Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Jeremy on 9/30/2009 08:18:00 PM

I could always start.

There is a whole world of midget porn waiting to be downloaded.

Published by John on 9/30/2009 03:28:00 PM

Yeah dude but what the hell could you possibly fill the drives up with? I mean you don't collect pron.....


Published by Jeremy on 9/28/2009 09:36:00 AM

One of my HDs spun out on me a lil' while back. I managed to get it back long enough to pull the data off it, but hadn't bothered to replace it just yet.

So I'm looking at NewEgg...

1.5TB drives. For a hundred dollah.
2TB drives. For under two hundred dollah.

TB. Mere gigs of space is for pussies. We discuss our storage capacity in teras now. Bitches.

1998 - $229/Gb
2003 - $3.88/Gb
2007 - $0.88/Gb
2009 - $0.10/Gb

Gad... damn.

I guess the next benchmark is whoever can get the first petabyte full of DVDs. =D

Published by Jeremy on 9/26/2009 09:07:00 PM


This is one of those Flash games I was telling you about- side-scrolling shooty type, and a good example of what's possible with the system.


Published by Bubbles on 9/24/2009 04:43:00 PM

Farva wanted to go SPECIFICALLY for the anal rape, just one big chain of homosexual anal intercourse, and he wanted to be right in the middle of it.

Published by Farva on 9/23/2009 04:31:00 PM

the 1 of oct.

Published by John on 9/23/2009 09:54:00 AM

Yeah much worse than going to the county lock up for some nice butt raping.....

So when do they let you off house arrest?

Published by Farva on 9/21/2009 09:28:00 PM

house arrest suck sooo bad

Published by John on 9/18/2009 02:15:00 PM

Ahh behold the awesome that was the 80s...

Published by John on 9/17/2009 12:02:00 PM

Behold the awesomeness that is the Bacon Jam recipe.

Published by Dunesmuggler on 9/17/2009 08:18:00 AM

Published by John on 9/16/2009 11:09:00 PM

This is super cool!

So how is everyone doing here at the blog?

Published by Jeremy on 9/16/2009 09:28:00 PM


Packages like this are what I was talking about with computers. Basically all you need is another $30 for a DVD-R (or just pull one out of your own system) and you've got a pretty bitchin' machine ready-to-go for $300. (You'll need to "obtain" a copy of either XP, Vista, or 7, but that's easy enough.)


Only downside, the MBs aren't always what you need. That one only has 2 PCI slots, so if you've got a ton of extra cards in your machine for some reason that may not do. (Though I'm not sure what all you'd have. There isn't much left that isn't on-board.)

Published by Jeremy on 9/12/2009 09:16:00 AM


I just got an email from the DDO mailing list, since I used to Beta that piece of shit.

Dungeons and Dragons: Online is now free for basic play. They've given up on trying to make money on subscriptions and have instead switched over to that shitty Korean system of charging you real money for everything worth having. Pay-only weapons, armors, races, etc.

So sad.

Published by Jeremy on 9/03/2009 11:07:00 PM


Hey John...

As of this post like... two days ago... the Internet Browser on the Wii is free again.

Published by Bubbles on 9/02/2009 04:16:00 PM

Found this on the Wiki. Apparently it was made because of that post.
I'd buy a DS just for that game.

Published by Jeremy on 9/01/2009 06:46:00 PM

I had played all the big titles at E3. Private showings of God of War III, Heavy Rain, Alan Wake. But at 4:00 on Thursday, I was wandering around the show floor, wondering what else I had to see. I saw a small little booth for "Scribblenauts!" in the Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment section. I mean, who goes to that booth? But I remember hearing about it on GAF, and so I decided to check it out.

Best game of E3? Without a fucking doubt. Anyone who says otherwise did not play Scribblenauts. Best game of all time? Jesus Christ, I don't know, maybe. It's a game that challenges your IMAGINATION. No other game has ever done that.

So listen to this story. I was in the early levels; I didn't quite have an idea of how ridiculously in-depth the database was. I was summoning things like ladders, glasses of water, rayguns, what have you. But I reached a level with zombie robots, and the zombie robots kept killing me. Rayguns didn't work, a torch didn't work, a pickaxe didn't work. In my frustration, I wrote in "Time Machine". And one popped up. What the fuck? A smile dawned on my face. I hopped in, and the option was given to me to either travel to the past or the future. I chose past. When I hopped out, there were fucking dinosaurs walking around. I clicked one, and realized I could RIDE THEM. So I hopped on a fucking DINOSAUR, traveled back to the present, and stomped the shit out of robot zombies. Did you just read that sentence? Did you really? I FUCKING TRAVELED THROUGH TIME AND JUMPED ON A DINOSAUR AND USED IT TO KILL MOTHERFUCKING ROBOT ZOMBIES. This game is unbelievable. Impossible. There's nothing you can't do.

Holy fucking shit.
