Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 5/08/2003 02:35:00 PM

Shatz- Just needed some extra time to catch up on the repairs to the MAME cabinet. I lost an entire weekend to SARS, but then I had some chicken noodle soup and some NyQuil and I was fine again.

Oh, Dan's talking of weird item polymorphs reminded me- Would you allow a Miracle spell to change a feat? (Or feats...) Got a couple of old weapon and shield proficiencies Stump has picked up early in his career that are basically just wasted space now. (Exotic Bastard Sword, A few of the TWF feats, etc.) Wanted to scratch the earlier feats and replace them with more Crossbow feats. And if so, at what cost? (5000xp / Wish equiv. per feat / etc?)

Caroline- I've been meaning to print that list out. I'll do it first thing when I get home tonight.