Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by John on 5/27/2003 09:33:00 AM

Player Lists:

Sunday (my game): Dan, Leon, Jeremy G, Jeremy F, Dustin, Caroline, Meg, & Amanda.

Total players: 8, maybe 9 if Matt joins. My Sunday game is closed.

Sunday (Dustin's game): Leon, Jeremy G, Jeremy F, Caroline, Meg, Amanda, myself, & Brian.

Total players: 8, maybe 9 if Dustin is nice and lets Matt play. I recommend that we close the game.

Monday: Dan, Leon, Jeremey G, Jeremy F, Dustin, Brian, Caroline, Wayne. & David.

Total players: 9, maybe 10 if Matt is joining. The Monday game is closed.

Thursday: Dan, Leon, Jeremy G, Dustin, Caroline, David, Meg, Amanda, myself, & the other gamemaster. To the Thursday gamemasters my friend Matt would like to join.

Total players: 10, maybe 11 if Matt can join. I would recommend closing the Thursday game.

Conclusion: Wow we have a lot of players. I think that we should close all the games, I'm closing mine. I wouldn't "freak" out about the game sizes. Meg, Amanda, Dan, & Caroline are also most likely gone at the end of the summer (bummer guys). Plus as we have seen recently with summer and family activities it wouldn't be surprising if we have players missing from many of the games. Just thought I would show everyone this.