Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Bubbles on 4/25/2006 04:24:00 PM


here is another one.

Published by John on 4/25/2006 02:33:00 PM

Damn that chick made her ranged touch attack, and I believe he was in melee as well.... Good roll :P

Published by Jeremy on 4/24/2006 03:20:00 PM


I remember seeing the commercial for that scene, but had never watched the whole thing.

Published by Bubbles on 4/24/2006 01:54:00 PM


Patton Oswalt kicks ass.

Published by Bubbles on 4/21/2006 01:50:00 PM

"Sponsored by Bawls"


Published by John on 4/21/2006 01:10:00 PM

Bawls just confirmed they will sponser Baglecon!

Published by John on 4/21/2006 08:03:00 AM

Okay guys I have news. Saturday night I'm going to go to the Cleveland area to view Evil Dead on the big screen!!!!! Yes that is right a midnight showing of Evil Dead in the theater as it was meant to be seen. In addition to the film one of the actresses is going to be there, as well as the traveling prop museum. It is $15 for the whole thing, anyone want to go with me? This is sort of my birthday party :)

Published by Jeremy on 4/20/2006 12:15:00 AM

Blizzard won't give us any loot because we can't guarantee we'll have 40 people there at the same time. =P

Published by Bubbles on 4/19/2006 10:59:00 AM

Oh man, that would of been kick ass.

Published by John on 4/19/2006 08:15:00 AM

Dammit I so thought I had Blizzard on the "hook". They turned us down :(

Published by Jeremy on 4/19/2006 06:03:00 AM

BagleCon 2006 will be Saturday, June 10th.


The doors will open at Noon, though we really don't expect many people to be rolling in that early. The last-call for cleanup will be at about 4AM for those who haven't just packed up and gone home / upstairs by then.

Hotel rooms are available at a discounted "convention" price of $55, and of course can be split by multiple people. I don't expect many people to take advantage of this, but those of us who'll be drinking (BYOB, and a bar in-house till 1am) have them avaialble. Or if anyone is actually gonna' be traveling to get down here.

Oh- and don't worry much about the "registration" price. That's more for encouragement, and any walk-ins who might stumble across the page. (Shatz mentioned Bawls as a potential sponsor, and they'd be listing the convention page on their site.)

We're not gonna' expect the "regulars" to throw down cash just to stop in and say "Hi..." but if you are gonna' stick around for a while and eat our food, throwing down $10 will be great. And it buys you your very own *super highly collectable* BagleCon 2006 Day Pass with "BagleCon Swag Bag!"

... assuming we have any luck getting swag, at least.

Published by Jeremy on 4/19/2006 01:20:00 AM

Shatzer - Technically, you're correct. Which is why I wouldn't actually kill him with a fire. (Besides, that would damage his computer.) That's just there to throw the Feds off my trail, while I kill him with poisoned meatballs at the next D&D game. They'll never expect it.

Oh, damnit... I did it again...

Published by Bubbles on 4/18/2006 07:51:00 PM

Dan isnt a bad dude, I went to school with him never really talked to him though. I do remember one time a kid was having a siezure and he thought the kid was messing around so he stuck a pen in the dudes mouth haha.

Published by John on 4/18/2006 12:44:00 PM

Jeremy--I don't want to be a dick but...... If you make it public record then your threats of death under "mysterious" circumstances carry less weight. Better that you corner him while no one else is around and whisper the threat. You know then you can give him the "evil" eye and whatnot. You really need to watch the Sopranos, it is like an elementary primer on shit like this. :P

All--Had a great time last night. Hope you guys had fun as well. I like the new guy, I think he has potential.

Later dudes.

Published by Jeremy on 4/18/2006 12:25:00 AM

Oh, the cell phone thing reminds me - I forgot to yell at Farva at the game today. Completely slipped my mind... so I'm gonna' just go ahead and make this public record.

My days off are Thursday and Friday. (Remember, I may not work Thursday Evening, but I don't get off work till 7AM that morning.) I try to sleep 8 hours from 8AM-4PM. Please reserve phone calls during this time to important issues, or emergencies.

If one of you are dying, or will be soon dead if you can't make your phone call, don't hesitate. If you're dying slowly, and think you can make it a little while longer, please wait till 4.

If you wake me up again to ask if I want to go out to eat, there will be a morning where you wake up dead from an unexplained electrical fire...

That is all.

