Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by dave on 12/30/2004 07:25:00 PM

Hi guy's how was your holidays

Published by Anonymous on 12/28/2004 04:35:00 PM

No game today.

Published by dave on 12/27/2004 07:16:00 PM

is there a game tommow

Published by dave on 12/27/2004 07:16:00 PM

is there a game tommow

Published by dave on 12/25/2004 02:32:00 PM

merry christmas i've had a good time this year in the group
so I say thinks.

Published by Anonymous on 12/21/2004 11:06:00 PM

It may be a sign of the end of the world, at least of any world that makes any sort of sense.

Porsche is making a SUV.



What's next? A Ferrari minivan?

The Lamboghini station wagon?

(If there is such a thing, please, don't tell me, I don't want to know. If I haven't seen it, it doesn't exist. And I'm NOT looking.)

Published by John on 12/20/2004 10:55:00 AM

Cool the blog is coming alive again.

Jeremy--So how goes the new job? They keeping you busy? So that quest to get the hammer was fun, lots of running around. It was cool though. You using the hammer? I only use it to kill little things for components for my cooking. I still find myself using the shield sword combo, nice weapon though. Oh yeah did you get the stuff I sent you in game?

Dustin--You still playing? Did you make an alt or something? Just asking since I never see you online. Did you get the stuff I sent you in game?

All--So who do we have as active players? Me, Dustin, Jeremy, Leon, Caroline, and Favre. A DM and five players, that seems good no? Oh yeah and munchkin boy in my Cthulu game :)

Dustin--What are your plans for your D and D game? I'm really liking my character so I just wanted to know. Do you have long term plans? Again just asking because I'm digging the whole rebuild the town thing.

Well guys I'm posting lets hear from the rest of you guys!

Oh yeah this weeks game is going to be all festive and stuff. Please feel free to bring goodies (Christmas cookies etc.) See you guys on Tuesday.

Published by dave on 12/18/2004 06:10:00 PM

i guess i was to scary

Published by dave on 12/17/2004 07:35:00 PM

as he opens the door BOOMthe air crackes with the ring of bulletsand the body hits the floor!
hi i'm back are you scared

Published by John on 12/16/2004 01:19:00 PM

Well as promised I'm posting again.

Dustin--Did Jeremy talk to you about the schedule for the rest of the month?

Published by John on 12/15/2004 01:19:00 PM

Jeremy--Okay I'm confused, or at least was. When I was PVPing this weekend there should of been no way for me to understand what the horde players were saying. Also there is no freakin' way that they could of know what level I was (in PVP the field with level comes up with question marks). I was guessing that they were 10th level because of how quickly I took them out, combined with how many hit points I did to them before they died. So I hit the forums. I guess that it is common in PVP for people to literally sit in a room together, or at least two of them, one playing Horde one Alliance. The one player acts as a spy to direct the rest of them to targets that they can defeat! He also communicates (ie. taunting, challenging)for them. Pretty sneaky no? Sorry to go on, but you were the only person that would care about it, and I did research and everything :)

Published by John on 12/15/2004 10:25:00 AM

Ah I've actually waited long enough for the page to load this time. So I guess I shall post.

Dustin--Yo what happened? You okay? Did you stick your tongue to a pole again? I must know!

CoC players--Aren't machine gun/hand grenade wielding cultists a real bitch?

Jeremy and Dustin--Okay so Trelan (my WoW alter ego) has been killing werewolves in Duskwood. I very much recommend it. It is way cool. I shall hit level 32 this weekend so that I may begin to wear stylish headgear :)

Jeremy--I've purchased the guild Tabard. It is a very cool design, all of the popular players in Conquest are wearing them!

Leon--Join us..... one of us one of us one of us...........

Caroline--Thanks for braving the weather for my game. Sorry I killed your character :) Damn Jeremy and his poor dice rolls!

All--So what does everyone think of the new guy? All I shall say is that I think Favre has moved up on the food chain, and I didn't think that was possible. lol

Catch you all later. I promise to post more often, but that means you must all do so as well.

Published by Anonymous on 12/14/2004 04:40:00 PM

Still looks okay so far. Whee!

Published by Anonymous on 12/14/2004 11:26:00 AM

I'll make a decision on game based on how the roads look after my final. The roads look okay at the moment.

They plowed the parking lot last night, and it looks the same now as before they plowed. Twas a good 2, 3 inches more.

Published by Anonymous on 12/13/2004 09:57:00 PM

Wow it's dead in here.

Come to think of it, WOW is probably the reason it's dead in here. :)

Published by John on 11/29/2004 04:04:00 PM

Time to work

Published by Jeremy on 11/28/2004 03:20:00 AM

Zub Zub...

Published by John on 11/23/2004 04:36:00 PM

I will 10 -15 minutes late to the game tonight. I have to feed my dogs before I come :) See everyone tonight.

Published by John on 11/22/2004 03:34:00 PM

Caroline--Thank you very much. You have helped to inspire me.

".....The night is dark and stormy. Rain patters off the windows of the old and creaky mansion. You hear a loud thumping sound approaching the oaken front door. Boom Boom Boom. The door bursts open, to reveal the horror. A nine foot tall bipedal squid head cow!..."

Wow that would be *udderly* shocking! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......

I hope that everyone is having a great day!

Published by Anonymous on 11/21/2004 04:24:00 PM

Published by Jeremy on 11/20/2004 03:36:00 PM


Published by John on 11/20/2004 10:33:00 AM

Good morning everyone!

Published by Anonymous on 11/18/2004 04:14:00 PM

Boondock Saints
Sean Patrick Flannery
Norman Reedus
Monday, February 22

Published by Jeremy on 11/15/2004 04:26:00 PM

Hey Leon- Just looking through the figs released in the last few months. Reaper has a few new-ish figs in the Dark Haven line to add to your short list of "Unarmed Male" figures that might work for a monk.

Okay, so ... one. The other two are just more suggestions for possible easy edits...

This one is actually unarmed, so long as you don't mind looking like Ken from Street Fighter:

This would be a damned easy edit if you don't like the staff. Just take the entire weapon hand off, and replace it with a new hand:

Another possible edit:

Published by Jeremy on 11/15/2004 01:25:00 PM

I don't know. I had two characters in mind, and I can't afford the ECL on either of them at this level. So I guess I try something else. Ill probably end up digging through my unpainted minis and making a character based on that...

Published by John on 11/15/2004 09:36:00 AM

Second level? *grumble* So is everyone going to play the same stuff? Just asking, I'm not sure what I want to play now. After making my carefully crafted spell casters last week 2nd level may be too much of a "let down".

Dustin--So I guess a rabid crotch attacking bunny isn't allowed as a pc?

Published by Anonymous on 11/15/2004 05:20:00 AM

The third level spell flame arrow can effect one arrow per level, adds half the caster level as fire damage, and it lasts only one round (yes, it's utter ass, the 3.5 version is actually better, one of the very few times this occurs (50 arrows, +1d6 fire damage, 10 minutes per level)). So a second level spell should be weaker than whatever version of flame arrow we decide is official, something to keep in mind. The 1d8 (+1/level) 10 minutes per level single arrow version seems ok to me. Bit more power in one shot, but nowhere near the damage potential of the 3.5 version. (I really dislike the original version and consider it quite telling that NOBODY has ever used it in any game I've been in)

Published by Jeremy on 11/13/2004 04:14:00 PM

Try a minute a level, plus the nerf we already have in place that makes it 1d8+Caster Level, and it's a reasonable second level spell.

Second level... hmn. Dustin, is anything from Oriental Adventures OK for this run through?

Published by Anonymous on 11/13/2004 11:03:00 AM

Ok, second level, I'm going to be making it up as I go, but I will be planning out the encounters. The party hasn't been out of their home area before. If there is a cleric, you run the church, the church in town is a 30' by 30' slate topped rough red brick building. This is a rather poor town. If there is a wizard in the party, you run the wizards tower, all fighters work for the town guard. I would ask you to keep to the more respectfully medium sized humanoid races. Start with second level starting gold. Any questions let me know through email (dmellott2001atyahoodotcom).

Published by Anonymous on 11/13/2004 01:02:00 AM

Dustin--Can you make it 2nd or 3rd level, so our characters don't fall over quite as easily? (If you start at 1st level, then you need to use a wizard NPC so you can learn how to play them. :P) Are you giving us any world/setup info before game?

John--The main way I can think of to "fix" the arrow spell is to change the duration to a day.

Published by Anonymous on 11/12/2004 03:49:00 PM

Ummmm... guys, please dont get mad and not play, but I really would like to start the game at 1st lvl.

Published by Jeremy on 11/12/2004 03:05:00 PM

Shatz- When EQ2 releases a trial period, or an "invite a friend" key, lemmie know. I got bit buying Saga of Ryzom before I got to play a trial, and I can't stand that damned game.

Published by John on 11/12/2004 09:49:00 AM

Dustin--Hey I used mostly the PHB to make my characters. I did use some stuff (mostly spells) from Tome of Blood, Quintisential Mage, Relics and Rituals I, and Relics and Rituals II. Is that okay? Oh yeah I didn't take that broken ass arrow spell so don't sweat that. Though it would be nice if we could fix it..........please? Did you have any rules for how much of our starting gold we can spend on a single magic item? I blew most of my cash on a ring of wizardy I. Also I took the Leadership feat to provide myself with a loyal cohort to protect my weak ass. A good stiff wind will knock me over.

So I made a Wizard and a Sorcerer. I haven't decided which to play yet. I like the Wizard's flexibility on spells, but damn can the sorcerer cast an assload of spells per day (especially with the ring of Wizardry!).

So what is everyone else playing?

Jeremy--So far Everquest II is pretty cool. I dig it very much.

All--I'm playing Everquest II. If you pick up the game look for Trogdore on the Befallen server. Oh yeah I'm evil, so look for me with the bad guys :)

Published by Anonymous on 11/09/2004 05:54:00 PM

dang. I really haven't checked the blog in almost two weeks. oops!

Whooping cough? Well, it does make a certain weird ammount of sense.

Published by John on 11/09/2004 05:46:00 PM

Dustin--I love you too, but not in that biblical way you cock smoker. :)

See everyone tonight. I think I shall torture Dustin for a change......... well I guess not that much of one.

Published by Anonymous on 11/09/2004 10:50:00 AM

Errr................ It was double pnomia whith bronchits. The pumped me full of antibiotecks and steroids, Im better now........... *cough*. Wow Shatzer, the half second that it took me to read your post was the niciest youve ever been to me, Im truly tuched.............*cough*asshole*cough* God I hate you all, see yall at the game tonight.

Published by John on 11/06/2004 09:27:00 AM

So he is out of the hospital and back to work. Does that mean I don't have to be nice to him? ....................SWEET!

Dustin--So what happened? Did you really have a collapsed lung? Did a doctor touch your naughty place? Oh yeah it's on!

Published by Jeremy on 11/05/2004 06:57:00 PM

Well, he's back now. I figured he'd go ahead and post since he's been at the comic shop, with access to his computer all day.

Published by John on 11/05/2004 02:04:00 PM

Maybe we should send flowers or a male strip-o-gram to Dustin..... you know something classy :) So he must be like really sick or something, I guess that I should be nice to him. I'm going to try *struggles* ................DUSTY LOVES THE COCK! Dammit that didn't last too long :(

Dustin--For real dude I hope you are feeling better (and near a computer so you can read this!). Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

So how is everyone else doing? I swear to god I'm going to get this blog going again no matter what!

Published by Jeremy on 11/04/2004 01:04:00 PM

I haven't heard anything yet.

Published by John on 11/04/2004 10:32:00 AM

Has anyone heard how Dustin is doing?

Published by John on 11/02/2004 03:41:00 PM

Wow I'm going to post twice in the same day!

I would like to start a conversation (however slow this blog may be) on what direction you guys would like the Cthulu game to go. I have so much material that I can take it anywhere you want. I'm even open to the discussion of other systems. Just a thought.

Published by John on 11/02/2004 01:15:00 PM

Holy crap I was actually able to log in!

First I agree with Caroline. As the great Pdiddy said recently on his guest appearance on South Park "VOTE OR DIE BITCH!" Everyone must vote, even if you are a retarded, blind, torso(aka. Ralph Nader supporter), it's just that important .... Oh come on it was just a joke :)

I shall see everyone at the game tonight. Be prepared for some scary mayhem and stuff! Later.

edit: okay that makes more sense

Published by Anonymous on 11/02/2004 10:27:00 AM


Published by Jeremy on 10/31/2004 08:38:00 AM

Whooping Cough Creeps Back

"Adolescents will have a cough that will last a month to two months," Halperin told the news conference.


