Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 1/13/2004 01:07:00 PM

As for SWG - I need AP points. It is such a bitch to get students, I've seen a number of people offering to PAY novice characters to choose them to level up with.

Fuck it. I'm using a Macro. The Artizan class is perfect for an AP macro. All it takes is 6000 credits (one stack of metal, one stack of chemical from the Bazaar) and a reasonably complex macro and you can get 1000xp / 20ap in about 5 minutes.

All it requires is someone running the same macro, and an hour of their time. You just sit and chat, and take turns training each other when neccisary. (Or you can run it for an hour or so AFK, stockpile XP and train when you get back.)

I asked Dustin if he was interested three times last night, which aparently he was oblivious to. I didn't get a damned answer. Shatz, you of course can get in on this too, if you want.

I can set everyone up with the macro tonight at the movie if they're interested...