of you decide to play again. Farve, Bubbles, Dustin are you guys still playing?

Jeremy--Thanks for the gear. That sword and shield gave me video game wood :) I'm already level 15 or 16 I think. The Horde side has been very cool so far. Twice I've had higher level characters just give me some coin and ask if I needed any help. When a 60 takes time to stop and help a 14 that is just nice of them. Also I have a new side business of signing guild charters. I've signed 3 already (made a couple of gold of the transactions). What I would like to do is arrange a time we can play together, maybe this weekend. Let me know what works for you.

All-Before I forget I just wanted to let you guys know how much fun I had camping. We so need to do this again. Hopefully next time we can catch some fish :)

Published by Jeremy on 7/01/2006 01:22:00 PM

There will be no game this Monday 3rd. I won't be here.

Published by John on 6/26/2006 09:41:00 AM

Can't make the game tonight. I have no electricity at the house, so we have a real mess going on. Can't leave the wife to deal with it alone. Got to throw out a couple of hundred dollars of groceries..... yah!

Catch you guys next week.... if they have it fixed by then.

Published by dave on 6/25/2006 05:38:00 PM

don't worry about it i was going .

Published by Jeremy on 6/21/2006 11:52:00 AM

S'alright Bubbles. We'll get you next time.

Shatzer - Just let me know what I owe ya' for my part of the campsite fees, and somethin' for gas money, and I'll get that to you Monday. You too for the gas, Farva, even if you can't post. Just come up with a number.

Published by Bubbles on 6/21/2006 11:33:00 AM

Really Sorry I didn't come out guys, but I forgot I had to work at the store.

Published by Jeremy on 6/16/2006 03:03:00 AM

Zombie Grinder (Flash Game)

Published by Jeremy on 6/15/2006 04:49:00 AM

I'd say you're gonna' have to call Microsoft, then.

Use the "Register by Phone..." button, and pack a lunch. It usually takes a while on hold to get through.

Published by Bubbles on 6/14/2006 12:52:00 PM

I wiped the drive before I reinstalled

Published by Jeremy on 6/13/2006 11:59:00 PM

Windows XP, right?

You'll probably need to call that phone number that it pops up on the screen with the error message and register over the phone. If it has been used too many times, or your hardware has changed too much since the last install you'll often get an error.

Or it's entirely possible that one of the many digital diseases your system was infected with stole your CD-Key. Your system was dirtier than the toilet seat in a public restroom of a Portuguese Brothel. If that key had been spread around on a few too many pirated installs, the key just gets disabled.

If they make you fax a copy of the original media and key to them, I've got a copier and a fax machine here at the hotel I can let you use.

BTW- you did choose the option to reformat the drive before you did the re-install, right? Just installing over top of what you had will fix the system files and may get it "working" again, but may still leave a lot of nasty crap on your HD.

Published by Bubbles on 6/13/2006 12:50:00 AM

Well I reinstalled Windows and its working fine now. BUT when I try to register it says my code thats on my computer is wrong and I've checked and retried the code many times and still the same thing, any ideas what I should do?

Published by Jeremy on 6/11/2006 04:51:00 PM

That rocked the Casbah.

Published by John on 6/11/2006 12:10:00 PM

Your welcome. It was really fun. Hope your computer is doing well.

Published by Bubbles on 6/10/2006 10:45:00 PM

That was awesome guys. Thanks John and Jeremy for setting it up and what not.

Published by John on 6/07/2006 08:53:00 AM

Gee I don't know sounds kinda cool to me........ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

ps: Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Published by Jeremy on 6/06/2006 07:51:00 AM

Okay, so... I just dropped $5 on a new Kung-Fu DVD. Because I like the classic 1970s Hong Kong Kung-Fu films, damnit.

The DVD case had a picture on the front of Jack Long (Sai Ga) and Mark Long (Goon Mo). Two actors who have done some great work in some other Wu-Tang titles I've seen.

The case reads "Stars Jack and Mark Long do battle once again...!"

I'm sold. I watched it tonight at work.

Apparently the company that sells these DVDs really doesn't care what movie they put *inside* the box. (They're all pretty much the same anyway, really.) The Longs were not actually in this movie anywhere that I could find, and if they were in it somewhere (maybe hiding behind a potted plant) they never actually did battle.

All of the photographs on the cover and back of the DVD case... were not actually in the movie. Anywhere. The fights pictured are apparently from some *other* kung-fu film, which actually starred these two. And where they must have fought.

No, this was a different movie. Which featured a 12-year-old and her grandfather fighting vampires. Now, this could also be cool, until you remember that these aren't the Bram Stoker vampires,. These are chinese vampires. Which, if you aren't familiar with these vampires:

The requirement to be a Chinese Vampire is a robe, a silly red hat, and you have to hop like a bunny. (All Chinese Vampires hop. Supposedly from rigor mortis- since they can't move their arms or legs, they all have to move in a stiff bounce.) These vampires also have big wax fangs. Huge wax fangs. Like walrus tusks.

It is hard to be an intimidating villian when you hop everywhere. It isn't going to happen. I don't care how hardass your kung-fu is.

It does get better from here, though. Really. The "Labyrinth of Death" (the name of the movie) is a maze made from white bedsheets. Vampires are killed and "poof" into plastic bats and spiders. The movie ends with a Power Ranger style battle versus monsters in big foam suits, complete with pewpew lazerbeams.

So, basically... this kinda' sucked. But not in the good way.

Published by John on 6/04/2006 08:47:00 PM

Wahoo this Saturday is the LAN party at the Best Western!!!!!! I've been working on stuff for the LAN all day today. I'm so psyched.

So roll call who is going to make it?

Oh yeah don't let me forget to bug Dan and Sean about it if I see them.

ps: Doesn't farve have Dan and Sean's phone numbers?

