Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 1/30/2004 11:47:00 AM

Shatz - A few lucky training sessions. I've got some XP to spare, as long as you've got a few basic medic levels, I can loose and let you teach 'em over again.

I made Bounty Hunter a few nights ago. You're going to cream yourself when you get your hands on a Lt. Lightning Cannon. Don't even bother with the Bazaar- you go straight to Malfunction's vendor just outside of Theed. ASS-kicking for only 35-40k.

BTW- You know how you said you might be interested in "selling" us a few of your lots so we can set up extra harvestors? (Which was a good deal. You get free money for letting us use slots you don't want in the first place.) We've got a beautiful spot for four Water Vapor collectors (assuming nobody else has stolen it...) we'd like you to lay down for us next time we meet online.

#1. Just plunk them down where we tell you. #2...? #3. Profit!