Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 3/09/2004 12:59:00 PM

Jeremy--The more important part is that a take-home final means on-time for movies. Google doesn't work for things that aren't on it, especially analysis questions. The point of a take-home final (as should be true for in-class finals, in my opinion) is to demonstrate that you've learned and thought about the material rather than short-answer regurgitation. Although professors can set whatever restrictions they want for take-home exams, smart ones will rework their exams, recognizing that students are likely to consult their notes/work longer than the standard exam period.

Could you put off Underworld until next week please? Pretty please? *still hasn't seen it* Otherwise, I want a burned copy. On third thought, I want a burned copy anyhow. Pretty movie...