Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 12/31/2003 06:44:00 PM

Shatz- What Star Wars server are you on...?

Published by Anonymous on 12/31/2003 02:33:00 AM

is there a game thursday? I hope!

Published by Anonymous on 12/30/2003 07:42:00 PM

*blinks a lot* $281?! That's a few months of insurance, even after counting the rate rise from moving to Kent. Then again, insurance companies think I'm "inherently a better driver" since I'm not a 23-year-old male. *angelic look*

Published by Anonymous on 12/30/2003 04:10:00 PM

They wanted $3400 a year for insurance? What the feck does your Dad drive?

Published by Anonymous on 12/30/2003 02:11:00 PM

no!!!,i havent been driving since i got off my insurance on my dads car cus it was 281 a month.On my car its only 70 a month so i am guessing withing a month ill have my liscence

Published by Anonymous on 12/30/2003 12:27:00 PM

Got matches?

Published by Anonymous on 12/30/2003 12:10:00 AM

Got milk?

Published by Anonymous on 12/29/2003 11:41:00 PM

Got your license yet

Published by Anonymous on 12/29/2003 08:27:00 PM

i got my car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yes

Published by Anonymous on 12/25/2003 03:41:00 PM

I hope everyone got enough presents.

If not, be good next year.

Published by John on 12/25/2003 11:39:00 AM

Spyware is the devil!

Published by Anonymous on 12/25/2003 11:12:00 AM

"Merii Kurisumasu!"

Published by Anonymous on 12/24/2003 04:33:00 PM

Or better yet, avoid the adware/spyware and go here

However, I should warn you that lately I have been unable to find much Deadlands related material on Kazaa. Dunno why. Plenty of other material, just not much Deadlands.

Published by Anonymous on 12/22/2003 11:44:00 AM


Published by Dr Who on 12/21/2003 12:29:00 AM

Hey,guys. Anyone know of a good spot to find pdf's on deadlands. I liked the game that i was watching. I just would like the info to look at.....

Published by Anonymous on 12/19/2003 08:01:00 PM

Christmas Presents for Millionaire Videogamers

Games can be controversial editorials or lessons on fun

Published by John on 12/19/2003 03:29:00 PM


Published by Anonymous on 12/19/2003 01:25:00 PM

Yeah, Macs are nice that way. :)

Published by John on 12/18/2003 05:22:00 PM

Caroline--Instant messanger opens holes which allow both spyware and virus programs easy access to your system. It will even prevent the virus scanner/spyware software from preventing it. The adware is awful for IM users (if you haven't been hit yet it is only a matter of time), and the virus activity is going to explode soon. Of course if you use a mac you are fine, mostly :-)

Published by Anonymous on 12/18/2003 02:26:00 PM

i work 4 till 130 am on saturday,i dont have yahoo im i have aol im id is goopyguy5

Published by Anonymous on 12/18/2003 11:46:00 AM

John--Right... Why?

Published by John on 12/18/2003 11:10:00 AM


Published by Anonymous on 12/18/2003 02:23:00 AM

Larry, what is your yahoo im id?

Published by Anonymous on 12/18/2003 02:21:00 AM

Larry-- what do you work Sat. night?

Published by Anonymous on 12/18/2003 02:05:00 AM

ya...im not going to be able to make it to deadlands tonight,so Dustin dont worry about coming to get me.If you wanna still hang out sometime dustin just stop by.I have sunday off.

Published by Anonymous on 12/17/2003 01:49:00 PM

Dustin - The same.

Published by Anonymous on 12/17/2003 02:31:00 AM

Jeremy-- check your e-mail

Published by Anonymous on 12/15/2003 08:56:00 PM

Caroline: sure Se ya then

Jeremy: Thanks, will have check at next game.

Published by Anonymous on 12/15/2003 07:18:00 PM

Dustin--Lookie at this article. You mentioned wanting a small set of speakers for music at game. I've got a few spare sets.

Anyone else want a set of speakers for cheapish?

Leon--Available 5, 5:30ish on Th to redo my Deadlands char's stats?