Published by Bubbles on 6/04/2006 02:02:00 PM

Allright, I'll try to get ahold of sean and dan. but apparently they havnt been around the store in awhile so im not sure if I'll be able to.

Published by John on 6/03/2006 11:34:00 AM

We are having a game this Monday at Jeremy's place. Please spread the word.

ps: It is Farve's turn, so I guess it is his game.

Published by dave on 5/27/2006 11:34:00 PM

I'm so sorry for your loss there is nothing that I or anyone can say to make it better but I wish your mom you and your sister all my prayers.
If you need help with anything call day or night (330 201 7245)

Published by John on 5/26/2006 01:46:00 PM

According to the Daily Record the services for Jeremy's dad are going to be Sunday at 2pm. Anyone that needs help getting to the services please feel free to call me at my home 2643730.

Um just in case you guys didn't realize it yet the Monday games are cancelled until further notice. If you guys still want to meet at the shop and play cards I'm all for that. If we can get in touch with the guys who don't use the blog I would appreciate it. I'll track Scott down, can either Farve or Dustin get in touch with the the two new guys.

Jeremy--Just to stress again that if there is anything I can do for you or your family please feel free to call me.

Published by John on 5/24/2006 07:53:00 AM

God I'm so sorry. Please do not hesitate to call me if you or your family need anything at all.

Published by Jeremy on 5/23/2006 10:23:00 PM

My father, Tony, died this morning at work from a massive heart attack. He complained that he had felt ill, and lost consciousness.

The hospital said that the attack was so severe, they doubt that they could have saved him even if he had passed out in the emergency room.

Services to be announced.

Published by Bubbles on 5/22/2006 11:24:00 AM

whos game is it tonight?

Published by Jeremy on 5/20/2006 10:38:00 PM

BagleCon Update
- The deadline has passed for guaranteed reservations at the hotel. All unclaimed reservations (ie. Shatzer's Room, my room, and the convention room itself) have been taken out of the computer system. The rooms are no longer guaranteed, and have defaulted back to the normal rate of $89 + tax, based on availability.

If you still wanted a room, you'll now have to make reservations through me directly to get the $55 + tax rate. (Assuming any rooms are even still available.)

I will be updating the official page tonight.

Published by Bubbles on 5/14/2006 12:21:00 PM

Pretty sure its John's game.

Published by Jeremy on 5/14/2006 04:36:00 AM

So who's game is it tomorrow, anyway? I need to know if I have to hack out the next chapter of the mushroom farm tonight or not... <.<

Published by Bubbles on 5/11/2006 02:54:00 PM

That should be cool.

I watched the trailer for Super Smash Bros Brawlers, the new smash bros for the Nintendo Wii.
It looks like it will be the greatest game ever made.

Published by John on 5/10/2006 09:36:00 AM

Okay just to let you guys know. I did some research on the Atwood camp grounds in case Dustin's idea doesn't work.

1. They don't take reservations. It is first come first serve, but since this is going to be a monday we shouldn't have any issues getting a spot.

2. We can set up 2 tents on the lot that we rent, and have up to 6 people per lot. That seems to work well for us as well.

3. It is going to be $25 a night. So I figure if we set up on Monday and stay thru Wednesday that is only 2 nights. A mere $50 split four ways.... very cheap :)

So what do you guys think?

Published by John on 5/10/2006 07:47:00 AM

Well I meant to post this yesterday, but work got crazy....

Farve--Thanks for running a game, I had much fun (at Dustin's expense) and am looking forward to more. Hope you don't mind our input as we play, especially Dustin and I. We are only trying to help you avoid the mistakes we all make as we first start running a game.

Dustin--Thanks for being a good sport :)

So camping trip stuff.

Dustin--Did you get to talk to your cousin?

Farve--Can you go?

The dates for the trip are June 19th-June 21st. That is a Monday thru Wednesday. Does that sound good to you guys?

Published by Bubbles on 5/08/2006 12:14:00 PM

Im not doing it.....let dusty, or that sean kid.

Published by John on 5/08/2006 09:53:00 AM

Well this past Thursday I was rushed in an ambulance to the emergency room. I got to pass my first kidney stone!!! I thought I was a pretty tough guy... it brought me to tears. I've never had pain like that before. But not to worry, even though I'm very sore I'm being drugged.

Now you are all probably wondering why I'm sharing this. Well I was prepared to be evil this Monday evening, but now I'm ready to be motherf**cking evil!!!!!! SOMEONE PISS ME OFF I DARE YOU :P

Published by dave on 5/05/2006 04:09:00 PM

yes jeremy 3.

Published by Jeremy on 5/05/2006 02:04:00 AM

Farva - Human Cleric

You said to start them at level 3?

Published by John on 5/04/2006 04:18:00 PM

Bubbles--No way dude you are just weird!!

Jeremy--Well if it did act as a mating call to bears the rest of us would at least have some entertainment....... :)

Farve--Bronze Dragon Sorcerer...... Heh heh heh I choose not to share this information via the blog because I'm all sneaky like that. :P

I so want to camp!!!!! Dustin can you get some time off? Maybe 3 days in the middle of the week? I can see us sitting at a pinic bench, next to a roaring campfire, playing Zombies or magic or something. GAMERS CAMPING RULES!

Published by Bubbles on 5/04/2006 03:14:00 PM

Dwarven Wizard

Dwarven casters are weird.

Published by dave on 5/04/2006 03:06:00 PM

i love to camp !!!
in my game please if u can post race class please?

Published by Jeremy on 5/03/2006 04:35:00 PM

Depends on what you mean by camping. Hiking, fishing, etc... sounds great. Sleeping somewhere without power means I wouldn't have my CPAP machine. So I'd snore, and wake up even more tired and grumpy than usual.