Published by John on 10/19/2004 08:53:00 PM

Well I just arrived home. My father's surgery went well. Thanks to Jeremy for posting for me. I shall see all of you guys next week for the Halloween game. Thanks.

Published by Anonymous on 10/19/2004 04:15:00 PM

I hope your Dad's surgery turns out OK. Some things are just a wee bit more important than gaming.

Published by Anonymous on 10/19/2004 03:21:00 PM

Well, if there isn't a message posted on the blog/email about Dustin's game in the next half hour or so, then I'm not going to bother driving down.

Published by Jeremy on 10/19/2004 12:50:00 PM

From the Shatzer:

My father had a heart attack Monday night and is having emergency
surgery this evening. Obviously I won't be able to attend the game
tonight. Perhaps Dustin can cover for me with his D and D game? Sorry about the late notice.

ps: I'm not sure I have the right account for everyone. I'm also
unable to post on the blog (damn servers!). If anyone can this
afternoon would you please post my cancellation on the Blog. Thanks.

Published by John on 10/17/2004 12:16:00 PM

Leon--Life has a way of kicking you in the nuts sometimes, no? Glad to hear that you are feeling better.

Dustin--Cool. See you Tuesday for Cthulu!

Everyone--It has almost become impossible for me to post from work. So if it takes me a while to get back to you guys please bear that in mind :) See everyone on Tuesday.

Published by Anonymous on 10/17/2004 09:41:00 AM

Yeah, ive reworked my scheduel so I can be there every Tuesday again, see yall this Tuesday.

Published by Anonymous on 10/15/2004 01:35:00 PM

Well, that will teach me to open my big mouth. Yeah, my ass was kicked all right. Down all Tues. with fever. Shouldn't have said anything. :P

Published by John on 10/14/2004 08:27:00 AM

Yes I suppose that the rolls were the reason you failed to kill the critter. It still would of been interesting if Farve had driven off and left you guys there. The horrible punishments I had in store for him...... muhahahahahahahahahahahaha

Anywho it was fun. I think I've finally found that nice balance where I don't kill your characters every session. This is not an easy thing to do with a system like Cthulu, seriously.

Leon--You dead or something? Take some 'tussin that fixes it all :)

Published by Jeremy on 10/13/2004 03:15:00 PM

You really didn't miss much, except of course them failing to kill the dust monster (mostly due to bad rolls).


Published by John on 10/13/2004 01:06:00 PM

Well I don't know about you guys but I had a blast last night. I'm looking forward to next week, this should be some pretty crazy stuff (I may even do some more funny voices!). Also I wanted to let everyone know that I'm almost positive that my halloween game is going to be an All Flesh Must be Eaten game. I've been kicking around a few ideas, should be fun. All of which of course are going to be bloody and fatal.

Leon--I guessed that your ass was still kicked as of last night. I hope you are feeling better. You really didn't miss much, except of course them failing to kill the dust monster (mostly due to bad rolls). Are you going to make the next session? I've kind of written a few things for your Prof to get involved in, so I'm just wondering.

Hey guys don't forget your character backrounds. I'm looking forward to using them to torture you :)

Published by Anonymous on 10/12/2004 02:54:00 PM

I cant talk, but Ill be there

Published by Anonymous on 10/12/2004 12:32:00 PM


Dustin--You alive?

Published by John on 10/12/2004 07:07:00 AM

All--Is everyone else going to make it? Jeremy? Caroline?

Published by Anonymous on 10/11/2004 07:10:00 PM

I think I'll be at the game tommorow, barring a sudden relapse. This creeping crud combined with the usual seasonal allergy crap is really kicking my ass right now. Thank God my job is relativley easy. Even better, I took the first part of last week as vacation and got lots of rest, or I'd really feel like shit right now.

Published by Anonymous on 10/09/2004 03:38:00 PM

Poor Dustin. Have some drugs.

Published by Anonymous on 10/08/2004 04:54:00 PM

Well-- I guess it is prety safe to say that I wont be running my game this coming week, I got a cold from one of the clients, it turned into bronchitus which turned into walking pnomia, I lost my voice from coughing so much, and I think I dislocated a rib. Im really sorry that I got everyone sick, and unless my voice gets better by Tues. the day is Johns.

Published by John on 10/08/2004 04:47:00 PM

So is everyone still alive? Did the creeping crud do anyone in? I must have answers!

Published by John on 10/06/2004 07:52:00 AM

So I guess that Dustin is guilty of using weapons of mass destruction against Jeremy and perhaps a few others! :-)

Dustin--Holy crap dude! You gots the creepin' crud pretty bad I hear. How are you doing? If you need me to I can and will run my game next week if you aren't feeling well. Even if you are feeling better I have a special Halloween game that you may want to play in anyway. So either way I can run next week if you need me to.

All--I didn't run my game last night. Too many missing and sick players, We will pick it up next session.

I hope everyone is feeling better. Oh yeah and keep your plague infected asses away from me :)

Published by Anonymous on 10/05/2004 09:00:00 AM

No game for me today. Don't let the Sandman bite!

Published by Anonymous on 10/03/2004 09:29:00 PM

*cites The Evil Henchman Care Guide*

Published by Anonymous on 10/02/2004 05:03:00 AM

And if not... oh well. :)

Published by Anonymous on 10/01/2004 08:03:00 PM

Oh yeah, Cerissa can't pray for Remove Disease any more either. Maybe two Lesser's will keep him alive! *evil grin*

Published by Anonymous on 9/29/2004 10:45:00 AM

All-- You guys did amasingly well last night, xp earned was 4203.

Published by Anonymous on 9/26/2004 10:32:00 PM

John--Oh, sure. I miscounted my points anyhow, so I may not be able to use it with this character anyhow. *shrugs*

It's a potential rule variant for the people who have "way too much education", as it helps prevent overpowered skills. :)

Published by John on 9/26/2004 10:15:00 AM

Caroline--That could work. I want to think about it before I say yes/no. Cool?

Published by Anonymous on 9/23/2004 12:33:00 AM

John--Here's another idea on what to do with extra occupational points. Let the person pick another skill, but it has to fit within the concept of their occupation or their history. For instance, Professors could benefit from a third academic specialty, more Languages, Photography, Computer Use, etc. DM's call, obviously.

Published by John on 9/21/2004 10:08:00 AM

Dustin--That sounds like an excellent plan of action. See you next week.

Published by Anonymous on 9/21/2004 09:04:00 AM

John-- No matter how badly I want to get in the last word, I call it settled in two conditions. The first, is that you accept my appoligiy for not posting in a more artciulate manner or contacting you in another way, and second, that my game continues and that you continue to play.

Published by John on 9/21/2004 07:43:00 AM

We play my game tonight and every other Tuesday from here on out, as required by Dustin's work schedule. If Dustin chooses to his game will run on the alternate Tuesdays. This is the schedule unless I hear otherwise. If need be and Dustin's game is done I can/will run mine every week until another one is started. As much as I dig CoC it would be cool if the every week thing didn't last too long.

Dustin--Lets settle this. You can't attend my game because of work, and I won't attend your game due to our difference of opinion. This works out best for everyone. This entire conversation will be dropped. Deal?

Published by Anonymous on 9/20/2004 09:29:00 PM

Dustin--No one wants you to quit your job. Arbitrarily imposed schedules are a horrible, horrible thing.

I believe everyone still wants to play in your game. (If I'm wrong, someone post saying so.) We are frustrated that you had been showing up late or not showing up at all, but that doesn't mean we want to stop playing in your game.

John and Dustin--Will you two work it out who runs when, please? I don't think any of us players care about the exact details of the alternating schedule, we just want games each week and to know which stuff to bring.

Have a happy Monday!


Published by John on 9/20/2004 03:25:00 PM

Jeremy--Is it a naughty feeling?

Dustin--Conversation over. I could call you names, but most of them are far over you limited vocabulary. I guess I'll not bother with it.

Published by Jeremy on 9/20/2004 12:46:00 PM

I'm torn.

Worlds of Warcraft comes out in a few weeks.

Saga of Ryzom is out today. I've been watching the trailers for this game, and it's been giving me a special feeling.

In my pants.

Published by Anonymous on 9/20/2004 12:27:00 PM

John-- I appoligise for not begging permission to swith Tuesdays, apparently I made a few too many assumptions, the first was that people were having fun and wanted to continute to play in my game, the second was that you would be ok with moving your game so that I could still run mine, and the third was that you didn't want me to quite my job so that I could conform to your scheduel. If any of my assumptions are incorrect let me know.

Published by John on 9/20/2004 10:08:00 AM

All--I will be running my game on Tuesday. I have lots of funs stuff. If need be and Dustin sticks to his post I will be able to run my game every week until someone else is ready.

Dustin--Of for christsakes! I took exception with you because of your behavior that annoyed me. I put just as much effort into my game as you do yours. You have a tendancy to be a bit selfish at times. For example just moving the schedule around without asking. I have friends who wanted to join the CoC game, and I already told them when to come. This combined with your habit of just not showing up for your game recently has me a little bent out of shape. The game itself isn't a big deal, but your bailing on your friends is. I may be the only vocal person, but I can't believe that I'm the only one who feels that way. So what now? You have a problem with me I wont' come to your game, that fix it? Don't take your "ball" and go home on my account. I would reconsider you canceling your game, you going to feel pretty silly when you get your panties out of the bunch they are currently in. If you really feel that you can't continue, so be it! Please think about if first.

Published by Anonymous on 9/19/2004 12:04:00 AM

Dustin--It's your choice to cancel your game. But it's a petty act. John calmed down from earlier; you should too.

Someone let me know if we're playing on Tuesday, through all the name-calling.

Published by Anonymous on 9/18/2004 03:10:00 PM

Shatzer-- I don't really care If you want to move your game or not, If you don't, then there will be no more drow game, and no I didn't know that the schedule was gonna change when I played the cthlu game, I was just having fun, which is the point of playing any game. You know what, bite me, my game is canceled permanently.

Published by Jeremy on 9/16/2004 02:37:00 PM

FYI Gamers - I will not be at the game tonight- due to schedule conflicts, I will no longer be coming to the Thursday game sessions. Apologies in advance.

I will still be attempting to make the Tuesday game, assuming everyone figures out what the hell is going on. ;)

Published by Jeremy on 9/16/2004 02:28:00 PM

Shatz- Honestly, I feel $100 is far too much for the helm and gun even if it WAS a metal cast. (No offense, but for a company that's supposedly making stormtrooper armor, that Dread helmet is a piece of shit. Hell, the front visor is a sheet of clear plastic cut that looks like it was cut from a 2-litre bottle, and hot-glued to the facepiece. That, and the "ammo select" display on the side of the Lawgiver is a really amature job...

I found out the gun was plaster, since the barrel was "bent." I attempted to straigten it, and snapped the fucker clean off. The repair isn't a big deal- I'll just drill a hole in both ends, stuff a dowel in there to hold it steady, fill the crack with epoxy plumbers putty and paint over the scar.

I got no problems listing it. That's why the seller pays all E-bay fees. If it doesn't sell, he covers the listing and reserve fees. If it doesn't sell, all I'm out is a bit of time...

He does know the rest of this stuff probably isn't going to sell for much, right? We're talking a few bucks on average for the action figures, if they sell at all...

Supplimental- I'll make sure to check the boxes before I sell them. If I find anything, I'll let you know.

Published by John on 9/16/2004 12:57:00 PM

Jeremy--D'oh the name of the fake company is CyberDyne. FiberDyne are the guys that made the helmet and gun. As far as the gun goes I hadn't seen it. Do you think that 100 is unreasonable now? You da ebay guy so you would know. Also my wife thinks that you may have some non game stuff in the boxes of board games that I gave you on Saturday. If so please don't sell it and let me know what it is. If it is already listed send me an email and I'll ask her if it was something she wanted to sell.

Dustin--Upon further review I'm not sure that you intended me to run my game this Tuesday. If you didn't please disregard some of my rant. Notice I said some of my rant, moving my game without asking still sucks. Mostly because I have a couple of players coming from the College. Also did you know that you weren't going to be able to play anymore this past Tuesday? If so was that why you went a little nuts with the kicking down of the door? Just asking.

Published by John on 9/16/2004 12:46:00 PM

Jeremy--His name is Richard Duda. He is my brother in law. The name of the group is CyberDyne (I think!). The name is a take off on company from Terminator I think.

Dustin--Okay honestly dude you need to learn some manners. You have just told all the players that I'm moving my game to this Tuesday and will be prepared to run it. Did you ask me if I was okay with that? NO! Now of course I'm happy to do it, but that isn't the point. I wouldn't think to commit you to something without asking if you were okay with it. Honestly would it of killed you to call or email me? Hell you could of even asked me on the blog (even if it is ass slow to load most of the time!). All that being said I will run my game this Tuesday and then alternate every other week after that. I will also have my game prepared if/when the Tuesday comes that you are unable to wake your butt up :-/

Published by Jeremy on 9/15/2004 06:50:00 PM

Shatz - For the records, who is this guy I'm selling stuff for again?

