Published by Anonymous on 2/06/2004 01:05:00 PM
Apparently half the world has decided to write paladin variants, and I didn't even bother to look at the ones on the WoTC boards. Honestly, unless the Dragon variants are really good, I suggest that Dustin has Corellon replace some of Eowyn's abilities with some of the below abilities from The Book of Hallowed Might, lawful spells get changed to chaotic, mount can't be lawful good, etc. After all, the normal paladin abilities and spells still fit with a chaotic good alignment. Maybe Corellon gives Eowyn some kind of vision/dream to account for the changes.
Dragon 310 description that only says it contains alignment-variant paladins. This other page gives the names and alignments of those paladin classes, but I'm having trouble finding the class descriptions on-line. Anarch (Chaotic Neutral), Avenger (Chaotic Good), Enforcer (Lawful Neutral), Incarnate (True Neutral), Sentinel (Neutral Good).
The Book of Hallowed Might suggests some variant paladin abilities that require losing some of the normal paladin abilities (Clerical Domains, Aura of Bless, Summon Good Outsider 1/day, Share Divine Grace with another character, Luck bonus when facing 2+ opponents, followers and cohorts must match alignment)
AEG's Good and Green Ronin's Book of the Righteous also have paladin variants.
Partially 3.5 variant Paladin classes
The worst (and very funny) Paladin/Avenger variant
Dragon 310 description that only says it contains alignment-variant paladins. This other page gives the names and alignments of those paladin classes, but I'm having trouble finding the class descriptions on-line. Anarch (Chaotic Neutral), Avenger (Chaotic Good), Enforcer (Lawful Neutral), Incarnate (True Neutral), Sentinel (Neutral Good).
The Book of Hallowed Might suggests some variant paladin abilities that require losing some of the normal paladin abilities (Clerical Domains, Aura of Bless, Summon Good Outsider 1/day, Share Divine Grace with another character, Luck bonus when facing 2+ opponents, followers and cohorts must match alignment)
AEG's Good and Green Ronin's Book of the Righteous also have paladin variants.
Partially 3.5 variant Paladin classes
The worst (and very funny) Paladin/Avenger variant