Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 8/31/2003 11:58:00 PM

Wayne- Can I be a flying monkey with a magic Fez?


Actually, I'm looking at a Druid. That 3.5 Druid looks real nice... yep. (Or should I just stick to 3.0?)

BTW- The 3.5 SRD for those who don't already have this bookmarked. Who needs to buy when it's free online? =)

Published by Anonymous on 8/31/2003 10:29:00 PM

Tommorow is Labor day, no school, but still losts of homework, If it is alright, i will be attainding tommorows game.

Published by Dr Who on 8/30/2003 07:42:00 PM

Attetion alll players- For everyone that was there on thursday, You are starting at lvl 8 plus ?xp. I ned to sit and figure out the xp but I'm pretty sure that it will get you no where near lvl 9. Alignment (Neutral/Good). Will post the xp to add to your characters soon.

Published by Anonymous on 8/30/2003 01:17:00 PM

It could be worse.

Next time they complain, but put Brittney Spears "Oops, i did it again..." on continuous loop and sing along for about an hour...

Published by John on 8/29/2003 01:32:00 PM

Why does everyone insist that you are weird because you enjoy listening to Horror Movie Theme Songs at work? No one understands me.

Published by John on 8/29/2003 12:23:00 PM

Chill was and is the greatest "horror" roleplaying game ever. It was a victim of Mayfair's decision to only release there stupid ass Rail Road board games.

Published by Anonymous on 8/29/2003 10:54:00 AM

What's "Chill?"

Yes, I could just look it up on the web and get my answer within minutes. I'm trying to participate in this "Blog" thing. Hehe... ;)

Published by John on 8/29/2003 08:09:00 AM

Oh yeah see everyone on Monday for the "Moose Mecha experience".

Speaking of BESM I almost vomited last night when I saw BESM D20. I browsed thru it, and it really wasn't bad, but I'm getting a bit tired of everything being D20. Though D20 Chill would be cool, I miss Chill *sniff*

Published by John on 8/29/2003 08:07:00 AM

Good morning everyone.

Wayne--We are all starting off again at 8th level, did we get any experience, or should we start off with minimum. Which of course for some of us means that we earned only 100 xp in last nights "kill fest" :)

Jeremy--Let it be known that the gnome will travel from village to village telling the story of "Boom Boom" the greatest gunslinger ever. I will even use my illusion spells to add visual aids. Hail Boom Boom!

Leon--Namfoodle will invite your Dwarf to help him restore order and to encourage the masses (all thirty or so) to be good :)

Published by John on 8/28/2003 03:04:00 PM

Jeremy--Pizza stupid? Blasphemy!

Caroline--Hell you never made much sense to me anyway :)

Published by Anonymous on 8/28/2003 01:14:00 PM

Jeremy--A new pizza sounds fine to me. :)

All--I apologize in advance for all incoherency over the next few weeks. Grad school does that. ;)

Published by Anonymous on 8/28/2003 12:09:00 PM

Caroline- Alright... now it's just gettin' a little stupid. How about I just eat the pizza, and come Monday, I order you a new one? =)

Published by John on 8/28/2003 12:00:00 PM

See everyone tonight.

Published by Dr Who on 8/28/2003 11:38:00 AM

Good Afternoon, all. I'm am HAL 9000. Voice of Your DM Tonight. I wish to report that your Dm is currently looking forward to meeting you at the appointed time and place. Wayne? Wayne? Stop, Wayne! Stop, Wayne! Wayne!................

Sorry guys, Stupid Program. I''l never get the bug out of it. I hope that Everyone's week is going well. I hope that all of you can make it.

Caroline- Sorrry to hear that you will be busy. That many umbrellas in some countries make you the ruler of a kingdom. In others, makes you look crazy.......

Published by Anonymous on 8/27/2003 04:27:00 PM

I'm busy this Thursday evening, so I'll see people on Monday.

Jeremy--I'll be in town early Thurs and early Fri. Can I come get the pizza then, or can you remember to bring it on next Mon?

Hmm... I vote anything in the Book of Vile Darkness could be classified as broken. Plus I don't want any of us playing Soul-eaters. Except me, maybe. Sell me souls for my consumption? *innocent look* Mmm... souly goodness...

Anyone want umbrellas? My umbrellas are an odd breed and randomly decided to reproduce like metal coat-hangers. And they're not even in a dark closet to conceal their improprieties.

Published by Anonymous on 8/27/2003 03:32:00 PM

No...just trying to see if a PC race could qualify to take the Soul Eater prestiege class from Book o' Vile Darkness

Published by Anonymous on 8/27/2003 12:39:00 PM

::Voice track intentionally played out of sync- Begins to talk a full second before the sound catches up...::

Hah hah hah. The only thing I am trying to break is you face! With my fist! Hah hah!

::Beats up three nearby 'disposable ninja'::

Published by John on 8/27/2003 09:00:00 AM

Look out Dan is trying to break something again!

