Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by John on 10/06/2004 07:52:00 AM

So I guess that Dustin is guilty of using weapons of mass destruction against Jeremy and perhaps a few others! :-)

Dustin--Holy crap dude! You gots the creepin' crud pretty bad I hear. How are you doing? If you need me to I can and will run my game next week if you aren't feeling well. Even if you are feeling better I have a special Halloween game that you may want to play in anyway. So either way I can run next week if you need me to.

All--I didn't run my game last night. Too many missing and sick players, We will pick it up next session.

I hope everyone is feeling better. Oh yeah and keep your plague infected asses away from me :)