Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 4/30/2003 04:43:00 PM

JG - That will be right.

All - I want to apologize ahead of time..tomorrow's game may be a bit disjointed...been having massive school work going on including IS revising.

Published by John on 4/30/2003 02:19:00 PM

I'm wireless while I type this, Yipee!

Published by Anonymous on 4/30/2003 09:26:00 AM

Dan, how were you figuring the starting gold again? Grig 4 / Sorcerer 1 was getting 2nd level PC gold?

Published by Anonymous on 4/29/2003 06:16:00 PM

JS - I transmute you into....ROSE SCENTED SOAP! Oh wait! First I melt your brain!

CD/All - Fey and others from SS are likely tribal if they were still with their community, but they're not any more so they are prob papal now...that's Tos.

Published by John on 4/29/2003 04:22:00 PM

I will worship Fescesly the Lord of Shit. "...GO AHEAD SMITE ME, BUT YOU WILL NEVER GET THE SMELL OUT OF YOUR SHOES..."

Published by Anonymous on 4/29/2003 03:28:00 PM

Dan-Which deity makes more sense for the fey-types? Also, what languages/races are the fey likely to have met, since we're going to have bonus languages?

Published by Anonymous on 4/29/2003 02:41:00 PM

All - Remember make effective(ly) 5th level characters. Invite/alert others you think might be interested. AND PLEASE PICK A DEITY! Either Yaw(father, diety of tribals) or Tos(offspring, diety of Papals).

Published by Anonymous on 4/29/2003 11:14:00 AM

::Enter Crotchety old gamer mode:: Bah.. sleeping every night. You kids nowadays have it easy. Why, back in MY day, we sometimes didn't get a chance to sleep for a week at a time. And we didn't have any food- we had to cut pieces of meat off other players. And our dungeons went UPHILL.

Published by John on 4/29/2003 08:43:00 AM

For the Monday Game:

I hope that everyone had a good time last night, and if you didn't go to hell :) Just so you guys don't "freak out" you are almost done with that level of the training grounds. So you will get a chance to rest. I shall see you guys on Thursday.

Jeremy G--Enough bandwith today for Japan a radio, sweet.

Published by Anonymous on 4/28/2003 11:38:00 PM

Actually, I'm looking at the Forsaker for another game...hmm.

Published by Anonymous on 4/28/2003 05:04:00 PM

Woah. There are drug rules? Kickass...

Published by John on 4/28/2003 03:44:00 PM

::as Cain:: "...Little bug man seems stronger..."

Published by Anonymous on 4/28/2003 03:42:00 PM

MW - Master's of the wild...You joining my game?

JS - Yes they'd still whack him. I will be using Vile Darkness rules if there are to be drugs in game. Still waiting on a ruling on those prestige classes (Arch Mage and Red Wizard). I will bring the book they're from just in case you don't have it.

All - As two people have approched me wanting to play fey...I may likely be changing from a starting level 2 to 5 so that I don't have to deal with the oops I killed the little guy issue for too long. This will be discussed tonight.

Published by John on 4/28/2003 02:42:00 PM

Jeremy-- 372625

Published by Anonymous on 4/28/2003 02:34:00 PM

I recalculated the xp total for my sunday game, everyone gets 3150. see yall tonight.

Published by Anonymous on 4/28/2003 01:32:00 PM

Hey, guys. Can anyone tell me which book the Forsaker class is in for 3rd ed.?

Published by Anonymous on 4/28/2003 09:50:00 AM

::Puff:: Daymn. Dis be some good sheeit. That book you been carrin' round is tellin' jokes, mistah Cain...

Shatz, What do you have written down for Stumpy's XP total?

Published by John on 4/28/2003 09:07:00 AM

For the Sunday (Epic) game:

Epic level game experience. Everyone gets 2250 for xp (Squeaky obviously gets 1/2 of this).

Jeremy G--If you would like a different cohort we can talk. Just let me know.

Everyone else--Be prepared for some serious fun on Sunday, muhahahahahahaha....

Published by John on 4/28/2003 08:55:00 AM

::as Cain:: "...I like magic herbs, can I smoke them..."

Dan--Would they still lynch him if he was their dealer. I mean nobody whacks the guy with the stash.

Published by Anonymous on 4/27/2003 02:02:00 PM

Books allowed: Any published by Sword & Sorcery, Wizards, or Green Ronin. Others are subject to review.
PS: Let me know if I'm being too hard assed.

Published by Anonymous on 4/25/2003 04:43:00 PM

Oh... oookay... put the rope down, mon. You really need to relax, smoke a 'lil of da' Ganj. It just be one big mis-understandin, mon. We all alike. You call da' mon Yaw. We call da' mon Jah. We both still worship the Reefer... (Refors... heh heh...)

Published by Anonymous on 4/25/2003 04:07:00 PM

DM - You have access to any that fit your character as I said before. Because there are a grand total of THREE gods in the whole grouping of planes that makes my world, they have very very broad domain bases. What faction you are part of influences whether or not I okay your choices. From what it sounds like though you should prob at least pick Chaos as one of them.

JG - I'm serious...you start touting about some other god than the three and people will kill you, even PCs...deities won't even have to step in. Basically think about someone saying in the middle ages they worship Baal...they'd be linched.

Published by Anonymous on 4/25/2003 03:39:00 PM

DP--Iam giong to be playing a barbarian/cleric, what domains do I have access to? He will be of neutral good alingment.

Published by Anonymous on 4/25/2003 03:15:00 PM

::Passes Cain a bit more of his "Magic Herbs"...::

Published by John on 4/25/2003 12:59:00 PM

::as Cain "...Little bug man is singing again, I like little bug man I think I'll call him Jiminy...

Published by Anonymous on 4/25/2003 12:53:00 PM

Yeah mon...we know. Dem' still gonna' be oppressin' the Jah. We used to it.

::Singing:: Aah can see clear-ly noh the smoke eez gone...

Published by John on 4/25/2003 12:52:00 PM

Jeremy F--Oh hell Cain's drugs are kicking in again. "...hello little bug..."

Published by Anonymous on 4/25/2003 12:27:00 PM

Uhm...three gods and only three gods...try worshiping a false god and ZAP!!! just fair warning.

Published by Anonymous on 4/25/2003 11:24:00 AM

I'm going to be a Eight-inch tall Rastafarian Herbalist that worships Jah and plays the bongos. (Grig/Bard)
Bad trip, mon...'!

Published by Anonymous on 4/25/2003 09:01:00 AM

JS - Are you Tribal or Papal? or smite-able? :) From the sounds of it you'd be Tribal

All - Remeber things are grey in this world, but for Papals there will always be unlying hate/pity for Refors(they worship the wrong/evil god) and mistrust of the Tribals(why are they helping us/they worship a lesser/wornout god). Conversions from one religion happen but usually a move is involved.

Published by John on 4/25/2003 08:21:00 AM

Dan--I actually put together a character last night. It is a human monk, nothing special, except that he is named Cain and will walk the earth helping those in need :)

Published by Anonymous on 4/25/2003 12:05:00 AM

As I said before please post what class(es) you are intending on taking.

