Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 2/29/2004 09:45:00 PM

As I have absolutely no idea which section of the SRD to check, I'll check my DMG when I get home. DMG 79 -- 1 dose : 1 weapon : 1 hit

*muses about peoples' tentative classes*
2 rangers
1 rogue (will m-c with fighter)
1 cleric
1 monk
1 martial artist (fighter or monk or the actual martial artist class?)
1 NPC wizard

Seems like a pretty balanced party so far.

Published by Anonymous on 2/29/2004 08:50:00 PM

*ponders* According to the (DMG?) rules, it's one dose per item no matter what size.

Hmn. That's not the same rules I've read, then. Maybe it was in one of the Forgotten Realms books. I seem to remember small blades (shortswords, daggers) were one dose. Larger blades cost more. Longswords cost two doses of poisons to "properly" coat. Even larger weapons (Greatswords, Greataxes, giant weapons, etc...) could take as much as four, eight, or sixteen doses to effectively coat. i just don't remember what they said about tiny weapons...

Published by Anonymous on 2/29/2004 04:53:00 PM

*ponders* According to the (DMG?) rules, it's one dose per item no matter what size. Simpler, I guess? Again, simplest is first succesful attack, although arguments could be made for it lasting through a few attacks (some limit though). Bah. Simple vs. practical... deciding when to change things can make my head hurt. And we can't forget the 5% chance of self-poisoning...

Published by Anonymous on 2/29/2004 04:27:00 PM

When you poison arrows / throwing stars / small disposable ranged blades -- is it still one dose per arrow, or do you get to poison them by the batch?

And when you poison weapons- does the poison only last till your first sucessfull attack, or can you strike multiple times with one dosage?

Published by Anonymous on 2/29/2004 12:08:00 PM

My as yet unnamed martial artist has little need of weapons or most other gear. However, he could use any of the following items:

Any items that increase Str, Dex or Con would be welcome of course (and highly unlikely, I know)
Any sort of AC bonus is critically important, as the martial artist class does not have a much AC as even monks, so Ring of Protection, Bracers of Armor, or Amulet of Natural Armor would all be useful.
Slippers of Spiderclimb would fit the concept nicely.
Boots of Striding and Springing might also be cool, if a bit expensive. A Ring of Jumping would fit better and might be eventually combined with the slippers.

Otherwise, mostly non-magical clothing, a belt pouch for any money and a pair of sais.
Possibly a potion belt as well, if we can expect to be issued any healing potions.

Published by Anonymous on 2/29/2004 11:36:00 AM

I must say, I'm not too fond of the 1/2 hp rule as it apparently is intended to work. If the intent was to represent the effects of massive damage, there are better ways to do that which don't require recalculating the threshold every time anyone takes damage. Furthermore, at higher levels the rule might as well be take only a partial action on any round after being hit for more than half your remaining hit points, since there is no gradiation between an 80 hp character taking 39 hp and being safe and taking 40 hp and getting only a partial action unless he rolls a 20. The saving throw is utterly unneccessary in most situations as it will most often be either trivial or unmakeable.

Basing the save on damage taken over the threshold is a better idea, for example DC= 15 + damage over threshold. (only an example 10 or 20 might be better numbers, depending on how difficult the save is intended to be)

The threshold itself is a matter of concern. A fixed threshold is simpler to use. I suggest perhaps half maximum hp if you want a threshold tailored to each character and saves to be more uncommon at higher levels. For more common saves, a smaller ammount could be used.

Published by Anonymous on 2/28/2004 11:52:00 AM

Poison? Only the weak and unfit are harmed by the touch of Lolth. And they deserve whatever fate she gives them... (Whee Nietzche and Hobbes)

Races of Faerun p.160
Drow Sleep Poison: Injury DC 13; Initial: Unconscious for 1 minute; Secondary: Unconscious for 2d4 hours
75gp a dose

Wild Dwarf Knockout Poison: Injury DC 15; Initial: Slowed for 5 rounds; Secondary: Unconscious for 1 minute.
150 gp a dose

The cheapest poisons in the DMG 80 (and S&S 25) are between 90 and 250 a dose. Althought the drow sleep poison doesn't really correspond with the DMG/S&S effects, there are enough different kinds to make Cerissa happy. If you want more variety, feel free to search through more books or use the price/DC/effect scale to create intermediate potions with better, yet still affordable effects. Unless there is an official poison list yet? *looks toward Dustin*

Published by Anonymous on 2/27/2004 09:04:00 PM

Good. I was hoping there was a cheap Drow poison, since it seems ALL the drow coat damned near everything with it...

Published by Anonymous on 2/27/2004 06:35:00 PM

Jeremy--You forgot crunchy. :) "Do not mess with the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup."

Dustin--Sounds good. I'll email you my equip request list at some point (Wednesday, at worst *twitches at schedule*), but it's close to the same as before. It'll be modified by that list of poison effects and prices, but I expect everyone else's list will change too. Oh, and there's a cheap drow sleep poison in one of the FR books (maybe Lords of Darkness or Races of Faerun?). 75gp per dose, Fort DC 13-15ish.

Published by Anonymous on 2/27/2004 04:02:00 PM

Skill focus now adds a +3, knolege monster and local are class skills for all classes.

Caroling- bovd is a highly prized and protected book, only the highest ranking clericks of a house are aloud to read it, sry no spells from it yet.

Published by Anonymous on 2/27/2004 03:39:00 PM

If "realism" is a concern, we can keep it a rule that everyone stays at their 1st-level Hit Points. And you roll for it. No "instant max."

