Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by dave on 7/31/2006 09:00:00 PM

sorry guys the littel lady

Published by Bubbles on 7/31/2006 10:56:00 AM

I can get a ride there , and Dusty said he'd give me a ride home a while ago.

Published by dave on 7/31/2006 10:44:00 AM

i cant make it this week proumbles at home
dusty can u get bubs?

Published by John on 7/27/2006 02:44:00 PM


You guys so have to check this out. Condensed episode 3.

Darth Vader: "Is Padme okay?"

Emperor: "Actually you killed her"

Darth Vader: "Oh shit"


Published by John on 7/27/2006 01:47:00 PM

Maybe it was a disgruntled amish guy? Amish gone bad!

Speaking of movies did you guys still want to go to Massillion to see Clerks II? If I don't hear from you guys I'm going to go home and play WoW :P

Published by Bubbles on 7/27/2006 11:37:00 AM

Nope, that wasnt us, but was there really someone walking around town with a gun and robe?

Published by Jeremy on 7/27/2006 04:11:00 AM

A movie...?

Hey Bubbles... was that you guys walking down the road wearin' a black hooded robe and carrying a gun?

Cause that sounds like somethin' you guys would do...

Published by dave on 7/26/2006 11:01:00 PM

i want to see it bubs
jon thanks
thanks a lot jermey
now the hard part is finding the quest spots

Published by Bubbles on 7/26/2006 05:47:00 PM

Hopefully I'll be playing WoW again this weekend. I'm just waiting till we get most of Noah's movie filmed.

Published by John on 7/26/2006 02:53:00 PM

I'm very sad and lonely here on the blog all by myself :(

Published by John on 7/25/2006 03:34:00 PM

Look at me I'm posting WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Published by Jeremy on 7/25/2006 07:07:00 AM


Published by Jeremy on 7/24/2006 07:04:00 AM

Less than a week and she's already sending you out of the city? ;D

We'll see you at the game.

Published by dave on 7/22/2006 06:03:00 PM

hey guys my girl is sending me to wooster monday so i will be at the game!!!

Published by Bubbles on 7/21/2006 10:43:00 PM


Not sure if you guys have seen this yet, thats one of the ways to balance PVE between Horde and Alliance, the better way would of probley been to make Shamans better in PVE

Published by dave on 7/21/2006 07:18:00 PM

slashcutterr@yahoo.com is my adderess

Published by dave on 7/21/2006 12:35:00 AM

bubbles>i gave your book and disk to jermey
to all> i made it home in one peace

Published by Bubbles on 7/20/2006 01:35:00 PM

Awesome, what purple is it?

Published by John on 7/19/2006 09:34:00 AM


Jeremy--There are a couple more items in the mail to Lidda. One of them is a nice little shield :) Thanks for being my guinea pig for my practice "tanking" last night. I'm still getting the hang of things. Also thanks for the advice on the sunders. They really are pretty effective in getting/holding agro. Also wanted to apologize about the few times things got crazy and I lost agro.

For the Horde

Published by John on 7/18/2006 10:26:00 PM

Farve and Dustin--Those chicken wings sure were good tonight. Plenty of them too with just Jeremy and I there.......

Published by John on 7/18/2006 12:27:00 PM

Well I had a blast last night. I think that the game went well...... BOOM dead hydra :)

Farve--Glad to hear that you will still be joining us on Mondays. Wouldn't be the same without you.

Jeremy--Thanks for my stuff. Gromero is pretty fly now, with more to be equipped over the next two levels. I'll have blues in all of my armor slots except the wrist. Must correct that :)

See you guys tonight at supper.


Published by Bubbles on 7/17/2006 11:03:00 AM

Yeah, I can get a ride there, and Dusty said that he would give me a ride home.

Published by John on 7/17/2006 07:21:00 AM

Sent another request to blogger tech support. This time all I recieved was an automated email response directing me to the instructions on how to turn it off. I even put into my request that this doesn't work. *sigh* Well it is a free service I guess.

See you all tonight.

ps: Bubbles do you have a ride to the game?

Published by John on 7/16/2006 10:37:00 AM

Jeremy--Farve's problem was that he was/is using an old version of the browser that Blogger doesn't support. I'll send another email to them about word verification.

Published by Jeremy on 7/15/2006 06:25:00 PM

Well, his cell number doesn't work...

I left a message at whoever-it-was's place that he called from Thursday, and haven't heard back from him. =(

Farva said he had a problem with his Blogger account, and it wouldn't let him log in to post. Something about it trying to log him in as an admin. Shatz, this is your blog, right? Can you take a look at that, make sure his account hasn't been broked somehow?

P.S. That Word Verification thing is still damned annoying. Go send angry emails to a Blogger admin till they turn it off.

Published by John on 7/14/2006 12:26:00 PM

Bubbles-Do we know when he is moving? Did he sell his trailer, or did it get totaled in the storm? It would be nice to get together and have supper with him or something like that before he goes.

Farve-If you are reading this get in touch with one of us so we can get together.

Published by Bubbles on 7/14/2006 11:46:00 AM

He called me yesterday and said hes moving to columbus.

Published by John on 7/14/2006 07:34:00 AM

So Jeremy told me last night that Farve is moving. Yo Farve if you can post is that true? If so where are you going?