The loud noises might keep wild animals at bay, though. Or it might be the mating call of bears. This would end in tears.

My idea of "roughing it..." means I don't have broadband access.

Published by John on 5/03/2006 02:33:00 PM

The best part about camping is that it is cheap :)

Do you guys want to plan a camping trip? If so I can take some vacation time. Let me know what dates work for you guys. I'll look around for a campground, I like Atwood lake.

Published by Anonymous on 5/03/2006 11:45:00 AM

Camping would be kewl, as long as we can go fishing too.

Published by Bubbles on 5/03/2006 11:30:00 AM

Camping is cool. I Think the last time I went camping I was like 10.

Published by John on 5/03/2006 08:20:00 AM

It doesn't appear that Origins is going to work out for us this year. I can't seem to find a hotel anywhere in Columbus that isn't booked up. Sorry guys. I do have a question for you guys. Do you like to camp? I'm thinking of going camping, it would be cheap and we could spend three days chillin' and playing cards :)

Published by John on 5/02/2006 08:56:00 PM

Well I had fun whooping up on you guys on Monday night. I hope you guys did too. :)

Published by Bubbles on 4/25/2006 04:24:00 PM


here is another one.

Published by John on 4/25/2006 02:33:00 PM

Damn that chick made her ranged touch attack, and I believe he was in melee as well.... Good roll :P

Published by Jeremy on 4/24/2006 03:20:00 PM


I remember seeing the commercial for that scene, but had never watched the whole thing.

Published by Bubbles on 4/24/2006 01:54:00 PM


Patton Oswalt kicks ass.

Published by Bubbles on 4/21/2006 01:50:00 PM

"Sponsored by Bawls"


Published by John on 4/21/2006 01:10:00 PM

Bawls just confirmed they will sponser Baglecon!

Published by John on 4/21/2006 08:03:00 AM

Okay guys I have news. Saturday night I'm going to go to the Cleveland area to view Evil Dead on the big screen!!!!! Yes that is right a midnight showing of Evil Dead in the theater as it was meant to be seen. In addition to the film one of the actresses is going to be there, as well as the traveling prop museum. It is $15 for the whole thing, anyone want to go with me? This is sort of my birthday party :)

Published by Jeremy on 4/20/2006 12:15:00 AM

Blizzard won't give us any loot because we can't guarantee we'll have 40 people there at the same time. =P

Published by Bubbles on 4/19/2006 10:59:00 AM

Oh man, that would of been kick ass.

Published by John on 4/19/2006 08:15:00 AM

Dammit I so thought I had Blizzard on the "hook". They turned us down :(

Published by Jeremy on 4/19/2006 06:03:00 AM

BagleCon 2006 will be Saturday, June 10th.


The doors will open at Noon, though we really don't expect many people to be rolling in that early. The last-call for cleanup will be at about 4AM for those who haven't just packed up and gone home / upstairs by then.

Hotel rooms are available at a discounted "convention" price of $55, and of course can be split by multiple people. I don't expect many people to take advantage of this, but those of us who'll be drinking (BYOB, and a bar in-house till 1am) have them avaialble. Or if anyone is actually gonna' be traveling to get down here.

Oh- and don't worry much about the "registration" price. That's more for encouragement, and any walk-ins who might stumble across the page. (Shatz mentioned Bawls as a potential sponsor, and they'd be listing the convention page on their site.)

We're not gonna' expect the "regulars" to throw down cash just to stop in and say "Hi..." but if you are gonna' stick around for a while and eat our food, throwing down $10 will be great. And it buys you your very own *super highly collectable* BagleCon 2006 Day Pass with "BagleCon Swag Bag!"

... assuming we have any luck getting swag, at least.

Published by Jeremy on 4/19/2006 01:20:00 AM

Shatzer - Technically, you're correct. Which is why I wouldn't actually kill him with a fire. (Besides, that would damage his computer.) That's just there to throw the Feds off my trail, while I kill him with poisoned meatballs at the next D&D game. They'll never expect it.

Oh, damnit... I did it again...

Published by Bubbles on 4/18/2006 07:51:00 PM

Dan isnt a bad dude, I went to school with him never really talked to him though. I do remember one time a kid was having a siezure and he thought the kid was messing around so he stuck a pen in the dudes mouth haha.

Published by John on 4/18/2006 12:44:00 PM

Jeremy--I don't want to be a dick but...... If you make it public record then your threats of death under "mysterious" circumstances carry less weight. Better that you corner him while no one else is around and whisper the threat. You know then you can give him the "evil" eye and whatnot. You really need to watch the Sopranos, it is like an elementary primer on shit like this. :P

All--Had a great time last night. Hope you guys had fun as well. I like the new guy, I think he has potential.

Later dudes.

Published by Jeremy on 4/18/2006 12:25:00 AM

Oh, the cell phone thing reminds me - I forgot to yell at Farva at the game today. Completely slipped my mind... so I'm gonna' just go ahead and make this public record.

My days off are Thursday and Friday. (Remember, I may not work Thursday Evening, but I don't get off work till 7AM that morning.) I try to sleep 8 hours from 8AM-4PM. Please reserve phone calls during this time to important issues, or emergencies.

If one of you are dying, or will be soon dead if you can't make your phone call, don't hesitate. If you're dying slowly, and think you can make it a little while longer, please wait till 4.

If you wake me up again to ask if I want to go out to eat, there will be a morning where you wake up dead from an unexplained electrical fire...

That is all.