I shoot you in the chest with a crossbow bolt, you're probably going to die. I cleave into you with a greataxe, you're probably going to die. Giant hits you with a boulder, you're probably going to die. The wizard fills the hallway with magical fire, you're probably going to die.

Humans are sqwishy. This is accurate. :)

Published by Anonymous on 2/27/2004 03:28:00 PM

5th-level Wizard fireball=average 15hp or 7hp; max 30 or 15. When that gets repeated... bad things will happen. If standardly built, my last wizard would have been doing 20d6 7th level fireballs, and there's no way people would pass fort DCs in the 60s. *twitch* DCs and Hitpoints do not correspond, and they're not supposed to. Why can't we just go with the 50 pt massive dmg: fort save or die roll? Or just accept that D&D lacks realism and that the "stun/partial action" effect is included with less HP?

Published by Anonymous on 2/27/2004 01:50:00 PM

Caroline- I ust got clarification on the mechanics of the "half hp save" last night. Aparently, it's progressive. (10HP, takes 6 pts. Over half / Fort Save = 6. Now HP 4, takes 3 more damage. Save again.)

This is why the "Half HP" save is going to fail.

At lower levels, the rolls are going to be very frequent- basically just a nuisance. The average DC will be less than 10. Every level we go up (as damage increases) the save will become progressively harder, until the character is fucked every single time he's hit in combat.

I predict this to result in nearly impossible DCs by level 5. At which point a single wizard with two fireballs memorized and a decent damage roll would be an unstoppable TPK.

Published by Anonymous on 2/26/2004 05:59:00 PM

Another option is kicking it up to a +4 bonus. Although the change would negate Combat Casting, that's a pretty useless feat too. I like the bonus ranks option *muses* but that's partly because this character's aimed towards the Divine Oracle PrC (DoF), which requires Skill Focus and a minimum skill rank level.

Published by Anonymous on 2/26/2004 05:56:00 PM

I'm with Caroline on altering Skill Focus. This is a common rule in many other D20 games, why it wasn't made official in 3.5 is beyond me. (edit. After checking the 3.5 rulebook it was. no wonder it was beyond me)
As it stands, Skill Focus is even more useless than Endurance or Toughness since pretty much any skill you might wish to take has been covered by one of those +2/+2 feats by now. Another option I've seen in house rules and other d20 rulesets make it +1 (or even +2) ranks in the skill. These ranks can exeed the normal maximum ranks for your character level in most examples I've seen.

Published by Anonymous on 2/26/2004 03:36:00 PM

I like pie

Dustin--Some of that "males don't speak" stuff will have to be discarded to allow party communication and prevent player boredom. The superior attitude will still remain. ^_^
  • Can we playtest a battle with that partial action rule before it becomes standard?
  • Is Knowledge: Monsters a class skill?
  • Can Cerissa use spells from the BoVD? There's a nolight cantrip that would be useful, even if you want to restrict other spells.
  • You added the druidic spell "Last Breath" to the divine spell list of other classes (Cleric, Ranger, maybe Blackguard), right? Like True Res, it doesn't cause any level loss (or -1 Con if 1st level).
  • And while you're adding house rules, make the Skill Focus feat add 3 to a skill check? That balances it out with the huge number of feats (Alertness, etc) that add 2 to two different skills.

All--Think carefully before creating a character who only worships Lolth in public. There will be consequences with spell effects, not just character interaction.

From what I've been reading, drow fight a great deal within themselves, but tend to unite against a common enemy. Standard dysfunctional family tactics, let alone evil party tactics. We're not likely to kill eachother offhand unless 1. we can get away with it w/o penalties from the rest of the party/drow society 2. we don't (really) need that person to help against an immediate/future threat.

Published by Anonymous on 2/26/2004 02:34:00 PM

I'm gonna' make a character just like Mr. Stabby! He's my hero...


Published by Anonymous on 2/26/2004 01:22:00 PM

Drow racial feats (Forgotten Realms, Races of Faerun)
These are additional feats that drow chars can take; they don't get them automatically.
Arachnid Rider [RoF] +2 racial bonus on Handle Animal and Ride checks for arachnids. Can use Handle Animal on monstrous spiders smaller than Huge.
Deepening Darkness [RoF] (Pre-req: Darknesssp-like) Can cast Darkness 2 more times a day. Darkness is treated as Deeper Darkness for dispelling (Daylight) purposes. All other effects the same.
Highborn Drow [RoF] (Flavor implies noble only. Pre-req: Drow, base Will Save +2) Gain sp-like 1/day Detect Good, Detect Magic, Levitate. Caster level = Character level.
Improved Levitation [RoF] (Pre-req: Levitate sp-like) If can levitate for more than 10 min/day, can divide levitate into 10-min chunks of time.
Lolth's Blessing [RoF] (Pre-req: Drow, Wis 15, deity Lolth, cast 3rd-lvl divine spells) Gain sp-like 1/day Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Discern Lies, Dispel Magic, Suggestion. Caster level = Character level.

