Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by John on 4/04/2003 09:30:00 AM

Hmmmmm........ as a DM I kill you guys, and as a player I lead you guys to your doom. Kind of makes a guy feel warm and fuzzy :)

Dustin--"...look out for that troll... nevermind."

Jeremy--Thanks for saving my evil ass, I guess that means I'll kill you and attach your severed head to my belt last :)

Dammit that reminds me I should of taken Jeb's noggin for my collection, oh well... See you guys Sunday.

Oh yeah Dustin & Jeremy F feel free to post your game stuff on the blog if you want to.

Dan--When were you going to run your WOD game? Also what sort of setting were you looking at?