Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 3/05/2004 06:58:00 PM

Jeremy--Oh, I have plans *evil grin* I agree with you that this game will not last with that PK rule.

Dustin--This ruling is stupid, and I'm being far too polite with my wording. I'm making two "real" backup characters, and after that they're going to be fighter clones for the remainder of the session. Then I won't be back for another session. I can play hack and slash video/computer games without driving two hours, after all.

All--Even with an evil party, there has to be a slight balance between taking opportunities to kill eachother and keeping enough party members alive to kill the enemies. Dustin just obliterated that balance. The only reason it "works" in Paranoia is that most of the hazards are non-combat. Even then, Paranoia games are one-offs. Since D&D is combat-based, intelligent evil characters in D&D have to work together because they know the entire rest of the world will kill them if they don't. If this order has to be imposed by outside authorities because the characters would normally kill each other, so be it. I know the Drow are vicious wanton killers, but they can't kill eachother all the time because there wouldn't be any Drow left. Therefore, they band together against common enemies, and only kill eachother sometimes.