Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 5/06/2003 12:49:00 PM

Yeah, they only cast three fireballs and a few disintegrates each (or whatever they did to the air elementals). no big deal for a decent level mage.

A FEW!? Do you have ANY idea the level of SMACK DOWN those wizards could have put on us if the elementals weren't there to suck it up? They KILLED a HUGE elemental w/ the Fort-save damage ALONE! Not including the ones that got turned into dust...

All of which means that you'll just make things much worse. ;)

Yeah. Seeing as how the stuff now can already knock half of us down in one attack, I'm really lookin' forward to what's next. ^_^; Of course, next level (dungeon level- next "rest") Leon could memorize an "extended" rope trick. Once he hits L8, he doesn't even have to use Metamagic. Plus me and Dan w/ Rope Trick, we could technically sleep after each fight if it really got brutal. Assuming we don't get three characters knocked into the negative-thirties again...

I actually don't wanna' teleport out of this dungeon. Which, I guess is a good thing, since we can't. The city has got to be offering up a small fortune in reward by now.

BTW- how many days in-game have we been at this? From the time we landed on the island to now? (Including the extra days spent resting between levels.) I want to start keeping track.