Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 8/06/2003 06:40:00 PM

*looks through meager treasure* IC Well, out of that, all I really want is the haste potion. I wouldn't mind the boots (I'm slow), but Teredor could use them too. Azimir doesn't technically need them what with the pixie form. I don't need the dagger per se, but someone should keep it around for DR purposes. When do you want the "Animate Dead" spell cast on Grimy? end IC

Jeremy--These requests are subject to the rest of the treasure being posted. We definitely have a party of 5 that survived (not counting Dan); methinks Dustin survived too.

John--Thanks, but I can edit my own profile to change the email address. Any idea what happened to the group blogger page that listed everyone and their emails? Maybe it's a casualty of the lo-fi version...

DMs--I don't have anything schoolwise directly conflicting until classes start. I will be moving though, so game attendance may vary the week of the 20th (or games will used as moving breaks). Depending on how busy/bored I am, I might be able to show up occasionally for the Th (mmm mage) game or the Sun LAN goodness.