And who did you say the Dread helmet was made by? (BTW- that "metal" Lawgiver is cast plaster....)

Published by Anonymous on 9/15/2004 12:06:00 PM

John-- bite me, I was there before you.

All-- My schedule for work has changed, I will now be working on Tuesdays during the day every other week from 3-9 pm. My game that is scheduled for Tuesday the 21'st will be postponed until the following Tuesday, and then my game will alternate with Shatzmans on Tuesday as normal, which also means, that I will have to drop the cthulu game.

Published by John on 9/14/2004 12:27:00 PM

I have some good stuff for everyone tonight! See you guys at 6pm. Oh yeah someone needs to smack Dustin to wake him up!

Published by Anonymous on 9/14/2004 01:35:00 AM

Grunt, Growl, and Tear: lighthearted game of brutal monster combat where you dismember your opponents, attach the "liberated" limbs to your body, and use the second-hand body parts to claw your way to victory

Published by John on 9/13/2004 04:43:00 PM

Holy crap it doesn't take a couple of days for the blog to load!

Everyone--Please remember to bring your character backround for the CoC game.

Jeremy--Yep the game rocks!

Published by Jeremy on 9/10/2004 04:34:00 PM

Wooooooo! Hey Shatz, I just got invited to the Warcraft Stress Test! After a fuckin' two GIG download, I finally got it to install properly, and have been playing all freakin' night!

Almost no lag. Gets a bit choppy in near the cities, but nothing bad enough to mess with gameplay.

Sweet, damned sweet game. I'm one of those big Minotaur guys. A hunter. Big axe. Big gun. Mahahaa!

I've only got three days to get my fix, though. Stress test ends on the 12th.

Damn you and your beta invite. Damn you to hell, I say!

Published by Anonymous on 9/09/2004 02:16:00 PM

So yeah. It's September, but tentative spring schedules are out.

I will have Spring class on Wednesday and Thursday nights, and possibly even more nights.

*sigh* I mayneed to drop Spring gaming due to work shifts or shift my lone playable night to Monday. Dunno yet. Stupid schedules.

Published by John on 9/08/2004 08:07:00 AM

Dustin--I ran my Cthulu game. I still need to run it next week, I may have a new player coming then. So I guess your's in 2 weeks?

Published by Anonymous on 9/08/2004 01:03:00 AM

Good morning, Im realy sorry, I had set 3 seperate alarm clocks, and had been awake for like 3o some ode hours.

Published by John on 9/07/2004 10:42:00 AM

Jeremy--Street punk? Hmmmm.... sounds cool. I'll have my stuff with me tonight, since Dustin won't show up for a couple of hours :-P

Published by Anonymous on 9/06/2004 08:04:00 PM


Published by Jeremy on 9/06/2004 04:20:00 AM

Uh. Damn.

Hey Shatz- Pop on E-bay and do a search for "Warcraft Beta."

Published by Jeremy on 9/03/2004 03:50:00 PM

Shatz- Guessing from the names of the Cthulu minis, I'm guessing there is a "Street Punk" character class? I think I'm going to go with that. If you want to meet sometime this weekend to flesh it out, lemmie know.

Published by John on 9/03/2004 03:11:00 PM

Sheesh doens't anyone like to post? :-P

Caroline--The more I look at the faith rules for CoC the more I like them. It fills a void in the game. Still haven't decided if I will use them or not.

All--Each player who has a interesting backstory on how his investigator first discovered the Unknown will get something cool in game. I haven't decided what yet, but it will be worth the effort.

Published by John on 9/02/2004 09:46:00 AM

Caroline--Actually the faith rules for CoC could be kind of cool..... seriously!

Published by Anonymous on 9/01/2004 05:46:00 PM

This seems to be the basic Chaosium system, although it leaves out some of the specific CoC setting information.

This page, in general, seems to have useful info.

Here's info on what Christian gamers think about Call of Cthulhu. *snickers* (pages 16-20)

These two links are a houseuled Character Creation system and Setting.

Published by Anonymous on 8/31/2004 04:07:00 PM

It's supposed to be Zack's. I'll be there in about an hour.

Published by John on 8/31/2004 01:03:00 PM

Is everyone else coming? Dustin is it your game tonight? Ah the chaos!

Published by Jeremy on 8/31/2004 12:49:00 PM

Dunno. It's either Dustin or Zack.

I won't be making it to the game either way... sorry.

Published by John on 8/31/2004 10:35:00 AM

What game is going on tonight?

Published by Jeremy on 8/30/2004 12:17:00 AM


Published by Anonymous on 8/28/2004 02:03:00 PM

Anyone got a spare Ethernet coupler? Or say, 50 ft of Ethernet cord? (My 25 doesn't reach.)

I would use my hub, but no outlet where the cord runs out.

Published by John on 8/26/2004 01:44:00 PM

Jeremy--Okay my response.

1. No problemo. Of course I'll hate Dustin forever, even though he is my beyatch.

2. I haven't watched it yet. But from the screen shots I agree WOOT! Have you heard anything about it?

Published by Jeremy on 8/26/2004 01:33:00 PM

John-- Okay, two things...

1. Didn't check the blog until I'd already gone to work. Won't see my house again till after the game. Sorry. BTW- Dustin probably won't be awake to check the blog in time to make a copy, either.

2.) Woot!

Published by John on 8/26/2004 09:42:00 AM

Jeremy--Okay two things.

1. Make me a copy of Bastard now. RIGHT FREAKIN' NOW! I'll see you tonight to pick it up. BTW the manga of Bastard is freakin' awesome!

2. I have the movie of Harlock. I'll let you "borrow" it.

Published by Jeremy on 8/25/2004 10:27:00 PM

We have Bastard on DVD. :)

Harlock is on the list. Eventually... sometime. Not soon. But it's in there somewhere.

Published by John on 8/25/2004 06:32:00 PM

Jeremy--Okay so I acutally purchased my first Manga. I have the first 2 volumes of Bastard. It is way cool... a bit different than the anime. Speaking of which, is this something we can get on dvd? Not the butchered stuff of course! On another note, have you ever heard of The Harlock Saga? It is from the same group that did Star Blazers and looks pretty good. I've got it on dvd. Sheesh you've turned me into a regular anime fan!

Published by John on 8/24/2004 12:04:00 PM

Jeremy & Dustin--Sorry guys I totally forgot that tonight is my last doctor's appointment. I have to get my test results. Sorry I'll be in Canton tonight, so I won't make it to the last *sniff* movie night. I will be there Thursday. See you then.

Published by Jeremy on 8/23/2004 11:10:00 AM

I am beliving so. Unfortunately, I think it may be the last one. Shatzer's shedule isn't very flexible, it seems, so we may not be able to reschedule a regular meeting to another day...

So... any suggestions for a good one-shot (no long series) as a cast-off to the official movie night?

Published by Anonymous on 8/23/2004 01:52:00 AM

Jeremy & Dustin--Are there movies this week? If so, I can actually see them this week. If not, no biggie.

Published by John on 8/19/2004 03:59:00 PM

Bah too much gaming conversations on the gaming blog...... uh nevermind :-)

Published by Jeremy on 8/17/2004 11:20:00 PM

Leon- Gotcha. Thanks.

Caroline- I guess the party could make do with Cure Light Wounds wands between my single-levelled cleric and Jeremy's single-levelled bard. *snickers*

So some of the party treasure goes towards healing. It's not a big deal.
I've got 100 charges worth of healing. God forbid we actually run an adventure with more than an hour down-time between dungeon delves. We'll sleep it off...

we've got two fighterish tanks (me, Jeremy)

Uh. Tank? No...

Oh... and yeah. She's right about the 3.5 Bard. The updated SRD has 'em at 6 skill points per.

Published by Anonymous on 8/17/2004 06:49:00 PM

Wait a second, do we have a full cleric? *mock-glares at people* If nobody else will play one, I could have a full-leveled bard again. I guess the party could make do with Cure Light Wounds wands between my single-levelled cleric and Jeremy's single-levelled bard. *snickers* That would be highly amusing. So someone could play a cleric or the party'll spend a lot of money on wands or Zack can bring in an NPC cleric.

I think Zack wanted a cleric/healer, fighter/tank, rogue, and arcane caster. Anyone else remember specifically? From what I can remember of people's concepts, we've got two fighterish tanks (me, Jeremy) and one caster (Dustin).

Leon--As I recall, Bards do actually get 6 sp/level in 3.5, along with losing Medium armor proficiency and random spell changes.

Published by Anonymous on 8/17/2004 04:12:00 PM

Maximum possible ranks is 8 (level+3) since it is a class skill for at least one of your classes. Points spent as a fighter are halved as normal for a cross class skill, but where they come from doesn't matter when calculating the maximum possible rank, always assuming you can find enough points to get it there. If you wanted to, you could spend 16 of the points you get as a fighter to get it that high (and then even Farva would laugh at you, but you could)

Almost forgot. It does actually matter a little when you take your bard level. Best way to do multiclass skills is to make a level 1 character and level him up one level at a time. Say you take bard first. You probably start with 4 ranks and your max at each level will be level +3 since it's already a class skill. To max it at 8 you'll need to spend 2 skill points at each level of fighter.

It's not that different if you take bard later, but you'll either need to spend more than 8 points from your fighter levels (and remember to observe the cross class max ranks limit until you actually take bard) or spend most of the points you get from that one level of bard to raise it. If you want a max performer, I'd suggest maybe taking bard first. You'll lose 4 hp but gain 8 skill points (guess this is not time for my bards should get 6 skill points a level rant). Ultimately, which you'd rather have is up to you. I suppose it depends on what other skills you want.

Published by Jeremy on 8/17/2004 04:04:00 PM

Actual game question...

I'm confusing myself trying to figure out how to add cross-class and class skills together.

Level 5 character- 4 fighter / 1 bard. Trying to throw as many points into Performance as possible. Would my max rank be 7 or 8?

(Fighter spends 6sp for 3 Ranks cross-class + 4 sp Bard = 7?) or
(Bard spends 8sp = 8)

Published by John on 8/17/2004 03:31:00 PM

Bruce Campbell said he wouldn't touch that project with a ten foot pole last year when the rumors first showed up. Plus they would ruin the character and let Freddy or Jason win. BASTARDS! On a different note:



Uh anyone want to make a road trip? I needs to be da zombies........ Dustin you could be someone's zombie beyatch!

Published by Anonymous on 8/17/2004 02:38:00 PM

John--Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash Infinite chainsaws?

Zack--Chaotic Good mostly dwarven fighter. (She gets bored a lot) Fighter 3/Sorceror 1/Cleric of Kord 1. Will probably take a level of barbarian 6th level.

Published by John on 8/16/2004 02:14:00 PM

Jeremy--Oops I'm gonna try them tonight. I'll let you know tomorrow.

Published by Jeremy on 8/15/2004 11:52:00 AM


You never did get back to us about those DVDs. Did they work on your player or not?

I wanna make sure our home movies work on as many players as possible. Y'know. For Grandma...

Published by Jeremy on 8/13/2004 04:44:00 PM

That is the funniest damned thing I've seen in a long time.

Published by John on 8/13/2004 04:16:00 PM

Jeremy--Did you like the trailer? Muhahahahahahahahahahahahaha...........

Published by John on 8/13/2004 02:27:00 PM

Snicker doodle

Published by John on 8/11/2004 01:26:00 PM

Jeremey and Dustin--Well it is kind of hard for me to move movie night, wifey poo and all. I may have to just take a couple of months off. Good news is I have my hand back! Stitches are out, and I feel pretty good.

Published by Anonymous on 8/09/2004 04:34:00 PM

John-- pretty much any night is good for me, as long as it isn't Saturday, or Sunday, I usually work al0t on thoes days.

Published by Jeremy on 8/09/2004 03:36:00 PM

I dunno what's going on right now, Shatz...

If the "movie night" does get shuffled around, are there any other days of the week you might be good to go?

Published by Anonymous on 8/09/2004 02:11:00 PM

John-- There Is no other game on Tuesdays that any of us play in, and we could move movie night to a day when you could come, thats if you dont want to drop entirely.

Published by John on 8/09/2004 01:34:00 PM

Dustin & Jeremy--We never did figure out what you guys were going to do. Are you going to start gaming on Tuesdays? If so I'll have to bail on movie night (I assume that it would move to Thursday). You guys may want to figure this out. By the way isn't there a game already on Tuesdays?

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2004 08:30:00 PM

All Thursday gamers--As I've said a couple times before, my schedule's changing yet again this semester. I can play on Tuesday nights, not Thursday nights.

