Published by Anonymous on 3/31/2003 04:48:00 PM
I don't know if I'd veto Abberant. I'm not even really sure what it is...
The only thing that pisses me off about Garou- or I should say, what did, in the last group- was the fact that everyone insisted they are a 5th Rank Elder, with a Grand Claive. Or a Katana. A Grand Klaive, a huge two-handed spirit-enchanted blade does STR+5. But only a 5th Rank can have one. So every asshole and his brother started carrying Katanas. Which was (and may still be) listed in the Vampire handbook as STR+5 as well. (Updated in the Modern Arms guide to STR+3... which is still a point high, IMO...) Which may explain why I ended up killin' so many of them. Heh heh...
That, and Spirit of the Fray. It's a Totem Gift obtainable at 2nd Rank. If you have it, you act first. Regardless of initiative. Which is gaddamned annoying if you're playing anything -other- than a werewolf (who also has to have gift), or they will ALWAYS get the first attack. Mortals, mages, hunters are usually torn in half in the first dice roll if they happen to get caught in close-combat.
The only thing that pisses me off about Garou- or I should say, what did, in the last group- was the fact that everyone insisted they are a 5th Rank Elder, with a Grand Claive. Or a Katana. A Grand Klaive, a huge two-handed spirit-enchanted blade does STR+5. But only a 5th Rank can have one. So every asshole and his brother started carrying Katanas. Which was (and may still be) listed in the Vampire handbook as STR+5 as well. (Updated in the Modern Arms guide to STR+3... which is still a point high, IMO...) Which may explain why I ended up killin' so many of them. Heh heh...
That, and Spirit of the Fray. It's a Totem Gift obtainable at 2nd Rank. If you have it, you act first. Regardless of initiative. Which is gaddamned annoying if you're playing anything -other- than a werewolf (who also has to have gift), or they will ALWAYS get the first attack. Mortals, mages, hunters are usually torn in half in the first dice roll if they happen to get caught in close-combat.