Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Jeremy on 7/18/2004 10:42:00 AM

Tuesday's "Dinner and a Movie...." night.
Theme: "And now for something completely different...!"
While no Python is on the playlist, this week we've decided to do something a bit different this week. Instead of beginning a new series, we will be watching a "sampler" of many different TV series. (Not neccisarily the first episodes- just ones that have been picked to represent the series.)  If we have a good response on one series, we can always start up that series regularly on a later date...
To stick with the theme, this upcoming Tuesday we will be preparing a  classic Indian dish instead of dining out.  Those wishing to attend, please bring a small donation to help off-set our costs for ingredients. ($5 or so would be plenty, and would still be cheaper than what you'd pay at a resturaunt. You cheap bastards...)
If there are no exceptions, a stay-at-home cooked meal may become a regular event.