Regional Feat
According to FR's regional feat system, Drow who take a preferred class (cleric, fighter, rogue, wizard) at 1st level can have a free regional feat. Dustin? Otherwise, these feats are added to the normal drow feat list.
Blooded [FR Corebook] +2 Initiative, Spot
Daylight Adaption [FRc] no lightblindness
Highborn Drow [RoF] see above
Stealthy [FRc] +2 Hide, Move Silently
Survivor [FRc] +1 Fortitude, +2 Wilderness Lore

Published by Anonymous on 2/26/2004 12:37:00 PM

Drow racial mods (PHB, Forgotten Realms Corebook, Races of Faerun, & Dustin)
Since Drow are a variant of normal elves, a lot of this is PHB Elf stuff.
Stat Mods: -2 Con, +2 Dex, Int, Ch
Size and Movement: Medium, base speed 30 ft
Sleep: 4-hour trance, immunity to magic sleep and similar effects
Spell Resistance: 11+Character level
Will-Saves: +2 bonus to will-saves against all spells and spell-likes (Faith and Pantheons says stacks with normal elven Enchantment bonus, Dustin says no)
Spell-likes: (1/day as sorceror of character level; Dustin--rules say arcane spell failure applies, overrule for flavor?) Dancing Lights, Darkness, Fairie Fire
Nobles: Necklace with drow house insignia which will probably add another spell-like ability (levitation, divisible into round-length increments?)
Vision: Darkvision 120 ft and Infrared 30 ft
Light-blindness: Bright light (sunlight, Daylight, etc; not normal torches, candles, faerie fire) blinds for one rnd, -1 circumstance to all attacks, saves, checks while in bright light.
Keen Senses: +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, Spot; Automatic search for secret doors as Elves.
Racial Weapon Proficiencies: Either longsword or rapier; all crossbows (not longbow, shortbow)
Racial Automatic lLanguages: Elven, Common, Undercommon, Drow Sign Language; Bonus Languages include Abyssal, Dwarven, Draconic, Goblin, Orc, Terran.
Favored Class: Wizard (male); Cleric (female)
Drow have +2 ECL, so our characters have first level skills, BAB, etc; but 3rd lvl gold.

Published by John on 2/26/2004 09:56:00 AM

Dustin & Jeremy--Come to the island and peruse Casa De Trog.

Published by Anonymous on 2/26/2004 09:35:00 AM

yay!!!!! i passed my liscence test!!!!

Published by Anonymous on 2/26/2004 02:14:00 AM

All-- What follows is a list of ground rules for the game, some are house rules and some are new

1. If you take damage = to half your hitpoints,you must succeed at a fort save or have a partial action the next round. The DC of the save is = to the damage taken
2. You will not be dead until you reach negative your con in hitpoints, the other players have 1 round to revive or stabilize you.
3. No resurrection is possible, if you die, you stay dead.
4. No good alingments
5. No druids, barbarians, sorcrores, or palidins
6. This is a Lolth worshiping City.
7. Ring of protection adds to both your AC and saves
8. No male clerics
9. Your all from the same house, the house name is Esad'LarAmier ( one word )
10. Bows aren't available for underground use, u wont be issued one if u are expected to stay in the underdark.

There are 3 rules in drow life.
1. Always obey and respect someone of a higher station.
2. Eereyone is an enemy
3. Everyone is expendable

The city your are from is Zierieth
There are 53 houses in the city, the party is from the 10th house.

The Matron mothers of the top 8 houses form the ruling body of the city, and the the matron mother of the first house has final say of the rulership

The first 11 houses are
1. Arachnis
2. Temp'Risus
3. Netheralis
4. Mac'za'crist
5. Draktel
6. Nachal'nalsat
7. Ki'mant
8. Ragna'cristilus
9. Baernesilius
10. Esad'larAmier
11. Drak'nar'sad

There are 3 schools in the city, The first house controls the schools
The fighter Schools is called Melle'Magtheir
The Wizard school is called Sorceree
The Cleric school Is called Arch'Tilinithe

This is a very Female dominated society, males never speak to a female unless they are spoken to.
Females are never addressed by males with their given name, always by their title.

There are going to be 3 nobles in the party, everyone else will be a house drow.
To be a noble means you are a son or a daughter of the matron mother of your house, or you were a noble of a house that your current house destroyed and were assimilated into the house, amd your last name is your house name.

You will be issued all of ur starting equipment by your house, post a list for aprovial, you have third lvl starting gold.

Some of 3.5 is usable, only apon DM aprovial.

Legend says that the drow were bless along time ago by Lolth with immortality, no drow in recollection has died of natural causes.

Caroline-- can u post the abilitys of the drow, the racial modifers and the racial abilitys of both nobles and house drow please, i didn't write them down.

If You have any questions, dont hesitate to ask.

Published by John on 2/25/2004 05:43:00 PM

You guys still suck :-P

Published by Anonymous on 2/25/2004 03:19:00 PM

Leon--Probably won't make it to game this week. Exam and paper and project, oh my.

Published by Dr Who on 2/25/2004 03:03:00 PM

dusty- looking at 3.5. i think i'm going with that. on my list drop the long sword and replace with a short sword. Everything else stays the same.

Published by Dr Who on 2/25/2004 02:22:00 PM


Dusty-Going ranger to start out of 3.0. Fits the background story more. My character "Vahn Toril" needs the followong equipment (All masterwork)

Leather Armor

belt with 4 pouches, each pouch containing a cure light potion.

i'll have more when all this is cleared with the DM *smiles with hope*

Published by John on 2/25/2004 01:23:00 PM

You guys suck.......... no one is posting

Published by John on 2/24/2004 04:34:00 PM

Sometimes owning a movie about a psychotic pile of shit is enough.......... sometimes

Published by Anonymous on 2/24/2004 03:40:00 PM

Bah. What's the point of owning movies if you don't watch them? :)

Published by John on 2/24/2004 03:15:00 PM

Own it.

Published by Anonymous on 2/24/2004 01:16:00 PM

Think fast! Do you want to own it, or do you want to watch it?

