Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 3/31/2003 10:44:00 PM

Jeremy--Elven rogue 3. Also death and trickery, without bothering with domains ;-)

Published by Anonymous on 3/31/2003 10:29:00 PM

JG - First off no klaives, everyone is first rank, and unless a weapon is awakened no self respecting CB would carry a blade weapon. Even then arrying one of those off the bawn is sooooo gonna get them thrown in jail.

Also there are some shifter that do not incite delirium even though they are scary as the rest of them. Forget off the top of my head (eep! rules monger forgot soemthing)

JS - Egyptian werewolf=silient strider

LS - I will be reviewing characters I know WoD backwards and forwardsso I will be killing any cheese that doesn't make sense for the character.

All - Aberant = humans get dosed with quantum energy they develope VERY strong powers compared to WoD think superman, rubberman as opposed to your average neonate or cub. Will bring the book Thurs.

Published by Anonymous on 3/31/2003 09:46:00 PM

Human Cleric. Domains: Death, Trickery.

Published by Anonymous on 3/31/2003 09:40:00 PM

Hey all, looks like I have no questions...can I get a roll call on classes plz?

Shatz--is Dusty's game or the epic game this coming sunday?

Dan--white wolf? What you talkin bout Willis?

Published by Anonymous on 3/31/2003 07:02:00 PM

Dan--Can you give us a quick summary of the more obscure gaming systems? I know you mentioned Abberant before, but you were kinda vague (god-like powers?). I have no real idea what Trinity or Exalted are.

Published by Anonymous on 3/31/2003 04:48:00 PM

I don't know if I'd veto Abberant. I'm not even really sure what it is...

The only thing that pisses me off about Garou- or I should say, what did, in the last group- was the fact that everyone insisted they are a 5th Rank Elder, with a Grand Claive. Or a Katana. A Grand Klaive, a huge two-handed spirit-enchanted blade does STR+5. But only a 5th Rank can have one. So every asshole and his brother started carrying Katanas. Which was (and may still be) listed in the Vampire handbook as STR+5 as well. (Updated in the Modern Arms guide to STR+3... which is still a point high, IMO...) Which may explain why I ended up killin' so many of them. Heh heh...

That, and Spirit of the Fray. It's a Totem Gift obtainable at 2nd Rank. If you have it, you act first. Regardless of initiative. Which is gaddamned annoying if you're playing anything -other- than a werewolf (who also has to have gift), or they will ALWAYS get the first attack. Mortals, mages, hunters are usually torn in half in the first dice roll if they happen to get caught in close-combat.

Published by Anonymous on 3/31/2003 04:20:00 PM

I could trot out my were-tiger again, but I'd rather do something different. I know, I'll play an enourmous badass Garou that has a grand claive and all the really nasty broken stuff, and then I'll make him shift to homid when he rages. Still can't believe that one.

Seriously, I'd prefer Abberant myself, but I know a major section of the group will veto that. Given that we're doing WoD and killing vamps, I'm thinking shifting breed myself, not sure what I'd prefer. I'm kind of considering the Bear (Gurahl?) or maybe Bastet, but I'm not sure.

Published by Anonymous on 3/31/2003 03:14:00 PM

Dan--Interested, but not entirely sure what I'm doing this summer. I don't know much beyond the basics of werewolf, mage, etc, but I'm perfectly willing to learn.

Mokole! I want to play a mokole! It's all about being a were-dinosaur... :D

Mage would also be neat.

Published by John on 3/31/2003 02:59:00 PM

Jeremy--I shall call you stinky in my elite Egyptian way :)

Published by Anonymous on 3/31/2003 01:51:00 PM

Of the lupines, I prefer the Bone Gnawers. Werewolf bums. Dirty homeless people, who shift into mangy street-dogs, not wolves.

Published by John on 3/31/2003 01:37:00 PM

I like the Egyptian style of werecreature (Jackal I think). It is just a werewolf with a pointy muzzel. That was cool!

Published by Anonymous on 3/31/2003 11:44:00 AM

Cool. I like shifters. I could pull out the old Tengu, or the Kitsune, and be all like oriental, and stuff...