My schedule change goes into effect on Tuesday, August 31, so there's three more Thursday games (August 12, 19, 26) before then.

Dustin--If you'd show up on time, then I could show you how to do Initiatives easily in Excel. :P

Published by Jeremy on 8/06/2004 04:24:00 PM

John- S'ok. Actually, I think we're going to be calling off next week's movie night anyway. Got a buisness meeting with Phill regarding the E-bay buisness. S'posed to goto some meeting over dinner.

Published by John on 8/06/2004 08:53:00 AM

Jeremy--Sorry but I'm not going to make it to the upcoming Tuesday night fun. I am getting my stitches out that day at 6pm. So that is good, but it sucks I'm going to miss some anime.

Published by John on 8/05/2004 03:16:00 PM

Dustin--Dude you can do more with a couple of excel spreadsheets than any special program is going to do.

Published by Dr Who on 8/05/2004 11:35:00 AM

Hello, guys. Due to events that unfolding, i have a job that i need to do. I will be suspending all my Thursday as well as everyday extra activity until further notice. You guys are a great group and hope to play with you guys agian soon. Thanks for the fun. Enjoy your Game....


Published by Anonymous on 8/05/2004 10:22:00 AM

All-- Your mission, should you chose to accept it, find me a good usable dm software that i can use during the game, It should inculed a initave tracker and a xp calculator. Your reward will be based on how good the software is, it must run on windows xp.

Published by John on 8/05/2004 08:08:00 AM

Jeremy & Dustin--Please note that the con is earlier than I thought.


Published by Anonymous on 8/03/2004 10:08:00 AM

Pointy Sticks! ^_^

American martial arts fans have waited long enough for Hero. Now director Zhang Yimou's 2002 epic, the second-highest-grossing movie in Chinese history, is finally coming to the US. When it arrives stateside August 20, audiences will get to see Jet Li - whose kung fu flicks made him a Hong Kong megastar - show his mettle in China's other leading martial arts film genre: wuxia.

Based on the mythical exploits of early swordsmen, wuxia has been a part of Asian cinema since the silent era, but most Westerners got their first taste from Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Zhang's picture is much truer to the tradition. Set in the third century BC, when the king of Qin was waging a brutal campaign to become China's first emperor, Hero presents Li as a classic wuxia figure, a lone warrior who eliminates a trio of assassins to secure an audience with the king. As he sits before the future emperor, his story is told and retold in dazzling flashes of swordplay - bravura, gravity-defying displays that turn on such exquisite details as the flight path of a single drop of water.

"Wuxia is actually a spirit, a philosophy," Zhang told Wired on his way home from Cannes, where he premiered his second wuxia picture, House of Flying Daggers, a medieval actioner expected to hit US theaters later this year. "A martial arts person is willing to sacrifice his life to help somebody, but the best fighter never kills. The theme of wuxia is to use your heart to change people. In this, I believe, are the roots of China."

Published by Jeremy on 8/02/2004 05:36:00 PM

Anime Night: The Movies scheduled will be the same as last week. Ninja Scroll, and Ghost in the Shell.

Dinner will be... umn. A nice egg pie.

Published by Anonymous on 8/01/2004 12:19:00 PM

Or I could just do a little sword jousting on a motorcycle. :)

Published by Anonymous on 7/29/2004 01:38:00 PM

Well, I daresay a few rockets can compensate for that. :D

Published by Anonymous on 7/29/2004 12:41:00 PM

Well, tonight your gonna have to do with out my 70 point head shots, I got called into work, and im the only one who could cover the shift, so Im not gonna be at the game.

Published by Anonymous on 7/28/2004 11:46:00 AM

Random Plot Hooks

So Bandai's fussing about Anime Piracy. Blah to them.

Published by Jeremy on 7/27/2004 03:15:00 PM

With only two people, it's kinda stupid to cook a full meal. It doesn't keep that well in the fridge, either.

I got a hankerin' for chicken wings. You at all cool with running by BW3's? (Or I'll just get me an order of something, and you can grab some Mexican, Chinese, etc etc etc... somewhere else?)

Published by Jeremy on 7/27/2004 02:17:00 PM

Dustin just gave me a ring earlier, and said he's been called in for work, so he's not going to be there, either...


Now what...?

Published by John on 7/27/2004 11:59:00 AM

I found out at lunch that Todd can't come tonight. He has to meet with his new roomates. Have no fear Shatzman will be there!

Published by Jeremy on 7/27/2004 09:06:00 AM

Shatzer- Ninja Scroll, Ghost in the Shell (If we have time for two movies...)

Tonight's veggimitarian-friendly dish (with meat on the side for the rest of us) will be Fajitas.

Published by John on 7/27/2004 08:15:00 AM

Jeremy--So what is on the schedule for tonight?

Published by John on 7/26/2004 03:46:00 PM

Jeremy--Oh there it is.... That is the rank and file goblin troop. I think the are call mobs? I can look at the Codex on Tuesday if you remind me.

Published by John on 7/26/2004 03:44:00 PM

Jeremy--Ahhhh that would be the dreaded invisible noodle doos......... Sorry don't see the pic :) Oh yeah I forgot all about Final Fantasy...... it really sucked didnt' it :-P

Published by Jeremy on 7/26/2004 01:57:00 PM

Need this figure ID'd.  John, you know what these are called?  Can't find 'em in the codex.

Published by Jeremy on 7/26/2004 12:30:00 PM

Damn why did you have to ruin it for me :-p
Revenge for Final Fantasy...

Published by Anonymous on 7/25/2004 04:47:00 PM

You guys are welcome.  I had a great time. Next lan at Caleb's house. I will have to get Dusty Caleb's address so he can invite him to this blog.

Published by Anonymous on 7/25/2004 04:04:00 PM

I gather the LAN party went well then? :)

Drow Roleplaying Tips

A bumper sticker I saw the other day...

"My girlfriend said she'd leave me if I didn't stop gaming. I'm sure going to miss her!"

*amused* Hey, priorities are priorities.

Published by Jeremy on 7/25/2004 12:47:00 PM

Lydda, thanks once again to you and your husband for letting us use your home for the LAN. 

Published by Anonymous on 7/24/2004 10:06:00 AM

My house at 11:00 am. call John for directions

Published by Jeremy on 7/23/2004 11:35:00 PM

So, what time are we supposed to meet for this LAN thing? And where?


Published by Jeremy on 7/23/2004 11:32:00 PM

It's going to suck.  Just wait. It'll be a live-action version of Transformer: Pokemon Edition.  They'll be questing to save the Mini-cons from the evilDecepticons, who want to pollute the earth. With a guest appearance by Captain Planet.

Published by John on 7/23/2004 04:52:00 PM


Hasbro's ''Transformers'' line to be developed into movie

By Associated Press, 7/23/2004 12:29

PAWTUCKET, R.I. (AP) Toymaker Hasbro is teaming with Academy Award winning filmmaker Steven Spielberg on a live-action movie that will bring the ''Transformer'' toys to the silver screen.

Dreamworks, the film company co-founded by Spielberg, will develop the movie, scheduled for release in summer 2006. Spielberg, who won a directing Oscar for ''Saving Private Ryan,'' will be its executive producer.

''The possibilities for a thrilling action adventure are virtually endless,'' said Adam Goodman, the company's head of production.

Pawtucket-based Hasbro created Transformers, shape-shifting robots who turn into cars, airplanes and tanks, in 1984. The product has been expanded into a comic book series, a television program on the Cartoon Network and an animated feature film.

Hasbro, the nation's second-largest toymaker behind Mattel Inc., will act as a consultant to the film. Dreamworks will distribute the movie domestically, while Paramount will distribute it overseas.

Published by John on 7/23/2004 02:39:00 PM

Jeremy--Snoogins..... I shall purchase a couple of the new discs from you. Can you bring them Saturday?

Published by Anonymous on 7/23/2004 01:15:00 PM

HA HA You guys are funny

Published by Jeremy on 7/22/2004 03:48:00 PM

Those were recorded on the older -R disks.  (Which now that I think of it, I think max out at 2x, not 1x...)

Since they play fine on the PS2 it's not a bad burn.  It's entirely possible your DVD player just doesn't like +R disks.  Some machines are fussy about that.

I'd try one of our... uh... home movies burned on this new batch of +Rs before you give up entirely. Sometimes the brand name makes a difference. The +Rs and -Rs are both from the same company, same dye, etc...


Published by John on 7/22/2004 01:41:00 PM

Jeremy--You know the home movies of the *er* Cowboy that you burned for me work fine. What media did you use on them. I wonder if it may just be that particular batch of media giving me fits. Is this possible o'great jedi master of *er* home movies?

Published by John on 7/22/2004 01:27:00 PM

Jeremy--My *uh* home movie played great on the Play Station.

Published by Jeremy on 7/22/2004 01:12:00 PM


The new spindle we just bought are 4x +R.   I've still got about 20 or 30 or so of my
original 1x -Rs, too. 

Oh- and if you have it hooked up, try to play those... uh... home movies in your PS2.  It's supposed to do a great job. (And you already have the DVD controller for it...)  If it doesn't play in the PS2, you might just have a bad burn....

Published by John on 7/22/2004 08:22:00 AM

Jeremy and Dustin--What type of media do you guys have? Is it +/- R? I noticed that my DVD player won't play +R media. So um my home movies wont' play on my tv.... yeah that is it :) I'd like to pick up a disc or two and try it out, if it works I'd take another 30. Is this cool?

Published by John on 7/20/2004 09:48:00 AM

I'm coming. I know that Todd is going to come as well (with his Bubble Gum Crisis stuff. That is all.

Published by Jeremy on 7/19/2004 10:59:00 AM

I've got more than enough material to fill the evening with random episodes alone, if need be...

Published by Anonymous on 7/19/2004 10:44:00 AM

Unfortunately, Real Indians were not in season, so your gonna have to deal with imitation Indian meat ( tofu). With our time extended from not going out to eat, we would also be able to watch a movie and do a sampler, We have Ninja scroll for your viewing enjoyment. It would be polite to get a head count on the number of people attending, so we know how much food to make.

Published by John on 7/19/2004 08:47:00 AM

Jeremy--MMMMMMMM....... Indian food. Did you use real Indians? :)

Published by Jeremy on 7/18/2004 10:42:00 AM

Tuesday's "Dinner and a Movie...." night.
Theme: "And now for something completely different...!"
While no Python is on the playlist, this week we've decided to do something a bit different this week. Instead of beginning a new series, we will be watching a "sampler" of many different TV series. (Not neccisarily the first episodes- just ones that have been picked to represent the series.)  If we have a good response on one series, we can always start up that series regularly on a later date...
To stick with the theme, this upcoming Tuesday we will be preparing a  classic Indian dish instead of dining out.  Those wishing to attend, please bring a small donation to help off-set our costs for ingredients. ($5 or so would be plenty, and would still be cheaper than what you'd pay at a resturaunt. You cheap bastards...)
If there are no exceptions, a stay-at-home cooked meal may become a regular event.

Published by John on 7/16/2004 10:18:00 AM

Published by John on 7/15/2004 04:48:00 PM

Caroline--48 to 50 is way too close, even if they did need 60 votes. Most of the senators who voted against it did so because of the wording (they just want it to say that marriage is between a man and woman, only, and not mention civil unions at all). I'm afraid they will try again with the simple wording, so it isn't over yet..... But we should be thankful for the victories, right?

Published by Anonymous on 7/14/2004 06:27:00 PM

John--But I did read the posts. :D

Anyhow, the "Federal Marriage Amendment" failed horribly. *glee*

Published by Jeremy on 7/14/2004 04:47:00 PM

Hey Dustin- Where are you usually on Thursdays before you head up to the comic shop?

Either the alternator on the Olds is dead, or the voltage regulator is out (which is on the alternator) so until the replacement arrives, I'm not going to be driving anywhere. So I'm gonna' need a ride...

Unless you want to use this as a convient excuse not to run the game tomorrow, and just stay home and watch Anime. 0:)

Published by John on 7/14/2004 12:49:00 PM

Dustin--Well thanks for the compliment. Of course you know that means I have to find something even better. I currently have my eye on a move called Undead.


So how goes it for everyone?

Jeremy--Did you think you were going to attend the LAN party on the 24th? We have 4 Wavebird controllers, a gamecube, and a copy of Hunter. Could be fun.

Published by Anonymous on 7/14/2004 12:26:00 AM

Suicide Club was amassing, shatzman really outdid him self on that one.

Published by Anonymous on 7/13/2004 06:43:00 PM

And John, when are you in a normal mood???

Published by John on 7/13/2004 04:48:00 PM

If you read the posts and stayed informed you would know!

....oh no he didn't.....

....yes he did.....