Published by Anonymous on 8/26/2003 05:04:00 PM

Are punches natural attacks?

Published by John on 8/26/2003 04:14:00 PM

Damn it is dead on the Blog..... bugger

Published by John on 8/26/2003 12:50:00 PM

Dustin--Some of us have to work :-|

Published by Dr Who on 8/25/2003 06:23:00 PM

SLacker!!!! Someone Watched Back to the future a little too much. But What is too much............

I come to you all and say good day and good Tomorrow.

Hope john's weeek is improving on an up hill turn to a summit at which you can't return from.


Published by Anonymous on 8/25/2003 05:42:00 PM

Do you guys relise that before I posted today, that there had been no postings sience Friday.


Published by Anonymous on 8/25/2003 01:03:00 PM


All-- My Next scheduled game is going to be on thursday sept 4th. class is easy....Sofar...

Published by John on 8/22/2003 03:56:00 PM

College email go breaky.....

Dustin--You suck..... been having a bad week, needed that :-P

Published by Anonymous on 8/22/2003 03:55:00 PM

Since I'm moving, I have random stuff that doesn't need to go. This list will be added to.

Does anyone want:
•Plastic Cups
•Styrofoam Cups
•Foil cookie sheets
•A really old office chair with wheels (no armrests or anything)
•Plastic stacking containers

Published by Anonymous on 8/22/2003 01:56:00 PM

Fine. Crits and/or max damage. :-P

Nope, can't be cheating with dice if I haven't actually touched any dice since... um... when was the last time I played in a game? Yeah...

Published by John on 8/22/2003 01:52:00 PM

Dan--She must listen with a big hammer *whack*

Published by Anonymous on 8/22/2003 01:43:00 PM

CD - How do you roll max damage on listen checks?

Published by John on 8/22/2003 12:49:00 PM

Caroline--*uh* webcam, we can see you cheating...

Published by Anonymous on 8/21/2003 04:25:00 PM

Great idea! *proceeds to rolls crits and max damage for all checks*

Peoples should check out the Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency (Alternate History). Why? Because it combines govmt, zombies, and humor, things that no one ever sees together. :)

Published by John on 8/21/2003 02:43:00 PM

Caroline--We could set up a web cam, and then stream you into the game.

Published by Anonymous on 8/21/2003 01:18:00 PM

If someone gives me both sections of a reliable teleportation machine, then I'll be at game today. *waits for them to appear* *waits more* Nope, no Th game for me... Yay moving! *twitch* I'll be there for next week's games as far as I know though.

Published by Dr Who on 8/21/2003 11:29:00 AM

Wayne's game go Poof! if moved to monday.

GOOD THURSDAY, WOOSTER. Yes, i watched Good morning vietnam to many times. Hope you guys are up and ready to rock for today's interesting installment.

Hope you all will attend. (Minus Caroline, MAYBE)

Published by John on 8/21/2003 09:24:00 AM

Dustin--Other than the fact that Wayne can't come on Mondays?

Published by Anonymous on 8/21/2003 08:55:00 AM

If we switch my game to Johns alt Thursday, I will only be able to play in the one session of the epic game and Waynes Thursday game. I want to Play more gosh darnet.

John, Would it be at all possible for you to switch your evil game to Thursdays and Let wayne's Game move to Your Monday Slot.

Published by John on 8/20/2003 12:11:00 PM

That seems that it is three for Dustin's game on Thursday.

Published by Dr Who on 8/19/2003 07:43:00 PM

Dustin's game as an alt for thursday??? That is a good thing. I would like to see a game like that. I vote yes to thursdays for dustin's game.

John- Nice to hear that the East River Squirrrel Virus has not yet claim another victim.

All - See you this thursday, With bells on. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Published by John on 8/19/2003 04:42:00 PM


Dustin--I can give up my Thursday slot, and run both of my games on Monday. I don't want to add another gaming night to my schedule (at least not a regular game).

Wayne--I shall be there Thursday (back to work today, and now I'm immune to death spells) with bells on, maybe literally :)

I think Dustin's game on Thursday, and both my games on Monday has 2 votes now. Muhahahahahahahahahaha.......

Published by Anonymous on 8/19/2003 04:21:00 PM

DM - i vote Thurs

Published by Dr Who on 8/19/2003 10:34:00 AM

Good Tuesday. Hello all. Just making sure that everyone know that yes thursday is my game.

John- Hope you are feeling better. Kick the squirrel!

Evereyone Have a great day!

Published by Anonymous on 8/18/2003 09:34:00 PM

Why not keep it alternating on Th night, when there's already a scheduled game and available place? :-P

*shrugs* Others have more say though. If the schedule doesn't work out, then I'll just have one fewer drive to Wooster.

Thursday night would be the best time for me. Friday night and Sunday afternoon (after the completion of John's epic game) are pseudo-acceptable. I have conflicts on Sunday night and Tuesday night.