Published by John on 2/24/2004 01:06:00 PM

I need to own this movie


Published by John on 2/24/2004 01:05:00 PM

Jeremy--So movie night is on? I wasn't sure.

Published by Anonymous on 2/24/2004 12:03:00 PM

*wonders whether Dustin's ever going to post the house rules* Well, we're not allowed to play barbarians, druids, or sorcerors. And obviously not good-aligned chars, especially paladins, although he talked about creating an evil paladinesque class different from the blackguard class. Oh, and we're all from the same house, so our chars will kill eachother offhand due to in-house rivalry rather than interhouse rivalry. *evil grin*

I think we had some rangers (adapted from 3.5), a monk, and Dustin's finally going to have an NPC wizard.

Published by Anonymous on 2/24/2004 11:12:00 AM

Shatz- Could you bring the DVD for "The House that Dripped Blood..." one more time? I'd like to get a scan of the cover art...

Published by Anonymous on 2/23/2004 09:07:00 PM

Ok so I forgot that one. Of course, I tend to dislike alignment systems anyhow, so I ignore a lot of that.

Anyone besides Caroline decide what they're playing?

Published by John on 2/23/2004 03:36:00 PM

Jeremy--Nuts. I want to kill all those bastards from Malas, they suck monkey balls.

Dustin--Got Net? :-P

Published by Anonymous on 2/23/2004 01:32:00 AM

Shatzer- I read over those instructions for base-killing one more time. I was wrong. I just talks about Capturing or Destroying NPC Faction Headquarters. Nothing about killing player cities. Sorry...

Published by Anonymous on 2/22/2004 04:50:00 PM

The exact SRD wording, as I don't have PHB access at the moment, is

"When your character becomes a Cleric, you may choose to have your character serve a specific deity. The cleric's deity influences his alignment, what magic he can perform, his values, and how others see him...the cleric's alignment must be within one step of his deity's, and it may not be neutral unless the deity's alignment is neutral...Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells: A cleric can't cast spells of an alignment opposed to his own or to his deity's."

Published by Anonymous on 2/22/2004 04:03:00 PM

Well, last time I looked at the rules, it said casting spells against the alignment of your deity was frowned upon. *goes to check exact syntax* I can see the evil clerics casting good spells being rationalized either way, and can definitely see why clerics of good deities aren't allowed to cast evil spells.

Published by Anonymous on 2/22/2004 02:06:00 PM

Evil Gods/Good Spells: who ever said they didn't? (ok i'm sure a number of DM's have, maybe even Dustin, but IIRC nothing in the rules prohibits it)

As far as rationalization of the ban (if there is one), good and neutral clerics can call on some connection to the powers of holiness which evil clerics lack, without that innate connection, spells such as protection from evil just aren't possible.

Published by Anonymous on 2/21/2004 03:12:00 PM

John--Go ask Dustin about the "thing" he called a plot. *makes up a better 30-second ending* You wake up Titus; he becomes a god and saves the world from the abyssal dragon; the elves are brought back from the other plane; everyone lives happily ever after. Titus ex machina.

Dustin--Does Cerissa know the low-level spells from the Book of Vile Darkness? *innocent look* Is Knowledge: Monsters a class skill for everyone?

All--You know you have restrictive network admins... when irc is blocked.
I don't really see why evil clerics can't cast any good spells, even spells like "protection from evil". With all the infighting, why wouldn't evil gods allow their followers to use spells that protect followers from eachother? *ponders* Maybe the game designers just did that b/c it was easier...

Published by Anonymous on 2/21/2004 01:49:00 AM

i keep getting booted too, and I realy dont wanna talk about the game.

Published by John on 2/21/2004 01:21:00 AM

Damn I can't stay connected to the server. Guess that means I'm done with Star Wars for tonight

Published by John on 2/21/2004 01:21:00 AM

Jeremy--Loot was good.

Caroline and Jeremy--So what happened?

Published by Anonymous on 2/20/2004 06:55:00 PM

Yeah... :-P at Dustin the "best" part about last night's game was when we started planning the next one. *makes up diabolical plots for her drow character*

Published by Anonymous on 2/20/2004 03:15:00 PM

Shatz- How was the loot this time through?

The game? Les' just say it would have been better if we'd just not shown up.

Published by John on 2/20/2004 02:23:00 PM

No one is posting........ It must be the zombie apocalypse! I'm going home and "shotgun" up. Time for random violence!

Published by John on 2/20/2004 09:13:00 AM

So how did the game go last night?

Jeremy & Dustin--I beat Jabba again last night.

Published by John on 2/19/2004 05:33:00 PM

You speak from experience?

::suddenly John understands Dustin's employment problems::

Published by Anonymous on 2/19/2004 01:46:00 PM

Try not wearing them to work one time, and then say that they are overrated.

Published by John on 2/19/2004 01:10:00 PM

I think that pants are overrated......

Published by John on 2/19/2004 08:59:00 AM

"....zub zub time to work...."

Published by John on 2/18/2004 02:59:00 PM

Dustin--I'll ask her first. "....is he dead yet papa Smurf..." Muhahahahahahahahahahaahaha..... read your freakin' email.

Published by Anonymous on 2/18/2004 02:32:00 PM

John- can u give me Lydda's email adress so i can invite her to the blog?

Published by Anonymous on 2/18/2004 12:37:00 PM

Dustin--And how exactly are you going to pull that off, without killing the chars or deus ex machina? S k that she can't come, it's been a busy week anyhow. *evil grin* Drow, eh? *digs out old Drow char sheet*

Published by John on 2/18/2004 10:56:00 AM

Caroline--I see movie nights continuing. Dusty still has some learning to do....