As for SS:
Disallowed: Outsiders(any), Elementals(any), Hags(any), Ettercap, Giants(any), Harpy, Undead(any), Mindflayer, Plant(any), Umber Hulk
Allowed: Aranea, Athach(iffy), Centaur, Golem(iffy), Fey(any non-evil), Blue(From Psi HB as ecl +1 race), Medusa(iffy), Anthro(iffy)

Small humaniod
Str -2 Dex +0 Con +0 Int +2 Wis +4 Cha -2
Psionics: As listed in Psi HB

Published by John on 4/24/2003 08:30:00 AM


Published by Anonymous on 4/23/2003 10:31:00 PM

All - Wanted to remind everyone it's JS's b-day tomorrow. He's turning 34...no wait 33

Published by John on 4/23/2003 12:47:00 PM

Jeremy G--I can't make any promises regarding orphans :-)

Published by Anonymous on 4/23/2003 12:44:00 PM

Shatz- Naw... I'm sure none of the people here would take the opportunity to make money by exploiting another's illness... =P

Found another interesting MMORPG coming out this fall. S'called Pirates of the Burning Sea. We should get a group of us together and form our own pirate ship, and terrorize the seven seas! Arrrrrrrrgh!

But we don't kill orphans. ;)

Published by John on 4/23/2003 08:16:00 AM

Jeremy G--Don't you mean SELL it to your addicted butt.

Dan--The whole situation disturbs me, but your are correct. The fact that he admitted it is very scary.

Published by Anonymous on 4/23/2003 07:18:00 AM

JS - I more disturbed that he freely admitted that he only had it for those purposes.

Published by Anonymous on 4/22/2003 04:04:00 PM

AAACK! They're doing a public beta for Final Fantasy 11...!


Everyone go submit a request to become a beta tester, (Windows version, please) even if you don't want to. That way if you are picked, you can give it to me. =D

Published by John on 4/22/2003 03:38:00 PM

Jeremy G--To put stickers on?

Published by Anonymous on 4/22/2003 03:02:00 PM

What else CAN you use a computer for?

Published by John on 4/22/2003 01:07:00 PM

Caroline--I'll check that out for you.

Dan--"...melt your brain..."

Anyone else disturbed that David "Slash" only has his computer for porn & games?

Published by Anonymous on 4/22/2003 12:39:00 PM

JF - Mind if we start alternating next week? That is if enough people are interested. If you're interested post so along w/ desired character type so we get an idea of what's being played.

Published by Anonymous on 4/22/2003 10:30:00 AM

John--That's a good idea! How many HD does a giant hamster have anyhow? giant hamster for meeeee... *beams*

Published by John on 4/22/2003 08:35:00 AM

*snicker* Giant Hamsters...

Published by John on 4/22/2003 08:34:00 AM

Caroline--Evil druid is still a druid. It just means that when I piss you off there is no moral need for you to warn me before attacking me with your dire chipmunk. My boss could nuke me without a second thought for sneaking off with the globe. I might be evil, but I'm sure as hell not suicidal. I'll wait until I can take him, then I shall dance on his bones, muhahahahahahahahaha...

Published by Anonymous on 4/22/2003 06:51:00 AM

Dan-Oops, I meant Bear's Heart. +4 Strength, +1d4 temp HP to allies within 20 ft; when spell ends, all temp HP are lost and each ally takes 1 pt subdual/caster level, now that could hurt a raging barbarian... Curse of the Brute (which I don't get) is more entertaining though... +1 to caster level to Str, Dex, or Con; minus the same amount to Int and Ch (if Int or Ch go below 3, spell fails.) Imagine that with a decent level caster. *evil grin* Both in MoW.

Published by Anonymous on 4/22/2003 12:57:00 AM

All - I want to thank JG, JS, and CD for their help in selecting, then creating, the base out lines for the game I will be running. It wil be DnD. It is set in a world with two basic religious factions, think the reformation (catholics vs protestants). There is of course a third faction that is officially unallied with either side that follows the father of the other two factions' gods.
All core classes will be allowed, including psions and psycic warriors, with one modification. Palidans will be more cleric-like, as in there can actually be a CE Paladin. Good paladins sense evil, turn/destroy undead, and heal with their hands. Evil paladins sense good, rebuke/control undead, and injure w/ their hands. Neutral paladins choose one or the other at the beginining of the game. Both CN clerics and paladins will roll to see if they channel pos or neg energy at each level. Clerics pick two any two domains, but I will review them to see if they fit your faction and concept.
PC's will be from either the Tribes (follow Yaw, the father) or the Papals (follow Tos, sibling of Tus, god of the Refors) Tribe members look at what Yaw has said from many prospectives. Papals are all about tradition and are legalistic about what Yaw and Tos have said. Refors are about the now and what fits is and take a symbolic approch to what Yaw and Tus have said.
Oh yeah, four final things:
1) Make 2nd level characters.
2) Any alignment goes, only fanatics will hunt opposing alignments.
3) Arcane or psionic character are rarely fanatical, as opposed to Monks, Paladins, and Clerics.
4) If you character is broken then Yaw will break them further, and not the good way.
Questions and requests?

Published by Anonymous on 4/22/2003 12:07:00 AM

CD - since when does bull strength have a neg to it?

Published by Anonymous on 4/21/2003 01:57:00 PM

John-Keep in mind that 1. I'm an evil druid (very different from the good wizard who wanted to be careful with fireball in the forest). Things need to die as much as they need to live, including my companions if they get caught by a spell or spell effects. "Oops, I guess I forgot to tell the party about the spikes I put there...or the firetrap." This is the type of character who would deliberately cast bull's strength on other chars w/o telling them about the bad effects (or Curse of the Brute at max bonus/penalty, but that's not on my spell list, alas) 2. Half my offensive spells are fire-based. There must be at least one tree/plant in this forest that needs fire in order to produce seeds. *FOOM* Now there will be a lot more! 3. Druids get better fort saves than rogues do. I'm putting more points in con this time since I don't have to spread them out as much. Said druid will have a "little" bear or lion to help prevent that pesky death thing and cause it in others. It's all about maintaining the balance... in my favor *evil grin*

Do we get exp #s for the epic game sometime?

The other Wizards splatbooks aren't allowed for spell use? Song and Silence, Masters of the Wilderness, Defenders of Faith... It is/was printed material, just altered into digital form. Ye old DM who runs his game from a laptop. ;)

JF & John--None of my chars even know about the item. *shrug* Your status as his apprentice doesn't mean you tell him (or want to tell him everything). Jeremy's presuming that your char would be willing to run off with an incredibly powerful magic item. Seems somewhat reasonable for an evil char to do.

Published by John on 4/21/2003 01:42:00 PM

Oh so then that was like a 10th level mage we whacked... damn now I'm impressed with myself.

*thwack* Bad Jeremy F, throwing a high level mage at us for me to loot and get kick ass items. You naughty naughty monkey....