Published by Anonymous on 8/18/2003 07:37:00 PM

Due to my ever changing schedule, my game on mondays is currently on hold. Here are the nites that I will be able to hold my game, Sunday,Tuesday,Thursday,Friday. If any of these days is unavable for Uncle Erics, Brian has suggested that we hold it at his place. Please post as to what nites will be good for everyone. It looks like Tuesday will be best for me, but not for Uncle Eric, again Brians Place is Avable.

So far we have two votes for Tuesday, Myself and Brian.

Published by Anonymous on 8/18/2003 01:47:00 PM

I believe it's Wayne's game this Thursday, but I'll be too busy packing to attend. See peoples on Sunday for the epic game. If the Monday-Thursday switch goes as planned, then it'll be supers on that Monday (25) and Dustin's game on Th (28).
DMs--Is that correct?

Published by Anonymous on 8/18/2003 01:45:00 PM

That really sucks considering this will be the las of his evil game I will be attending for awhile, whos game this thursday?

Published by Anonymous on 8/18/2003 12:45:00 PM

Just got a phone call from the CDC. Our DM has been infected with a rare case of East Nile Squirrel-Monkey Pox and is currently in level 3 quarantine.

The Shatz'man is just getting over a nasty flu, and could still be contagious. Out of the goodness of his heart, he's decided to cancel tonight's game unstead of sticking us all in a small, unventilated room with him.

Published by Anonymous on 8/17/2003 09:15:00 PM

Dan, Ive decided that wht happened to Dominique was unfair, so for the last game you earned 3000 xp intead of 1500. and that you can use 7th levle gold to build a new char.

furthermore, so everyone knows, sidebar converations will not be tollerated, appon receiving two warnings will result in loss of xp, three warnings means total loss of xp for the session.

Published by Anonymous on 8/17/2003 12:40:00 AM

JG - Noooooooo!

Published by Anonymous on 8/16/2003 12:06:00 AM

I'm going to be late for this Monday game (prolly after 7). Anyone in for pizza?

Best. Link Title. Ever. Click here to download infoporn graphics From a Wired article about connecting power grids, which has some interesting connotations but is decidedly nonpornographic. :D

Published by Anonymous on 8/15/2003 11:22:00 PM

Shatz- I don't think the Mage game is going to make it.

Published by Anonymous on 8/15/2003 05:15:00 PM


I Just got my college Sched.
Well, I will be there all day on Mon, wed, Sat. Including the pm. I was wondering If I would be able to Switch my off mon game with your off thurs game.

Published by John on 8/15/2003 02:11:00 PM

Jeremy--You know no one ever pays attention to me. I've been warning everyone for how long about the Canadian Menace. Dammit maybe people will start to listen to me now! I should be able to wrap up the supers game with one more session, are you ready with your mage game?

Don't forget my D & D game on Monday.

Published by Anonymous on 8/15/2003 12:29:00 PM

Hmmn. They think that the big power-outage may actually have been caused by some sort of disturbance in Lake Erie?

Damn those Canadians and their Mecha-Moose!


Published by John on 8/15/2003 11:38:00 AM

Jeremy--This is a "down" week. The following week is the last epic game.

Published by Anonymous on 8/15/2003 11:30:00 AM

No problem. Anything scheduled to happen this Sunday, or does it fall upon one of those every-other off week weeks?

Published by John on 8/15/2003 08:08:00 AM

Well is my fridge full. As of this morning neither my parents or my inlaws have power. And I have all their food, muhahahahahahahahaha.......

Again sorry about the late notice last night, but had to do it.

Published by John on 8/14/2003 04:33:00 PM

Okay guys I have to go over and help out (by that I mean clean out their fridge) my parents (no power)so I would have to say no game tonight.

Published by John on 8/14/2003 04:00:00 PM

Woo Hoo lights out East Coast!

Published by Anonymous on 8/14/2003 03:29:00 PM

Wisdom, Intelligence, same difference :) Someone needs to make a gnome/kender or a halfling/kender.

*crushes a tiny moose mecha with her big toe* Now all we need is Voodoo to transfer the damage to the big one.

Published by John on 8/14/2003 11:49:00 AM


See everyone tonight.

Published by John on 8/14/2003 08:19:00 AM

Caroline--A kender isn't stupid! In fact quite the opposite.

Published by Anonymous on 8/13/2003 09:19:00 PM

I found a nice class to go with Kenders *evil grin* Although it works a lot better with half-orc antagonists of Kenders...

Published by Dr Who on 8/13/2003 03:15:00 PM

John- Sorry, I won't be able to make it thursday. Wife got a four day weekend somehow by the grace f the walmart gods. She has made plans for those days. Hope that you guys have fun. I'll see you next week.

Published by Anonymous on 8/13/2003 03:00:00 PM

Hee-hee. Kender kender kender kender kender...!

