Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by John on 5/15/2003 08:25:00 AM

I've sent out email responses to all the requests that were emailed to me, so check your email!

Jeremy G--I'll give you a +10 circumstance bonus to listen checks to hear you bow being fired. I justify this because most times you hear the arrow coming and look in that direction, which of course you can't do with silent arrows. Okay now with the invisible bow, how about we modify the enchantment so that it automatically turns off the moment you drop the bow, whether it is on purpose or accident. I'll also rule that you can "turn" the enchantment off at will. Otherwise it would just be the arrows that are invisible, which could be really cool in a stealthy assasin kind of way. You could actually buy both enchantments, which would be way cool. How does that sound?