Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 2/28/2003 11:31:00 PM

character torture does tend to make interesting games. Everyone should look at this page. Now. Right now.

Published by Anonymous on 2/28/2003 06:50:00 PM

if I want it to be long and painful I'll have to be careful

That's the spirit! ^_^;;

Published by Anonymous on 2/28/2003 05:17:00 PM

Nah, the puddle of goo would've evaporated after a few years. *nods emphatically at Jeremy's breaking easily comment* Besides you'll get bored without any survivors to sic monsters on.

Published by John on 2/28/2003 04:18:00 PM

Jeremy--You are right, if I want it to be long and painful I'll have to be careful :)

Published by Anonymous on 2/28/2003 04:08:00 PM

John, just remember we're third level. 15 HPs. We break easily. =)

Published by John on 2/28/2003 03:48:00 PM

Years from now an adventuring party will find a kick ass lute in a puddle of goo. What a mystery :)

Published by Anonymous on 2/28/2003 03:30:00 PM

Depends on how broken I am after my reflex (and/or fortitude) save. At least my lute can't break. :)

Published by John on 2/28/2003 02:40:00 PM

Caroline--Big freakin' rocks good?

Published by Anonymous on 2/28/2003 02:08:00 PM

no disintegration at least? ;)

Published by John on 2/28/2003 12:51:00 PM

You guys should be ready for Monday. I have started to write it up and it is putting a smile on my face (which means I'll be putting a hurtin' on you guys).

Published by John on 2/28/2003 09:23:00 AM

Caroline--How'd the time zone get messed up again? Welcome to blogger, it happens...

Yeah I thought that the giant crayfish was kewl. I also liked the look that I got when I "disintigrated" half the party. Heh heh heh, this makes me happy.

Published by Anonymous on 2/27/2003 07:27:00 PM

I think he just wants to kill all of us and doesn't really care what kind of things he uses. But he should be creative anyhow, so we don't get bored with "too few methods of death". Almost being cut in half by a giant crayfish definitely counts as a creative death. Note to self - invest in mithril armor and raise dex from 16 to 21. How'd the time zone get messed up again? *blinks at supposed 4AM post*

Published by John on 2/27/2003 06:04:00 PM

Jeremy--No I want to kill you with blunt stick thingys

Published by Anonymous on 2/27/2003 05:15:00 PM

Note to self- DM wants to kill me with sharp, pointy things. Invest in Fortification enhancement.

Published by John on 2/27/2003 04:38:00 PM

Thursdays are better than Mondays, but not as cool as Fridays.... go figure.

Published by John on 2/27/2003 02:29:00 PM

Caroline--Not if I sneak attack you to death, bwhahahahahahahahaha..... Damn bards.

Published by Anonymous on 2/27/2003 09:32:00 AM

Oh, I'm waiting on Crescendo. It's a 4 round 2nd-level bardic spell affecting caster and allies: nothing for the first round, +1, +2, +3 attack bonus for each successive round. And it stacks with normal bardic magic effects and magic weapon bonuses, etc. Even with the restrictions (Only 30 ft range, ends the 4th round of course, the bard has to keep playing the whole time), it's a +3 attack bonus that stacks... :D We're all going to die and hurt things on our way!

Published by Anonymous on 2/27/2003 09:28:00 AM

Patti is my wife and she played Giselle with John Jermey and Leon. She is looking forward to the next epic session. She'll still be in OH for it. More than likely I will be in GA =(. The Book of Eldrich Might (John has it) also has some bard spells in it. One of them, maybe Silent Song/Sound(?), is a ranged touch attack that does sonic damage... It is a low level spell, 1st or 2nd I think.

Published by John on 2/27/2003 09:20:00 AM

Good morning all...

Caroline--Patty is Brian's wife, who played the kick ass bard in the Epic game. Don't underestimate the effectiveness of the bard songs at high level. I can't count the number of times that an extra +1 or +2 made the difference. Much to Brian's dismay :)

Brian--I'll send Patty an invite today.

Published by Anonymous on 2/26/2003 11:52:00 PM

Well, I won't have 4th level spells for a long time (10th level-ish), but I'm already mooching lower-level spells from Song and Silence. I'd also need to be around 7th bard level before I could take the Virtuoso prestige class (min 10 ranks in Perform). Bardic music effects stop being as useful after 9th level, aside from spells and increasing targets for Inspire Greatness (1 more for every 3 levels beyond 9). Allowed to use other bardish books for spells? They would help to further the cause of the black hand. *mock-angelic look* --Who is Patti?

Published by Anonymous on 2/26/2003 05:35:00 PM

Comment on Bards-- I'd have to agree with John. They can get annoying really quick. Especially when you think you have the party down and low and behold the darn bard does something ruins a dm's plans.

