Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Jeremy on 11/29/2005 04:15:00 PM

Saturday. Yeah, I can wake up to do somethin' on Saturday.

P.S. - I forgot to add the Power Attack damage. Again.

/em shakes fist in anger!

Published by John on 11/29/2005 08:34:00 AM

Frohike is dead...... Long live annoying halfling girl! Okay she probably won't live long. Must remember not to get attached!

Jeremy--It looks like John Pittman, Jason and I are going to get together maybe Saturday to work on John's laptop. If you were available this would be a great time for me to work on yours as well. I'll post the actual times we are getting together and let you know.

All--Be ready for some serious fun next Monday. Well okay not serious, I mean you are only 1st level.

Caroline--Again good luck in all of you future endeavors. Really keep posting here on the blog. Kentucky isn't that far away, maybe you could make it to Columbus for a Origins or something. Catch you later.

All--Okay I have Kishor hooked on the game. Can we think of any other acceptable victims to add to our group? Just wondering....... I also think we need to have another Friday night shindig. Maybe movies or a one shot all flesh game. Just thinking.

Later dudes and dudettes......

Published by John on 11/27/2005 10:38:00 PM

Jeremy--I'll need to install mac system 9 on your laptop.

Published by Jeremy on 11/26/2005 08:53:00 PM


Just got my old copy of Photoshop 4.1 for the Mac. The laptop is giving me an error whenever it tries to load into Classic mode. "No Classic system folder. You do not have a version of Mac OS9 installed that supports Classic. Install Mac OS 9.1 or later."

I take it I'm needing something else installed to get this to work?

Published by Anonymous on 11/23/2005 01:11:00 PM

The exp for my last game is 3820 and half that for the piggy.

Published by John on 11/21/2005 01:42:00 PM

ps: Mages in WoW being able to teleport to the capital cities really rules as well. Makes popping into Darnassas for Herb/Alch training a cake. MAGES RULE! At least until something else catches my attention.

*fingers crossed* Please god let it be PANDARIANS!!!!!!!!! :P

Published by John on 11/21/2005 01:39:00 PM

Farve with a succubus...... *sigh* Not even going there.

Jeremy--Yeah Pallys really shined in the whole undead graveyard thing in Duskwood. Nice to hear that it happens for pallys again later on. I really am tempted to start play Tre or Dru again, but my mage just hit 35. After mage DPS it is really hard to play anything else :)

All--See you guys tonight. Hope you guys are ready for some serious fun :)

Published by dave on 11/20/2005 07:50:00 PM

kool am 24 now with my succubuss!

Published by Jeremy on 11/19/2005 01:48:00 PM

Yeah, I've been reading them.

Don't care. I've decided to play Stumpy to 60 the way I want to now. I've re-equipped him with mostly combat-based armor... high STR, low INT, and some spirit for mana regen. Said to hell with it. I'm playing him as he's supposed to be played, not some heavily-armored gimped priest. If the patch makes him even stronger, so be it.

He's at the level now where he's in the Plaugelands. Undead again. Everywhere. It will be like it was when the hand of God was cleansing Darkshire once again.

Published by John on 11/18/2005 03:43:00 PM

Jeopardy is the gay! :P

Jeremy--There is a post hinting at some of the pally upgrades in the WoW general discussion forum. Just an FYI.

Published by Bubbles on 11/17/2005 12:02:00 PM

Allright if any of you watched Jepordy recently you might of seen this but i thought it was kool.


apparently some writers at Jepordy are gamers haha


Published by John on 11/14/2005 03:19:00 PM

Jeremy--I've been reading reports from the peeps that went to Blizzcon.

Dustin--Dude I need a HUGE favor from you. I need to get my hands on a couple of the modules I sold you. I need Keep on the borderlands, and White Plume Mountain. I think they are both going to be in the silver 25th anniversary box set. Can you hook me up with them? I'm using them for my new game. Thanks in advance.

Published by Jeremy on 11/14/2005 03:01:00 PM

Where are people finding these damned Paladin updates, anyway? The "Under Development" page just mentions they are being worked on, but I've already seen people comment about the new talents... (They aren't impressed.... I wanted to see, too.)

Published by John on 11/14/2005 02:14:00 PM

Oh yeah my mage hit level 32 this past weekend.


*sigh* I'm such a damn geek...........

Published by John on 11/14/2005 02:06:00 PM

Okay my new D & D game is going to be starting at 1st level. It will be 3.5 rules. The only class/races allowed are from the 3.5 PHB. If everyone could post what they were thinking of playing here on the blog it would be helpful for me.

Yeah like Jeremy said please make sure to use the Publish Post button. I have been publishing the posts as I've been finding them, but I don't get to check the blog everyday.

Dustin--I've got the admin thing covered. You still thinking about playing on a new WoW account? It would be cool to play with you while you are working at the comic store :)

Jeremy--You know if Bliz does half of what they hinted at Stumpwater is going to be such a great character. I may actually play Trelan again, but most likely not :( If I came back to play on Elune I would play Drusillia. Druids are so freakin' broken now.

Published by Jeremy on 11/14/2005 06:08:00 AM

FYI - There are two buttons on the bottom of the posting tab.

The blue one is "Save as Draft." This creates a temporary post that can only be seen from the posting page.
The orange one is "Publish Post." This makes the post viewable on the actual Gaming Club web page.

Published by Bubbles on 11/13/2005 07:18:00 PM

Or John could just delete Farva's extra post....

see you guys tomarrow.

Published by Anonymous on 11/13/2005 10:46:00 AM

Give me back admin privileges, I want to delete Davids posts.
the exp for last week was 3748 each, and half for the cheese lover.

