Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 4/09/2003 10:33:00 PM

I found it! the feat that allows critting of uncritables:
Finding the Secrets [Gen]
Through practice or instruction, you know secrets of construction or anatomy that allows you to damage non-living or other exotic monsters.
Pre Reqs: 6+ ranks Knowlege(Monsters), BAB +9 or higher, Improved Crit.
Benefit: Choose any creature type normally immune to critical hits. Your knowlege of their body types allows you to inflict critical hits on them. This feat may be taken multiple times, each time with a new creature type.
Page 86 of Kingdoms of Kalamar (RuleBook IV )

There's also Super Natural Blow in Master's of the Wild. Favored enemy and BAB above +7 required. It adds 1d6 for x2, 2d6 for x3, etc, on crits.

JS - Knowlege(Monster) class skill for just Wizard or what?