All-- What follows is a list of ground rules for the game, some are house rules and some are new
1. If you take damage = to half your hitpoints,you must succeed at a fort save or have a partial action the next round. The DC of the save is = to the damage taken
2. You will not be dead until you reach negative your con in hitpoints, the other players have 1 round to revive or stabilize you.
3. No resurrection is possible, if you die, you stay dead.
4. No good alingments
5. No druids, barbarians, sorcrores, or palidins
6. This is a Lolth worshiping City.
7. Ring of protection adds to both your AC and saves
8. No male clerics
9. Your all from the same house, the house name is Esad'LarAmier ( one word )
10. Bows aren't available for underground use, u wont be issued one if u are expected to stay in the underdark.
There are 3 rules in drow life.
1. Always obey and respect someone of a higher station.
2. Eereyone is an enemy
3. Everyone is expendable
The city your are from is Zierieth
There are 53 houses in the city, the party is from the 10th house.
The Matron mothers of the top 8 houses form the ruling body of the city, and the the matron mother of the first house has final say of the rulership
The first 11 houses are
1. Arachnis
2. Temp'Risus
3. Netheralis
4. Mac'za'crist
5. Draktel
6. Nachal'nalsat
7. Ki'mant
8. Ragna'cristilus
9. Baernesilius
10. Esad'larAmier
11. Drak'nar'sad
There are 3 schools in the city, The first house controls the schools
The fighter Schools is called Melle'Magtheir
The Wizard school is called Sorceree
The Cleric school Is called Arch'Tilinithe
This is a very Female dominated society, males never speak to a female unless they are spoken to.
Females are never addressed by males with their given name, always by their title.
There are going to be 3 nobles in the party, everyone else will be a house drow.
To be a noble means you are a son or a daughter of the matron mother of your house, or you were a noble of a house that your current house destroyed and were assimilated into the house, amd your last name is your house name.
You will be issued all of ur starting equipment by your house, post a list for aprovial, you have third lvl starting gold.
Some of 3.5 is usable, only apon DM aprovial.
Legend says that the drow were bless along time ago by Lolth with immortality, no drow in recollection has died of natural causes.
Caroline-- can u post the abilitys of the drow, the racial modifers and the racial abilitys of both nobles and house drow please, i didn't write them down.
If You have any questions, dont hesitate to ask.