Published by John on 4/21/2003 01:39:00 PM

Jeremy--That was the codine (kick ass cough syrup) talking. I went home Thursday night and started taking it. Took it all weekend. Actually wrote part of tonights adventure while on codine. See tonight if you can guess which part. Ran out of cough syrup last night. Twas very sad indeed. See you tonight. Bye now...

Published by Anonymous on 4/21/2003 12:31:00 PM

Shatz- You're under 1000xp from Level 9? Hell, I've got some caching up to do. Ian's still waiting to learn Animate Dead. ;) (CK is a 5th level spell.)

Tonight's your game, right...? Evil campaign, down in the Dungeons o' Doom, yes? Don't need to worry about working on the modified "crit vs. undead" feat. I took "Rapid Shot" instead.

Published by John on 4/21/2003 09:18:00 AM

Jeremy F--I know that the wizard had Cloudkill & Fireball (he obviously cast those two) in his spell book. What else did he have?

Published by John on 4/21/2003 08:51:00 AM

Argh! Spring colds are a bitch. Just in case it was ever in doubt in anyones mind we are playing tonight. My voice isn't great, but I feel much better. As far as save or die, we did get a save didn't we? I've died once already, so I feel that I have a place to speak. Wizards are dangerous, very dangerous. Before you go around thinking that we were overmatched just let me point out to you that he was casting spells that are only 1 level higher than mine. In say around 500 xp I will be pitching around Cloudkill (since I have his spellbook now). As the man once said "...what is good for the goose, is good for the gander..." 9000 staring gold? Sweet even better stuff for me to loot from the bodies.

In response to a couple of players asking the following books are in (for spells only!):

Players Handbook (obviously)
Relics and Rituals I & II
All three Eldricht might books
Tome of Blood

I will look at and approve on a per spell basis material from other sources (preferrably printed material. please don't bring my a bunch of web crap!)

Dustin--Easter Boy :)

Jeremy F & Caroline--Fire mage standing in woods sees tree hugging druid coming. "...son of a bitch..."

Jeremy G & Caroline--Can I just remind you guys that I work for the SOB that you are trying to rip off. Just a thought.

Jeremy F--I have no problem with the cloudkill, since I shall be using it as soon as I cast 3rd level spells. What an excellent way to control crowds :)

Caroline--Eh the reason my wizard made the fort save is because I rolled a 17. I got really very lucky, but if I hadn't I would of rolled up another character no problemo.


Published by Anonymous on 4/20/2003 04:44:00 PM

Well, hope everybody had a decent holiday.

Shatz- hope you're feeling better for Monday.

Published by Anonymous on 4/20/2003 01:19:00 PM

Jeremy F-- i am sincerly sorry that we did not play my game today, I would have enjoyed killing your pc for the Jerry's kids comment ;)

Published by Anonymous on 4/19/2003 03:25:00 PM

JF--Thanks muchly. How much should a Collar of Magic Fang (1st level spell) cost, if it only works with non-humanoids (or is there one lying around the armory?)? Collar of Resistance (0-level spell) is 490; Collar of Cleverness (0-level spell) is 750. Are you restricting any of the druid spells from JG's CD? JG--The wizard I was talking about is John's char, who did make a Fort save.

Published by Anonymous on 4/19/2003 03:20:00 PM

JF - I'm over getting killed. It get's rid of cheese that wasn't too useful anyway. Just wishing I had enough cash to get gloves/ring of spectral hand. Could only afford to just get that one thing and that's if I am actually as high enough to get 5th level gold, remember I missed a session. *sigh* Will just have to wait for some more insane treasure to come our way. Unless of course the employer has one or two laying around *crosses fingers*....

All - Please tell me what days/times are good for people? If you have questions about Werewolf or Mage fire away we have enough people on the list htat should be able to answer the questions. Though seriously if people would prefer another DnD game that's cool too. Just that I'll be doing it using the Dark Sun setting.

Published by Anonymous on 4/19/2003 01:48:00 PM

you guys didnt die stupidly, although dusty is questionable...walking into a shield you have no clue about it not bright, he was a cleric, not a Jerry's kid.

Alright... that was unneccisary.

And what shield was that? Oh... you mean the one that you decided to point out to us *after* Dusty walked into it? One of Caroline's points I do strongly agree with- your Spot DCs for critical items is far too high. You don't need a roll for everything- Especially as you described the scene after-the-fact. You're talking a DC0, or DC-5 (thats negative five...) spot check here. I'd specifically asked if this "razor-line where the road ends" extended off past the road, and was told "No." Then after he's vaporized, "oops"... we see that the all the trees that overhang the border are being cut in half.

And how did they loose a scouting party to this thing in the first place? It reminds me of the Lemming's games, watching them march into a pit of acid becuase I forgot to set a "blocker" in time. After watching the first few ranks turn into ashes, at what point to they decide it's a good time to stop? Or did they all join elbows and skip across like they were in Oz? Hell, if that makes Dusty's character a "Jerry's Kid", the military we're working for is the fuckin' Special Olympics.

Caroline: The wizard didn't -have- to make a save. She wasn't within the effect of her own spell. And a single mid-level wizard versus a party of what... 8? Then you trap it in a small room? It was hardly unfair. Not to mention, it knew we were there. With the one guard, the shield guardian, and many rounds knowledge something was up, it could have blocked the stairs coming up and nuked the entire level with Fireballs till nothing was left standing. Dan's 3rd Level character was, I'd hope, merely an oversight.

Published by Anonymous on 4/19/2003 11:37:00 AM

Caroline--I realize the desparity between survivors and new PC's...you guys didnt die stupidly, although dusty is questionable...walking into a shield you have no clue about it not bright, he was a cleric, not a Jerry's kid.
I will work something in for you guys, especially seems how two items the other day were explicitly for John's PC. Besides that, you guys are like 500 xp from 5th...so go ahead and take 5th level gold(those who died).

Published by Anonymous on 4/19/2003 10:27:00 AM

Speaking of interesting gear... So far the Th group has gotten as loot from party members: a magic shield, two haversacks, rings of proc, cloak of elvenkind, platemail, bunches of potions, and gold. They've also gotten as general loot: a wand (minor magic item for entire party), a lot of scrolls, potions, a lot of gold and plat, the shield thingy, the NPC wizard spellbook, magic weapons, armor enchantments, and magic armor. (You guys did pick up that enchanted plate from the cloudkilled dead guy on the first floor, did you not?) I'm sure I'm forgetting something too. Given all that, any chance the entering people could have 5th level starting gold, or somewhere between 4th (5400) and 5th (9000)? This is a serious question based on the surviving party members' loot; I'm not just trying to mooch stuff from the DM. ;-)

Leon-Thanks for the info. :-)

Published by Anonymous on 4/19/2003 09:49:00 AM

Guys, listen...I apologized for killing a few PC's the other night....but realistically, that guy was a higher level sorcerer...whats the point of putting him there if he doesnt play to his ability??

