Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by John on 8/02/2006 09:05:00 AM

Bubbles-Woot welcome back to the wonderful world of WoW. Roll call time

Gromero - Forsaken Warrior - 37th level - main
Dargento - Forsaken Mage - 6th level - DE mule
Hawa - Tauren Druid - 6th level - Alt (wanted to hold the name, not playing until Gromero is level 60... I swear.... I will *not* suffer from Alt syndrome... Oh god noes I want to heal)

Farve, Jeremy, Bubbles?

Dustin-I can't wait until you move so you can start playing again. FOR THE HORDE!!!! Of course by then I'll be all elite and laugh at your noobness :P