"Oh? This was yours? I was jus' holding it for you. And this. And... Oo- lookielookieatthat!"

Published by John on 8/13/2003 02:04:00 PM

Dan--If they don't wish their Monday characters to become the "wife" of a well endowed Half Giant/Half Treant (ew splinters) they surely will make an exception.

Published by Anonymous on 8/13/2003 01:38:00 PM

JS - I'm assuming that you and the other DM's have agreed that Kender are now an OK race?

Published by John on 8/13/2003 12:15:00 PM

Okay you guys are all screwed! Senior Dan just directed me to the official D & D kender rules. Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.... so I would suggest that you guys do everything in your power to keep my Monday and Thursday characters alive.

*high squeaky kender voice* "Map you guys want a map? I'm sure that I can help you out.... oh look here at this shiny pebble. Oh yeah the map..."

Published by Anonymous on 8/12/2003 08:52:00 PM

Dustin--Is the Permanency spell allowed?

Published by Anonymous on 8/12/2003 12:36:00 PM

JS - Josh hasin formed me that you can't rip dirrectly from Angel or Spike...but creative and detailed varient will be acccepted. Also he's aparently getting a few of his female friends to play it... oh and I found the official kender for DnD...In the Works

Published by John on 8/12/2003 09:14:00 AM

Last night was way fun! Army-o-trolls kicked much butt!

See everyone on Thursday to fight the giant moose mecha.

Published by Anonymous on 8/12/2003 04:12:00 AM

John: Glad you like the books. Figured you would.

Published by Anonymous on 8/11/2003 11:52:00 PM

"Why they do it is a matter of speculation...Maybe these birds just taste nice, and after a hard day on the heather and grass the deer are saying, ‘I could murder a shearwater.’"

When Carnivore Deer Attack!

Published by John on 8/11/2003 05:13:00 PM

Jeremy--Yeah but I called you a hoser!

Published by Anonymous on 8/11/2003 04:56:00 PM

Shatz- Good. Glad I asked. I would have showed up with Teredor's sheet...

Published by John on 8/11/2003 04:16:00 PM

Jeremy--...uh huh huh huh... I called you a hoser...

Published by John on 8/11/2003 03:30:00 PM

Dan--*um* Gypsy curse....

Jeremy--No way hoser this is Dustin's game. You know, with the flying horsey...

Published by Anonymous on 8/11/2003 12:14:00 PM

Shatz- Yeah, I'll be there tonight. Tonight's your evil campaign, right?

Published by Anonymous on 8/11/2003 12:04:00 PM

JS - I believe it's a 15 point merit-type thing to play a humane vamp (spike or angel). Sounds like if you can come up with a decent back story then he might allow it.

Published by John on 8/11/2003 09:22:00 AM

Dan--Can I be a vampire with a heart of gold!

Leon--Those RR Martin books are cool. I'm 400 pages into the first one, very good.

Dustin--U SUXORS!

Well I had fun on Saturday. I somehow ended up with more books (RR Martin and zombie fiction), but did get a BESM gm screen and minis. Of course I've never seen anyone go mini crazy like Brian did :)

Brian--Speaking of minis you really need to bring some to the games to show everyone. Very cool stuff.

Published by Anonymous on 8/09/2003 07:00:00 PM

All - Josh(My friend) is interested in STing a Buffy game..who all would be interested?

Published by Anonymous on 8/09/2003 11:23:00 AM

I wont be able to make it today, sorry.

Published by Anonymous on 8/08/2003 06:14:00 PM

Speaking of places to eat, I vote for Chipotles.

Published by John on 8/08/2003 04:16:00 PM

Okay directions are in hand. I guess if it is just Leon, Caroline, Dustin, Brian and myself we could fit in a Crown Vic. Oh yeah I'm calling shotgun right now. Before anyone argues I have four reasons.

1. I have a bad back
2. I have the directions and have been to these places before
3. The trip was my idea
4. Because I said so :)

Please everyone be at the comic store promptly at 12:30. I don't know if anyone else cares, but I'm going to ask to drop off my truck at home on the way out of town. This is going to be so cool!

Published by John on 8/08/2003 04:06:00 PM

The Shatzman is on direction duty...... heh heh heh I said duty

Published by Anonymous on 8/08/2003 03:59:00 PM

It looks like 2 vehicles will be needed to get everyone there. I am also willing to drive, there is plenty of room in my crown vic and its easy on gas. I just dont Know where Im going.

Published by John on 8/08/2003 01:44:00 PM

Sunday game is cancelled.

Published by Anonymous on 8/08/2003 10:50:00 AM

Shatzer- Yeah, I was. I don't like to play favorites, but he IS only in the states about a week every six months or so.

For that matter, my house will not be available this Sunday for the game, if one was scheduled. You'll need to re-locate to the comic shop, or another home for this one. I will resume hosting on the 17th.