Regarding the dragons not taking the shield down...their presence is best hidden until their objective..."When you are near, project yourself as far" Sun Tsu , the Art of War....They are seen as MUCH less of a threat right now...even your PC's laughed about them being a war party.

You guys are getting some interesting gear as we go along, Ignatia has a shield guardian for god's sake, and you will learn to use the shield...Don't forget to look at your inventory lists as you go along, something simple can be very powerful at times...such as wayne's minor image spell(for the tower).

Caroline--Dunno why, but I forgot about rangers....could work too given the environment....if you play druid, you may want some magic fang. The only creature with a DR yet, was deducting from Leon's boar's damage.

Published by Anonymous on 4/18/2003 10:49:00 PM

Caroline: Dire and even legendary animals are ok within HD limits.

Published by Anonymous on 4/18/2003 07:40:00 PM

JeremyG--Yay for a mist that kills people instead of just hiding their bleeding dying bodies! Re: lots of damage argument 36HP+14C still equals more than the wizard's HP+C, who did make her fort save... somehow. ;-) Ah, randomness. Again, I'm not quibbling about the botch on my part, but I don't like the fort save vs. Death part at this party level.

Re: dragons and running off with stone I don't believe people were required to return (aside from the dragons' influence). There was also no requirement to tell the method of shielding, merely to take it down. "We just killed the casters (after they killed a few of us) and then the shield went down. No idea how they were producing the shield. Maybe they were easy to kill because their life energy had been drained for the shield?" No witnesses, the dragons don't count since they never entered the building. Go out on another mission, ditch the rest of the party, continue with "taking over the world" plan. Unfortunately a "detect magic" would quickly detect that item and there are a lot of NPC casters around to do that.

Since you're around though, know of any rules against druids having dire animal companions (within HD limits)? For level advancement, just roll another HD for the companion? *ponders having a 2-level advanced brown bear or a dire lion*

Published by Anonymous on 4/18/2003 07:31:00 PM

"I agree with your decisions on my botching fort saves *twitch*, but I still maintain that 4th-level games shouldn't have fort save or die. Fort save or take a lot of damage/con/poison, but not fort save or die."

Err... but that WAS a "save vs. a LOT of damage." It just happened to be a bit more than you were able to handle. ;)

Of course, I'm not going to complain. His BBEG wizard was killed just as quickly by a "will save or die" spell. Not to mention all the other things we've totally ripped to peices in other games using the "sleep" spell.

"I also don't see why the dragons couldn't take care of the problem themselves. They're fricking dragons, after all."

The dragons were there to keep the players in line. If there weren't dragons, that pretty little stone would be ending up in one of our pockets, and not going back home... ;)

It might still. ::Cackles, turning to their new Wizard...:: What would you say about running off together while you research that little... trinket? I have enough influence in my homelands to keep you comfortably hidden, and well-equipped until one of us learns to harness the power of that stone. Your fire, enhanced by that artifact- you could burn down entire kingdoms. I only ask to keep the ashes when you're done... ::Goes off, dreaming about his armies of undead legions...::

Published by Anonymous on 4/18/2003 03:36:00 PM

JF-I believe Wayne was planning to roll up a rogue. I'll talk with Dan about what he's doing, and one of us will likely play a druid since that's what you're suggesting. (If I do play a druid, could I use a scythe? It's just a large version of a sickle. Really. ;-) As an alternative, do I need to get a "collar of magic fang" for said companion. Leon's boar doesn't seem to need one yet...) Dan was talking about playing a straight necromancer (wizard specializing in the school of necromancy, not what he was doing before); I forget what his other thought was. Along with the druid, the party could use another wizard/sorceror (Dan?) or a fighter.

A bit of constructive criticism: I agree with your decisions on my botching fort saves *twitch*, but I still maintain that 4th-level games shouldn't have fort save or die. Fort save or take a lot of damage/con/poison, but not fort save or die. I also think that you don't always give sufficient clues for what should/shouldn't be done and that sometimes the Spot DCs for important (strategic) things are too high. Sneak an invisible character into the tower? Doable, but they wouldn't be able to get the shield thingy out without being caught and dying. I also don't see why the polymorph-capable dragons couldn't take care of the shield problem themselves. They're fricking dragons, after all. :-)

Published by Anonymous on 4/18/2003 02:14:00 PM

John--I got all those books from Jeremy G, but I'm not sure which, if all we are permitted to pull from....there a lot of spells and whatnot I would like to use for the monday character. I know Wizards books are ok, but what of the others?

Published by Anonymous on 4/18/2003 01:21:00 PM

Hi all, hope you enjoyed last nights game, although it did raise some eyebrows... Dont give up on it guys, I'll get adjusted soon and ppl will quit dying so regularly.

Dan--Just to clear things, read the wrong ability last night, that mage was more than capable of that spell, and I forgot you still only had 3 hit dice(snicker)....anyway, not that I'm not interested in another game, just dont know the games, I'll check it out.

Caroline--Thinking about your new character....someone to compliment Ignatia would be a good choice...seems how we are outdoors most of the time, a druid may be a decent choice....your companion could add some firepower to the group too...sorcerer would work well too, but arcane and cleric are both covered....the bard is dead, and I dont know what wayne is rolling up. All in all, a lot would work, but I think the most powerful choice, since you guys will level soon would be druid.

Published by Anonymous on 4/18/2003 01:02:00 PM

I'll play any WW game you've suggested. I have no idea about everyone else....

Published by Anonymous on 4/18/2003 10:25:00 AM

By the lack of response am I to understand no one is intersted in a White Wolf game? I could do a DnD game if desired...I guess. Hrmmm...could be fun in a Dark Sun setting. Check out athas.org for more info.

Published by Anonymous on 4/18/2003 06:44:00 AM

hmm... John--do you have enough time to prepare your game instead? Else we would have no game... *uses fireball on the jungle before we enter it to make it all go away* Clearly that will take a great deal of time, and is justification for skipping a game. :-D

Published by Anonymous on 4/18/2003 01:32:00 AM

Um... guys, I have a problem with this coming Sunday game. well... it's the fact that it's Easter... I wont be able to make it.
How will I get over the fact that I havent kill anyone yet...:)

Published by Anonymous on 4/17/2003 03:56:00 PM

A fun beast, but still a beast

Published by John on 4/17/2003 03:36:00 PM

Dan--Good call, Ars Magica is a beast.

Published by Anonymous on 4/17/2003 03:30:00 PM

No I will be there but I won't get any of the goodies from last game because I wasn't involved.

JS - After I looked through Ars Magica I figured I sure as heck ain't touching it on my first GM/DM/ST try. Hrm...maye mage dark ages instead. I'm open to suggestions for things...just not looking to do DnD since well...I'm tired of just doing the one system.

Published by John on 4/17/2003 02:35:00 PM

Jeremy G--Aren't you afraid that they would see why you are called "stumpy" :-P

Published by John on 4/17/2003 01:27:00 PM

Jeremy F--I found the limitation on the Necromancer class. They have that negative energy attack, but are limited to the spells on the spell list that is in the Secrect College book itself. That is a really big limitation, so it is sort of balanced.