Dusty--Dude what happened?

Dustin & Jeremy--I'm going to hop a shuttle as soon as I log in tonight and head for my house on Corellia. May stop in Coronet and buy some furniture. Which reminds me Jeremy you need to give me access to your place so I can check out your decorating skillz! If you guys want to run missions or something let me know, otherwise I may just "wander" around a bit.

Published by Anonymous on 2/18/2004 03:26:00 AM

Well, it comes a time in every campaign when it is time to say goody, this Thursday will be the last session. I would like to keep it to the original characters, no new people are to come this Thursday. Sorry Caroline, that means your friend cant attend this upcoming session. I would like to open up my Thursday slot to anyone who would like to fill it, if I have no takers, then I would like to try and revive my drow campaign, beginning my next available Thursday.

Published by Anonymous on 2/18/2004 12:59:00 AM

*snickers* So will there even be a movie night when my Tues night class ends next month, or will you three just play StarWars Galaxies 24/7?

Published by Anonymous on 2/17/2004 02:14:00 PM

S'ok. That should be about the time Dustin shows up anyway... ;)

Published by John on 2/17/2004 09:45:00 AM

Jeremy--I have to meet the furnace man tonight. I can still come over, but it won't be until 7:30 or 8:00. Is that okay?

Published by John on 2/16/2004 09:36:00 AM

We were owned by Ewoks............. damn

Published by Anonymous on 2/16/2004 09:29:00 AM

Mmm. Zombie explodination.

Published by Anonymous on 2/15/2004 09:24:00 PM

Significantly behind in our melodrama and macabre amusement quotas for the day?

Published by Anonymous on 2/15/2004 08:24:00 PM

Ah Troma.

Where would we be without them?

Published by Anonymous on 2/14/2004 07:34:00 PM

"If your Wang was a zombie..."

Published by Anonymous on 2/13/2004 06:24:00 PM

Hey John, say hi to Linda for me. :)

I'm still surprised by how few guys go to the Vagina Monologues, considering the general male obsession with them. ^_^

Published by John on 2/13/2004 04:09:00 PM

In honor of me hearing some young ladies practicing for the Vagina Monologes here on campus I pose the following question. "If you Wang was a zombie, what kind of zombie would it be."

Published by John on 2/13/2004 01:54:00 PM

Jeremy--Do you really think that they have that many bugs? I mean my expectations are much lower for a MMORPG than it would be for say Temple of Elemental Evil :(

Published by Anonymous on 2/13/2004 01:39:00 PM

Shats- With all the bugs, if ANYTHING goes wrong it's safe to blame it on SWG.

Published by John on 2/13/2004 11:04:00 AM

Jeremy--Cool I was worried that it could be something wrong with my install. So how did it go last night?

Jeremy & Dustin--Call me the crackmeister general. We are going to Best Buy today for lunch so that Matt and Linda (officemate) can buy there copies of Galaxies! ::Droning on:: "one of us...one of us...one of us..."

Published by Anonymous on 2/13/2004 01:21:00 AM

Shatz- Yeah, I've noticed that about the level-alert system. It tends to get most confused when you've got skills that aren't all leveled at 1,1,1,1. I also advanced in CH during the bantha hunt. I'm at 0, 2,1,1... it ignored be being high enough to level the 0 up to 1, and didn't report till one of my existing L1 skills had enough for L2.

Published by John on 2/12/2004 05:28:00 PM

Dustin--Oh yeah before I forget thanks for the rez and the buffs. I have to admit it does make things more fun. So how rich are you now?

Published by John on 2/12/2004 05:27:00 PM

Jeremy--So it was more just to say that you have brought one down? The Banthas were fun with such a large group, but I wasn't getting any XP at all, or so I thought. After I logged out and back in all of a sudden I qualified for another level in CH. Odd little bit of programming....

Published by Anonymous on 2/12/2004 02:25:00 PM

Shatzer - It was neat to see one for the first time, but that was about it. 350k HAM. We finally gor it trapped behind a harvester and just went hammering at it for about 10 minutes or so before it fell. For all the trouble, I got only 2000 Heavy Weapon XP, 200 pistols, and 10 combat. (I got damn near that much from each Bantha we knocked down.)

Nothing impressive at all. Max got the "honor" of looting the kill, for being the team leader and all. (He got nothing.) But he did offer to sell any of us in the group a half-price Kryatt pistol or carbine. (Which are generally way overpriced. You pay +200k on average for a weapon that's only 10% or so better than what a well-experimented job from a Master would be anyway. My 25k Malfunction Pistol does only 20 damage less than a 250k Kryatt Pistol. Rich PvPers go nuts over those last few points, though. Anything for an "edge."

We did get our share of the "harvest." Those who haven't maxed scout got something like 2000xp for harvesting from it, and 450 bone/hide/meat. Unfortunately, the way the resource system works, all resource type on the planet has the same stats, regardless of the creature. So that 450 unit chunk of Kryatt meat was the same low-grade 100-some OQ Carnivore Meat you could harvest off of a Rill.

Published by John on 2/12/2004 09:29:00 AM

Jeremy & Dustin-- How did it go last night? Bag any Krayt Dragons? Those things are pretty bad ass! Sorry I had to bail but I wanted to be in NK next time I logged in, and it was getting pretty late.