Published by John on 4/17/2006 08:32:00 AM

Good morning all!!!!! Looking forward to DnD this fine evening. I'll try not to kill any characters.... no promises :P

Dustin--Hey dude sorry about Sunday. I had my cell phone on me all weekend, but didn't realize till this morning that the battery had died. I don't know when it died so I figure I must of missed your call. If you still want to grab some eats I could do lunch or supper on Tuesday.

Published by Jeremy on 4/17/2006 04:53:00 AM

Oh god, it's Monday again... ;)

Shatzer - Tower all the way. This isn't just a LAN Party, man. This is an official, full-fledged computer gaming convention! Or at least that's what I'm telling AMD when I beg for free stuff.

Yeh, I can sell some more stuff for ya, if you want. As long as you don't mind me being half-assed about it. I've still got comics that aren't selling, and a whole buncha' stuff of Dustin's that I've been occasionally poking with a stick.

The basement is being worked on. Cleaning up the comics, and trying to figure out more efficient ways to arrange the furniture. The MAME computer is running on a new HD, so that downstairs TV may actually be running soon, too.

Published by dave on 4/16/2006 07:18:00 PM

well if u r looking for a forklift my mom say all the time that i my not be the smartes but i have agood hart and a strong back:}

Published by John on 4/13/2006 12:28:00 PM

I'm torn about the lan party. Do I bring my tower, which of course I'm very proud of, or just bring my sticker covered laptop. If I bring the tower I'm going to need a forklift :)

Jeremy--Speaking of work you still want some stuff to list on ebay? I'm thinking of renewing my assault on the basement. Let me know what you think, as I could bring you a load of stuff on Monday.

All--Be ready for some DnD fun on Monday. Like I posted earlier I'm starting to recover from 4 or 5 really tough days of work. I'm so ready to have some fun. Also I think we need to have a movie night. The real problem that I see is finding a place to have it. Upstiars at Jeremy's place would be unhealthy for me (cats) and I really don't have the room in my house. Maybe when the weather gets nice we could do our own "drive in". I have a projector you know :) Just putting the idea out there. Hell I'll even pop some popcorn!

Later dudes...

Published by Jeremy on 4/13/2006 09:42:00 AM

Web page.

The highlight of my week has been putting my PC back together. I have to dress it up for the LAN, and all. Wires are getting tied back and everything.

I just bought a new fan for my video card. A "silent" Zalman cooler, to reduce some of the horrible high-pitched whine caused by the stock leafblower currently keeping my video card cool. I was going to rewire all my fans to run at 7v to bring the speed (and noise) down a bit, but I decided it would be easier to just spend $20 and buy a nice fan controller for one of my many open 5 1/4" bays.

Published by Bubbles on 4/12/2006 11:02:00 PM

I'm allright.

Getting more bored with WoW every day, except for when Alertac Valley actually pops.

Published by John on 4/12/2006 10:48:00 AM

Okay somebody had better start posting. If not I'll start sending nekked pictures of myself to your email accounts! Except for Dustin..... he would enjoy it too much and start getting all "BrokeBack" :P

Really how is everyone? I'm finally past the hellish part of my week and am feeling human again.

Published by John on 4/11/2006 02:11:00 PM

I have far more work than I have time to do it....... Don't mind me I'm just bitching :)

Published by John on 4/10/2006 08:11:00 AM

God dammit Dustin you wait until Sunday!!!! Okay I'm calling the game tonight. See you guys next week.

Published by Jeremy on 4/09/2006 05:17:00 PM


I'm probably gonna' be really late, if I do end up showing up.

Published by Bubbles on 4/09/2006 05:09:00 PM

Really? thats suprising...No I'm serious........No really I am.

Published by Anonymous on 4/09/2006 02:01:00 PM

Im seriously not going to be ready to run WOD tommorow. So, hopefully Shatzer brings zombies.

Published by John on 4/03/2006 04:14:00 PM

But do you kick ass for the lord :P

Published by Bubbles on 4/03/2006 01:35:00 PM

ok kick ass

Published by John on 4/03/2006 07:37:00 AM

Well it is my DnD game and I plan on being there. So I guess that means we have a game :)

Published by Jeremy on 4/03/2006 06:47:00 AM

If we're gaming Monday, yes, it would be at the store.

Published by Bubbles on 4/03/2006 12:08:00 AM

So are playing at the store tommarow?

Published by John on 3/31/2006 02:52:00 PM

Woo hoo Cinema Wasteland!!!!!!!! It is my goal not to see the sun this weekend :)

Published by John on 3/30/2006 11:04:00 AM

I'M AN ELITE GAME MASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Published by Jeremy on 3/29/2006 04:34:00 PM

Yeah. Dustin, you homo...!

Published by John on 3/29/2006 01:58:00 PM

Oh okay now I've watched the video. I think it is implying all you guys are gay or something :-0

Published by Jeremy on 3/27/2006 05:41:00 PM


Published by Bubbles on 3/27/2006 04:37:00 PM




Published by Anonymous on 3/27/2006 10:30:00 AM

Pretty shitty, I've got another cold, 3rd one in a fucking month. The good news though, I got another prescription of good cough syrup. I'm ready to run a DnD game again, got some codeine inspiration.

Published by John on 3/27/2006 09:17:00 AM

*sigh* DnD alignment jokes are so 89...........

How goes it with everyone?

Published by Anonymous on 3/26/2006 12:34:00 PM

Mercy! You want Mercy! I'm Chaotic Neutral!.........Jeremy definitely wins.