Published by dave on 11/12/2005 12:44:00 PM

sorry for typo jeremy . i can make havy wool now

Published by Bubbles on 11/12/2005 12:10:00 PM

Jeremy - Yeah the daggers kick ass thanks man.

yeah so far my runs through deadmines with other lower level characters havnt been sucsessful. There has been an idot druid in each one that pretty much pulls the boat. haha

Published by Anonymous on 11/12/2005 06:23:00 AM

What level are we going to start out on for your game john? And when dose it start... I havnt been showing up at the monday games becouse I got into a little fight with leon about the rules... (who woulda guessed it) I dont know if I am going to game, I am going to see if I can clam down enough to game... oh and if I do, John. I am going to play a duel sheild weilding Pally prolly :-) GG folks, well.. I will see what is going to happen... lemme know something about that game john O.o


Published by Jeremy on 11/11/2005 05:51:00 PM

Not just a level 10. A level 10 who seemed to be doing everything possible to make the instance difficult.

I've kept my Healalidan spec'd Retribution just for the Consecration. That circle-of-death is invaluable for taking lowbies through instances. As long as you stand in the glowing circle, and stay there, you're gonna' be fine.

At level 18-19, Farva and Bubbles were at least high enough level to survive for a few seconds till I could get back to them. Though even the idiot 10 only died maybe four or five times.

Bubbles, you should have a real nice pair of enchanted daggers in your mailbox. (You've probably already seen them.)

Stab someone in the face, li'l buddy!

Published by John on 11/11/2005 02:34:00 PM

Jerry *er* um Jeremy :)

You actually managed to run a level 10 thru deadmines? Holy crap ::Bows:: I'm not worthy!

Bubbles & Farve--NOOBS!

So what do you guys think of adding another player? I'm all about the fresh blood.

Dustin--You still love the cock? Sorry really had nothing to say to you and didnt' want you to feel left out :P

Later Homeys and Homettes (Caroline)

Published by Jeremy on 11/11/2005 05:31:00 AM


Published by dave on 11/09/2005 04:03:00 PM

im sorry that was my falt . thanks jon ! thanks jerry! see u at the game.

Published by Jeremy on 11/09/2005 08:58:00 AM

Bubbles - Daggers, no. There really isn't crap for daggers up into around the 20s or so. I can check Thottbot and see what you need, and where to get it.

Published by Bubbles on 11/09/2005 02:23:00 AM

Noah might be interested in playing I can talk to him and I'll probley make like a fighter or barbarian...mabey a gnome fighter because it would be neat.

I'm not really use to the whole running through an instance thing but it was pretty neat. Oh and I relly need to get better daggers for my rouge is there a particulare place where some nice ones drop?

Published by Jeremy on 11/08/2005 07:37:00 PM

Bubbles and Farve-If you guys need more help on elune drop a note on the blog. I'm willing to log in now and then to help you guys.

No way, man. I heard they're like n00bs. ;D

Farva & Bubbles- for the record, if you ever invite some random level 10 into a Deadmines run again, I will stab you both till you die from it.

Whooboy. Now that was a nubly nub. Guy was so in a hurry to loot the kills, he'd go running off into groups of 20 elites, get one or two shotted dead, then sit there crying "rez pls..." while we're still in combat. (Of course, having it on Free-for-all didn't help...)

Farva got decked out on that run, though. Capn' Greenskin dropped the Ember Staff, VanCleef dropped Corsair (the cloth chest), and Cookie dropped his wand.

Published by John on 11/08/2005 03:00:00 PM

Frohike's new motto

"Is it evil? Kill it!"

So for my game I see the following.

Jeremy - Cleric/Sorcerer
Bubbles - Fighter?
Farve - Theif
Dustin - Fighter?
Scooter - ?

Bubbles-Who did you say may want to join our game?

Dustin-I've softened my view on the store. If you want to eventually move the game to the comic store I could be up for that. It allows us to pickup up a new player now and then.

Bubbles and Farve-If you guys need more help on elune drop a note on the blog. I'm willing to log in now and then to help you guys.

Later all.

El Juan

Published by John on 11/07/2005 08:27:00 AM

See you guys tonight. Monday night gaming rules!

Published by Jeremy on 11/04/2005 06:32:00 PM

Indeed. I didn't notice you coughing, or your eyes watering or anything... so I guess you'll live. ;D

Not that it matters, once I get everything set up again. The TV card will be on order as soon as I find the right one. (I need something with the right inputs. Most people just want TV cards to view cable on their monitor - not hooking up a dozen other pieces. ) I should have the downstairs set up again soon.

Published by John on 11/04/2005 10:00:00 AM

Good news. I pumped enough chemicals into my system to resist the cats! Better living thru chemicals baby yeah!

Published by Jeremy on 11/03/2005 04:54:00 PM

You know I don't have a working TV downstairs right now, right?

Published by John on 11/03/2005 11:33:00 AM

I had mentioned to everyone on Tuesday night my desire to have a movie night. Would tonight work for everyone? More importantly would Jeremy want to open his home for the fun time line dancing zombieness? So everyone post and let me know what you think. Of course Jeremy is way more important than the rest of you guys. If Jeremy isn't up for an evening we could always go see Doom at the theater. I hear that is way scary :)

Published by dave on 11/01/2005 03:15:00 PM

that was a very kool so would u all like subway to night.

Published by Anonymous on 11/01/2005 11:07:00 AM

Jeremy, that was verry kew.

Published by Jeremy on 11/01/2005 12:05:00 AM

It is just an animated .gif. (A huge one. Close to 2 megs...) You just take a series of still images, then run them together into one large image that changes between "frames." So, you'd just take a bunch of screencaps from the DVD, use a photo editing program to add the captions, or any changes to the image (like the "!"...)