Published by Anonymous on 8/08/2003 10:32:00 AM

I am going. I have a 4-person car, if necessary, but I'd prefer to ride. If I do drive, I will need gas money from people. (I believe Brian, Dan, Dustin, and Leon were interested)

Published by John on 8/08/2003 08:29:00 AM

We all need to meet Saturday at the Comic Store at 12:30 sharp! Please let me know who is going so we know who we are leaving. I would like to leave earlier, but can't. I have to pick up my dogs from the cleaners. Don't forget to bring money for game stores, as well as supper/lunch. Any questions?

Again can I have a roll call of who is going, and more importantly what cars are available.

Published by John on 8/08/2003 08:26:00 AM

Jeremy--Probably hanging out with Kendric, *sniff* you don't love me anymore :(

Published by Anonymous on 8/07/2003 04:25:00 PM

I will not be at the game tonight. Sorry...

Published by John on 8/07/2003 02:42:00 PM

Okay so I have Caroline, Dustin and Brian in on the "pilgrimage", any others?

Dustin--Are you coming tonight? If so I'll hook you up with some.

Published by Anonymous on 8/07/2003 02:00:00 PM

John--Columbus gaming mecca sounds neat. :) Bubbles was going to be a healer, until school starts *snickers*. You do realize that Grimy will effectively be uncontrolled when I leave? Eat your brains :)

Dustin--Brian's char got petrified in Wayne's game and is currently in a bag of holding. I thought you weren't playing on Th anymore? What's your new char for Wayne's game? Blackguards can't use the Restoration Wand, it's not on their spell list.

Jeremy--I fight with a piddly little disruption weapon only when there's undead. Otherwise I have my axes (Greataxe and Dwarven Waraxe)

Brian--You get his personal effects, sure. As for the rest of the stuff, you'll have to compete with the rest of the group. :)

Published by Anonymous on 8/07/2003 01:31:00 PM

I was thinking, my blackgaurd might go back to Greyhawk, buy an enlarge potion,shave his black beard, buy a twelve foot long katana, call himself D and go kill some vampires. Dose any one know where he might be able to get a small talking face to graft onto his left hand?

Published by Anonymous on 8/07/2003 01:18:00 PM

Im not sure if brian is playing in waynes game.

Please somone email me excell char sheets, i am to lazey to make them myself, i could also use some new figs, if you think I'm geeky enough to make the pilgrimage.

Published by John on 8/07/2003 01:10:00 PM

Wayne--Level 6? Dammit I'm only a level 6. You are putting me on the same level as Dan, and that I can never forget... *sob*

Brian--Cool, we shall have to speak tonight of the sojurn to Columbus. We can call it a geek pilgrimage to the Mecca of tiny metal figs and dice.

Published by Anonymous on 8/07/2003 12:56:00 PM

Here I am Finally on the blogg, my new character for john's mon d&D game will be even better than before, following the same line i.e. fighter he will be stronger and crit more often than my previous elf he has improved crit as his last feat taken so if the dice fall my way then we should see many interesting developments form ( Galwinn ) " galwinn " is the elder brother of Galdrick who has recently fallen in battle ( no thanks to dave who very well could have saved his butt ) and as galwinn is the oldest heir ( with the next heir being a sister "Aerwinn" ) galwinn requests that he have first claim to his brother galdick's possesions once they are made available to the group. Galwinn will of course share the possesions with all as long as he has first claim.

John - Yes I would like to join your pilgrimage to columbus to search for more figs and besides it gives me a great excuse not to go to michigan with my mom for a dull birthday party of little significance then I can apply the $ 88.00 hotel saving the my fig puchases.

Published by Dr Who on 8/07/2003 11:54:00 AM

Dan- I think that the best ones to go with are Sentinel or Avenger. That way you don't decide to kill one of the memebers of the group because of their alignment. If you go Avenger, You could fight for the monks that were attacked by the DARK FORCE. Go ahead and make a lvl 6 on either way that you choose.

John- Yes, silly clown. The alignment of the group is good. :-)

All - hurrrah! It's thursday. Hope you all are having a good one.

Published by Anonymous on 8/07/2003 11:48:00 AM

I am sure that brian would like to increase his fig collection, he only has spent in th neighborhood of $500 on them.

Published by John on 8/07/2003 08:50:00 AM


I am considering a run to the Columbus gaming stores on Saturday. There are a couple of really good stores, plus some good places to eat. Is/would anyone else be interested?

Published by John on 8/07/2003 08:48:00 AM

Dustin--Does Larry have email? If so ask him if he would like to join the Blog.

Okay guys Brian is invited to the Blog and should be here anytime now......

Published by John on 8/07/2003 08:36:00 AM

Jeremy--Dan's mindbender only gets what the survivors wish him to have. Okay the potions of raise dead were party treasure, so that stays with someone. As far as the rest... recruit a new healer? (hmmmmmm who hasn't died yet?)