I'm in a strange mood. Don't know why but I is!

Published by Anonymous on 7/13/2004 02:30:00 PM

Of what? :P

Published by John on 7/13/2004 02:11:00 PM


Published by Anonymous on 7/13/2004 12:55:00 PM

Dusty, yes I am still playing swg. Dont be sorry, I am having fun with all the credits you gave me. Talk to John about the Lan party, he is in charge. I am only providing the space. We had a great time at the first one and this one looks like it will be even better. Hope you can make it.

Published by John on 7/13/2004 08:33:00 AM


I want to watch some movies tonight, if you guys do. How about some anime, or I still have Suicide Club.

Published by Anonymous on 7/12/2004 08:41:00 PM

Published by Jeremy on 7/12/2004 08:28:00 PM

Movies...? Sure.

I'm gonna' go play some Atari. Yeah...

Published by Anonymous on 7/12/2004 02:19:00 PM

Hello lydda,Are you sill playing swg, and if you are, Im sry. I should be able to make the lan party this time, but im gonna need directions, and a time frame, I work alot and need to shceule that day off. Ill also need a list of games were playing, and what all i need to bring. The games i have are: ut 2k3, mechwarrior vngence, and starcraft. Oh and wormz.Unreal tourniment with a lill setup, can be propigated easily with a crack or two, I tested it on 2 seperate machines.

Movie night im assuming is a go, or a least ill be here, I have netflixed spaceballs, I still havent wached it though, but I heard that pizza tha hut is a main charm, souds interesting.

Published by Anonymous on 7/12/2004 12:57:00 PM

Jeremy--Movies, yes, no? Also, you'll have to tone down that boss a bit; pre-movein apt inspection conflicts.

Published by Anonymous on 7/12/2004 07:22:00 AM

Hello everyone, it is nice to be here. Hello again Dusty and Jeremy and of course John. Thanks for the invite.

Published by John on 7/09/2004 01:22:00 PM

Dustin and Jeremy--LAN party part Deux is set for Saturday July 24th. What do you think?

Published by John on 7/09/2004 08:00:00 AM

Yo Yo Yo where is everyone?

Published by John on 7/07/2004 09:45:00 AM

Movie Night Crew--Had much fun last night. Cowboy Bebop rules the hizzy!

Published by John on 7/06/2004 02:54:00 PM

Okee Dokee...... Dustin sucks monkey butt! lol

Published by Anonymous on 7/06/2004 12:07:00 PM

John--Bring 'em and we can decide there?

Published by John on 7/06/2004 08:18:00 AM

Movie Group--I have purchased the Cowboy Bebop movie, and Suicide Club (supposedly kick ass Japenese flick!). Interested?

Published by Anonymous on 7/05/2004 09:25:00 PM

Jeremy--A day in advance. Dogma should also be put on the list at some point. Dustin's very deprived and nowhere near depraved... *shakes head*

Also, I'm interested in some of the videotapes, but should wait until next paycheck at the earliest, preferably until after I move (early August). If some "good ones" are gone by them, no big deal. *shrugs*

John--What, you didn't need a pregnancy workout? ;)

Published by Jeremy on 7/05/2004 01:02:00 AM

Dustin didn't post an update on the blog, but he informed me that he was in error about his schedule. He worked tonight and tomorrow- but he'll be here Tuesday.

Meat Market and Spaceballs, perhaps? Dustin needs learn'd.

Published by John on 7/04/2004 10:47:00 PM

Jeremy--It was Meat Market. Dusty wasn't in attendance for that one. Do you think due to his work schedule perhaps we should call this week off? Just asking. If I hear otherwise I'll be there.

Published by Jeremy on 7/03/2004 11:35:00 PM

Daymn...! We'll make sure to keep the volume down for ya'. If anything is even going on...

Speaking of movies- Carline, Shatzer- either of you planning on coming? I'd like to get an RSVP at least a day or so in advance from now on.

By the way, Shatzer- What was the name of that movie with El Diabo and the lebsian vampires? I coulda' swarn Dustin was there when we watched it, but he claims no memory of the vampiros lesbos.

Published by Anonymous on 7/03/2004 07:12:00 PM

Anime group-- This Monday, I work 18 hours from 11p till 3p on tuesday, and work again on tuesday at 11p, I will be there, but dont wake me up.

Published by John on 7/03/2004 06:25:00 PM

I would just like to say that the Buns of Steel is NOT mine. My sweet ass is entirely genetic. That is all.

Published by Jeremy on 7/02/2004 04:20:00 PM

Farva, you said you wanted to see this. For anyone else, this is a list of a bunch of VHS tapes (Mostly Shatzer's) that he'd like to sell.

We've been trying to move them at $2.50 a tape. If anyone might be interested, let me know. If you're interested in buying quite a few, we can even make little bit of a deal...

Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
American Tail, An : Fievel Goes West
Austin Powers
Babe, Pig in the City
Batman original TV series, Vol 1
Batman original TV series, Vol 2
Batman Returns
Bed of Roses
Best of Saturday Night Live: The Mr. Bill Collection
Black Hole, The Anniversary Edition
Blade Runner
Blair Witch Project, The
Blues Brothers, The
Buns of Steel 8: Pregnancy Workout
Camelot, 25th Anniversary Remastered Edition (2 Tapes)
Classic Scooby-Doo Episodes
Craft, The
Curly Sue
Dante's Peak
Dick Tracy
Die Hard
Die Hard 2: Die Harder
Dorf on Golf
Dr. Doolittle - Eddie Murphy
Drive Me Crazy
El Dorado
Ernest, Scared Stupid
Faculty, The
Fall of the House of Usher, The
Godzilla (1998 American disgrace to Toho Studio.)
Hamburger Hill
I was a teenage Werewolf
It Conquered The World - Peter Graves
Jackie Brown
Jerry Maguire
Joe versus the Volcano
Jurassic Park
Kull the Conqueror
Legend of Grimace Island, The
Leslie Nielsen's Bad Golf Made Easier
Little Rascals, The
Little Shop of Horrors, The (1960. Jack Nicholson as the Dentist)
Making of Die Hard: With a Vengeance, The
Men in Black
Men in Black
Mission: Impossible
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Mrs. Doubtfire
Mummy, The
Planet of the Apes
Puppet Master, The
Replacement Killers, The
Robin Hood: Men in Tights
Save the Last Dance
Saving Private Ryan (2 tapes)
Schindler's List (2 tapes)
Sherlock Holmes Trilogy (3 tapes)
Star Trek: The Animated Adventures
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint
Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Arsenal of Freedom
Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Naked Now
Strictly Ballroom
Superman, Classic Cartoon Series
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Movie
They Bite
UHF (Not in original box)
Untamed Heart
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
When a Man loves a Woman
When Harry met Sally…
X-Files, The Movie
Young Frankenstein
You've Got Mail
Zoo Life with Jack Hanna

Published by John on 7/02/2004 08:35:00 AM

Woo Hoo it's Friday!

Published by Anonymous on 7/01/2004 12:49:00 PM

John-- that would be kewl, exept that im gonna be working, sry for getting your hopes of asskicking up.

Published by John on 6/29/2004 02:57:00 PM

Holy crap! People are using the blog! For gaming stuff no less! I'll shall be in attendance this evening.

Wayne--What server are you guys on?

Dustin--Do you mind a 9 ft. tall hot chick as your sidekick?

Published by Anonymous on 6/29/2004 02:35:00 PM

Okies. I'll bring you the list of things I currently have (especially when different from the rulebook), and show you some things I'd like to have.

I'm more interested in altering ammo properties than weapon properties (like having the different types of grenades), but I just want to see what's workable/allowable/reasonable. ^_^

Published by Jeremy on 6/29/2004 12:57:00 PM

Mundane weapons (everything on those charts) do the damage listed, regardless of merits and flaws. Customizations to those weapons will be limited only to what you're allowed with "Portable Armory." Anything more specific would need to be built as an "Item of Power."

I think I'm going to have to re-work the characters slightly. I know Dustin and Farva both asked if they could slightly re-tweak their characters, now that they've seen how limited Magic can be in combat first-hand, so this option would of course be open to everyone.

I awarded all characters free personal gear, to a point. Some obviously took more than others...

I'll still be giving "assigned" mundane gear, but I think I'm going to limit it to 1 point of "Personal Gear." (1 major & 4 minor. 1 Major = 4 Minor, exchangeable both ways.)

Major items being mundane vehicles, among other things. Minor would include just about all common military weapons. Anything more advanced (say, lazer weapons) would most likely be Major.)

That would set a hard limit on the number of guns you actually posess at any one time, and would prevent any problems with you "grabbing a new LAW" every round, etc. Ammo would still be considered unlimited, so you could take the time to re-load (Rockets would be fired at a rate of 1 every 3rd round- (1: Arm & Aim weapon (Slow Disability), 2: Weapon fired. 3: Reload.)

They're also a bit more limited than I first thought. Due to the Slow and Static disabilities combined, you are unable to make a defense roll for those two rounds while aiming and making the shot- since you're basically standing in the open.

This will be counterbalanced by an increased blast radius. Grenades have a kill radius of 15 feet. Portable rockets will be upped to 30.

Leon, I know you have a few points coming back to you this way- assuming that bike of yours is just a regular cycle (no armor plate, weapons, etc...) then that wouldn't cost you mech points- it'd just be your Major item. The Katana as you have it now would be minor. If you want to buy the Katana as a Major item, I will be boosting it's power level slightly...

Published by Anonymous on 6/29/2004 11:00:00 AM

Coo' :)

BW3's works for me. Loud *grumbles*, but good food and not too bad prices.

I'll talk to you more about that weapon mod system then. I just want to be able to switch abilities/disabilities around to make new logical combinations, and fiddle with damage.

Published by Jeremy on 6/29/2004 10:56:00 AM

No need. Consider this one a go.

Anyone else want to hit BW-3's again?

Published by Anonymous on 6/29/2004 10:47:00 AM

Jeremy--I'll keep checking until around 4PM to see whether anyone else is coming. *shrugs*
Shouldn't Dustin be around to ask though, or is he working? *blinks*

Published by Jeremy on 6/28/2004 11:49:00 AM

Caroline: Bring Laputa. I've got Nausicaa. We'll do a "Classic Anime" night.

Assuming anyone is going to show up? I keep forgetting to ask multiple days in advance.

Published by Anonymous on 6/27/2004 12:30:00 AM

Dustin--A few game suggestions:

*Pretend that cleric was a bunch of levels lower. Change her to an instructor or a high-ranking student or something. It doesn't make all that much sense for a cleric of that high level to be coming after us anyhow...
*If you do want to have people scrying on us, we technically get checks to notice (that something's weird, pretty much). They're straight Intelligence checks unless we have ranks in Scry, so you can roll them for us and let us know ifwhen we actually notice anything.

Jeremy, John, Dustin--I've got temporary copies of Castle in the Sky and Kiki's Delivery Service, if you're interested in either or both of those for Tuesday.

BESM 2nd ed pdf (Some typos, but the basic content seems to be there, sans illustrations)

Jeremy--Could we standardize on a weapon mod system, even if only for Heavy Weapons for me? With the following system, the two Heavy Weapons listed (Machine Gun: 15pts, 1a, 1d. Rocket Launcher: 30 pts, 2a, 3d) work.

Discard the "Limited Shots" disability, but keep the "Slow" disability to avoid brokenness.
Starting damage = 15 pts
Ability = -15 pts
Disability = +15 pts

Still not sure how to make any mod system work with melee weapons... *shrugs* Not too important to me, at the moment.

Published by Anonymous on 6/24/2004 01:31:00 PM

John- Im playing on gardian, im either "kid mercury" or "hello nurse" but im like lvl 13-16, you gonna have to be my sidekick or ill have to not be in group with you, or neither of us will get xp.

Published by Dr Who on 6/24/2004 11:22:00 AM

John-Welcome to the CoH addition. If you give your info, I can hook up with you also. We have a samll group that is all people who are from eric's and the wooster area in one supergroup. If your interested, let know. Once again, Welcome to the CoH addition.

Published by Anonymous on 6/24/2004 07:41:00 AM

I guess Dustin just doesn't want to play with you, John. ^_^

Published by John on 6/23/2004 04:41:00 PM

Dustin--Can you please post your City of Heroes information on the Blog so that I may join you to fight evil! Thanks :)

Published by Anonymous on 6/22/2004 02:59:00 PM

I demand food this Tuesday night. Yes. Food.

Published by Jeremy on 6/22/2004 02:08:00 PM

Shatzer- I'm sorting through your Illuminati cards right now, so I know exactly what to advertize on E-bay. Got a few questions about the makeup of the cards.

First- Many of the cards come in more than one color, or have a slightly different text design. Is this an edition thing? Limited and Unlimted? And do you know how to tell them apart?