Published by Jeremy on 3/24/2006 02:37:00 AM

That fight from Kill Bill, with Super Mario sounds dubbed in:

Published by Jeremy on 3/23/2006 08:04:00 PM


Published by John on 3/22/2006 10:43:00 PM

That was the greatest South Park episode :)

Published by John on 3/20/2006 10:51:00 AM

You know Goatsee doesn't really bother me that much. *shrug*

Published by Bubbles on 3/18/2006 02:37:00 AM

IMO Goatse is faaaaar worse. I had a friend that printed it out and walked up to random people at school and showed it to them.....funniest thing ever. The look on all those girls faces.....hahahahaha

Published by Jeremy on 3/17/2006 07:32:00 PM

What am I the only person that has ever put "fat japanese girls shitting on themselves while wearing a power rangers mask" in the google search?

Alright... you got me there.

Actually it was referred to on a message board I read :)

Ah yes. The wonders of the intarweb. (I think it was Fark.com that first introduced me to the tubgirl.)

Have you been broken by the horror of Goatse yet? We might as well get all the trauma out now, so you can save money on therapy bills.

Published by John on 3/17/2006 03:51:00 PM

What am I the only person that has ever put "fat japanese girls shitting on themselves while wearing a power rangers mask" in the google search?

Actually it was referred to on a message board I read :)

Published by Jeremy on 3/17/2006 09:38:00 AM

Uh... Shatzman? Wha' zactly were you searchin' for when you found Tubgirl? o.O

Published by Bubbles on 3/17/2006 12:50:00 AM

Dustin - NO, and i wount be showing up for that vincent is damn near unbeatable. haha

John - I've had fun with that disguising it as something else it sending it too people on AIM. Goatse is worse imo.

Published by Anonymous on 3/16/2006 08:16:00 PM

Bubles-- answer your damed phone.

Any1 who playes Super Smash Bros. there is a turny for it on Saturday at the shop at 12:00 noon.

Published by John on 3/16/2006 04:32:00 PM


no one do a google search for Tubgirl..... just don't okay

Bubbles--Damn beyatch I was just pulling your leg with the shammy talk. Hey great news I hear that they nerfed druids, so now shammys really rule!!!!!

Published by Bubbles on 3/16/2006 02:35:00 PM

I wasnt crying. Just saying Shamans are broke and need to be fixed.

Published by John on 3/16/2006 09:37:00 AM

Jeremy--I want to play a weiner dog :)

Bubbles--Cry more nubz. Learn how to play :P

Published by Bubbles on 3/16/2006 04:29:00 AM

I started a new guy on burning blade so i could play with a friend thats home from college and decided to see if shamans are actually as broken as they seem.

Im doing mage like damage and hitting as hard as a paladin but i geuss they think is balanced because i wear leather.......I hate Blizzard

Published by Jeremy on 3/15/2006 08:46:00 AM

I could always lock myself in my room with nothing but a bottle of DayQuil, that David Hasselhoff video, and a notebook, and see what I come up with.

Published by John on 3/14/2006 09:15:00 AM

I know I had fun last night killing off some characters :P

I was thinking that perhaps we could have some discussions regarding what you guys may like to run. Of course we couldn't go into details, but general descriptions of setting would be cool. Perhaps we could even discuss the kinds of characters or backgrounds we would like to play. This could be a neat way of getting some creative juices flowing in Jeremy and Dustin :)

ps: Jeremy the Big Birdcage is da shit no?

Published by John on 3/13/2006 04:29:00 PM



Published by Bubbles on 3/10/2006 06:25:00 PM

Well...I think I have the Winner.

FAZED - Video Viewer

Published by John on 3/10/2006 11:13:00 AM

Dustin--Get real holmes. No way Family guy Clips beat that video I posted. NO FREAKIN WAY :P

Published by Anonymous on 3/10/2006 10:44:00 AM

Published by Anonymous on 3/10/2006 10:29:00 AM

John-- I see your video and raise peanut butter. http://www.devilducky.com/media/38524/

Published by John on 3/09/2006 04:49:00 PM



Published by John on 3/08/2006 10:57:00 AM

Let me think about what I can/will run. It may just be board/card games for the short term. I really don't want to start this until the store opens offically in April. March is going to be way to busy for me.

ps: Dustin this means you really have to have something for you game on Mondays. I have neither the time or desire to run two games every week. Every other week will be bad enough.

Published by Anonymous on 3/08/2006 10:54:00 AM

I second bubles opinion.

Published by Bubbles on 3/07/2006 02:07:00 PM

That would be awesome.

Published by John on 3/07/2006 11:02:00 AM

I have a question for you guys. I was thinking of adding a second gaming night at the comic shop. Dustin said Wednesday was good for the shop. We could roleplay more (perhaps making it our Cthulu night when Dustin gets his game going again) or board game. What do you guys think?

Published by John on 3/06/2006 01:36:00 PM

Yar it be me game this night ye salty bastards!!!!!!!!!!!

Pirates rule :)

Were you guys already 5th level the last time we played? I was just wondering. We can work it out at the shop. See everyone tonight at 6pm. Oh yeah I'll have your xp for you then :P

Published by Anonymous on 3/06/2006 11:27:00 AM

As far as I know, its going to be Shatzers D&D game tonight at the shop at 6:00pm

Published by Jeremy on 3/06/2006 09:51:00 AM

So... are we doing the RPG thing today?
Board games...?

Comic shop again...?

I'll make sure to check the blog when I get up.

Published by Bubbles on 3/06/2006 03:06:00 AM

Sometimes i'll go through a month where my connection dies like every twenty minutes, it sucks.

PB&J is possibley the greatest sammich ever.

Published by Jeremy on 3/04/2006 02:29:00 PM

"Who's going to save the planet from the giant meteor while Superman's vaccuming? You? ... I think not."

Good to know it wasn't just the hotel. I neeed mah MMO to get through the night! *twitch twitch*

I am going to remember to keep a DVD or two in my suitcase for emergencies from now on, though.

Published by Anonymous on 3/04/2006 09:27:00 AM

"Talk to me you bitches, I know you can hear me" Quote from the Real World metropolis.
Jeremy, the problem you were having was sprints fault. The shop had the same problem all day.