Caroline--*as Yoda* "Under the settings tab lies what you seek" Necron is angered by the casting of Animate Dead and will teleport you away at some point (solves metagaming issue) to "punish" you. It seems when that happened you had left the healing items (including potions of raise dead) where you were "working" on someone... As far as Grimey zombie the rest should feel free to abuse away :) You still really don't want to planeshift, plus with being in a cave and all you may not hear the "good" news.

Wayne--Remember what? :-P

Dan--Good point I do think that Blackguard are divine.

Leon--Yes Bubba Ho Tep is going to be the greatest movie since Army of Darkness. My only disappointment is that I won't be able to buy it on laserdisc as well as VHS and DVD when it comes out :) Sweet more dialogue to memorize...

Published by Anonymous on 8/07/2003 01:23:00 AM


*Casts "Prestidigitation" on the newly-animated Grimy-Zombie*
::Applies bright-red lip gloss, bright pink circles on his cheeks, lengthens the lashes, and tons of dark blue eye-shadow. They'll last about an hour.::

"Awww.... Grimy... how cute...."

(Caroline- Oh... you fight with an axe? I thought you used a Disruption weapon?)

Dustin- You helped Larry build his character, right? What's he fight with, and what's he wearing armor-wise? If he's concerned about AC, the Amulet Nat +1 will help a little. He could also fight sword-and-shield if he chose. The Lg Shield is another +2 right there. Unfortunately, it's not masterwork, so I can't put an enchantment on it.

There is a MW breastplate in the pile I could make into a +2. That might be an option for a few people, actually...

Published by Anonymous on 8/07/2003 01:13:00 AM

I would verry much like the Gauntlets of Ogre Power, and Larry needs to increase his ac so l suggest giving the bracers of natural armor +1 to him, As for any of the devine wands, depending on how John rules it, My Blackgaurd can cast devine spells, so he should be able to use the wands, if thy are left behind.

John, or anyone els who would like to make my dm life easier, could you email me a copy of any excell spread sheats that are used for the game, now that I have entered the Digital Age, they woud be verry usefull. I was considering swithing my pc's to the laptop also, If someone has a good excell char sheet, that would be usefull before Waynes game tonight.

Email= dmellott@nvi.net

Published by Anonymous on 8/07/2003 12:55:00 AM

Hey John, Novell may nix NetWare development.

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2003 11:51:00 PM

Depending on John's (Necron's) reaction to Animate Dead
*kicks Grimy* *casts Animate Dead* If his body didn't need to be mostly intact, I would have annihilated it rather than kicked it. *kicks the resulting Zombie* Not entirely sure he'll last until Utopia, but I'll see what I can do. As for the rest of this stuff, I have a better claim on the Greataxe than [Dustin]; I fight with one. I wouldn't mind the Cloak of Ch +2 (not that it'll do her much good). No sense in selling perfectly good arrows, so I'll take some of those too. Don't need the gloves or the other potions.

However, it's not really fair for her to disappear with those and prolly not the +3 dagger either, so what she actually gets is up to the players.

Since we're likely to stay within the cave system for a while, I vote wall of stone+plane shift are sufficient excuses for a successful escape. I can use Ethereal Jaunt to check whether the planeshifting would work. :D

Dan--Because I don't want her to die. Depending on greediness, there's little reason why the group wouldn't try to use one of the Raise Dead potions to bring her back anyhow. :)

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2003 11:34:00 PM

John, you did mention Bubba Ho-Tep before, right?

Just ran across an article about it, sounds freakin cool.

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2003 11:32:00 PM

Jeremy: Works for me. I'll take the bracers if Fizzle dosen't want them, frees up a second level spell. If he does want them, well, I have more spells than him, so I can afford to expend one.

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2003 10:19:00 PM

then why not say she dies at her last game?

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2003 09:54:00 PM

*Opens up the box, and walks down the stairs. A few minutes later, Grimy's limp body flies out of the trunk and into a pile at the center of the cave floor. Teredor re-appears up the stairs with a bow and a burlap bag slung over his shoulder...*

*Sits down on the floor, and begins pulling items out of the bag...*

"Well, out of that, all I really want is the haste potion."

(Potion of Haste),( Dagger +3) ::Nods, using a 'Mage Hand' to levetate the items onto [Caroline's] pile:: "Merry Christmas..."

(Bracers of Armor +3) ::Looks between Azmir and Fizzle:: "It's not quite a replacement for 'Mage Armor', but it's close. If either of you have a use for this, speak now, or it's going to be sold with the rest of the leftover gear when we hit the next friendly city..."

(+2 Dagger- Returning, Shocking) ::Slides it along the cave floor to Azmir:: "This'll be much more useful as a holdout than your other one. If you do hit, the enchantment gives you a good chance of doing more than just a scratch. And it's always gonna' be better than that 'Ray of Frost'. *grins*

(Gauntlets of Ogre Power <+2 STR>) ::Points at [Dustin], [Larry], [Caroline] and Bruce:: "You four would seem to prefer close combat. Any of you not already wearing gloves?"