Published by Anonymous on 12/15/2003 01:37:00 AM

I was realy looking forward to playing deadlands this thursday....BUT,it seems as though my manager scheduled me on thursday so i cant make it unless i find someone to switch me.Most likely i wont be able to make it

Published by Anonymous on 12/12/2003 12:45:00 PM

Lord of the Badgers

Published by Anonymous on 12/12/2003 05:16:00 AM

Evil Undead Badgers

Published by Anonymous on 12/12/2003 02:00:00 AM


Published by Anonymous on 12/11/2003 03:25:00 PM

My machine

p4 2.0
Jeremy's old mb (400 mhz fsb) built in ide raid
768 mb pc133 ram
4x agp G-force 4 mx 440 64 md ddr
30 gb hdd
12x dvd
450w switching power supply and aluminum foil case
19 inch gateway monitor same

need more hdd space
need a descent CD or DVD burner
need better video card

Man I wish I could over compensate

Published by John on 12/11/2003 03:05:00 PM


Published by Anonymous on 12/11/2003 02:50:00 PM

Dance, or in a blender? or perhaps a microwave...

Published by John on 12/11/2003 02:37:00 PM


Published by Anonymous on 12/11/2003 02:37:00 PM

Dustin - I'm going to be a bit late to tonight's game. Need to argue with BestBuy regarding a hardware return /exchange for Shatz's system. Aparently that video card is giving him shit, too...

Last time I buy anything from a company called BFG systems...

Published by Anonymous on 12/10/2003 05:11:00 PM

What about dead ferrets? Are they better or worse than dead weasels (weasels such as Rubbermaid when they cut jobs)? *glad she can't hear John singing*

Dustin--We should fight a zombie weasel. Yeah. :)

John--I'd take a reliable "fast" dial-up (48-53K) over heavily packetshaped and unstable college networks. Especially ones that restrict everyone to one IP address and don't allow any guest access. How are Wooster Novell and email holding up these days? ;)

Published by John on 12/10/2003 03:12:00 PM

Matt--I don't know about that....


"....I wanna be your dead weasel, I can still be a good pet. Don't flush me down yet. Think of all the good times, think of all the fun that we shared. I can still go thru my habitat, if you tilt it here and there...."

Dead Weasels Rule!

Published by Anonymous on 12/10/2003 12:54:00 PM

A dead weasel attached to a router is better than dialup.

Published by John on 12/10/2003 09:23:00 AM

Leon--It is still better than dialup.

Published by Anonymous on 12/10/2003 05:14:00 AM

Ah welcome to the dubious joys of dealing with Clear Picture/SSSNet

God I need a new computer

Can't afford one though, which means

God i need a new job :P

Published by John on 12/09/2003 04:17:00 PM

Oh yeah my new cable modem is installed, sweet!

Published by John on 12/09/2003 04:17:00 PM

Jeremy--Hell yeah I'm trying to compensate! Wasn't much to begin with and since I've been married I hardly ever use it anymore. Of course I'm speaking of my Atari 2600 *snicker*.

Dustin--I feel your pain. My 1.6 P4 laptop at work has become painfully slow.

Matt--You forgot the "I'm fairy bad" sticker! I mean that makes the whole case :) What Battlestar Galactica?

Published by Anonymous on 12/09/2003 02:55:00 PM

The new Battlestar made a lot of mistakes, particularly in character development. But.

The space combat was cool.

Published by Anonymous on 12/09/2003 02:54:00 PM

El boxen:

John's old case (Casetronics midsize ATX)
Athlon 2700+ with 333FSB.
Asus 987xVx board with onboard 10/100 LAN, 8 USB 2.0 slots, sound, and digital output
8x AGP with a 64MB Geforce4 (This gets upgraded soon)
512 PC2700 Ram,
60 Gigs HD space (20 and a 40. John is /definently/ compensatin'.)
16x DVD-Rom
42x CD-RW
350w Switching Antex supply.

Dustin: John had the flu today.

Published by Anonymous on 12/09/2003 08:13:00 AM

From playing on my computer at home, to coming to work this mourning, Ive' noticed one thing, Damn these machines are slow.

John-- can u i m at work?

