Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 5/02/2003 07:36:00 PM

John--Have you seen the Warrior Skald prestige class in Races of Faerun? Looks like something interesting for your elven poet in Dustin's game... Also, at next level, my batd will have the 10 ranks in Perform and the 6 ranks in Diplomacy necessary for Virtuoso. Do I have to have the pre-reqs before taking the level, or does just having them at that level let me take that class? Yay for Stabilizing Song and a lute that lets me start one bardic music effect and maintain another (Song & Silence-of course I didn't have that book when I picked the instrument)!
JeremyG--Get Stumpy to cast Heal on you. ;) Otherwise... *hands bottle of cough syrup* voice is necessary for gaming. Keep throat happy.
On a more serious note, burn me a copy of D&D Volume 2 and I'll burn you a copy of the Races of Faerun pdf. You do realize that your Monster's Manual II pdf is 1st ed, right?
All--Raise your hand if you want a copy of the Races of Faerun pdf.