(+2 Mace- Disruption), (+1 Bastard Sword), (+2 Great Axe- Shocking, Corrosive) ::Looks between Bruce and [Larry]:: "Bruce, the Hand-and-a-Half sword was your weapon of choice, correct? Your call if you're wanting a backup. [Larry], you seem like the type who likes to smash things. You may find that mace to your liking. [Dustin]... you like axes, eh?"

(Bag of Holding I),(Boots of Striding/Springing), ([MTY CMP +3STR] +2 Longbow - Flaming, Frosting) ::Places these beside him:: "These I would like, if noone else has better use for them...?"

(+? Singing Short Sword) "This seems to only function at it's full power when in the hands of a bard. Unless someone here was planning on working on their singing voice anytime soon, I say we include this in the items to pawn off...?"

*Places the following items into a pile:* (Includes the items recovered from the Hook Horrors)

"Now, these are just my suggestions, of course. Anyone disagree, now's the time to speak up. As for these, see anything they'd like to have their name on...? Anything leftover (except for the potions, and the cash of course) will be assumed leftover and pawned off and divvied out as gold..."

1 - Amulet of Natural Armor +1
2 - Rings of Protection +1
1 - Longbow +1
1 - Cloak of CHA +2
4 - Potions of Cure Light Wounds
1 - Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
1 - Potion of Invisibility
1 - Potion of Spider Climb


Punch Dagger
Breastplate (MW)
LG Steel Shield
46 Arrows

2,027 GP
2,413 SP
3,475 CP

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2003 09:40:00 PM

Caroline- It's a metagaming problem, because your character is simply disappearing off the face of the planet. Saying you just slipped off in the cover of darkness one evening is a convient story to explain your dissapearance. But that doesn't take into account the fact that if you did actually disappear with all the healing items, you'd have at best two hours travel before the rest of the party (or at the very least, me...) notices your gone and sets the hounds out after you. ;D

Dan- I wasn't really that concerned about loosing a healer. It was the loss of our cache of healing items in general. I could probably use the wands, if it really came down too it, so long as we had them to use...

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2003 08:55:00 PM

Re: Healing. I don't really see it as a metagaming problem. My character is true neutral, and the balance has definitely shifted. What with invisibility 1/day, the dangerous journey we're about to take, and the # of Hand she's seen killed, she could leave at any time. She can use Alter Self and cloakage to hide the Hand tatoo until she gains regen and can grow back that area as new skin.

It is mildly gamebreaking, but Bubbles was going to come in as a neutral cleric, so she'll leave him the cure wands. (She doesn't really want people to die, but she's too smart to keep risking her life. Plus the wand and the Raise Dead potions are worth a lot of money. :D ) It's up to the rest of the group what to do when Bubbles likely cuts gaming time due to school.

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2003 08:48:00 PM

JG - May not be my place to say this but idn't a bunch of people keal over last game? Why not "suggest" one of them go cleric. Or can paladins/blackgaurds use divine items?

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2003 07:50:00 PM

Shatz- How are we supposed to handle Caroline's character's dissapearance? We got a metagame confict again. A signifigant chunk of the party's healing items are disappearing with her. (Wands of Restoration, Cure Lt., and Cure Ser., both remaining Potions of Raise Dead, assorted healing potions...)

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2003 07:27:00 PM

WD - But which do you think would work?

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2003 07:00:00 PM

I Am still here and so is New guy/Larry

Published by Dr Who on 8/06/2003 06:46:00 PM

My Game is good. Just in case you can't remmeber...........

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2003 06:40:00 PM

*looks through meager treasure* IC Well, out of that, all I really want is the haste potion. I wouldn't mind the boots (I'm slow), but Teredor could use them too. Azimir doesn't technically need them what with the pixie form. I don't need the dagger per se, but someone should keep it around for DR purposes. When do you want the "Animate Dead" spell cast on Grimy? end IC

Jeremy--These requests are subject to the rest of the treasure being posted. We definitely have a party of 5 that survived (not counting Dan); methinks Dustin survived too.

John--Thanks, but I can edit my own profile to change the email address. Any idea what happened to the group blogger page that listed everyone and their emails? Maybe it's a casualty of the lo-fi version...

DMs--I don't have anything schoolwise directly conflicting until classes start. I will be moving though, so game attendance may vary the week of the 20th (or games will used as moving breaks). Depending on how busy/bored I am, I might be able to show up occasionally for the Th (mmm mage) game or the Sun LAN goodness.

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2003 05:39:00 PM

Psst- Hey, dead guys- ignore Shatzer's note. Those of us that do manage to survive don't mind the mess. BTW- If one of the replacement meat-puppets would be so kind as to buy an Amulet of Natural Armor +2, I'd really appreciate it. ;)

BTW- who all survived? (And what is your character again?) I was going to make suggestions in-character to who-should-get-what as I post what all we've got...