Published by Jeremy on 3/03/2006 05:39:00 PM

I thought it was interesting to see the "evolution" of Aquaman over the years from the ambiguously gay man in green tights and an orange fishscale bodysuit that talks to the fish, to the grizzled old pirate motherfucker with a harpoon-hook-hand... yaaar!

I also hadn't realized just how many times the X-Men have been X-Whored out. I knew there was a bunch... hell, I used to read like seven of them regularly. But I've found roughtly four thousand different X-titles so far. Which is only a slight exaggeration. Jeesus...

Published by John on 3/03/2006 03:00:00 PM

Woot Aquaman!!!!!!!

That was at times a good read. Never worth any money though.

Published by Jeremy on 3/03/2006 02:23:00 AM

You just can't get a good free service anymore, I guess. ;)

Digging through comic books again. I've got a big run of Aquaman! Woohoo!

Published by John on 3/02/2006 01:16:00 PM

Jeremy--I've turned word verification off and it still comes up. This has been an issue since blogger got it's "facelift" a while ago. Yeah it sucks :(

Published by Jeremy on 3/02/2006 10:00:00 AM

Oh... and Shatz- did you turn that damned annoying Word Verification thing on for a reason? Or was it defaulted on, and you just haven't shut it off yet?


Published by Jeremy on 3/02/2006 09:45:00 AM

I would have posted last night, but I had no internet at work. And no DVDs or other computer games as backup. Not even a book. Oh god, it sucked.

The laptop works fine here at home, so I'm still not sure if the entire wireless system at work has gotten fucked up somehow, or if they've added some new firewall without telling me. I got "kinda" access to the internet- text would sometimes load. No pictures or any scripts.

I need to clear out all the saved Network info so I can let it attempt to reconnect without the old login/pass still being used. How do I clear the keyring, anyway?

Published by John on 3/02/2006 08:38:00 AM

aight don't make me busta cap in your ass with my gat!!!!!!!!!

*sniff* I'm very lonely here :(

/sing "....all by myself. Don't want to be all by myself anymore...."


Published by John on 3/01/2006 11:15:00 AM

Yo bitches post!!!!!!!!!!!


Published by John on 2/28/2006 09:21:00 AM

Well I had fun last night. This new comic shop has much potential.

Anyone interested in maybe playing a boardgame or something Friday night? Dustin is the comic shop open on Friday? I was wanting to get another Zombies game in :) Let me know what you guys think.

Published by John on 2/27/2006 05:20:00 PM

Just one question. Is the comic shop pants optional? =0

Published by Anonymous on 2/27/2006 05:00:00 PM

Just called Jeremy... See ya guys at 6:00 at the new shop.

Published by John on 2/27/2006 04:09:00 PM

Yeah it looks like the game is going to happen at the new comic store.

Dustin--Have you just not called Jeremy or do you not have his number?

Published by Bubbles on 2/27/2006 03:35:00 PM

So the game today is going to be at the new store?

Published by Anonymous on 2/27/2006 03:07:00 PM

Farva knows, I called him, the only one who dosent know is Jeremt G. The game is Going to be held at the new game store, where collection Connection used to be.

Published by Bubbles on 2/27/2006 02:49:00 PM

Anyone know farva's # ? i cant find it and he probley doesnt think anything is going on.

Published by John on 2/27/2006 02:41:00 PM

Guys if you see this bring your Call of Cthulu characters tonight. If you are new to our CoC campagin just bring yourselves and some dice :)

Published by Bubbles on 2/27/2006 01:48:00 PM

Im up for whatever.

Published by John on 2/27/2006 08:24:00 AM

Dustin asked me to run something tonight. I don't know why he told you guys there wasn't a game tonight. You guys still want to play? If no one responds I'll just go home and play my rat :)

Published by Jeremy on 2/27/2006 06:30:00 AM

I guess... if Dustin said no game, I won't argue with 'em.

See ya' next week. Unless anyone wants to do dinner, or somethin?

Published by Bubbles on 2/27/2006 03:03:00 AM

the game today is off?

allright looks like i get to level my pally some more haha

Published by dave on 2/26/2006 03:50:00 PM

so dusty told me the game is off ? i might not of been going i got a job at geen leaf . if u guys want to do boardgames or some thing call me.

Published by Bubbles on 2/20/2006 04:23:00 PM


Those guys are assholes....but also my new heros haha

Published by John on 2/15/2006 11:14:00 AM

I could probably do a poker game Saturday.

Okay I've cancelled my subscription again......... Just can't justify playing WoW when I would rather be playing my xbox or reading a book. My account is active till March the first. I may change my mind by then but I doubt it.

Published by Jeremy on 2/15/2006 01:27:00 AM

Flames are reserved for hot wings, or a good meal at an Indian resturaunt. You don't really get flames from your typical "We wash our tables with the same sponge we scrubbed the toilets with..." infections from a buffet.

Explosive diarrhea, sure. Flames, no.

As they say - what doesn't kill you, just makes you wish it did.


Who is available for another Poker game this Saturday?

If food-bribes work, there will be meatballs served. (And maybe some chips and drinks, if anyone wants to bring something. <.< )

Published by John on 2/14/2006 05:35:00 PM

Good god were you guys trying to cause your asses to burst into flames? Just wrong..........

Published by Jeremy on 2/13/2006 05:10:00 PM

Didn't miss anything, John. Except the mass suicide attempt.

Dustin wasn't able to make it, so Farva, Bubbles, and myself decided to hit the just-reopened after 30+ major health violations buffet!

Published by John on 2/13/2006 09:59:00 AM

So hey what did I miss last week? You guys make White Wolf characters? Did Dustin kill anyone yet :P

See you all tonight.