Caroline-- Give John all sorts of trouble with your bard....=) There is a number of prestige classes for bards. I found a couple on Wizard's site under web enhancements. Virtuoso is a prestige class that can really help a party out, especially sustaining song and revealing melody (those "burned" when Giselle used those). Giselle was/is an Epic Bard that was in the game I ran with John, Jeremy, and Leon. Oh, if John allows you to choose spells from any text you can get your hands on, then look at Ritual and Relics II. I don't know about lower level spells, but at 4th there are some spells that do direct damage versus party enhancement.

Published by Anonymous on 2/26/2003 05:03:00 PM

*shrugs* I'd never played a bard before, so I figured I'd try it. Already done thief, wizard, fighter in 1st ed, so I was looking for something different. Perhaps a prestige class...? *ponderponder*

Published by Anonymous on 2/26/2003 01:34:00 PM

John-- I mentioned the site to Patti and she seemed interested. I couldn't adequately explain to her what it entailed so I guess she'd check it out. Anyway her email is kunkel.18@osu.edu

Published by John on 2/26/2003 11:39:00 AM

Caroline--Don't worry, Bards get real annoying real quick.

Published by Anonymous on 2/26/2003 10:05:00 AM

Oh, sure. Pick on the bard whose spell table only goes up to 6th-level spells (cantrips and 1st at the moment). The only way I could get 9th level spells is if we were levelling twice a session *and* I multiclassed to wizard/sorceror. Tree branches? A halfling tree branch would probably do 1d2, unless it got elevated to a club. +1 clubs could work... *muses*

Published by John on 2/26/2003 09:10:00 AM

Caroline--When you can cast 9th level spells I'll allow you to research it. Ain't I a nice guy :)

Published by John on 2/26/2003 09:09:00 AM

Clock...clock we don't need no stinking clock.

Fine I think a whole lot of tree branches +1 are coming your way! Psssssssssst.....

Published by Anonymous on 2/25/2003 10:55:00 PM

Yes, stuff is always good. We especially need more bastard swords and axes. Also more minor magical items from creature stomachs. We need to get enough stuff to balance the cost of that pearl, and we don't have nearly enough "redundant equipment that half the party can't use". Make that more than half. Silly exotic weapons that are sellable for lots when we get to a town. It'll go along with the joke of convincing the orc not to wear his new hat or staying far enough away while he gets into trouble. Hmm... then we'd have to get him out of trouble. Fricking DM coercion of party cooperation. *snickers* Speaking of things we lack, where could I find 1. all those lavapits dotting the continent 2. the John-admin who will set an accurate blogger timezone 3. the linebreaks on blogger posts? (Can I have a lavapit spell too? Please, pretty please?)

Published by Anonymous on 2/25/2003 09:46:00 PM

Mon night was fun. Of course, we all need more stuff. Lots more stuff.

Published by John on 2/25/2003 04:45:00 PM

Jeremy--Lava was fun (for those of you who don't know Bartlesby was my Epic Wizard).

Caroline--Yes we are going to play straight thru Spring Break. I expected you and Dan to both miss some time, so no big deal.

Published by Anonymous on 2/25/2003 04:36:00 PM

Caroline- The epic-party wouldn't even bother with squishing us. Too much effort, and they might get their swords dirty.

Bartlesby would just use one of his favorite spells, wave his hand in our general direction, and in a quite bored voice say "You die now." The entire third-level party falls over dead. No save. No rolls. Then he'd animate our skeletons and use us to carry his luggage. And that's if he's in a GOOD mood. =)

Catch him on a bad day, and he'd just cause a volcano to erupt underneith us, dropping us into a 100-foot across pit of molten lava. Which as far as we can tell, never cools naturally. There are currently hundreds of lava pits pockmarking the continent.

Published by Anonymous on 2/25/2003 04:03:00 PM

I'm he-re! Finally... Hmmm somehow this reminds me of *last* night. I wonder what John would have done if both the party's healers were gone.

In terms of people being out, are we playing during the college spring break? I'm likely going to be out one of those weeks, but I haven't decided which one yet. Dan, are you going to be in town for those weeks?

I have very little concept of the capabilities of epic-level characters beyond "POWER I have ALL THE POWER" and the fact that they could squish our third-level characters like bugs.

Published by John on 2/25/2003 02:29:00 PM

Dude 25th level Barbarian Fey. "...tee hee hee *whack* tee hee hee..." God I love online NPC creators.

Published by John on 2/25/2003 01:01:00 PM

Brian--BTW Leon and Jeremy were so excited to hear that you were sharing with me. You still strike fear into their character hearts :)

Published by John on 2/25/2003 12:59:00 PM

Brian--Heh heh I'll just let them stew in their impending doom, bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..... Does Patty have her own email address? If so would she like her own Blogger login?

Jeremy--One of you kind of died, "...but he got better..."

Published by Anonymous on 2/25/2003 11:09:00 AM

John-- The material I had mentioned to you in an earlier email has unfortunately made its way to GA. I won't be in GA until early next week probably, and I'll need to find it in one of the boxes. If you want to adlib it until I find the details, cool, if not fine too. I'll let you know as soon as I find out what they are. I'll send them along via email with my new address.

