Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by John on 10/19/2007 07:35:00 PM

Sorry about that guys. I did leave a message on Jeremy's cell phone (or at least I thought that I did) on Monday that I was going to miss the game. Jennifer hurt her back worse than ever on Sunday so I've been spending most of this week taking care of her between running into work for an hour here an there. I've not even been near a computer until tonight. Luckily Jennifer is finally doing better and I should be back to a normal schedule soon. I should be at the game on Monday.

Dustin - Just in case you were wondering I will be at the shop on Sunday as long as Jennifer is feeling well enough.

Published by Jeremy on 10/16/2007 08:05:00 PM

John, we're worried someone died. It's really unusual that you miss a game without calling, and you haven't returned any calls. Get in touch with us, please.

WoW: Widescreen Edition. (Click to Embiggen)

Published by Jeremy on 10/14/2007 10:42:00 AM

Published by Jeremy on 10/13/2007 06:12:00 PM

John- Give me a call tomorrow evening. Maybe we'll do dinner, too?

The place is a mess, but it's good enough for a game. Monday is on.

BTW, do any of you have a pair of crimpers for CAT5? (Dustin? Bubbles? Scott?)
I still can't find mine and I have some cabling that needs ends. I can't even find a pair at work. (They use punch-down connectors.)

If one is available I'd like pick it up tomorrow (Sunday) and return it at the game on Monday.

Published by John on 10/12/2007 12:55:00 PM

Jeremy - Dude I don't know what sort of shape Casa de Gaggins is in but I wanted to know if you were interested in getting together and watching some movies this weekend? I have to watch some flicks for the site anyways (and I bailed on this Sunday at the shop). Plus it is finally feeling like fall and I need to watch some horror films! Let me know.


Published by John on 10/12/2007 10:01:00 AM

Shaun of the Dead's Simon Pegg is going to play Scotty in the new Star Trek prequel.


Published by John on 10/10/2007 10:55:00 PM

Oh god I know this one. It is H. All of the above!

Hey everyone next time you see Dustin ask him about Buffalo Bill! :)

Published by Jeremy on 10/10/2007 09:39:00 PM

Published by Jeremy on 10/08/2007 04:21:00 PM

In case ya' haven't guessed, the game is canceled for today.

Published by Jeremy on 10/06/2007 06:30:00 PM

Dustin, John:

When you get back from your little weekend event, were we still going to hit Red Lobster for the all-you-can-devour shrimpage?

Give me a call when you get in if you wanna' do it.

Published by John on 10/04/2007 02:40:00 PM

Jeremy - That is to be expected. Moving tends to do two things. First it shows you how much crap you own. Second it makes a mess of both the space you are moving out of and the one you are moving into.

Dustin - I'm going to assume since I haven't seen a post from you with an address that you will be coming to my house tomorrow to catch a ride. Like I said I need you at my place no later than 2 pm. That way we can get check into the hotel by 3 pm. I figure after we get up there we can grab some food (Russ may go with us if he is there). This is going to be the best weekend ever!

Published by Jeremy on 10/04/2007 02:11:00 PM

I may have to call off the Monday game. The movers are showing up Monday to haul off the rest of Mom and Amber's things. I can't be sure what condition the house will be in before then.

I will be off work at 3PM on Monday. Be sure to check the blog (or call) around 4PM for updates.