Leon, Caroline, and the new guy (Wizard, Cleric, Fighter, respectively, yes?) any myself are all I remember alive at the end of the session. Did I miss anyone? (Technically, Dan's Mindbender is still in hiding somewhere....)

Published by John on 8/06/2003 04:25:00 PM

Okay guys this is the treasure from the Hook Horrors:

1565 gold
2347 silver
3475 copper
2 potions (spider climb, haste)
Pair of boots (striding and springing)
+3 dagger

This of course doesn't count the treasure from your dead party members :(

note: Wizards please cast your freakin' spells. I'm getting kind of tired of moping the floor with you guys :-P

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2003 04:03:00 PM

JS - Then your not acting correctly.

Published by John on 8/06/2003 03:57:00 PM

Oh wait maybe it is good.... I don't think that I can tell the difference anymore :(

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2003 03:38:00 PM

JS - I thought Wayne's game was good? If evil then it kinda limits it to the the incarnate...evil variants of paladins are in the next issue of Dragon.

Published by John on 8/06/2003 02:26:00 PM

Paladin varients in an evil campagin?

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2003 01:16:00 PM

WD - either avenger or incarnate...unless you think another might be more fun

Published by John on 8/06/2003 11:43:00 AM

Caroline--Make sure to email me when you get your new email address. I'll update your account on the blog. Just because you aren't in Wooster, doesn't mean you can't post :)

Published by Dr Who on 8/06/2003 11:21:00 AM

Dan - Which Variant were you planning on playing?

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2003 08:02:00 AM

Oops, I miscounted. John's next Monday D&D game (18th) will be my last game. Of course, I'll be horrendously busy around then, so I might not be able to make that game. Will keep people posted.

Published by Anonymous on 8/05/2003 09:58:00 PM

WD - Simple? me? Ack! Remember those paladin varients? can I play one?

Published by Dr Who on 8/05/2003 08:35:00 PM

John - my mondays have changed so i won't be able to make it on mondays regularly. Sorry about the confusion.

Dan - Yeah, that would be fine. Your character must be good. Start your character at lvl 6. keep it simple.

All- i can't believe that it's tuesday. Only two days til d&d. Cool.

Published by Anonymous on 8/05/2003 06:23:00 PM

Wayne - Was wondering first if I could join your Thursday game and if so what kind of characters are okay?

Published by John on 8/05/2003 02:49:00 PM

Good day eh? Yep it is Tuesday, yipee!

Published by Anonymous on 8/05/2003 02:02:00 PM

John--The hook horrors were pretty cool, from my perspective in the back. :)

All--Neat! Scientists in Kyoto have found a way to get electric power from blood glucose. Pick a world theory: proof for vampires, further justification for the Matrix, or just a power source for really cool nanotech.

Published by John on 8/05/2003 07:42:00 AM

Well I don't know about you guys but last night was helacool! Hey I got to use Hook Horrors! That was some serious old school shiznit!

So I guess that I'll see everyone on Thursday.

Wayne--Are you not playing on Mondays anymore? I know that you had made a couple, just wanting to know that status.

Published by Anonymous on 8/04/2003 04:42:00 PM

I hate Mondays. So a chance to blast some monsters is always welcome.

Published by John on 8/04/2003 01:53:00 PM

I don't think that I'm very fond of Mondays, in fact they kind of suck. Which is why it is nice to go to the comic store and kill me some characters... As a matter of fact I'm not that fond of Thursdays either :)

Published by Anonymous on 8/04/2003 01:50:00 PM

"It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)" *sing-song* :D

Published by John on 8/04/2003 11:56:00 AM

Player Characters vs. Master Vampire = much fun for me.

....*rubbing hands together* excellent...

Published by Anonymous on 8/01/2003 07:24:00 PM

Jeremy--There's a reason why I mentioned the Darwin Awards in my last post. :D

All--Clanbook Tremere and Followers of Set Clanbook Malkavian Because.
Most links courtesy of L33T Google

Published by Anonymous on 8/01/2003 06:09:00 PM

Caroline- Vegetarians I can at least understand. Vegans are an odd bunch, but as long as they're not hurting anyone, I could care less.

You of all people should know better than to confuse a PETA member with a vegetarian.

Vegetarians simply prefer not to eat meat. PETA is a terrorist organization who's members like to dress up in chicken suits so they can harass shopkeepers in Calcutta, while making web pages talking about the benifits of having sex with your pets.

Published by John on 8/01/2003 02:40:00 PM

I hope that everyone had fun last night. I know that I did. See you all on Monday for my D & D game, woo hoo vampires!

Published by Anonymous on 8/01/2003 12:14:00 AM

Yay BESM! On another note, you guys may think I'm crazy for being a vegetarian, but at least I didn't change my name because of it. Scary. Very scary. Unfortunately she's not a candidate for the Darwin Awards. At least, not yet... *evil grin*