Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by John on 9/16/2004 12:46:00 PM

Jeremy--His name is Richard Duda. He is my brother in law. The name of the group is CyberDyne (I think!). The name is a take off on company from Terminator I think.

Dustin--Okay honestly dude you need to learn some manners. You have just told all the players that I'm moving my game to this Tuesday and will be prepared to run it. Did you ask me if I was okay with that? NO! Now of course I'm happy to do it, but that isn't the point. I wouldn't think to commit you to something without asking if you were okay with it. Honestly would it of killed you to call or email me? Hell you could of even asked me on the blog (even if it is ass slow to load most of the time!). All that being said I will run my game this Tuesday and then alternate every other week after that. I will also have my game prepared if/when the Tuesday comes that you are unable to wake your butt up :-/