Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 5/11/2004 01:33:00 AM

John--Yeah, I was moving on Thurs/Fri into off-campus housing, and have been trying to organize since then.
Good: more space; future DSL; cheaper. Bad: Moving, not finding anything, current dial-up, and future DSL on the day I'm leaving town.

Jeremy--Okay if I bring a friend to movie night? I'd prefer continuing Bebop.

Dustin--Okay if I bring the same friend to game? She's the person I've been trying to get to come before who's had schedule conflicts. She's a competent player, I've covered some plot background, etc. It's almost certainly a one-time char, so little need to worry about continuity. Eh to American Pie.