Published by Anonymous on 2/25/2003 10:51:00 AM

Well, we're not dead yet. I think that's a good start.

Published by John on 2/25/2003 09:32:00 AM

Well I think that last night was a success, did you guys have fun?

Published by John on 2/25/2003 09:21:00 AM

Jeremy--The Shrunken head is actually my idea. I thought that it was sort of kewl :)

Dan--Armor is a really good idea. Perhaps something with a divine effect on it.

Published by Anonymous on 2/24/2003 02:26:00 PM

So the witch-doctor could have an entire belt of various shrunken heads, each which do a different thing? He..heh hehe hehe...

What book is this (originally) from anyway? I keep peeking at it in-game, but have never had a chance to actually read through it.

John- If he's concerned about offensive spells, there actually are a good number of offensive devine spells in some of the non-core books, if you'd consider expanding his spelllist up a bit.. Low-level. 0-4th stuff. I can copy 'em off Stumpy's spelllist and bring 'em for you to look at if you'd like. And that doesn't include the summon spells.

Of course, anything you summon has to have a really small head.

Published by Anonymous on 2/24/2003 10:14:00 AM

John-About the weaponing of my character...only reason why my character tries to smack things w/ the morning star is because I don't have those damaging spells so I have to hurt them w/o magic I have a mage's BAB still.

Just for sheer freakishness how's this for a shrunken head idea:
Head of energy conversion - character may change energy channeled for either a spell or turn attempt to its opposite at one caster level lower than normal...alignment req. of neither good nor evil.

Another idea would be a head(or other item) that allows a character to use wisdom for turn attempts. Hrm sound more feat-ish than item-ish though.

On the non-head front...armor would be cool.

Published by John on 2/22/2003 03:14:00 PM

FYI to everyone. We are playing this Monday, just in case you wanted to know :)

Published by John on 2/22/2003 03:13:00 PM

Jeremy--Okee Dokee

Published by Anonymous on 2/21/2003 08:18:00 PM

Oh, BTW- I was looking over the requirements for the arcane theif prestige class thing last night. There are no prerequisite feats or BAB bonus... just arcane spells up to level 3, and 2d6 Sneak attack. So I'm going to take my third level in Rouge instead of Fighter.

Published by John on 2/21/2003 02:48:00 PM

Jeremy--How about I haste my foot up yo' ass!

Damn you guys, why when you really screw up do you get good results?

Published by Anonymous on 2/20/2003 06:31:00 PM

I'd like to be permanantly hasted for my magic item... ;)

Published by John on 2/20/2003 05:48:00 PM

Dan--How about a really cool shrunken head? That would rock no? Since you are a little more dangerous with a weapon than a wizard a nice weapon or ring of protection would work.

Published by John on 2/20/2003 05:45:00 PM

Good day all. Just got my Epic Level Handbook (thanks Eric) and have found many kewl things to throw at you guys since you are 2nd level now... I kid I kid. I haven't heard much about the magic items that you guys would like, as well as some kick ass backround stories. Remember it is worth 100 xp when you give it to me.

Published by John on 2/19/2003 09:20:00 AM

Scrappy is the devil! Hmmmmmm....... Scrappy vs. an Epic level party.

Published by Anonymous on 2/19/2003 09:11:00 AM

I thought that Pikachu was just another form of Nyarlatotehp. Like Scrappy-doo.

Published by John on 2/18/2003 05:31:00 PM

Someone has used the actual rules to make a monster manual entry for Pickachu. hehhehehehheheheheeheheheheheheheheheheheeheheheheheheh.....

Published by Anonymous on 2/18/2003 05:26:00 PM

Anyone have ideas about what magic items a witch could find helpful? A witch being a spontanious divine caster with no real agressive spells.

Published by John on 2/18/2003 02:37:00 PM

Eric--Actually do you have an ETA on the Epic level handbook?

Published by John on 2/18/2003 02:35:00 PM

Eric--I vote for strippers ;-)

Published by Anonymous on 2/18/2003 01:29:00 PM

Thanks to everyone who showed up for D&D last night. Hope everyone had as much fun as John did!
Let me know if there is anything I can do to make your game and game environment better. Thanks.

Published by Anonymous on 2/18/2003 12:48:00 PM

I have arrived!

Published by John on 2/18/2003 09:44:00 AM

Well I think last night went well. A good time was had by all, most importantly me :)

Published by Anonymous on 2/17/2003 03:37:00 PM

Good to hear. You're not the only one who need a fix.

Published by John on 2/17/2003 12:50:00 PM

Hello to Matt and Eric. Well it may take me a couple of days to get everyone together on this Blog, but it should be cool.

Eric--In spite of the weather I shall be running my game tonight. I needs me fix...

Published by Anonymous on 2/17/2003 11:25:00 AM

Hello Everyone. Just posting to let everyone know I'm on this blog.

Published by Anonymous on 2/17/2003 11:22:00 AM


Published by John on 2/17/2003 10:39:00 AM

Well if you are here then you must of gotten the invite to the blog. This is a blog for all things gaming.