Published by Anonymous on 2/12/2004 05:32:00 AM

Nah, he just moved his comp down to uncle Erics and is living there now :P

Published by John on 2/11/2004 02:22:00 PM

Hmmmmmmmm............. maybe he is dead. Or maybe he got a job! Nah what am I thinking? He's dead....... :-P

Published by John on 2/11/2004 10:13:00 AM

Dustin--Your ass had better be lying dead alongside the road somewhere. I mean leaving Jeremy and I hanging without a phone call or anything again? Time to start looking for my whiffle bat and the rowboat.

Published by Anonymous on 2/10/2004 08:30:00 PM

Anyone else interested in Feng Shui, the Hong Kong martial arts action-movie roleplaying game? I've heard good things about it from people who've actually played it.

Published by John on 2/10/2004 02:36:00 PM

Jeremy--I can't imagine XP giving you issues with cloning. I use ghost here at the College to image all of our systems. Oh yeah the Snipers are the guards. You should see a captain or a warlord go off on someone. It isn't pretty. But when there are 15 or 20 players it can be fun :)

Published by Anonymous on 2/10/2004 01:39:00 PM

Wow. Dustin can't go a day without SWG. If he looses the use of his only internet connection, he might have to move in early. :)

Shatz- I've visited Fort Tusken before. I saw a few 10k scarry badass "Tusken Snipers" standing at the door, and just turned around and ran.

I probably would have joined you last night, but my hard drive was on the virge of spinning out. The platter skipped three times (hard lock and re-boot) before I could even get into SWG, then it was knocking and freezing up again about every 10 minutes after that. I had the drive out of my case and buried under a stack of cold Mountain Dew cans by the end of the evening. :)

I got the replacement drive in- my first backup didn't take properly, though. Drive just wouldn't boot. So I've got it running another dupe now. If it doesn't take this time, I'm gonna' try a software backup. (Which there is no reason it shouldn't- it's a bit-for-bit cloner. Unless XP is giving me shit with the clone.)

Published by John on 2/10/2004 10:44:00 AM

Jeremy--Coolio. There was a lot of smack being thrown back and forth on Saturday, so I'm not surprised. You have to go to Fort Tusken with Dusty and I sometime, it is so much fun. You play until they corner you and you die. Lots of xp and credits to be found.

Jeremy & Dustin--I have Jason vs. Freddy with me for this evening. I also brought Piranaha, just in case.

Dustin--So your mom and dad booting you off the phone lines?

Published by Anonymous on 2/10/2004 09:45:00 AM

Shatz- No, I'm pretty sure he was talking about the same all-day campaign you were helping to defend against. He jus' didn't really want to admit they got schooled.

As for hacking a city terminal, I dunno. Maybe this is something a Slicer can do.

Published by Anonymous on 2/10/2004 09:39:00 AM

Wagner has spoken.


Published by Anonymous on 2/09/2004 05:27:00 PM

Weiss Kreuz is worth watching.


Published by John on 2/09/2004 04:49:00 PM

Jeremy--Last night, being Sunday? Damn I hope they didn't hit us, there was nothing on the guild chat. Plus Dustin and I ran into a couple of our best fighters on Tatooine under Fort Tusken. I'll have to ask tonight and see what happened. A city terminal? Actually Saturday we were just read the names and banning them that way. Can you hack a city terminal? If so that would be fun :) The raid Saturday was supposed to be to kill our Reb NPCs, and they didn't get a one. I would call that a wookie victory (even though there were almost twice as many non-wookie rebs there).

Jeremy & Dustin--So are you guys on Rori still? If so stop by NK, just stay away from the base the turrets may still be up.

Published by Anonymous on 2/09/2004 01:28:00 PM

freddy vs jason sound good

Published by Anonymous on 2/09/2004 01:25:00 PM

If I've heard of Weiss Kreuz, I wasn't paying enough attention to remember any details. I may just remember seeing/hearing the name somewhere.

Whee, Pirates.

I get to hear about Streaming Media, Digital Television, Radio Broadcasting, Video Games, eCommerce, Office Tech, VR, and play on the Internet during class Tuesday night.

Published by Anonymous on 2/09/2004 01:19:00 PM

Movies, yes. Jason v. Freddy is an option. I've got Pirates of the Carribean, and possibly a new Anime series. I need to watch the first episode and see if it's any good first. Weiss Kreuz. I've been told it's a "must see..." but then again, I've heard that about quite a few titles.

Published by Anonymous on 2/09/2004 01:16:00 PM

Shatz - Kinda funny... we hit Rori for a few minutes after you left last night (before I realized what time it was) and ran into one of the Imps from RLR (or whatever that guild was.) He was trying to recruit for more strikes against New Kashyyk.

It was quite amusing. I asked him how the strike went. He mentioned the fact that his entire city was banned (said you got access to their city terminal and "downloaded" the list of city members. Okay.)

After talking shit for a while, "Yeah... we really whooped on them Wookies in the beginning..." he basically sumed up the raid - "I think we pretty much broke even."

Published by John on 2/09/2004 12:44:00 PM

Jeremy & Dustin--Before I forget are we having the movie shindig on Tuesday? If so I have Jason vs. Freddy, plus a couple of other possibilities. Let me know.

Published by John on 2/09/2004 10:05:00 AM

Jeremy & Dustin--Holy cow this was a crazy weekend. The player Imps ran wave after wave of attacks at NK this Saturday. They started at 10am an kept it up until after midnight. The mayor spent most of the day city banning every Imp he could see. We city banned over 300 imps, and still they came in big numbers. I don't know who managed to organize such a huge attack, but they must be applauded. Add to that I heard we weren't the only reb city to get hit and it is very impressive. All that being said we didn't loose a single Reb NPC, which was there target, and cleaned out the Imperial NPC base multiple times. We also downed over 20 player ATSTs, as well as several NPC spawned ones. Crazy and way fun.

