Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 4/18/2003 07:31:00 PM

"I agree with your decisions on my botching fort saves *twitch*, but I still maintain that 4th-level games shouldn't have fort save or die. Fort save or take a lot of damage/con/poison, but not fort save or die."

Err... but that WAS a "save vs. a LOT of damage." It just happened to be a bit more than you were able to handle. ;)

Of course, I'm not going to complain. His BBEG wizard was killed just as quickly by a "will save or die" spell. Not to mention all the other things we've totally ripped to peices in other games using the "sleep" spell.

"I also don't see why the dragons couldn't take care of the problem themselves. They're fricking dragons, after all."

The dragons were there to keep the players in line. If there weren't dragons, that pretty little stone would be ending up in one of our pockets, and not going back home... ;)

It might still. ::Cackles, turning to their new Wizard...:: What would you say about running off together while you research that little... trinket? I have enough influence in my homelands to keep you comfortably hidden, and well-equipped until one of us learns to harness the power of that stone. Your fire, enhanced by that artifact- you could burn down entire kingdoms. I only ask to keep the ashes when you're done... ::Goes off, dreaming about his armies of undead legions...::