I'm trying to sort through and pull out that "complete set" you said you had... not sure what cards are supposed to go with it.

Also- did you buy that "one of everything..." box set?

One background is dark purple/black, the other is red.

One background is black with purple text, the other has a slightly purple background with red text.

One card uses a standard block font, the other a decorative font.

Published by Anonymous on 6/22/2004 02:08:00 PM

Suck (NSFW Google Search)

Published by John on 6/22/2004 08:15:00 AM


Published by Anonymous on 6/21/2004 02:56:00 PM

Jeremy--Tuesday's on for me. And that makes four of us.

John--Chibi is not quite the same as Bubblehead

Dustin--Meh. With my current budget, I may not be able to go anyhow... *sigh*

Published by Jeremy on 6/21/2004 02:53:00 PM

You're going to have to get used to them. Or else we'll just have to break you...

Dance, Shatzer! Dance! Kawaii! Kawaii! Kawaii!

Published by John on 6/21/2004 01:35:00 PM

Jeremy--I would like to Tuesday to happen..... as long as we don't have any of those damn bubble heads! They make me want to kill..........

Published by Jeremy on 6/20/2004 06:10:00 PM

Tuesday is a go, so long as I hear from everyone in advance.

Published by Anonymous on 6/20/2004 06:10:00 PM

Origians sounds fun, I would only be able to make a day trip though, anyone wanna drive?

Published by Anonymous on 6/20/2004 12:00:00 AM

John & Dustin-- :P at the both of you.

Dustin--Depends, of course, on whether Jeremy will be there.

All--Origins is next weekend (Th-Sun). Well?

Published by Anonymous on 6/18/2004 11:47:00 PM

Okay, why don't we take this one further and take the political correct spin on it and call her a "socially inept individual"...just kiddin...

Soooo... anyways, is everyone gonna show up for the tuesday shindig, and are we still having it?

Published by John on 6/18/2004 08:24:00 AM

Caroline--Okay nerd girl. Unless of course you are offended by the gender specific, then nerd person. :)

Published by Anonymous on 6/17/2004 01:00:00 PM

John--Am not! :P

Published by John on 6/17/2004 09:44:00 AM

Jeremy--Congrats you are cool! Well Battlecry III is so freakin' cool. The new races look cool. I've just started with the snake men (they have kick ass Dinosaur mounts!) and it rocks. The game is very pretty. They added lots of game content again without changing the basics. Why can't other companies do this? Way too much cool stuff to talk about here in detail.

Published by Jeremy on 6/16/2004 03:45:00 PM

Battlecry III is out? I didn't know that. The two release dates I'd had for that was the 19th and the 25th....

Woo. The MAME station is working again. Huzzah!

Published by John on 6/16/2004 03:06:00 PM

The next person that posts is cool... the rest are nerd boys!

Published by John on 6/16/2004 12:53:00 PM

Warlords Battlecry III is out. WHY DOESN'T ANYONE TELL ME THESE THINGS? Okay I'm fine now... I think....

Published by John on 6/15/2004 03:35:00 PM

*er* okay so like I didn't know that..... :-P

Published by Anonymous on 6/15/2004 03:21:00 PM

Oh, you're not? See you on Thursday then.

Published by Jeremy on 6/15/2004 12:39:00 PM

That's nice. I guess I should leave the door unlocked then, since I'm not going to be there...

Published by John on 6/15/2004 10:06:00 AM

Shatzman will be attending the shindig tonight! Yipee Skippy the evil!

Published by Anonymous on 6/14/2004 11:59:00 PM

Jeremy--Why not offer the winning bidder a "free gift" of some (or all) of the rest of the cards? *snickers*

Also, what's playing tomorrow, if anything? More Lodoss despite cliches?

Published by Jeremy on 6/14/2004 09:35:00 AM

Roger roger...

Published by John on 6/14/2004 09:22:00 AM

Jeremy--Me wants cash. If you want to give the non foils away I don't care.

Published by Jeremy on 6/13/2004 08:19:00 PM

Shatzer- Question for ya'...

These MLB Showdown 2000 cards- they aren't selling for anything on E-bay right now. (Lot of 200 of them just sold for under $3.)

I might be able to squeeze a few more bucks out of them by stripping out the foils and selling them separately...

S'up to you. You want to go ahead and keep these, or should I just try to make a few bucks, and pitch what's left?

Published by Jeremy on 6/11/2004 08:36:00 PM

Yeah. I plan to rent a few of the "Party" games for the GC to bring along. Don't plan to be playing much Battlecry... =P

BTW- dis' thing is going to need rescheduled. Turns out I got a prior engangement on the 19th as well.

Published by John on 6/11/2004 08:29:00 AM

Jeremy--Battlecry II works just fine. So bring your PC..... El Diablo de Rojo will crush your puny forces! We actually have an X-Box, PS II, and a gamecube (if you bring it!).

Published by Jeremy on 6/10/2004 11:47:00 PM

Dustin & Shatzer - If you still wanted me to take care of that Star Wars credit sale, I need your Login/Passes. You can e-mail them to me at Lamune_Baba at Yahoo dot com.

Published by Jeremy on 6/10/2004 01:39:00 PM

Guess you'll have to upgrade to Battlecry III, then. :)

What do you think Jeremy?

If it's on the PC, I couldn't give a damn. I'll be playing with the X-Box.

Published by John on 6/10/2004 08:37:00 AM

Gettin' Jiggy with it!

Published by John on 6/09/2004 07:46:00 PM

Okay bummer news. A windows XP patch has finally killed battlecry I compatability! So we scratch that off the games list. I'm down to Serious Sam, Star Craft, and Doom. I heard that Tribes was pretty cool. What do you think Jeremy?

Published by Jeremy on 6/09/2004 07:34:00 PM

I need a new game...

Been playing "Black and White" again. Just reminding myself why I got tired and quit in the first place...

Published by John on 6/09/2004 02:23:00 PM

OMG.... so like I hurt my back on Sunday. Can you say medicated John? Tuesday passed without me acknowledging it's exsistance. Sorry Jeremy :(

Published by Anonymous on 6/09/2004 09:43:00 AM

All-- The game this week is cancled, im working 3-11 tommorow, sry.

John-- coh server is gaurdian, im either "hello nurse" or "kid mercury"

Published by Jeremy on 6/08/2004 11:37:00 AM


Dustin, do you have my Etherlords disks?

Published by Anonymous on 6/08/2004 11:02:00 AM

John-- as well you should be, alone...all alone...with the darkness creeping in...

I will be able to make a brief apierence at the lan party, im kinda working 24 hours that weekend.

All-- you earned 1200xp for the last session.

Published by John on 6/08/2004 09:22:00 AM

Dang no one is posting...... I'm all alone *sniff*

Published by John on 6/06/2004 09:27:00 AM

Jeremy--Nope I don't have your Etherlords disc.

Dustin--Even if you work you could stop by :)

All--Okay all of you that play City of Heroes (Dustin, Leon?) I have just purchased a copy of the game. If you could let me know what server you are on and your character name I can join you. Also I've been playing around with a tank character, any suggestions on what works?

Published by Jeremy on 6/05/2004 10:12:00 AM

Did I lend my Etherlords disks out to one o' you? I just dug through my entire box of CDs and I can't find 'em...

Published by Jeremy on 6/05/2004 08:39:00 AM

Dustin- Is it not possible to finagle your schedule with two weeks notice?

Published by Anonymous on 6/05/2004 01:15:00 AM

John, Im not sure but i think i work like alot that weekend, I might not be able to attend.

Published by Anonymous on 6/04/2004 01:35:00 PM

Jeremy--But blood on the carpet and losing your deposit wouldn't matter if Dustin killed you too, now would it?

Jeremy & Dustin--Athena's brother is coming to Kent for a while to help her out while she hobbles around on crutches. She asked whether he could play in the Wooster game and I told her I'd ask the DMs. (This, of course, all relies on whether he doesn't annoy me too much for an hour-long ride.) Based on current planning, he won't be around that long... the next two sessions of Dustin's game and the first session of Jeremy's game.

Published by John on 6/04/2004 11:47:00 AM

Jeremy and Dustin-- Actually it is the 19th, so two weeks from this Saturday. My bad...

Published by John on 6/04/2004 10:14:00 AM

Jeremey and Dustin--Lydda (Galaxies handle) is having a lan party next weekend. She had a house fire and is being put up in a townhouse with very little furniture (thus lots o room). She really would like you guys to come. We are going to console game as well as play on the pcs. Hey Dusty you could get owned in Star Craft again :) Really though she would like to you guys to attend.

Published by John on 6/04/2004 08:14:00 AM

Gee I never knew Dustin was that violent..... oh wait yes I did lol

Published by Jeremy on 6/04/2004 06:31:00 AM

Alright... just don't get any blood on the carpet. I don't want to loose my deposit...

Published by Anonymous on 6/04/2004 03:48:00 AM

*twitch* Time to snap and kill everyone at anime nite.*twitch*.......just kidding...:)

Published by John on 6/03/2004 02:32:00 PM

Yep, I'm getting jiggy with it....

Published by John on 6/03/2004 08:20:00 AM

*twitch* Time to smack Dustin...... :)

Published by Jeremy on 6/02/2004 02:13:00 PM

Super Deformed- Many typical Anime character designs feature heads that are just somewhat larger than would be proprotionally correct. Super-deformed characters, SD for short (also called "Big Head", SD Mode, CB or Chibi Body or Chibis for the plural) exagerate this deformation in the goal of appearing cute and funny.

Artists often Super Deform characters in order to show an extreme change in the characters' mood. While the characters' mood may change to anything, seriousness, anger, embarassment, feigned cuteness, the goal of the animators is always comedic cuteness. Often done at the punchline of a joke for an extra comedic oomph.

In most Anime the SD-Mode only lasts a few seconds, however there are a fair number of Anime where the character designs are completely SD, very often in childrens' shows, and in parodies such as Scramble Wars.


Published by John on 6/02/2004 12:58:00 PM

Okay the anime last night was..... odd. What the hell is wrong with Japanese people? Lol just kidding. So how goes it for everyone today?

Published by John on 6/01/2004 03:10:00 PM

I could bring some stuff..... if you want?

Published by Jeremy on 6/01/2004 02:48:00 PM

I've got nothing on DvD at the moment. If we want Anime again, I can always run the Van Helsing anime through the MAME station. We'd just have to re-arrange the chairs a bit.

Published by John on 6/01/2004 12:07:00 PM

RIP Atropos Zerem... The second coolest black guy in Star Wars. I shall miss you :(

Published by John on 6/01/2004 08:26:00 AM

Are we having a movie night tonight? If so what is on the schedule?

Published by Anonymous on 5/31/2004 09:32:00 PM

Jeremy--I'd prefer a more open-ended game, myself, but mercs could be fun. *shrugs*

Leon--I just don't like the Deadlands system mechanics, so if that gets chosen, I'll probably sit the campaign out. Mild preference for a nonD&D campaign system rather than the Gladiator campaign.

All--Athena's out of Wooster gaming for the rest of the summer. She had a car accident. She's pretty much fine, but she has a broken heel. Since she has summer classes and summer work and recuperation and moving to deal with over the next three months before fall classes start, she'll just be staying in the Kent area.

Published by Anonymous on 5/31/2004 05:34:00 PM

My suggestion for the game, everyone show up this thursday, and the dm's explainn the premise of each game more thourly, we make a decision and start making characters/vehicles. And the next off thursday, we start playing.
Oooohhh... theres that word again, playing... Its been a while sience ive dont that.

Published by Jeremy on 5/31/2004 02:51:00 PM

I've got at least two games (Both BESM) I could run. I figured we could talk a bit about it, and start character/vehicle creation. There are also a few "group" options that have to be worked out, in regards to sharing points for "team" vehicles and such. (Depending on the story.)

The first actually was a "Giant Robot" game.

This got shuffled around a bit, and I had a few concerns about it. The biggest of which was the size of the play group. I wanted to go with a more Evangelion or Mazinger... (Or hell, even a Voltron) type adventure. Nut we've got something like seven people, and only three robots between ya.

(The idea of having multiple pilots came up, briefly... but I felt that then we'd just end up with one person "Giving the orders" with the more docile role-player just "riding along" and not saying anything.)

The biggest problem I kept running into with my scenarios was, in the long run, a complete lack of any signifigant sub-plots. There really isn't much variance- You have an "overall" military objective, and you run a series of sorties until that objective is reached. There is very little "wiggle" room- since you'd all be part of a larger military force. There is always a good deal of variation in the mission goals itself (Destroy, deliver, escort, infiltrate, etc...) but in the end, someone tells you what to do, you go do it. It's the "today's episode is..." curse.

