Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 4/18/2003 03:36:00 PM

JF-I believe Wayne was planning to roll up a rogue. I'll talk with Dan about what he's doing, and one of us will likely play a druid since that's what you're suggesting. (If I do play a druid, could I use a scythe? It's just a large version of a sickle. Really. ;-) As an alternative, do I need to get a "collar of magic fang" for said companion. Leon's boar doesn't seem to need one yet...) Dan was talking about playing a straight necromancer (wizard specializing in the school of necromancy, not what he was doing before); I forget what his other thought was. Along with the druid, the party could use another wizard/sorceror (Dan?) or a fighter.

A bit of constructive criticism: I agree with your decisions on my botching fort saves *twitch*, but I still maintain that 4th-level games shouldn't have fort save or die. Fort save or take a lot of damage/con/poison, but not fort save or die. I also think that you don't always give sufficient clues for what should/shouldn't be done and that sometimes the Spot DCs for important (strategic) things are too high. Sneak an invisible character into the tower? Doable, but they wouldn't be able to get the shield thingy out without being caught and dying. I also don't see why the polymorph-capable dragons couldn't take care of the shield problem themselves. They're fricking dragons, after all. :-)