Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 4/18/2003 07:40:00 PM

JeremyG--Yay for a mist that kills people instead of just hiding their bleeding dying bodies! Re: lots of damage argument 36HP+14C still equals more than the wizard's HP+C, who did make her fort save... somehow. ;-) Ah, randomness. Again, I'm not quibbling about the botch on my part, but I don't like the fort save vs. Death part at this party level.

Re: dragons and running off with stone I don't believe people were required to return (aside from the dragons' influence). There was also no requirement to tell the method of shielding, merely to take it down. "We just killed the casters (after they killed a few of us) and then the shield went down. No idea how they were producing the shield. Maybe they were easy to kill because their life energy had been drained for the shield?" No witnesses, the dragons don't count since they never entered the building. Go out on another mission, ditch the rest of the party, continue with "taking over the world" plan. Unfortunately a "detect magic" would quickly detect that item and there are a lot of NPC casters around to do that.

Since you're around though, know of any rules against druids having dire animal companions (within HD limits)? For level advancement, just roll another HD for the companion? *ponders having a 2-level advanced brown bear or a dire lion*