Published by Anonymous on 4/04/2003 11:53:00 AM
All (JS) - I'm going to wait a bit to pin down a time I want to make sure that I'll be here long enough to have a worth while length game. I will probably start off with a mainly player driven game, with plot nudges and enemies by me, located in one of two places...Wooster area or the DC area (Slightly based on end venue) other words places I actually know hat the area is like. As for venue don't particularly care will leave that up to the concensus. Just no wraiths or changlings unless some one feels like buying/finding me books for them. Yes that means that I may let you play a mummy or demon, but only if you can come up with a good reason.
WoD venues, since it seems noone really cares for Aberant, are Vampire, Kindred of the East, Changing Breeds(Werewolf), Mage (and Sorceror), Demon, Mummy, and Hunter...if anyone has q's on any of those fire away.
JG - Now that you explain does sound bad...butter least the end of the world would get rid of that slippery sensation.
WoD venues, since it seems noone really cares for Aberant, are Vampire, Kindred of the East, Changing Breeds(Werewolf), Mage (and Sorceror), Demon, Mummy, and Hunter...if anyone has q's on any of those fire away.
JG - Now that you explain does sound bad...butter least the end of the world would get rid of that slippery sensation.