Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 6/22/2003 10:10:00 PM

Shatzer- I need a Yea or Nea on the following spells for your Monday game. Both are 3rd level. I included a real simple description of the spell.

From Relics and Rituals II:

Chains of Binding (pg96) - Summons 4 chains +1/3 lev. Chains spring from ground dealing 1d6 points per chain, and attempt to grapple the target if reflex failed.
Missle Storm (pg128) - One arrow becomes a cone of arrows, hits everyone in area who fails reflex.

Leon & Dan- Next time either of you get the chance, can you type up your "spells known" lists (or at least what part of it you're willing to share) for your Monday characters and either post 'em to the blog? I haven't had a chance to update my list with the spells. Leon, I know you just spent a signifigant amount of cash on spells recently- so I'd let you know in-character that I had planned on doing the same (if we live. Heh...) and offers to pay you back in trade with my new spells in the future.

My known spells (assuming the above are OK'ed.):

0th: All PHB

1st: Brilliant Arc, Charm Person, Exp. Retreat, Hypnotism, Mage Armor, Magic Missle, Message, Mount, Shield, Sleep, Spider Climb, Sumon Monster I, Tenser's Disk, Truestrike, Unseen Servant

2nd: (All 6 Ability Boosting Spells), Choke, Invisibility, Melf's Acid Arrow, Phantom's Howl, Rope Trick, Shocking Missle, Web, Weeping Fool

3rd: Haste, Missle Storm