Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Jeremy on 10/31/2006 03:57:00 AM


We've been doing movie-nights every-other week. We've got one next week on the 6th, and another on Nov 20th.

There was some talk of catering an event, and actually having foodstuffs served. I'm willing to get the food and do the cooking, but I need to plan for it. I want to request off work Sunday and Monday. (The day before to do all the work, and the day-of so I have time to clean up.)

So giving some notice for work, that would be the 20th. I'm going to guess that this is still too early in the week to clash with any Thanksgiving travel plans, but I wanted to throw it out there anyway.

We've been holding on to Time Bandits and Baron Munchausen for a double feature, so I'd like to do those. (Which means we'll need something for next week.)

Who all is interested?
Who all would be willing to throw down a few bucks to help cover the cost?
Who all would be able to make it? (Yeah, Dustin... lookin' at you here.)

Farva - if you still check the blog, you're of course invited as well. Give me a call sometime if you read this (late evening is fine) otherwise I'll give you a ring in a few days.