Published by Anonymous on 4/21/2003 01:57:00 PM
John-Keep in mind that 1. I'm an evil druid (very different from the good wizard who wanted to be careful with fireball in the forest). Things need to die as much as they need to live, including my companions if they get caught by a spell or spell effects. "Oops, I guess I forgot to tell the party about the spikes I put there...or the firetrap." This is the type of character who would deliberately cast bull's strength on other chars w/o telling them about the bad effects (or Curse of the Brute at max bonus/penalty, but that's not on my spell list, alas) 2. Half my offensive spells are fire-based. There must be at least one tree/plant in this forest that needs fire in order to produce seeds. *FOOM* Now there will be a lot more! 3. Druids get better fort saves than rogues do. I'm putting more points in con this time since I don't have to spread them out as much. Said druid will have a "little" bear or lion to help prevent that pesky death thing and cause it in others. It's all about maintaining the balance... in my favor *evil grin*
Do we get exp #s for the epic game sometime?
The other Wizards splatbooks aren't allowed for spell use? Song and Silence, Masters of the Wilderness, Defenders of Faith... It is/was printed material, just altered into digital form. Ye old DM who runs his game from a laptop. ;)
JF & John--None of my chars even know about the item. *shrug* Your status as his apprentice doesn't mean you tell him (or want to tell him everything). Jeremy's presuming that your char would be willing to run off with an incredibly powerful magic item. Seems somewhat reasonable for an evil char to do.
Do we get exp #s for the epic game sometime?
The other Wizards splatbooks aren't allowed for spell use? Song and Silence, Masters of the Wilderness, Defenders of Faith... It is/was printed material, just altered into digital form. Ye old DM who runs his game from a laptop. ;)
JF & John--None of my chars even know about the item. *shrug* Your status as his apprentice doesn't mean you tell him (or want to tell him everything). Jeremy's presuming that your char would be willing to run off with an incredibly powerful magic item. Seems somewhat reasonable for an evil char to do.