Published by Anonymous on 2/07/2004 07:49:00 PM

Jeremy and Dustin--Best Buy at Cuyahoga Falls is hiring Sales Associates. You know you want to work at a place 40 minutes away *snickers*

Published by Anonymous on 2/06/2004 07:42:00 PM

Wookie Smash?

Published by John on 2/06/2004 03:29:00 PM


Published by Anonymous on 2/06/2004 01:05:00 PM

Apparently half the world has decided to write paladin variants, and I didn't even bother to look at the ones on the WoTC boards. Honestly, unless the Dragon variants are really good, I suggest that Dustin has Corellon replace some of Eowyn's abilities with some of the below abilities from The Book of Hallowed Might, lawful spells get changed to chaotic, mount can't be lawful good, etc. After all, the normal paladin abilities and spells still fit with a chaotic good alignment. Maybe Corellon gives Eowyn some kind of vision/dream to account for the changes.

Dragon 310 description that only says it contains alignment-variant paladins. This other page gives the names and alignments of those paladin classes, but I'm having trouble finding the class descriptions on-line. Anarch (Chaotic Neutral), Avenger (Chaotic Good), Enforcer (Lawful Neutral), Incarnate (True Neutral), Sentinel (Neutral Good).

The Book of Hallowed Might suggests some variant paladin abilities that require losing some of the normal paladin abilities (Clerical Domains, Aura of Bless, Summon Good Outsider 1/day, Share Divine Grace with another character, Luck bonus when facing 2+ opponents, followers and cohorts must match alignment)

AEG's Good and Green Ronin's Book of the Righteous also have paladin variants.

Partially 3.5 variant Paladin classes

The worst (and very funny) Paladin/Avenger variant

Published by John on 2/05/2004 11:22:00 AM

Jeremy--Tentacles? Bladed chains? The Japenese are some messed up people........

Published by John on 2/05/2004 09:18:00 AM


no good can come from this.....

Published by Anonymous on 2/04/2004 10:50:00 PM

Dustin: And this is why you will FAIL.

Published by Anonymous on 2/04/2004 07:21:00 PM

Yeah, just go ask Dan. I'm sure he could come up with some D&D rules that no one else ever wanted to know.

Published by Anonymous on 2/04/2004 07:07:00 PM

Dustin - Magic, Dustin. There are quite a few spells that could pull it off. Anything from the classic Polymorph, to more exotic spells that would result in the Anime-like tentacle-rape with a series of bladed chains that erupt from the shadows. Of course, you have too little experience with spellcasters to know this...

Published by John on 2/04/2004 04:50:00 PM

Dustin--Okay first of all there are artifical devices you aren't taking into consideration. Secondly you could also suffer from some awful chaffing. Doofus ;-)

Published by Anonymous on 2/04/2004 04:00:00 PM

ya know all this talk about skull fucking reminded me of somthing, i realy dont think that leons char would mind getting scullfucked by jeremys character, especially sience jeremy's character is a girl and there would be no damage to the eye or the socket, there would just be a little grinding sensation, and he would wake up with a little pink eye, or should i say red eye.

Published by Anonymous on 2/04/2004 03:08:00 PM

April? Maybe I could go then... *muses*

Morality is always based on who the person prays to, or whether they pray at all.

Published by John on 2/04/2004 01:16:00 PM

Dustin--First weekend of April.

Jeremy--Dark ages? Look at the crusades or the inquisition? Morality was based upon who the person prayed to. So I would have to ask if they worship your diety or not? 300 LG orphans? Hmmmmmmmm......... Neverland ranch, I mean they would already be "damaged" :)

Caroline--Ear Wax does have more "staying" power, but is harder to clean up.

Published by Anonymous on 2/04/2004 11:43:00 AM

Eyes definitely seem like a better idea than ears. Too much wax otherwise. Somehow I think your character would die if you tried though. :) I spose the orphans could be created by killing all their parents, but there still wouldn't be 300 lawful good ones...

"And what do you do with witches? Burn! *echoed by crowd* And what do you burn apart from witches? More witches!"

Published by Anonymous on 2/04/2004 07:21:00 AM

Shatz- The eye, of course. Popped eye juice is natures lubricant. And I still say it would be worth two alignment levels- one for each. I understand that in, y'know... MODERN times it's quite common for a respected member of law enforcement, politics, or the clergy to get away with skull-fucking a few hundred people. But this is the dark ages- morality was a bit more black-and-white back then. Dark, and cold. And they used to burn witches just to keep warm.

Besides, where are we going to find three-hundred LG orphans?

Published by Anonymous on 2/04/2004 06:25:00 AM

John when is the con?

Published by Anonymous on 2/03/2004 05:43:00 PM

Flesh to Stone->Rock to Mud->Purify Food and Drink. Drink Water. Much better idea, although not originally mine.
No comments on how the literal spell descriptions don't allow that to work.

He doesn't have to fall much; he just has to stop being lawful good. *evil grin*

Published by John on 2/03/2004 05:28:00 PM

Jeremy--Okay actually I made a small error in my last post. I need to clarify a few things. Would that be thru the eye hole or the ear hole? It makes a difference :-P

Published by John on 2/03/2004 05:26:00 PM

Jeremy--Alright that was out of line. You should never skull fuck anyone until they are dead, not just sleeping. Then to animate a "gooey" corpse, geeze I'm all for using natural resources. Though if you should at least use some portal to the elemental plain of water to "hose" them off first I could agree with that. There are some things that just aren't done! And another thing I don't for a minute agree that skull fucking a party member would neccessarily make you skip two whole alignement levels. I mean maybe skull fucking 2 or 3 hundred lawful good orphans, perhaps....... :)

Published by Anonymous on 2/03/2004 05:14:00 PM

I wasn't grumbling about Dustin not killing us. I was commenting on his request to John for wizard help and Leon's response.