Published by John on 2/09/2006 09:14:00 AM

Jeremy--Damn sounds like DDO is exactly what I thought it could turn out to be :(

Dustin--So what did I miss on Monday? More killing thrills and chills. I must know.

Bubbles--Hey let the guys in the guild know that I will be back on as soon as I get back from Vacation. I'm kind of missing the game. Sort of........... :P

Well that is all. See you guys on Monday. Post from Florida El Juan is out

Published by Jeremy on 2/08/2006 11:54:00 PM

So, I just got my invite for one of the DDO Stress Test Beta events yesterday. After setting up a long 2.5 Gig download for the "High Resolution" client thismorning, (A 1.5 Gig version with lower-resolution textures was available) I was able to install and run the program for the first time earlier this evening.

My first impressions of the game were quite poor. I've heard nothing good about the game from previous Beta testers after the Disclosure Agreement was lifted, so I had little expectations going in. In fact, the strongest praise I'd heard was "It's really fun... for about ten hours of gameplay."

Character creation is simple. You pick from a selection of the standard PHB races, plus a new addition (which may be from the Ebberon campaign...) known as the Warforged. A golem-type race, that receives only half-benifit from healing spells, but can be repaired and mended. You can customize your feats and attributes using the point-buy system, with a minimum score of 8. (-6 with racial mods. You cannot "sell" under 8.)

The textures a nice, though customization at this point is very minimal. Like WoW, everyone uses the same core body, just with different hairstyles and skin tones. They did, however, abandon the "eye candy" races. The men look like men, and the women... look like slightly less blocky men. (A good Darfen woman, indeed!) This may change for release, or be expanded on, but not likely at this point.

Stumpwater Jack, Level 1 Dwarf Cleric was born.

I started off on a pier in some nondescript city, surrounded by hundreds of other identical-looking new adventurers swinging weapons and hitting air. The controls were basic - manuver with the keyboard, mouselook around. Left click targets items and enemies. Right click swings your weapon.

Now, I've never liked these kinds of combat systems. It wasn't the Diablo-like right-click-to-attack system, but instead the "Right-click and you swing your weapon in the air. If you're close enough to hit, you might..." system from the newer Legend of Zelda-like games. There was an "auto-attack" feature that could be clicked on once you made contact with an enemy that allowed you to just continue swinging. But, I moved on.

The path led to an inn. Because all adventureres start at the inn. That's what they do. The NPCs were obviously marked with a different color nametag, and the objective points illustrated with big blue arrows. The first objective was simple - go inside and talk to someone else.

In we go to a room that was packed full. (Again, expected. This is only a few hours into the Beta event's opening... it's not like anyone had places to go.) I found the target, and accepted another small training quest. It was your basic "first quest" like in any good console game, where you're introduced to all of your basic abilities one at a time. Jumping, climbing, opening doors, levers, chests, etc. And your first experience with breaking random world objects to steal the goodies hidden inside!

Crate? Break it. Barrel? Break it.

This is also where I experienced my first bugs. Not little, to-be-expected Beta bugs. These were game-halting terrain glitches. I got stuck on the crates we were expected to be climbing on and around in that area of the "Training Area." Lots of rubberbanding. The character would move forward a few steps, then glitch back to some invisible snag point. Jumping sometimes cleared it. Sometimes not.

I managed to get myself up on a ledge to open a hidden chest. Trying to jump down off the ledge back to the ground got me again, stuck on something. He'd hit the edge, then snap back a few steps. He again couldn't move from his spot. After a few more minutes of struggling, I managed to jump clear of whatever invisible terrain glitch I was snagged on, and fall towards the floor...

... I never landed. The poor Dwarf glitched back to the ledge, only to walk off and fall again. The character at this point was unresponsive, stuck in a non-stop fall-band-fall-again.

Logging out didn't work. So I had to quit the game. With a sigh, I loaded the client again and restarted. Logging back into Stumpwater, I found myself in the exact position I'd left off at before. The fall, this time, completed, and I finally touched floor.

"It's a Beta..." I told myself. "Some bugs should be expected." Taking two steps forward, I moved towards my next objective. Only to spring back to my original position again.

Gaah. I filled out a big report form, noting that there was no "unstuck" feature. It would be delt with by a GM. No. Not waiting for a GM literally 30 seconds from the starting zone. Quit again. Restart. Delete Stumpwater. Reroll Stumpwater II.

Stumpwater was run back to the inn to accept the quest. For the sake of simplicity, I avoided all exploring and just went straight to my goals. I collected a few stone things out of chests, and beat down a few spiders. Cast a few spells.

Magic is apparently handled by a "spell point" system. I wasn't able to play around with it long enough to understand it fully, and couldn't even get one of the spells to work, but... uh. I was immortal in training mode anyway. The spiders weren't doing any damage when they hit, so I just beat them down with my mace.

Sucess! For completing the first quest, you gain a level. Leveling up reminded me of City of Heroes. Skills are modified by various minor upgrades. I chose one that gave me a 20% bonus to my 1st level healing spells, and moved on.

I moved out back into the inn, with a few healing potions and some copper coin, ready to seek out my first adventure. I walked towards the door of the inn, towards the wilderness...

... and got stuck on a loose board on the inn floor. I ran forward a few steps, only to get glitched back to my place in the middle of open floor. Stuck again.

This should be expected from an early Beta. Not a public stress test this close to the release date. If they can't even properly debug the noobie zone, I'm afraid of what the rest of the world has to offer.

It's an EQ-style version of the Temple of Elemental Evil. Except between the long slowdowns and game freezes, you could actually play Temple.

Quit to Windows.
Program Files.