Published by Anonymous on 4/17/2003 12:07:00 PM

Gnomes dig the beard.

Published by John on 4/17/2003 10:44:00 AM

Jeremy F--How do you know that the Gnomish guards "swing" that way eh? Perhaps they would rather see a naked Stumpy?

Published by Anonymous on 4/17/2003 09:47:00 AM

Jeremy G--How bout if I turn myself into a naked pretty gnomish girl....according to the rules I can only shift into something I have seen....so you figure it out..lmao

John--As far as I can tell, you are the only arcane caster right now, and they will need you, so try not to get snuffed again...*snicker*...

Published by John on 4/17/2003 08:26:00 AM

Dan--You aren't coming tonight? Ars Magica? With this group? Hell it's your funeral.

Jeremy F--Since I'm playing the hide behind everyone, flee at the first sign of danger, I'm just a girl mage now. BRING IT ON! *already running* :)

Published by Anonymous on 4/16/2003 09:52:00 PM

(JF) - I miss all the good games dang it! *grumble grumble*

All - I will bring core books for both (Ars and Werewolf)

Published by Anonymous on 4/16/2003 09:15:00 PM

JF- These could be Underpants Gnomes. They're used to the smell.

Published by Anonymous on 4/16/2003 06:43:00 PM

Jeremy and Caroline--Don't forget, if you can find the stats for the limberger golem, I can always shift....

Shatz, speaking of con draining stenches, can I become Hanky the christmas poop and just gross out the gnomes?

I have big fun for you guys Thursday night...*evil grin*....but the dice liked you, the treasure is broken beyond ridiculous....see you all there.

Published by Anonymous on 4/16/2003 05:40:00 PM

Well now that everything is nice and cemented... Let me get a show of hands of who's interested in either a Shifter/Mage or an Ars Magica game and when people were thinking would be a good day/time.

Published by Anonymous on 4/16/2003 05:10:00 PM

Nah, not as kewl. Definitely different though. Big time into the RPGA. One of the guys apparently is a "judge" for one of the living campaigns...whatever that stuff is. I think it has something to do with the conventions... Patti says "hi" =D

Published by John on 4/16/2003 05:00:00 PM

Jeremy--You think the cannons are kewl, you should see what you could potentially end up with.

Brian--Hey good to hear from you. Thanks a bunch for the email *cough* I'll put it to good use. Muhahahahahahahahahahaha..... Tell Patti I said howdy. I'm sure that this new group couldn't possibly be a kewl as us, or at least me :) If you do stop by in June let me know.

Published by Anonymous on 4/16/2003 03:02:00 PM

JG--So far so good in Atlanta. Job is going well so far, and Patti found us a group to play in already. Its warm, sunny, and green here in GA.

Wouldn't Stump' be hiding IN a rock?
Stumpwater may be getting a note from his paid contact soon... (cc:JS of course).

Published by Anonymous on 4/16/2003 01:42:00 PM

Hey Brian! How's it goin in Atlanta?

Ooh boy. The DM's are planning things again. ::Hides under a rock::

Published by Anonymous on 4/16/2003 12:16:00 PM

What up fellas. I might be able to drop by for a visit sometime in June. I'll know more later. Fiend Folio--like it lots. Too bad the rift had to close when it did...

JS-- The "Sending Isle", does it function like a portal back to Brigitt and Stump's homeworld, or was a one time tear that enabled them to make it to your world? I send an email later about why I'm asking...

Published by Anonymous on 4/16/2003 12:11:00 PM

Shatz- Don't forget the con-draining aura of Limberger stench.

I sooo want a disintergrate cannon for my golems. Even if the saves are absolutely nothing (which really, nobody knows that yet- and I'm still not hoping to find out...) the intimidation factor alone is worth the money. And the fact I get to slip a few Mech figures into the game. Hehe...

Published by John on 4/16/2003 08:37:00 AM

Dan--Fliz is short for Flizilbinski who is an uber powerful Gnomish archmage in my world. The Epic group is laying siege to his keep in an attempt to capture him. Much pain is about to be had, heh heh heh heh...

Jeremy--A cheese golem? I like it, yes it should have spell resistance 50 and damage resistance 50/+10. Sweet!

Published by Anonymous on 4/15/2003 05:30:00 PM

it could be a lunar golem made of green cheese (or velveeta, since velveeta might actually be worse for you). dan--we're fighting golems and a gnomish wizard/cleric in the epic game. and dragons. and more gnomes with disintegrate cannons.

Published by Anonymous on 4/15/2003 04:45:00 PM

Fizzle...not Flizzy...or are we talking about another game? *confused*

Let's hear it for the pure magic users standing around looking mean!

Published by Anonymous on 4/15/2003 04:19:00 PM

Hmmn... A golem made entirely of processed cheese....

Published by Anonymous on 4/15/2003 04:07:00 PM

doom bunny? *sics the Marshmallow man on Flizz*

Published by John on 4/15/2003 03:32:00 PM

"...I cannot believe that any 'dwarf' would dare call me little. I shall remove your lungs with a soup spoon and fill the cavities with, uh.......... something that will hurt very very bad. Prepare for thy doom, for I'm packing a doom bunny. Muhahahahahahahahahahahahaha..."

Published by Anonymous on 4/15/2003 10:28:00 AM

Bring it on, little Gnome. ;)

Published by John on 4/14/2003 04:58:00 PM

Jeremy--That's the spirit, I'm still going to nuke stumpy, but still would like a good fight :)

Published by Anonymous on 4/14/2003 11:54:00 AM

I've got a few spells saved up for Flizzy. I memorized two "Incapacitate" just for the occasion. I suppose I should find out if that spell is reversable before I try to turn the poor wizard into a vegitable. ^_^;

Published by John on 4/14/2003 08:56:00 AM

I hope that yesterday was fun. The next couple of epic sessions are going to be a blast, literally. If you manage to survive you are going to gain mucho power and prestige on my world.

Caroline--If you look at the spell failure they are pretty low for the armor that you have mentioned. I think the failure rate is just to add some balance to the game, a trade off for being able to throw fireballs around.

Dan--I would never think that you would argue with me :)

Published by Anonymous on 4/14/2003 08:38:00 AM

JS - Not gonna argue with the ruling. Only reason I mentioned breaking the rules was that I honnestly couldn't remember which DM's did that Knowledge(Monsters) ruling.

Published by Anonymous on 4/12/2003 08:38:00 PM

Class Skills: Nobody but rogues and rangers have spot and search as a class skill. A few more classes have listen (barbarian, bard, monk, ranger, rogue)

Spell Failure: If clerics can cast somatic spells while wearing any type of armor, there's no reason why wizards/sorcerors can't wear any armor at all. I can see a vague point in wizards/sorcerors not being able to wear most armor, since they're not trained to wear armor like the fighter classes and they have weaker constitutions (smaller HD). But they should be able to wear some types of light armor without arcane penalties, and gain those as a class proficency. Examples are padded armor, leather armor, and armored shirts (chain, particularly); potentially even studded leather. A set of bracers could be added to make a semi-complete (and rather expensive) set of armor.

