Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 5/31/2004 04:16:00 AM

Options for the alternate Thursday game. Please let me know what you think.

1. We start a new Deadlands game. Should go much beter this time, but I'd rather come back to this later and do something different for right now.

2. Somebody else runs something. Jeremy might be ready, sounds like he wants to get his BESM game going, so this is the most likely option.

3. I run something else. Here's a couple of ideas I have that are ready to go.

a. Superheros! Yeah, I know, I've been playing too much City of Heros, but actually this way predates that game. System would be Mutants and Masterminds (d20).
There are actually two superhero games I have planned. Either we could play in my own universe or we could play in the Marvel Universe.

b. Gladiators. A fairly normal D&D game, but all the characters start as memebers of the same gladiator team. Will probably move out of the arena at least occasionaly.

c. Giant Robots. Got an idea for a BESM game, but this one probably needs more work. Should I mention the Space Nazi's? (seems I just did)