Dustin had suggested a more "Mechwarrior" type approach to solve the limited battle robot problem, so everyone had their own bot- but then you'd be Mercs. Mission, pay. Mission, pay. :)

I got no real problems with this... but I thought the players might. There's not a huge amount of freedom, and you'll end up running lot of combat. If you're all OK with that, though... I'm game.

The second idea was a BESM conglomeration of my WhiteWolf stories. (I like BESM because it's open, and simple. White Wolf's system, especially with Mage, tends to be a bit... intimidating... on some of the less experienced role-players, I feel.)

Essentially, you're looking at your classic Anime post-modern world. Think "Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust." You've got the magic user, the priest and the heavy swordsman fighting side-by-side with the gunbunny, and all of them drive around in a tank. Pretty much anything goes.

Still a fair amount of combat, and lots of dead vampires and werewolves and zombies, etc. You'd be a group of hunters, but much more control over your individual goals, since you're not taking orders from anyone.

Of course, nothing is stopping me from eventually running both. Question is- which one would you all like to do first?

Published by Anonymous on 5/31/2004 04:16:00 AM

Options for the alternate Thursday game. Please let me know what you think.

1. We start a new Deadlands game. Should go much beter this time, but I'd rather come back to this later and do something different for right now.

2. Somebody else runs something. Jeremy might be ready, sounds like he wants to get his BESM game going, so this is the most likely option.

3. I run something else. Here's a couple of ideas I have that are ready to go.

a. Superheros! Yeah, I know, I've been playing too much City of Heros, but actually this way predates that game. System would be Mutants and Masterminds (d20).
There are actually two superhero games I have planned. Either we could play in my own universe or we could play in the Marvel Universe.

b. Gladiators. A fairly normal D&D game, but all the characters start as memebers of the same gladiator team. Will probably move out of the arena at least occasionaly.

c. Giant Robots. Got an idea for a BESM game, but this one probably needs more work. Should I mention the Space Nazi's? (seems I just did)

Published by Jeremy on 5/30/2004 08:13:00 AM

Well, I just checked my SWG account. I get re-billed on the 1st, so it looks like today and tomorrow are my last days for SWG.

I just traded IGE my first 5-million. I was checking their buying prices, and aparently anything higher than 7 million, the price is automatically given a "bulk discount" from $15 a mil to $13 a mil. Cheap bastards. 7 Mil buys for $105... 8 Mil buys for $104.

Needless to say, I decided to break the order up over two days into smaller chunks. But, it worked fine. Someone showed up, took me cash, and I had a PayPal payment in my box by the time I woke up in the morning. Pretty snazzy operation.

Published by John on 5/28/2004 09:05:00 AM

I think that Dustin is allergic to the blog...... lol

Published by Anonymous on 5/27/2004 10:00:00 PM

sorry ididnt make it to the game guys i had the biggest anxiety attack ever.had like convulsions and stuff,went to the hospital you now the deal

Published by John on 5/27/2004 09:15:00 PM

Dustin and Jeremy you have to go with me to the next Cinema Wasteland (October 1,2,& 3rd). The director of Squirm is going to be there, and they are going to show the movie on real film! You know the guy that invented worms coming out of a shower head *snicker*......

Published by John on 5/27/2004 08:37:00 AM

Word up!

Published by Jeremy on 5/27/2004 02:03:00 AM

That was fun.

Published by Anonymous on 5/26/2004 03:59:00 PM

Anybody got a serial mouse or slow modem (28.8 or less) in their piles o'computer junk? Friend of mine up here is fixing up an older computer. My piles o' computer junk are pretty mac-oriented and work threw out a lot of old stuff last December. Whee ADB stuff!

He's looking for free stuff, if at all possible.

Published by John on 5/25/2004 12:02:00 PM

Bubba Ho Tep has been added to my DVD collection. I also picked up a copy of Club Dread (Broken Lizard slasher movie!). This is some quality stuff :)

See you guys tonight.

Published by Anonymous on 5/25/2004 11:18:00 AM

Yeah, I'll be coming to see the Bubba Ho-tep "classic" :)

May be a little late, but I don't think so. Anyone up for Chinese buffet?

Published by John on 5/25/2004 08:31:00 AM

Two things Jeremy...

1. Yes you are correct the beta is closed. If you can get on let me know and my buxsom darkelf priestess Trogdette will come to your aid :)

2. Keep an eye out for me as well. I would be more than willing to trade my invite to someone. If it works of course.

To all...

I will be going to Best Buy today to pick up my copy of Bubba Ho Tep! See you all tonight.

Published by Anonymous on 5/25/2004 01:01:00 AM

I'd have no problems with Ho-tep.

Umn. Wow. People are like, giving away stuff for this stupid G-Mail thing?

::Looks at his GMail Invite, then looks at the big ol' list of stuff people are offering::




Hey John, if this works, I'll be joining you in that Worlds of Warcraft Beta. Guy claims to be able to trade an invite to the game for an account...

Considering how I don't see any invites to the beta on the web page anywhere, I assume the beta is now closed, right?

Published by Anonymous on 5/24/2004 09:10:00 PM

Whee Bubba Ho-tep! Maybe I will come then. *lazycheap*

If people want spare thingies (no cash), then sell off the Gmail Invite that you get through Blogger. Some people are apparently going nuts over the beta hype. My Left Arm for a GMail Account

Published by John on 5/24/2004 03:34:00 PM

Bubba Ho Tep comes out on DVD tommorrow...... just a thought.

Published by Anonymous on 5/24/2004 12:46:00 PM

I guess we're all quitting Star Wars soon.

I'm currently just trying to get as much money as possible before my account runs out to raise the Eee-bay value of the account.

Published by John on 5/24/2004 11:46:00 AM

Jinkies you guys suck!

Just kidding lol....

So how is everyone on this fine fine Monday? Dusty how is the *er* I guess babysitting going? Anyone throw you thru a window yet? Yipes! Well I think that I may be quitting star wars when my card runs out in a month or so. Does anyone want my account? Just asking...

Published by John on 5/24/2004 07:48:00 AM

So what movies/anime were we thinking of for Tuesday?

Published by Anonymous on 5/23/2004 08:57:00 PM

Heh. 2 Mil in 3 Hours = $10/hr.

Not bad for playing games, eh?

Published by Anonymous on 5/23/2004 05:27:00 PM

in a 3 hour run, i make nearly 2mill.

Published by Anonymous on 5/23/2004 01:32:00 AM


Hey Dustin? How many credits did you say you could make in a three-hour buff run on Dant?

IGE is buying credits on Radiant again for $16 a million. (Min 5 million lots / $80.)

Maybe I need to forget the stupid Jedi grind, and just make money... heh.

Published by Anonymous on 5/21/2004 03:28:00 PM

So is Patch 10 the patch of DOOOOM?

Fuzzy whirling dervishes of death! Ewok TKs!

Published by John on 5/21/2004 08:05:00 AM

The only thing that could possibly fix Star Wars is to allow us to play Ewoks. Fuzzy the Master Jedi will ownz you all!

Published by Anonymous on 5/20/2004 05:37:00 PM

Yeah, I know. My "Jedi Retirement Fund" is almost worthless now.

Damn you SOE. Damn you to hell.

Published by John on 5/20/2004 08:28:00 AM

Bah just buy a Jedi on eBay, they are going to get real cheap real quick!

Published by Anonymous on 5/19/2004 08:40:00 PM

Actually, three more servers, two web pages I haven't even begun to work on. And yes... some E-bay.

My Star Wars character needs work, too. I should have had the Archetect grind done in a matter of a day. It's been almost a week now, and I'm only half-through. This will not do, if I plan to unlock my Jedi before Patch 10!

Published by John on 5/19/2004 04:18:00 PM

Ebay Ebay Ebay E freakin' bay! LOL

Published by Anonymous on 5/19/2004 03:04:00 PM

I will not be at the comic shop tomorrow. I've got too much stuff I need to get done, and I'm falling behind...

Published by John on 5/19/2004 01:11:00 PM

Stand back boy. This calls for some divine intervention...

Published by Dr Who on 5/18/2004 11:01:00 PM

Hail, one and all. Welcome to another week of fun and excitment. *sigh* IF i am correct, it is leon's game this week, unless things have changed without foreknowledge. I hope that everyone's weekend was well meet. I hope that all has a good week and see you at the next session.

Bye. Bye.

So long.


Published by John on 5/18/2004 02:16:00 PM

Fizzel my nizzel....

*as moaning zombie*

"....brains brains *sees Dustin* nevermind..." LOL


Published by Anonymous on 5/18/2004 12:47:00 PM


Published by John on 5/17/2004 10:23:00 AM

I really hate this new format, it sucks bigtime!

Jeremy--As requested I have "dug" up my copies of those Peter Jackson movies for this Tuesday. I was thinking Brain Dead and Meet the Feebles.

So what does everyone think?

Published by Anonymous on 5/13/2004 04:53:00 AM

Dustin, you still have my poison list. You were going to to tell me what exactly came in that gift-bag-o-deadly-things...?

Published by Anonymous on 5/12/2004 02:13:00 PM

Leon, that was an amasing back story, ooohhh... I feel a plot hook coming on...400 xp, for the second of the backstorys that i have received sofar. If anyone els wants to gibe me a backstory, feel free, it migh earn ya some xp :)

Published by Anonymous on 5/11/2004 01:33:00 AM

John--Yeah, I was moving on Thurs/Fri into off-campus housing, and have been trying to organize since then.
Good: more space; future DSL; cheaper. Bad: Moving, not finding anything, current dial-up, and future DSL on the day I'm leaving town.

Jeremy--Okay if I bring a friend to movie night? I'd prefer continuing Bebop.

Dustin--Okay if I bring the same friend to game? She's the person I've been trying to get to come before who's had schedule conflicts. She's a competent player, I've covered some plot background, etc. It's almost certainly a one-time char, so little need to worry about continuity. Eh to American Pie.

Published by Anonymous on 5/11/2004 12:54:00 AM

Ill be at the movie night, I suggest we do one of bebop and check something else out.I have access to the entire American pie trilogy.

Published by Anonymous on 5/10/2004 06:51:00 PM

Well, I'll see everybody tomorrow at the movies...

We've had quite a few weeks off- Do we want to continue with Bebop (We have DVD5, DVD6, and a 1 HR movie left) or continue to take a break and try something different?

As for the next series- I suggest Van Helsing. I forgot that Matt gave me a copy of the anime(MPGs). They look quite good. Instead of burning them onto DVD, I'll be playing them through the MAME station.

Published by John on 5/10/2004 08:33:00 AM

I agree with Dustin, this sucks!

Published by Anonymous on 5/09/2004 08:15:00 PM

What the hell happened to blogg, it sucks now.

Published by Anonymous on 5/08/2004 03:32:00 PM

Leon-- my email is dmellott2001atyahoodotcom

Published by dave on 5/06/2004 04:34:00 PM

Jeremy I got new number it is 330 - 263-1035
kool I do not get paid this week talk to night .

Published by John on 5/06/2004 09:06:00 AM

Dustin--Really? I sent Darsh a tell the week before last and it wasn't you or Jeremy. Odd....... maybe something you should look into.

Jeremy--Are we having movie night next week? My work schedule is becoming more "normal" so I should be able to start up again, if you want.

Caroline--So how is school? Moving? Out of campus housing?

Published by Anonymous on 5/05/2004 08:22:00 PM

John-- Im still playing darsh, it has either been me or jeremy who was on as him, and no one els. Im curently looking for a good reb guild, anyone have any sugestions? Im still rite now a sargent major in the imperial army... but if i can find a good guild that will help me get med suplys, i would have apsolutely no problem switching to reb, as long as they dont make me do pvp all the time.

On a side note, work sucks, this week alone, im gonna have 65 hours on the pay check.

Published by Anonymous on 5/05/2004 06:33:00 PM

Whee! Done with finals! *bounces* Now to work till 11... And then moving tomorrow... *grumblesigh*

Published by Anonymous on 5/05/2004 05:17:00 PM

John- Well, he's been on again recently. He was considering quitting for a while there. I had offered to buy the account and turn Darsh into my personal man-bitch.

Published by John on 5/05/2004 02:32:00 PM

Jeremy--Oh yeah he hasn't been on forever. Everytime I send a tell it isn't him. Doesn't that like violate some MMORPG etiquette?

Published by Anonymous on 5/05/2004 02:06:00 PM

John - I was using his account earlier, now he seems to have "reclaimed" it.
You think somebody else is using it, too...?

Enh. I'm just "enh." Just a noise. That pretty much sums it up.

Published by John on 5/05/2004 08:23:00 AM

Okay Worlds of Warcraft rocks the hizzy! The hardest part was trying to get used to the different commands (Star Wars on the brain).