Published by John on 4/11/2003 11:41:00 PM

Jeremy--I agree with you. They did at least give enough spells in 3rd to make up for it. So how is it going?

Published by Anonymous on 4/11/2003 12:48:00 PM

One of the biggest disadvantages is having search, listen, and spot as cross class skills.

I do agree with your ruling... really... but nobody save for Rouges and Rangers have those as class skills.

I would think the biggest disadvantage is the outdated 1E "flavor text" about wizards not being able to wear armor, and the even more idiotic "spell failure" that stuck around because if it.

Published by John on 4/11/2003 09:18:00 AM

Well in my games Knowledge skills are class skills for Bards and Wizards, with the occasional prestige class wackiness. All classes that don't have Knowledge as a general class skill have to take this as a cross class skill. Before I spark any debate (argument) I rule this way because there are many disadvantages to playing a wizard. One of the biggest disadvantages is having search, listen, and spot as cross class skills. So not only do you have a few hp, and can't fight worth a damn, but know you can't hear, spot, or notice the piles of crap that would warn you of the monster that is about to split your head open. So if I let any "adventurer" take knowledge skills as class skills, then who would ever want to play a poor, helpless wizard. Similar argument can be made for poetry quoting bards. I have ruled and my word is law!

Published by Anonymous on 4/11/2003 07:11:00 AM

CD - That's by the book..well sorta...there is no defined Knowledge( Monster) but is assumed to be covered by Knowledge( All)...I've had some Dm's say it was a class skill for all as adventures naturally learn about what they're killing( or their mentors brag about killing) and more bookish types learn from books(duh)

Published by Anonymous on 4/10/2003 04:45:00 PM

Oh yeah... that reminds me. Shatz, do you mind at all if I hand Squeaky's sheet back over to you as an NPC'd cohort? Besides, you do a far better Goblin impression. ;)

Published by Anonymous on 4/10/2003 04:03:00 PM

JeremyG-You could have Squeaky take it as his next epic feat focusing on golems (constructs?). We're going to be fighting enough of them, after all.
Dan and JS-Knowledge (Monsters) is a class skill for bards and wizards, possibly a class skill for certain non-PHB classes.

Published by Anonymous on 4/10/2003 10:23:00 AM

Woot. Something for thiefy-boy to look forward to around 16th Level.

Published by Anonymous on 4/09/2003 10:33:00 PM

I found it! the feat that allows critting of uncritables:
Finding the Secrets [Gen]
Through practice or instruction, you know secrets of construction or anatomy that allows you to damage non-living or other exotic monsters.
Pre Reqs: 6+ ranks Knowlege(Monsters), BAB +9 or higher, Improved Crit.
Benefit: Choose any creature type normally immune to critical hits. Your knowlege of their body types allows you to inflict critical hits on them. This feat may be taken multiple times, each time with a new creature type.
Page 86 of Kingdoms of Kalamar (RuleBook IV )

There's also Super Natural Blow in Master's of the Wild. Favored enemy and BAB above +7 required. It adds 1d6 for x2, 2d6 for x3, etc, on crits.

JS - Knowlege(Monster) class skill for just Wizard or what?

Published by Dr Who on 4/09/2003 08:03:00 PM

Had lots of fun, got a big axe, Slash's computer is fixed. Waiting for his invite to the blog....

Published by Dr Who on 4/09/2003 08:00:00 PM

Even if we are short, we should be ok still... We'll find a way around it.

Published by Dr Who on 4/09/2003 07:58:00 PM

To quote in the immortal words of the John the DM "Let he who is faster the the Barbarian go first...."

Published by Dr Who on 4/09/2003 07:55:00 PM

Greetings from beyond the safe house...... WAZZUP!!!!!!!

Published by John on 4/09/2003 12:18:00 PM

Jeremy--You fear me. Your very roots tremble at the mere mention of my name "tree boy". Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha.......

Published by Anonymous on 4/09/2003 12:15:00 PM

Jus' checkin.

Published by John on 4/09/2003 11:36:00 AM

Jeremy--Ah it is just Dan (clawless tabby), and Jeremy F (okay healer, that kind of sucks). You guys should still be fine, so I would say yes we are still gaming on Thursday. Plus how can I pass up the chance to "whack" Dustin again :-) Just kidding... or am I?

Published by Anonymous on 4/09/2003 11:00:00 AM

We still gaming on Thursday with two short...?

Published by John on 4/09/2003 09:22:00 AM

Okee dokee. I hope that everyone had fun and stuff on Monday. Sorry about the whole killing you thing Dustin.

Published by Anonymous on 4/08/2003 05:46:00 PM

Feremy f wont be there thursday either.

Published by Anonymous on 4/08/2003 05:05:00 PM

I won't be able to attend this coming Thurs. I have usher the dance concert (stupid theatre slave labor)

Published by John on 4/08/2003 02:13:00 PM

Leon--Nothing shall ever beat Flatulence man.

Published by Anonymous on 4/07/2003 02:52:00 PM

I'd be willing to bet that at least one of the fan mods for FF has giant boobies...

Published by John on 4/07/2003 11:39:00 AM

Jeremy--Freedom force with giant boobies? Kick ass!

Published by Anonymous on 4/07/2003 09:26:00 AM

I wonder if the 80's Edition of "Freedom Force" is ever going to come out...

Published by John on 4/07/2003 08:34:00 AM

Leon--Oh yeah I forgot about that. She had the hypno ray that everyone else resisted. Of course when given the oppurtunity I just *ahem* went for a ride. Heh heh heh Paul never saw that coming...

Jeremy--I just buy clocks that do that for me.

God we really should play a superhero game, it would be pretty freakin' cool.

Published by Anonymous on 4/06/2003 05:35:00 PM

Not saying it isn't real money. It just isn't enough to justify becoming a superhero.
There are rules one has to follow, and all...

Published by Anonymous on 4/06/2003 10:09:00 AM

Some of us still think a hundred bucks is real money. But yeah, that would do it.

Published by Anonymous on 4/06/2003 07:26:00 AM

Leon- Well, to make enough magic blue smoke to cause the transformation, you'd have to have a major meltdown. I've popped a motherboard or two... but you're talking only a hundred bucks or so. For superhero status, you'd need to watch a Quad Xeon motherboard burn up, and sit there powerless (probably in an extended slo-motion scene, with one of those really low-pitched slowed-down screams...) as resister after resister vaporizes, leading to a final flash as all four processors burn up at once. See, that way, the audience is never really sure if it was the magic blue smoke, or the sudden release of the Xeon radiation that turned you into Kazaaman.

Published by Anonymous on 4/06/2003 12:55:00 AM

Just a reminder to everyone to set their clocks ahead by one hour today, if you haven't already done so. The earth moved, or something.