Published by Anonymous on 2/03/2004 05:04:00 PM

Leon & Caroline - If you two are so upset that Dustin didn't pull off a Total Party Kill, I'll gladly have my paladin skull-fuck the two of you in your sleep, then animate your corpses to carry my luggage. If it'll really cheer you up. It would be a nice way to really seal the whole "fallen" thing, and that way I don't have to waste time worring about dealing with any of those annoying Chaotic Good and Neutral alignments on the way down.

Honestly, I've never seen a group bitch for this long because they DIDN'T fuckin' die. He only killed 3/4 of the party, and TKOed over half of those with the first spell.

If you're that upset he didn't kill you- fine. Make a new character, or just quit. I'm already tired of hearing about it...

Shatzer & Dustin - I doubt this seminar will last more than an hour. I'll see you in the galaxies around 8.

Published by Anonymous on 2/03/2004 04:45:00 PM

Cleveland isn't that far from here... *grumblesigh at lack of time* But I have an exam and a paper next Tuesday.
Preliminary fall schedule's out. One of the courses I have to take is on Thursday nights (Actually two of the courses I have to take are on Th nights. They're trying to move one, but I will have to take a Th course.) Two that I'm practically required to take are on Monday and Wednesday nights. Dustin?

Published by John on 2/03/2004 04:30:00 PM

Caroline--It is a monster movie con in Cleveland. Pretty cool stuff.

Published by Anonymous on 2/03/2004 03:58:00 PM

John--*blinks* Con where/when? Not that I can go anyhow... *sigh*

Published by John on 2/03/2004 03:36:00 PM

Dustin--Oh yeah since we have no movie tonight maybe we can go hunting in galaxies.

Published by John on 2/03/2004 03:35:00 PM

Jeremy--Good luck at the seminar. I will have to put together another box of stuff for you. If I get a chance I'll drop it by Saturday (normal time 1 ish?). Let me know if this will work for you. I will start to work on the basement again. I need the cash money for my monster movie con.

Dustin--That reminds me does your no job having butt still want to go (irregardless of how that sounded I was looking forward to you going.). You need some more "zombie" education, so that you can maybe someday be as cool as me (I know it is a lot to ask, but I believe in you). :) It looks like about 100 bucks for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. That would cover you portion of the room, con tickets, and food. I eat really cheap at these things. Let me know asap!

Published by Anonymous on 2/03/2004 03:26:00 PM

Leon--Exactly. Dustin doesn't know (enough of) the spells or the magic feats or anything else magicy. I think he also toned stuff (saves if nothing else) down so he didn't kill us all automatically. About the "hit the cleric first" thingy, that is definitely a default/smart response, but I can see hitting the wizard (and a larger # of the party) too, since he was a wizard himself and understood those capabilities.

Jeremy--Maybe they're boxes of valuable rocks. Ah well, money is money. No luck on Tech4 thingy?

Published by Anonymous on 2/03/2004 12:37:00 PM

No movie tonight.

The only promising lead off of Woosters pathetic "Job Faire" has some seminar tonight at 6:30p where they explain the position in greater detail. Some expantion of Citi-corp where we fill out investment strategy interviews for people. Sounds about as exciting as box of rocks...

Shatzer- I thought you put your stuff in my apartent? :) (BTW- Most all your stuff is sold.)

Published by John on 2/03/2004 12:31:00 PM

Jeremy--Houses are fun. You need to get one, it is somewhere to put your stuff (a la George Carlin).

Jeremy & Dustin--Is tonight on? If so what flicks do we have on the "schedule"?

Published by Anonymous on 2/02/2004 10:30:00 PM

The Deadlands game went well. The evil beast that was raiding the herds is no more, although the party was quite distressed to note that upon death it seems to have somehow become a normal wolf. (Evil Laughter).

The real problem with Dustin's mage was a lack of magical defenses that should have been prepared. My spells are good. They are not THAT good. Even more important, lack of a serious response after I nuked him the first time. He really should have switched targets, that would most likely have finished the fight right there. I hate to say it, but rule number uno for smart villains is almost always HIT THE CLERIC FIRST, or at least close to it. Admittedly, he'd seen what the paladin can do, and the cleric hadn't really cut loose before except with anti-undead spells. Mostly it's just little tricks of the trade that he was missing. A 34 level wizard can have feats that will allow him to cast a spell of any level up to 9 as a free action (without special preparation) and use at least two of those quickened spells per round. He can easily have free elemental substitution (not that that was a problem) and absurd saving throw DC's (OK, that part Dustin got right) by taking a few levels of archmage.

Published by Anonymous on 2/02/2004 03:09:00 PM

Shatzer- No problems here.

Published by John on 2/02/2004 09:28:00 AM

Caroline--Trogdore has his own bungalow in the scenic town of New Kashykk. Therefore the furniture.

Published by Anonymous on 2/01/2004 04:09:00 PM

John--Chairs? Huh?

Published by John on 2/01/2004 01:37:00 PM

Woo Hoo Trogdore has a pair of chairs in his living room now! They go nicely with the decor :)

Jeremy--Have you been having any problems staying connected to Galaxies. I keep losing connection. Real pain, started yesterday.