Dustin--So who is playing Darsh? It isn't you or Jeremy, that much I know. Are you not playing anymore? Just asking.

Jeremy--So how you doing?

Published by Anonymous on 5/04/2004 09:26:00 PM

Im gonna be here this thursday, Im might be a lil late, i have a class in masilon that i dont get out of till 4:00.

Published by Anonymous on 5/04/2004 03:28:00 PM

Shatzer- Bingo.

Published by John on 5/04/2004 03:05:00 PM

Jeremy--Uh does that mean no movie night?

Published by Anonymous on 5/04/2004 09:05:00 AM

There are no events scheduled for tonight.

Published by Anonymous on 5/02/2004 08:02:00 PM

Dave- I tried to call you this weekend to let you know your parts are on order for your PC. Some woman answered the phone, insisted I had the wrong number.

The number I have in my phone is (330) 262-8592. I take it this is incorrect?

Published by dave on 5/02/2004 05:49:00 PM

hi guys r we haveing a game thrday or r people going to flake out

Published by John on 5/02/2004 08:23:00 AM

Oops I forgot to tell you guys! I have been out of town since Friday of last week. Went to Disney and saw the wife's grandparents. I should be back in town today. Currently in South Carolina.

Published by John on 5/01/2004 09:10:00 PM

Nope not dead, in Florida. I'll check when I get home to see if there are some more cards. Most likely a box or two lying around.

Published by Anonymous on 4/29/2004 04:38:00 PM

Shatzer - If you're not dead, got a question for ya:

I've been going through your Battletech cards to get them ready for auction. Hell of a nice collection, BTW.

Are you sure this is everything? I think you may have a binder or two still in hiding.

I don't have any Inner Sphere Mechs from A-G.
The Command: Resource cards appear to be missing T-Z.


Published by Anonymous on 4/29/2004 01:05:00 PM


Published by Anonymous on 4/29/2004 01:15:00 AM

well today

Published by Anonymous on 4/29/2004 01:15:00 AM

is there still a drow game thursday

Published by Anonymous on 4/28/2004 02:31:00 PM

*yawn* temporary sanity... of course, i get to work until 11pm now.

Published by Anonymous on 4/28/2004 12:55:00 AM


Published by Anonymous on 4/27/2004 02:50:00 PM

Im not gonna be able to make it at all, i need to work 3rd and i need a nap.

Published by Anonymous on 4/27/2004 11:12:00 AM

Yeah... that'd be today now. Dustin...? Shatzer...?

Published by Anonymous on 4/27/2004 11:07:00 AM

Im gonna need to leave early tonight from the movie thing.

Published by Anonymous on 4/26/2004 08:44:00 PM

So. Anything happening tomorrow?

Published by Anonymous on 4/26/2004 05:37:00 AM

you guys suck, no posts for 3 days... you guys suck.

Published by Anonymous on 4/25/2004 10:42:00 PM

Pretty likely that I won't be at movies for the next two weeks. Can spare a single night for game, but that's all. Moving and papers and exams, oh my.

Published by Anonymous on 4/22/2004 03:33:00 PM

OK. So then see ya drow next week. And then kill the dead the week after that.

Published by Anonymous on 4/22/2004 03:07:00 PM

You suck, Dustin.

I guess no game today.

Published by Anonymous on 4/21/2004 10:10:00 PM

Son of a...... I miss the last day of coh, Jeremy, can i bring my machine over to your place after 8 pm, or at 8 am?

Published by Anonymous on 4/21/2004 04:50:00 PM

Well guys, Dustin tell me he won't make it tommorow night until about 8 at least. So you have a decision to make. Either the three of you face off against the undead horde (and one of you is suddenly on his own, since you'd split up), or we wait until Dustin shows and hold a short session. Or we table it for another two weeks. I'm not really pleased with any of these options, although I can make any of them work, so I'm leaving it up to the players.

Besides, with tommorow being the last day of CoH beta, I couldn't make an impartial judgement.

Published by Anonymous on 4/21/2004 09:52:00 AM

dusty ill buy your ticket you can just pay me back.there 16 bucks

Published by Anonymous on 4/21/2004 04:08:00 AM

Larry-- yes, im interested, the question is, can i afford it, probibly not.

Published by Anonymous on 4/20/2004 01:35:00 PM

dustin..arch enemy is playing next month,i just wanted to know if you are interested

Published by John on 4/20/2004 08:11:00 AM


Published by Anonymous on 4/19/2004 09:04:00 PM

Well, since Caronline and Dustin both won't be making it to the movies tomorrow, I'm going to go ahead and call off. I'm falling way behind on my E-bay stuff anyway... be a good day to catch up.

Published by Anonymous on 4/19/2004 06:51:00 PM

Jeremy--Since when is the phone a taboo communication method? :)

Dustin? Girl? Nah, extremely unlikely, unless you count talking to a CK waitress as "doing something with a girl".

Published by Anonymous on 4/19/2004 03:40:00 PM

I suppose I might have to break down and actually call his house. That's so against protocol.

I mean... I even left him an e-mail to his City of Heroes character. Nothin'.

I wonder if he's out like... doin'... stuff. Like... with a... girl, or... something...

Published by Anonymous on 4/19/2004 03:10:00 PM

John--You know that from experience, eh? ;)

Jeremy--No movies for me this week. Need to spend more time on a paper.

Published by John on 4/19/2004 11:30:00 AM

Butt + Monkey = Dustin :)

Published by John on 4/19/2004 08:08:00 AM

Dustin can read? Heh..........

Published by Anonymous on 4/18/2004 12:55:00 PM

Jeremy--No idea.

Everyone--You know you need a Cthulhu Fhtagn Teddy Bear.

Published by Anonymous on 4/18/2004 12:51:00 PM

Does Dustin even bother to read the blog anymore?

Published by Anonymous on 4/16/2004 09:38:00 PM

What is this, "Good news, Bad news Day"?

Dustin--I can definitely make the next session (April 29), and probably the one after that too (May 13). No promises about the two sessions after that (May 27th and June 10th). I counted weeks wrong... *snickersigh*

Published by Anonymous on 4/16/2004 03:40:00 AM

Hey Dustin- You know how you haven't used your SWG account for a while?

You know that 60 day SWG card you bought, that expired some three weeks ago?

Yer account is kinda' dead at the moment. Heh.

No grindage for the Jeremy.

Published by John on 4/15/2004 03:01:00 PM

...come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me...

Thrusday is almost over, ROCK ON!

Published by Anonymous on 4/15/2004 12:17:00 PM

Caroline - Death after L4 is an XP penalty, I think.

Published by John on 4/15/2004 09:20:00 AM

...Mammasay mammasaw mamakusaw Mammasay mammasaw mamakusaw...

It is Thursday, ROCK ON!

Published by Anonymous on 4/15/2004 01:02:00 AM

Jeremy--So what are the char death penalties? Sounds like City of Heroes or Star Wars Galaxies should license out the details for their char appearance system... Bah. Racial limitations on classes, especially when there are only two classes, are stupid. What the games calls "dwarven females" are halflings, or maybe gnomes. They shoulda done some extra programming to create "little anime boys" aka male counterparts, and create a real female dwarf.

Dustin--Aww... and the group was so looking forward to getting random discounts at CK... ^_^ Hey, you'll have money. Does personal bidet service pay well? ;)

Published by dave on 4/14/2004 09:58:00 PM

Hey Jeremy I think I counld get some of that XP if I had to u know the
rouge thing (sneak sneak).
hey dusty could I have the dagger of siecen like this first make it a rapier+1 4 times a day instead of a dagger ?

Published by Anonymous on 4/14/2004 07:22:00 PM

all-- as of monday, im gonna be a part time professional ass-wiper, yeah im employed.

Published by Dr Who on 4/14/2004 06:14:00 PM

Jeremy - NVM found the site and the link. the screenshots of the game look really good.

Published by Dr Who on 4/14/2004 02:26:00 PM

Jeremy _ Got a link for that lineage beta signup? i would like to take a look at the game...

Published by John on 4/14/2004 10:41:00 AM

Jeremy--Hey I would like to try Lineage out. And I'll be sure to avoid Grokknock in the spawn area. It sounds like a world in which Grodnick would like to be resurrected :)

Published by Anonymous on 4/14/2004 04:18:00 AM

Lineage. S'ok. S'also kinda' amusing. Grokknock the Orc Warrior levels up to L3 in the noob spawn area working on the Tutorial. Then I walk back to the are where da' Noobs spawn in. I wonder if it's possible to attack another player...

I walk up to a freshly-spawned character, yell "Grokknock angry! Graargh!" and beat the poor bastard down.
No PvP restrictions in the Tutorial area. Brilliant.

I'm already dissapointed. Humans, Elves, Dark Elves, Orcs, and Dwarves are what you have to chose from. Each race has a male and a female base avatar. Each character has the choice of exactly two hair colors, two faces, and four hairstyles. Giving you a grand total of 16 freakin' variants.

You have two options- fighter or magic user. And to make it even more of a pisser, Dwarves don't even have the option to go Magic. "Warrior Type." That's all. So no Stumpwater Jack...

Dwarf males are old, bearded, gruff warriors. Dwarf Females look like 13-year old Anime girls with pigtails. Just thinking about that is illegal in 37 states.

Published by Anonymous on 4/13/2004 02:21:00 PM

Edited because Dustin clarified that only the axe was magical.

[IC] *cursorily inspects the weapons*
I *disdainful sniff* prefer to rely on the gifts from Lolth and my house.
But if you wish to trust tainted weapons, I won't deign to judge you. *sugary-sweet smile*.
I believe I can ask Lolth to help remove the *sneer* "elven taint" from those weapons, but she will almost certainly require a donation of appropriate value in return for that assistance.

Published by Anonymous on 4/13/2004 12:58:00 PM

BTW- I signed up for a Betatest account for Lineage II using both my Yahoo and Definitiveedge e-mail addresses. And both of 'em were accepted.

If anyone might be interested in trying Lineage, I have an extra key...

Published by Anonymous on 4/13/2004 12:56:00 PM

Loot-- 300xp...

I'll take this. You can all fight over the rest.

Published by Anonymous on 4/13/2004 12:25:00 PM


Published by Anonymous on 4/13/2004 12:16:00 PM

Loot-- 300xp, 1\2 of a deer curently smoking, 4 water skins 2 of em filled with wine and 2 with water, there were 8 mighty composit long bows +2, 8 mundane longswords, 1 +1 great axe.

Published by Anonymous on 4/13/2004 11:33:00 AM

I am blogitastic.

Published by John on 4/13/2004 09:31:00 AM

I really hope to make it to tonight's shindig. I have had the worst (I'm not kidding) month of my professional and personal life ever! I think that it may be behind me (knocking furiously on wood), and really would like the chance to sit and veg out on some anime.

Jeremy--Hey homey did you get your system up and running?

Published by Anonymous on 4/13/2004 07:51:00 AM

John--School goes. One paper down, one draft to go. *yawn* Apple hardware, software or both? You coming to Bebop? *pesters*

Jeremy--Sounds like major monitor weirdness.

Wayne--And a Happy "Jewish Zombie Exits Cave" Day to you too. Not sure we had any xp for last session, beyond the raise to 2nd level.

Dustin-- Did we? *forgetful*

Published by Dr Who on 4/12/2004 09:56:00 PM

Yes. We remember how to blog but Blogging will only happen once in a full moon.........

Published by John on 4/12/2004 04:25:00 PM

Holy crap people are blogging!

Published by Anonymous on 4/12/2004 04:13:00 PM

Shatz- Yeah, thanks. Don't know what the hell happened, but for some reason once the screen-saver kicked on, the Brightness/Contrast settings in the Color Configuration setup actually started working. They were both pushed over to 100%. System would re-boot, sit there nicely, but as soon as you'd hit a key or touch the mouse, it would go bright again.

If you looked at the screen at an extreme angle, you could just make out the icons, and I re-set the brightness/contrast settings back to something normal. Fixed the problem. Rebooted, everything seemed fine. Then it did it again some half-hour later- had to go back in and re-adjust the brightness settings...

Published by Dr Who on 4/12/2004 04:07:00 PM

hail, All.

Dusty- Not to get away from that every time consuming SWG, I was wondering what xp are you awarding for your last session? I need to keep my character up to date.

John- Congratz on getting certified for Apple, agian.

Everyone else - Hopefully you had a good Easter and cya at the game on thursday......

Published by John on 4/12/2004 12:54:00 PM

yeah I'm apple certified again...... at least for the next 364 days and counting. Blah!

Jeremy--You get your mom squared away yesterday? Let me know.

Dustin--You suck monkey butt!

Caroline--Hola. How goes school.

Wags--See above entry for Dustin.

The rest of you be buggered.

Well that about does it!