Published by Anonymous on 4/05/2003 09:30:00 PM

Yes, he did. He trashed other hero's stuff (usually by accident), screwed a major villain's sister (or was she the villain?), flattened villains with his Buffalo Charge and generally had all kinds of fun. He was the real reason most of the heros maintained secret ID's, because otherwise he'd have shown up at their house.

BTW, getting chomped on by a radioactive animal usually qualifies as stress. As for the magic smoke, depends on just how expensive the part was.

Published by John on 4/05/2003 04:02:00 PM

No way I had the best super hero ever. I was Chip Chiperson, mild mannered vet, until one day I was bitten by an irradiated Buffalo. Then I became Buffalo Chip, the 900 pound super hero that all the ladies wanted. I also liked calling radio stations on the way to emergency situations so they could play a Devo block while I saved the city. Don't laugh I really did play this character, ask Leon I think he was there.

Published by Anonymous on 4/05/2003 12:40:00 AM

JG - NO magic smoke..stress awakens it...exposure to quantum energy/power awakens it etc...sorta like a mage awakening...not like spiderman getting bitten or like bang babies

Published by Anonymous on 4/04/2003 09:43:00 PM

...no creation stories here...more awakening the node in the brain that allows people to manipulate quantum energy.

That's what happens when you breathe in the magic blue smoke. Duh...

So without a clue... it must be sad... ::Shakes his head::

Published by Anonymous on 4/04/2003 07:08:00 PM

JG - Aberant's draw their powers from quantum energy...no creation stories here...more awakening the node in the brain that allows people to manipulate quantum energy.

No Sabat or wyrmy PCs please.

JS - Wait to kill me till 12th lvl so I can rise again using the "from the ashes spell." As for the mummy you'd likely have to be running with a silient strider or a bubasti(I think) to make things work. As for the kicking hrmm...I'll just have to hope for that library job so you don't get me fired if I fight back *goes off and ponders*

Published by John on 4/04/2003 04:58:00 PM

Jeremy--Speaking of horror movies have you any improvements/comments on the script? Oh yeah being evil is fun :)

Published by Anonymous on 4/04/2003 04:47:00 PM

Jeremy--Well if I'm leading your armies I guess I shouldn't kill you. Maybe I'll just maime you a bit instead...

I figure, you knock people down. Either Dan, Dustin, or myself make them get back up again. Then they can knock more people down.

Dan- Kool. WoD Wooster. I'm gonna make me one bad mofo Vampire from Kidron. Amish Blood Suckers! And they'll make quilts out of their victims skin! Muahaah!! (::Makes a note to add that to the list of upcoming Amish horror films...::)

Published by John on 4/04/2003 01:35:00 PM

Dan-- Yes that means that I may let you play a mummy or demon, but only if you can come up with a good reason. Uh, let me play a mummy or I'll kick you in the nuts repeatedly ;-)

Jeremy--Well if I'm leading your armies I guess I shouldn't kill you. Maybe I'll just maime you a bit instead...

Dustin--Just cause you died once following me into the cave you will next to last to be killed.

Published by Anonymous on 4/04/2003 12:19:00 PM

I dunno about Aberant. No one really seemed to elaborate either way. I could be like... bitten by a radioactive dust-bunny while cleaning out my computer, or maybe I shorted a system out and inhaled all the magic blue smoke. His superpower could be like, being able to find any file you want on Kazaa and stuff. (But he can do it without intnernet access...!) GASP!

Shatz- I can work with dying last. By then, if all works according to plan, you'll be leading my armies of the undead across the globe. Two Death Priests, a true Necromancer, and a Death Knight. Oh yes... we can work with this...

Published by Anonymous on 4/04/2003 11:53:00 AM

All (JS) - I'm going to wait a bit to pin down a time I want to make sure that I'll be here long enough to have a worth while length game. I will probably start off with a mainly player driven game, with plot nudges and enemies by me, located in one of two places...Wooster area or the DC area (Slightly based on end venue)...in other words places I actually know hat the area is like. As for venue don't particularly care will leave that up to the concensus. Just no wraiths or changlings unless some one feels like buying/finding me books for them. Yes that means that I may let you play a mummy or demon, but only if you can come up with a good reason.

WoD venues, since it seems noone really cares for Aberant, are Vampire, Kindred of the East, Changing Breeds(Werewolf), Mage (and Sorceror), Demon, Mummy, and Hunter...if anyone has q's on any of those fire away.

JG - Now that you explain it...it does sound bad...butter everywhere...yuck...at least the end of the world would get rid of that slippery sensation.

Published by John on 4/04/2003 09:30:00 AM

Hmmmmm........ as a DM I kill you guys, and as a player I lead you guys to your doom. Kind of makes a guy feel warm and fuzzy :)

Dustin--"...look out for that troll... nevermind."

Jeremy--Thanks for saving my evil ass, I guess that means I'll kill you and attach your severed head to my belt last :)

Dammit that reminds me I should of taken Jeb's noggin for my collection, oh well... See you guys Sunday.

Oh yeah Dustin & Jeremy F feel free to post your game stuff on the blog if you want to.

Dan--When were you going to run your WOD game? Also what sort of setting were you looking at?

Published by John on 4/04/2003 09:25:00 AM

Dan--You are so wrong, with enough beer and all women are thin and busty.

Published by Anonymous on 4/03/2003 05:22:00 PM

Why is buttering toast so doomful?

::Sigh:: We would expect such a foolish question from one so utterly ignorant of science, as yourself. I'll put it in very small words for you. Ripping holes in the timespace is a BAD thing. Sure, the rip starts small, but sooner or later the tear is going to spread. Now you've got butter everywhere. Oh... then the world ends. But that's only expected, considering the mess you'd have made...

And this is WoD not DnD so it would be the Java Relm, not elemental plane of Java. (Oh look a nit! *pick*)

Don't make me hurt you. =)

Published by Anonymous on 4/03/2003 05:06:00 PM

Why is buttering toast so doomful? Flashy simple names are more the child of a VA. SoE have longer more technical sounding names.

And this is WoD not DnD so it would be the Java Relm, not elemental plane of Java. (Oh look a nit! *pick*)

Published by Anonymous on 4/03/2003 04:54:00 PM

Do not mock the Butter Knife of Doooom! It was created by a mad Son of Ether in a quest to speed up his morning routine. This knife will cut through time itself...! You butter one slice of toast in the morning, and it will cut a hole in the fabric of space and time and all of your toast will remain buttered for weeks to come! Combined with the Everfull cup of Coffee, (thanks to a small portal to the Elemental Plane of Java) breakfasts have been DEFEATED! I now have more time for SCIENCE! Muahahahaha!

Published by Anonymous on 4/03/2003 03:14:00 PM

JG - Fine then if your character gets drunk enough and your butter knife of doom will act like a klaive...lol I'll even waive the standard penaties for being drunk when using your butter knife of doom.

Published by Anonymous on 4/03/2003 12:36:00 PM

It's like a beer commercial...just because all the females in the commercial a thin and busty doesn't mean that every female beer drinker is thin and busty.