Published by Jeremy on 1/30/2006 07:57:00 AM

Damnit. :(

The laptop uses the older 144-Pin SO-DIMM memory. The newer DDR stuff is cheap at around $80 a gig. The old stuff will run me $200-300 to upgrade to a gig. (512x2.)


Published by Anonymous on 1/25/2006 03:54:00 PM

I call... http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=168

Published by Jeremy on 1/24/2006 09:07:00 AM


I shall call your Penny Arcade, and raise you a VG Cats!

Published by Bubbles on 1/23/2006 11:52:00 AM


this made me laugh for a while.

Published by Bubbles on 1/23/2006 11:20:00 AM


So my RAM still hasnt arrived in the mail......Im really tempted to say fuck it and just go buy it at best buy or something.

Published by John on 1/23/2006 11:17:00 AM


I'm so freakin' happy :)

Published by John on 1/19/2006 05:28:00 PM

Bubbles I have movies in my collection that would make your head explode..... seriously. Ask Dustin and Jeremy about some of the crap that I manage to find. I'm just that twisted...... Get your new video card yet?

Published by Bubbles on 1/19/2006 03:45:00 PM

I was listening to The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiney(damn you jeremy) and when I opened firefox on the home page (it the random chuck norris fact generator) this popped up.

Angels sang out in immaculate chorus
Down from the heavens descended Chuck Norris
Who delivered a kick which could shatter bones
Into the crotch of Indiana Jones
Who fell over on the ground, writhing in pain
As Batman changed back into Bruce Wayne
But Chuck saw through his clever disguise
And he crushed Batman's head inbetween his thighs.

I just thought that was an amazing coincidence.

also I cant stop listening to this damn song, I try to but I cant get through another song with out going back to The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiney.

Published by Bubbles on 1/18/2006 06:51:00 PM

Jesus Christ Vampire Slayer?........That is fucking incredible.

Published by John on 1/17/2006 05:33:00 PM

So um I now have a copy of Jesus Christ Vampire Slayer...... We so need to have a movie night :)

Published by John on 1/17/2006 04:19:00 PM

Woo Hoo posting from my Gateway laptop that is now newly partitioned and dual booting into suse linux!!!! I'm the coolest of you all :P

Published by dave on 1/16/2006 12:06:00 PM

so i have a new guy for the game he's kool talk at the gameto night.
dusten so much pent up rage!

Published by John on 1/15/2006 11:29:00 PM

Dustin--So you were teaching him how to zerg someone by letting him play you :P

Published by Anonymous on 1/13/2006 10:46:00 PM

*slicing Jeremys car tires* Just fine, Ill be goning to the college on monday to apply *crosses fingers*

I brought my machine to a friends house to teach him how to get zerged in starcraft, and his nextdoor neighbor has a open wireless connection......I can play wow again.....*Logs in* exept for the 2 hour wait to log the fuck in, im doing ok.

Published by Bubbles on 1/13/2006 06:33:00 PM


Published by John on 1/13/2006 09:28:00 AM

WoW = video game crack

3 Pallys, mage, and my druid on princess run last night. First two attempts we wipe. 3rd attempt I'm like okay pallys heal I'll tank in bear form mage nuke while I attempt to hold agro. Down she goes. Not one of the three had managed to adjust to the new realities of the 1.9 patch. /sigh

So how is everyone doing this fine Friday?

Published by Bubbles on 1/12/2006 06:24:00 PM

Hmm well that sucks.

Well I thought it would take longer but I'm already going through withdraws from not playing WoW haha. I really need to get the stuff to upgrade haha.

Published by John on 1/12/2006 01:49:00 PM

Well it appears that Kishor turned his two week notice in well two weeks ago. Of course the powers that be kept it under there hat :( So that means a couple of things. First Kishor is going to be in New Jersey on Monday so I doubt he is playing anymore. Second is that there is another job opening here at the college for someone with computer experience (Jeremy, Dustin?).

On a side note we were barely keeping our heads above water with our boss, and one of our interns leaving halfway thru the semester. Now we are down one of our three full time positions as well. If I'm a bit cranky for a while just keep that in mind. We are so screwed........

Published by Bubbles on 1/11/2006 09:40:00 PM

I believe I have a total of two slots for ram, and I think my friend Josh (the one I mentioned earlier) said It has an AGP slot.

Published by Jeremy on 1/11/2006 06:35:00 AM


I just sat down to look that up, too.

He is correct.

Your machine isn't actually that bad. (I'm assuming it is completely factory spec.) It has an Athlon XP 2400+ (2GHz) which is plenty good enough.

What's killing you is the intergrated video, and the fact that you only have 128 Megs of RAM.

A new video card will cost you anywhere from $25-$550 dollars, depending on how much you want to spend. Even the cheapest of cards will be a big improvement.

There are tons of cards in the $50-100 range on Newegg that will play Warcraft just fine. (It won't be on the highest graphic settings, but it will play it well.)

$68 ($58 after rebate) for a knockoff brand Radeon 9600. A good deal for a basic, solid card. (I think Dustin's system has a 9600 in it, actually.)

We can reccomend a few good brands / models if you decide to upgrade.

Memory is pretty cheap right now, too.

A 512 Meg chip will run you a little over $30. You can stop there, but if you've got the money (and your motherboard will support it...) you may want to go ahead and buy two. 512 will be a big improvement. 1024 will be even better.

You can get a nice upgrade for as little as $80-90 on a budget. $120-150 will get you even better.

You just wanna' make sure someone who knows a little about computers cracks the case open and takes a look inside before you order. I wasn't able to find any information about the motherboard, so you want to make sure it can actually be upgraded. Some of the cheaper motherboards used in those factory machines don't have an AGP slot (needed for the video card upgrade) or only one socket for memory sticks.