Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Jeremy on 9/12/2006 06:33:00 PM

Scott - Twink away. Dustin runs that high-level game, and we've been doing everything in our power to make him cry. (Like one-shot-killing his bosses, and safely disposing of major plot hooks inside portable holes.)

As for the cohorts and familiars, thusfar they have pretty much been under our control, with the DM making the occasional commentary when appropriate. As long as we don't do anything out-of-character or beyond the ability of the animals or the spell (like using befriended animals meaty shields) he's been pretty easy-going about it all.

Farva - She kicked you out already? Heh. =( When are you going to be back this weekend? If you make it back by Friday Evening sometime (at any hour) and feel like running around again right away give me a call. We were all planning a day-trip for Saturday.