Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Jeremy on 5/31/2004 02:51:00 PM

I've got at least two games (Both BESM) I could run. I figured we could talk a bit about it, and start character/vehicle creation. There are also a few "group" options that have to be worked out, in regards to sharing points for "team" vehicles and such. (Depending on the story.)

The first actually was a "Giant Robot" game.

This got shuffled around a bit, and I had a few concerns about it. The biggest of which was the size of the play group. I wanted to go with a more Evangelion or Mazinger... (Or hell, even a Voltron) type adventure. Nut we've got something like seven people, and only three robots between ya.

(The idea of having multiple pilots came up, briefly... but I felt that then we'd just end up with one person "Giving the orders" with the more docile role-player just "riding along" and not saying anything.)

The biggest problem I kept running into with my scenarios was, in the long run, a complete lack of any signifigant sub-plots. There really isn't much variance- You have an "overall" military objective, and you run a series of sorties until that objective is reached. There is very little "wiggle" room- since you'd all be part of a larger military force. There is always a good deal of variation in the mission goals itself (Destroy, deliver, escort, infiltrate, etc...) but in the end, someone tells you what to do, you go do it. It's the "today's episode is..." curse.

Dustin had suggested a more "Mechwarrior" type approach to solve the limited battle robot problem, so everyone had their own bot- but then you'd be Mercs. Mission, pay. Mission, pay. :)

I got no real problems with this... but I thought the players might. There's not a huge amount of freedom, and you'll end up running lot of combat. If you're all OK with that, though... I'm game.

The second idea was a BESM conglomeration of my WhiteWolf stories. (I like BESM because it's open, and simple. White Wolf's system, especially with Mage, tends to be a bit... intimidating... on some of the less experienced role-players, I feel.)

Essentially, you're looking at your classic Anime post-modern world. Think "Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust." You've got the magic user, the priest and the heavy swordsman fighting side-by-side with the gunbunny, and all of them drive around in a tank. Pretty much anything goes.

Still a fair amount of combat, and lots of dead vampires and werewolves and zombies, etc. You'd be a group of hunters, but much more control over your individual goals, since you're not taking orders from anyone.

Of course, nothing is stopping me from eventually running both. Question is- which one would you all like to do first?