Published by John on 4/17/2006 08:32:00 AM

Good morning all!!!!! Looking forward to DnD this fine evening. I'll try not to kill any characters.... no promises :P

Dustin--Hey dude sorry about Sunday. I had my cell phone on me all weekend, but didn't realize till this morning that the battery had died. I don't know when it died so I figure I must of missed your call. If you still want to grab some eats I could do lunch or supper on Tuesday.

Published by Jeremy on 4/17/2006 04:53:00 AM

Oh god, it's Monday again... ;)

Shatzer - Tower all the way. This isn't just a LAN Party, man. This is an official, full-fledged computer gaming convention! Or at least that's what I'm telling AMD when I beg for free stuff.

Yeh, I can sell some more stuff for ya, if you want. As long as you don't mind me being half-assed about it. I've still got comics that aren't selling, and a whole buncha' stuff of Dustin's that I've been occasionally poking with a stick.

The basement is being worked on. Cleaning up the comics, and trying to figure out more efficient ways to arrange the furniture. The MAME computer is running on a new HD, so that downstairs TV may actually be running soon, too.

Published by dave on 4/16/2006 07:18:00 PM

well if u r looking for a forklift my mom say all the time that i my not be the smartes but i have agood hart and a strong back:}

Published by John on 4/13/2006 12:28:00 PM

I'm torn about the lan party. Do I bring my tower, which of course I'm very proud of, or just bring my sticker covered laptop. If I bring the tower I'm going to need a forklift :)

Jeremy--Speaking of work you still want some stuff to list on ebay? I'm thinking of renewing my assault on the basement. Let me know what you think, as I could bring you a load of stuff on Monday.

All--Be ready for some DnD fun on Monday. Like I posted earlier I'm starting to recover from 4 or 5 really tough days of work. I'm so ready to have some fun. Also I think we need to have a movie night. The real problem that I see is finding a place to have it. Upstiars at Jeremy's place would be unhealthy for me (cats) and I really don't have the room in my house. Maybe when the weather gets nice we could do our own "drive in". I have a projector you know :) Just putting the idea out there. Hell I'll even pop some popcorn!

Later dudes...

Published by Jeremy on 4/13/2006 09:42:00 AM

Web page.

The highlight of my week has been putting my PC back together. I have to dress it up for the LAN, and all. Wires are getting tied back and everything.

I just bought a new fan for my video card. A "silent" Zalman cooler, to reduce some of the horrible high-pitched whine caused by the stock leafblower currently keeping my video card cool. I was going to rewire all my fans to run at 7v to bring the speed (and noise) down a bit, but I decided it would be easier to just spend $20 and buy a nice fan controller for one of my many open 5 1/4" bays.

Published by Bubbles on 4/12/2006 11:02:00 PM

I'm allright.

Getting more bored with WoW every day, except for when Alertac Valley actually pops.

Published by John on 4/12/2006 10:48:00 AM

Okay somebody had better start posting. If not I'll start sending nekked pictures of myself to your email accounts! Except for Dustin..... he would enjoy it too much and start getting all "BrokeBack" :P

Really how is everyone? I'm finally past the hellish part of my week and am feeling human again.

Published by John on 4/11/2006 02:11:00 PM

I have far more work than I have time to do it....... Don't mind me I'm just bitching :)

Published by John on 4/10/2006 08:11:00 AM

God dammit Dustin you wait until Sunday!!!! Okay I'm calling the game tonight. See you guys next week.

Published by Jeremy on 4/09/2006 05:17:00 PM


I'm probably gonna' be really late, if I do end up showing up.

Published by Bubbles on 4/09/2006 05:09:00 PM

Really? thats suprising...No I'm serious........No really I am.

Published by Anonymous on 4/09/2006 02:01:00 PM

Im seriously not going to be ready to run WOD tommorow. So, hopefully Shatzer brings zombies.

Published by John on 4/03/2006 04:14:00 PM

But do you kick ass for the lord :P

Published by Bubbles on 4/03/2006 01:35:00 PM

ok kick ass

Published by John on 4/03/2006 07:37:00 AM

Well it is my DnD game and I plan on being there. So I guess that means we have a game :)

Published by Jeremy on 4/03/2006 06:47:00 AM

If we're gaming Monday, yes, it would be at the store.

Published by Bubbles on 4/03/2006 12:08:00 AM

So are playing at the store tommarow?