Published by Anonymous on 3/22/2003 06:54:00 PM
Jeremy game so far
JeremyB=DM, of course
JeremyA=elf something? (wizard?)
John=High elf, something that's not wizard
Leon=brute-force fighter?
Dustin=dwarven fighter, paladin, caster, druid maybe (not barbarian)
Dan=sorceror focusing on transmutation or necromancy, or something else besides cleric (cleric if he has to)
me=rogue (or cleric if i have to)
Dustin's friend=??
Dustin--I vote you should play a cleric for the Jeremy game, so Dan or I don't have to. :-)
JeremyB=DM, of course
JeremyA=elf something? (wizard?)
John=High elf, something that's not wizard
Leon=brute-force fighter?
Dustin=dwarven fighter, paladin, caster, druid maybe (not barbarian)
Dan=sorceror focusing on transmutation or necromancy, or something else besides cleric (cleric if he has to)
me=rogue (or cleric if i have to)
Dustin's friend=??
Dustin--I vote you should play a cleric for the Jeremy game, so Dan or I don't have to. :-)