Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Jeremy on 6/29/2004 12:57:00 PM

Mundane weapons (everything on those charts) do the damage listed, regardless of merits and flaws. Customizations to those weapons will be limited only to what you're allowed with "Portable Armory." Anything more specific would need to be built as an "Item of Power."

I think I'm going to have to re-work the characters slightly. I know Dustin and Farva both asked if they could slightly re-tweak their characters, now that they've seen how limited Magic can be in combat first-hand, so this option would of course be open to everyone.

I awarded all characters free personal gear, to a point. Some obviously took more than others...

I'll still be giving "assigned" mundane gear, but I think I'm going to limit it to 1 point of "Personal Gear." (1 major & 4 minor. 1 Major = 4 Minor, exchangeable both ways.)

Major items being mundane vehicles, among other things. Minor would include just about all common military weapons. Anything more advanced (say, lazer weapons) would most likely be Major.)

That would set a hard limit on the number of guns you actually posess at any one time, and would prevent any problems with you "grabbing a new LAW" every round, etc. Ammo would still be considered unlimited, so you could take the time to re-load (Rockets would be fired at a rate of 1 every 3rd round- (1: Arm & Aim weapon (Slow Disability), 2: Weapon fired. 3: Reload.)

They're also a bit more limited than I first thought. Due to the Slow and Static disabilities combined, you are unable to make a defense roll for those two rounds while aiming and making the shot- since you're basically standing in the open.

This will be counterbalanced by an increased blast radius. Grenades have a kill radius of 15 feet. Portable rockets will be upped to 30.

Leon, I know you have a few points coming back to you this way- assuming that bike of yours is just a regular cycle (no armor plate, weapons, etc...) then that wouldn't cost you mech points- it'd just be your Major item. The Katana as you have it now would be minor. If you want to buy the Katana as a Major item, I will be boosting it's power level slightly...