Published by Bubbles on 7/13/2006 04:24:00 PM

Yeah, I heard when you get old you do that.

Published by John on 7/13/2006 03:56:00 PM

Ack! I think that I'm talking to myself here. :-0

Published by John on 7/11/2006 02:42:00 PM

Sup my bitches!

I'm too damn sexy for my pants. Yes too sexy by far.

Published by John on 7/10/2006 03:44:00 PM

Shammys are much fun to play (at least until mid twenties which is where I quit). They do have the same fate as Pallys, the dreaded backup healer. Spec to heal or be called a noob. Bastards! That is why I'm playing a warrior. I'll be the hordes boney "meatshield" while complaining that the healers are letting me die. Payback is a bitch :)

Soloing a warrior has been fun. Of course I'm was a level 18 with a fiery enchanted blue sword. Not broken at all :D

Jeremy--I've bid on a bunch of blue mail armor on the alliance side. Hopefully I'll have some armor for you to smuggle over for me. The horde side prices are nuts. That mace I had you sneak over for me was 9 gold buyout on the alliance AH, goes for 18-24 gold horde side. Same with the armor....

All--See you all tonight. Prepare for much death (I'm in a nasty mood!)

Published by Jeremy on 7/07/2006 03:31:00 PM

To All - My phone has completely stopped working. It does not ring when someone calls me (though it gives the "ringing" tone over the phone, my cell doesn't ring.) I also can't make outgoing calls. Voicemail seems to be working though, and it does pop up the little voicemail notification, so leave a message and I can check in.

Tracfone doesn't know what the problem is, and wasn't able to help over the phone. They filed a ticket with the "higher level support" and was told to 'Try again in three hours. If it doesn't work, call us back.' ;_;

John - Glad you like the weapons. Jarusso is level 13 now. He's a beast at this level, even without twinky-gear. And I've got my Engineering capped at 150 already. Heavy dynomite. Oooh gad. Up to 170pts of damage to everything in a 5-yd radius vs. mobs that may have 150 HP at this level. I've been shielding, running around and tagging a dozen level 8-10 zombies with a DoT, then one-shotting them all in one big explosion. It's fun!

And there is nothing wrong with feasting on the bodies of your fallen enemies. That is how you gain their power...

Bubbles - The forums are are place for people to share Nelfporn and cry. Shaman are fine in PvE, as long as their allowed to be. They can be vicious spellcasters, wield impressive weapons, and wear mail armor at the same time. The problems with the class (and the majority of the crying) is due to Warcraft's lack of healers, and an uninspired raid-or-die endgame. Any class that has a healing spell is expected to be a healer in 40-man. It is the complaint of all "hybrid" classes.

Shaman are the weakest healers in the game, yet because they have a healing spell, they're expected to respec into their Restoration tree (making them weak in every other area) and spam flash heals all night long if they expect to keep raiding.

You'll run into this alot in small groups, too... "Well, we can't find a priest or a druid. Hey Shaman... you'll be healing!" Drives 'em nuts.

Shaman used to be the most broken class in the game. They aren't anymore- Hunters, Warlocks, and Priests have all been buffed to just silly levels. But Shaman are still great in PvE and PvP - they just suck in raids. And since there is nothing else to do after 60 but raid, the Shaman are complaining.

I can't blame them, really. It was the same argument that the Paladins made, and to a lesser extent the Druids. (Though their class description even lists them as a primary healing class.) The role of the hybrid blows- so much utility, but so many players that complain when you use it.

Published by Bubbles on 7/07/2006 01:26:00 PM

Yeah, but from what I can tell from reading the forums Shaman are only good in PvP.

Published by John on 7/07/2006 08:05:00 AM

Bubbles--A Shaman? You have embraced the darkside I see. :P

Published by Bubbles on 7/06/2006 06:05:00 PM

I plan on playing horde when I start again
Either a Tauren Shaman or a Druid.

Published by John on 7/06/2006 01:12:00 PM

Bubbles you should join me on the horde. We can pillage the lands and I'll eat the corpses (cannibalize). I have to say though, Jeremy enjoys eating the dead just a bit too much :P

Oh by the way I promise we will have some sort of game this Monday for sure!!!

Later dudes

Published by Bubbles on 7/06/2006 12:38:00 PM

I'm not playing right now, but I plan on playing again here soon. I want to play on a PvP server, because World PvP seems like it would be so fun.

Published by John on 7/06/2006 07:22:00 AM

All-Just when you think you are out they pull you right back in....... I'm playing WOW again! I'm on the Horde side of Elune, my characters name is Gromero, feel free to drop me a note if any of you decide to play again. Farve, Bubbles, Dustin are you guys still playing?

Jeremy--Thanks for the gear. That sword and shield gave me video game wood :) I'm already level 15 or 16 I think. The Horde side has been very cool so far. Twice I've had higher level characters just give me some coin and ask if I needed any help. When a 60 takes time to stop and help a 14 that is just nice of them. Also I have a new side business of signing guild charters. I've signed 3 already (made a couple of gold of the transactions). What I would like to do is arrange a time we can play together, maybe this weekend. Let me know what works for you.

All-Before I forget I just wanted to let you guys know how much fun I had camping. We so need to do this again. Hopefully next time we can catch some fish :)

Published by Jeremy on 7/01/2006 01:22:00 PM

There will be no game this Monday 3rd. I won't be here.