Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 3/04/2004 02:33:00 AM

Can I petition for a weapon change?

The Bladed Gauntlets were originally an exotic 1d6 17-19x2. The errata nerfed them back to 1d6 19-20x2. The gauntlets have no special abilities. This is a waste of a feat. (Of course, I saw nothing wrong with them in the first place. They had the stats of a Scimitar, with an increased threat range for exotic.)

I would like the Gauntlets either and/or -
a. Declared a Martial weapon, since they are in no way better than a short sword with the same stats.
b. Given back an inceased threat range or multiplier more in line with an exotic weapon
c. Given some special ability.

Personally, I think (exotic) 18-20x2 with a +2 to disarm attempts would work well.