So, like.... what are you trying to say here...? After enough beer, all females are thin and busty... at least till morning.

Published by Anonymous on 4/03/2003 11:19:00 AM

JS - No...it means you get what fits the character not what fits the cheese. This was a big problem back home at an on going LARP because something like half of the players bought klaives and grand klaives. There are only 7-12 grand klaives known to be in exsistance. Just because everyone in the artwork has a klaive doesn't everyone actually does. It's like a beer commercial...just because all the females in the commercial a thin and busty doesn't mean that every female beer drinker is thin and busty.

Published by John on 4/03/2003 09:49:00 AM

Dan-- ...also buying background point in fetish only gets that many points of fetish as decided by the ST not a speciffic fetish...no shopping for the ideal fetish... So you could end up with "useless" items. That is a waste of points.

Published by Anonymous on 4/02/2003 06:57:00 PM

JS - The no claives rule is based on the fact that no cliath should have a weapon that is meant for more deserving werewolves. There was a rule change in 3rd/revised ed of Werewolf that says that mainly 4th and 5th rank garou have klaives...also buying background point in fetish only gets that many points of fetish as decided by the ST not a speciffic fetish...no shopping for the ideal fetish...unless you could make it.

JG - With the silver issue...people may know that silver hurts werewolves but how many have the resources to make/buy bullets of silver...same for knives.

Both - On the mage issue...try getting enough successes to get some of that to actually last long enough to matter. Also try doing some of that w/i the paradime of your tradition. Yeah I'm a verbena and I'm going to turn you into an inanimate thing...not likely...more the toad transformation...again durrantion is important.

Published by Anonymous on 4/02/2003 04:49:00 PM

Shatz- Typical "Dragon Ball" munchkin power gamers. Just of college age. Mages, if you know the system, can definately be broke as all hell, especially if "power gaming" is your thing. And I fully agree that storyteller requires more proficient GMs- especially when it comes to Mage. (Perhaps as well with Changeling and Mummy, or the three people in the world that play Wraith... I'm not really familiar with any of them.)

The magic system is wide open, and without any real rules. Which is what makes it dangerously amusing. It even makes reference in the Mage player's guide about planning your stories very carefully-- using some example about a Vampire Prince making his classic "Bad-guy" speach, only to have a mage turn him into a lawn-chair.

Hmm... A mage that turns all his enemies into lawn-gnomes. Yess.... yesss....

Published by Anonymous on 4/02/2003 03:58:00 PM

hmm...drow... maybe i will take blind-fight as a feat then... no, wait a sec. that's the wizard char game, not the rogue game. *rifles through PHB for searing light, daylight, and other light spells*

Published by John on 4/02/2003 02:19:00 PM

Jeremy--Damn what kind of moron was he? I had a game master that ruled that if your name was Bob then your "true" name was Bob. Playing a Mummy character in his game was fun. "...Bob you are now a little girl playing hopscotch instead of a raging Get of Fenris that wishes to rip my head from my shoulders..." Lots of fun, for like 30 seconds until everyone killed me :( If you have a little bit of knowledge Mages can be way more "broken" than Garou. The thing about Storyteller systems is that it requires a much more proficient GM, in my opinion.

Published by Anonymous on 4/02/2003 01:03:00 PM

Shatz- They're broken when the sunnabitches insist they make their spot check to see the guy with the rifle three blocks away behind 9/10th cover, dodge the bullet, close that distance via Umbral travel, and then rip the door off your truck in less time than it takes you to re-load. Which is also why our group usurped the Wolf GM... he was an idiot for allowing things like that to happen.

Unfortunately for the silver, that's damned common knowledge. Only one dot in Lore will give you all the classic Horror Movie knowledge. The good thing is, unless you've already got hunter contacts, you'll never find silver bullets for sale. You have to pour your own. Or know a mage. Matter (2) can change any standard copper tips to silver easily, and Life, Forces, or Prime of (3) on the gun or ammo can all deal aggrivated, if you know what you're doing.

Published by John on 4/02/2003 11:21:00 AM

Dustin--Drow? *flipping thru PHB* "..where is that damn daylight spell..." :)

Published by John on 4/02/2003 11:19:00 AM

Dan--No Klaives? I guess that is fair, as long as every mage/vampire/changling doesn't carry a .357 with silver ammo. Like Jeremy said a smart hunter with ranged weapons will smoke a Garou every freakin' time. I really can't think of a combat character with such a huge disadvantage as broken. Scary close up, but not broken.

Published by Anonymous on 4/01/2003 11:26:00 PM

Drow huh. I think i can handle that. Works pretty well for the character.

Published by Anonymous on 4/01/2003 09:42:00 PM

So no gee he has the rune for corax so I'll wave my shiny gum wrapper around to mesmerize you.

Hey. Don't joke about that. The Kitsune took exceptional advantage of my Tengu's addiction to shiny things. One $3.99 can of Krylon Chrome Finish, and he'd worship you like a god. ;)

Published by Anonymous on 4/01/2003 08:55:00 PM


favored enemy... a good sugestion might be drow.............:)

Published by Anonymous on 4/01/2003 05:03:00 PM

JG - Will be following the book rules for delirium unless there is something special I fell lessens/increases the effect. Also any half awakened creature is immune. CB=Changing Breed. Not premium...primium(as in prime energy) that does the ag to super naturals. Also people will need to buy lore for any thing like vamp mage hunter etc. Otherwise only the pop culture stuff is known. So no gee he has the rune for corax so I'll wave my shiny gum wrapper around to mesmerize you.

Published by Anonymous on 4/01/2003 02:16:00 PM

Dan- So Aberant is an X-Men / Superhero wannabe for WoD? Woohoo! We'll be like the new Justice Leauge!

...no self respecting CB ... "CB"...?

Even then arrying one of those off the bawn is sooooo gonna get them thrown in jail.

Most of the things these kids did would have gotten them arrested, or killed by other garou. The old DM was far too generous with the delirium. I especially love characters who'll openly wear their tribal symbols. Patches on their jackets, jewelry, tatoos... made my job as a hunter that much easier.

Oh-look... big stupid German bodyguard for club has the totem of the Fenris tribe tatoo'd on his forehead. Park in alley three blocks away, pull out bullpup sniper rifle, load Premium-tipped round courtesy of my employers, watch big-bad garou fall down due to large, unsoakable, aggrivated hole in head.

Published by Anonymous on 4/01/2003 11:03:00 AM

JF - Human Mnk 1/Necro 2

Published by Anonymous on 4/01/2003 09:26:00 AM

Jeremy: Half Orc Fighter 3 No trickery, plenty of death. Rides a warpig.

Dustin: Ranger 2 Cleric 3 Domains War and either Elf (from Forgotten Realms) or Magic
BTW, what typical enemies do elves have in your game? Need to pick a favored enemy.

Published by Anonymous on 4/01/2003 08:48:00 AM

Can I get a roll call for my sunday game