Published by Anonymous on 12/09/2003 02:50:00 AM

Silver Bullet (an entry level server case, weighed 45 pounds empty when they shipped it to me)

You sure you're not trying to compensate for something, there? (Says the guy with the 32" VGA in his living room...)

Published by Anonymous on 12/08/2003 10:29:00 PM

I want a new computer *grumblesighcovet*

Published by John on 12/08/2003 03:59:00 PM

Oh yeah and a DVD drive....

Published by John on 12/08/2003 03:58:00 PM

Dustin--Your system rules eh? Okay then lets "throw em' up on the table and measure".

Silver Bullet (an entry level server case, weighed 45 pounds empty when they shipped it to me)
P4 2.53 gigahert
built in USB 2.0, as well as firewire
8x AGP slot
256 mb Asylum 8x video card
1 gig of ram
320 gig of HDD space (4 x 80 gig)
52x CD drive
52x CDRW drive
450 watt switching power supply

BooYeah! God I love computers ;-p

Published by Anonymous on 12/08/2003 02:52:00 PM

John-- You are right about Temple, this game rules when you play it on a descent system, my Machine rules.

Published by John on 12/08/2003 10:53:00 AM

Jeremy--My computer is so friggin' fast! Hell yeah!

If you have a decent video card and P4 computer you really need to check out Temple of Elemental Evil. It has a great interface, and uses the 3rd ed. (actually 3.5) rules. I didn't think that they could make a computer game that would be able to take advantage of all of the groovy parts of D & D, but I was wrong. Great game.

Dustin--So have you assembled your new hardware yet? Temple is a million times better when it isn't being played on a slow assed system :-)

Published by Anonymous on 12/05/2003 03:22:00 PM

*steals Dustin's thunder*
Jeremy & Wayne--Since Dustin's apparently being a lazyass and not posting, he said last night that his D&D game will happen next week because no one cares about Star Wars. Figured you two might like to be informed.

Published by Anonymous on 12/05/2003 03:13:00 PM

And that's why fanfiction exists: to fill plot holes. *evil grin*

Published by Anonymous on 12/05/2003 01:23:00 PM

Shatz- A good captain is supposed to do everything in their power to assure the safety of their crew, and especially the lives of the non-military civilian families onboard. A captain is expected to go down with the ship. Or in this case, go down on someone else... Either way...

Published by John on 12/05/2003 09:06:00 AM

Jeremy--Good point. A captain should be willing to "take one" for the team once in a while. I mean did Kirk ever deny his duty when it came to the Orion Slave girls, hell no!

Published by Anonymous on 12/04/2003 09:47:00 PM

Janeway was a frigid bitch. Shit, she had the opportunity to not only rescue the ENTIRE crew- all she had to do was sleep with Q. Hmmn. Tough choice. Risk dooming the entire crew, or give one of the lesser gods a hummer.

I'm positive if the rest of the crew knew about the offer, they'd have fired her out of a torpedo tube.

Yeah, so the entire series would have ended real quick that way. It's still no excuse.

Published by John on 12/04/2003 04:59:00 PM

Leon--I'm fairly certain you can post crap. Now if you posted that say Dusting was an ass licking cockmonkey sheep fucker that probably would merit a * or two. Just an observation.

Dustin--How are you doing kemosabe :-)

Jeremy--Do you have an ETA on the parts, I'm losing my computer wood. At my age that is very disturbing :-P

Published by Anonymous on 12/04/2003 04:37:00 PM

popularity is not equivalent to quality

Exactly. In fact, far too often it seems to be inverse to quality. In other words, don't just blame the marketers, blame the mindless marching morons who keep watching this c**p too.

Published by John on 12/04/2003 03:57:00 PM

Caroline--Fan Fiction? Of course I don't look at fan fiction, it isn't cannon. Plus look at Voyagers ratings, there can't be that many fanboys, look at Voyagers ratings!

Published by Anonymous on 12/04/2003 03:34:00 PM

And what about Janeway? Clearly you've never even peeked at Voyager fanfiction, John, because many many people (both male and female) obsess over those two. ^_^ I never really followed ST beyond Next Gen myself.

Anyhow, for most "new" series (i.e. anything entering production), it doesn't matter what fans actually think. It matters what marketing/advertising thinks that fans (and the general public) think. bah marketing; they will never understand that popularity is not equivalent to quality.

Published by Anonymous on 12/04/2003 03:30:00 PM

I mean Seven of Nine didn't make Voyager a classic, did it?

It didn't? ... :)

Published by John on 12/04/2003 11:51:00 AM

Starbuck is a chick. Boomer is a chick. Cylons are chicks. I'm sorry but your typical scifi fan doesn't think with his penis. I mean Seven of Nine didn't make Voyager a classic, did it? How about a good storyline, and a creative team that doesn't feel the need to "improve" a classic show. Most don't realize it but Battlestar didn't get canceled because of ratings. It was too expensive to make, and at the time couldn't possibly make the network, or studio money. Freakin' scifi channed, what is next Buckarina Rodgers? Bastards.........

Okay I think I'm done.

Published by Anonymous on 12/04/2003 03:18:00 AM

So are the producers trying to appeal to men or women with the new all-female cast? Because either way, they're failing.

Published by Anonymous on 12/03/2003 10:55:00 PM

... The Cylons are now chicks. Ugh... http://rn01.rednova.com/news/images/4/2003/12/03/battlestar_galactica_3big_desktop_scifi.jpg

Published by Anonymous on 12/03/2003 10:29:00 AM

my computer finally cot over its virus...I had to help it blow its nose hear and there but it pulled through..haha im so cool

Published by Anonymous on 12/03/2003 10:27:00 AM

hmm...i dont know if i can make it in tonight to make a charcater for deadlands.Maybe if i can show up realy early tommorow.

Published by Anonymous on 12/03/2003 10:19:00 AM

I'll be missing tomorrow's game. Some end-of-the-year psudo-holiday get-together dinner-like substitute...
The 11th I'm not interested in...

Published by Anonymous on 12/03/2003 10:07:00 AM

So is this comment from this article

No to Star Wars; instead I'll be recovering from finals and moving stuff to break housing. Who's the guest GM anyhow?

Will the session planned for the 11th be moving to the 18th, or until after the holidays? Feel free to run games on Christmas and New Year's, but I'll be out-of-state.

Published by Anonymous on 12/03/2003 02:20:00 AM

This is funny

Published by Anonymous on 12/03/2003 12:56:00 AM

all-- My next game session (Dec 11) will be postponed. In its place, a guest Gm is going to be holding a one session only starwars game. He would like a max of six people, post if u are interested. Also he would like to know what erra everyone would like the session to be in.

Published by Anonymous on 12/02/2003 09:16:00 PM

The Roku HD1000 is a Linux-based PVR/entertainment hub whose manufacturers actually encourage hacking.

*looks toward gadgetboys* I sure can't afford it, but feel free to buy one and tell me whether it works well. According to the specs, it could broadcast anime (or any other audio/video) from a computer to a tv in another room... ;)

Other neat toys are on Wired's list of Gadgets for 2003.

Published by Anonymous on 12/02/2003 03:43:00 PM

Well, this comic discusses a possible Roman campaign setting. Of course, that setting leaves out most of Roman history by focusing on the cult of Christianity. The Slashdot thread agrees with you that our D&D would be the Roman's equivalent of D20 modern, or even Shadowrun. The Romans did have dungeons and believe in dragons (or at least ghosts, werewolves, and witches) and magic; the real novelty would be the newer weapons.

For some reason, a post on that thread thinks that a certain ancient person was put up on the cross because he "failed his saving throw" and then was resurrected by the GM for "plot reasons". :D

Published by John on 12/02/2003 01:44:00 PM

Caroline--I wonder what campagin setting the Romans were playing in? Would D20 modern be our D&D? Huh, really makes you think :-P

Published by Anonymous on 12/01/2003 11:45:00 PM

The oldest (and most expensive) gaming die ever.

Published by Anonymous on 12/01/2003 01:55:00 AM

allright ill try to make it in later then on monday if i can get there