How-about a were-squirrel? We had a were-squirrel (NPC) in PittBN. Technocratic exerimentation gone stupid. Poor thing was only 3 1/2' tall in Crinos, and had a list of flaws totalling about 14 points, including no delirium. =) Only reason it wasn't executed on sight by the other shifters was because it befriended the 6th Rank Mokole Elder in the Pittsburgh Zoo.

Think the neurotic squirrel from "Ice Age" with about half the attention span, and the mind of Joe Pesci / Leo Getz from "Lethal Weapon."

Published by Anonymous on 3/31/2003 11:25:00 AM

Sounds like slaying vamps all around so far. On the subject of changing breeds/shifters/what have you more than just wolves would be acceptable...no definately ratkin or sharks though. most likely to accept coyotes or cats. If I have to do mixed (mage and CB) then foxes will be up there in being accepted. I trust that people who want ot play non-standard stuff will have character histories. not that my freaks have that great of histories.

Published by John on 3/31/2003 10:27:00 AM

I like mage, and werewolf. I will kill "goth" vampires on site.

Published by Anonymous on 3/31/2003 09:28:00 AM

::Shows hand::

Cool wit' Mage, Werewolf, and anybody who wants to kill fuu-fuu Vampires. =)

Published by Anonymous on 3/31/2003 09:15:00 AM

JS - Good morning.

All - Will hopefully end up running a White Wolf game in the near future. Was hoping I could geet a show of hands for who might be interested? Also if you have a venue preference (mage, shifter, vamp, exalted, aberent, trinity, etc) please include that too. Any questions about stuff like that fire away.

Published by John on 3/31/2003 08:20:00 AM

Good morning everyone.

Published by John on 3/30/2003 06:50:00 PM

Hey everybody I'm in a little college town in Indiana.... Kinda of looks like Wooster... Shit :(

Published by Anonymous on 3/30/2003 04:46:00 PM

Yeah, I figured it out eventually, but somehow lost all but one item when I went to the order screen. Decided to take my time and check some other sites.

Didn't see that mini, very, very sweet. Not really what I wanted (I found a couple of real cool ones at Dragglestown) but I might get it for another game.

Newwave's shipping starts at $8.50 IIRC. In other words $3.50 more than Dragglestown and at least that much more than any other site I've ever ordered from. Not Cool.

I ended up with a mini I found on Draggelstown, but not in the Ogre section. Looking over the different manufacturers, I noticed two makers of supers figs. Hey, a good brick type might work, and hey presto, I found a real good one, although he is a bit oddly proportioned. The absolute best one was, alas, normal human size.

Published by Anonymous on 3/30/2003 01:02:00 PM

Actually, I have the same problem with their cart. You have to leave the cart page open and browse in another window, or it looses everything. I don't remember their shipping being that bad, though...

What were you lookin' for again, anyway? This still for your half-ogre martial artist?

D&D Silver Ogre - http://www.newwavegames.com/sale/index2.html

Published by Anonymous on 3/30/2003 07:02:00 AM

Haha. That was amusing.

I found Newwave the other day after you'd mentioned it. A very pretty site indeed. I hadn't ordered anything from them yet, because when I tried to, I discovered their shopping cart system is majorly messed up, unless you do it just so, it won't remember more than one item. I've never had that problem elsewhere, although it might be partially due to the way I set my browser to handle cookies. I also noticed their good prices are offset by a ridiculous shipping fee.

Dragglestown I hadn't heard of, I'll have to give them a try.

Unfortuneately, Confrontation doesn't have what I'm looking for. I misremembered a mini I'd seen from them, it turns out not to be useable without major mods. If I'm going to have to mod anyhow, I may as well try to get something cheaper.

Published by Anonymous on 3/30/2003 01:05:00 AM

Leon, you'd mentioned looking for good pics for Confrontation, or for anyone interested in Minis-

Newwave is the site I was talking about that had absolutely tons of great Mini pics, from some 60 companies. - http://www.newwavegames.com/gw.html It's where I usually go to browse. But if you can find the minis elsewhere to buy, try them first. NW is absolutely terrible about filling orders, and they'll leave you on backorder for months without notice.

Dragglestown isn't nearly as pretty, but they're another decent site, if you know what general "style" you're looking for. They've got all their minis sorted by class.

Published by Anonymous on 3/29/2003 01:57:00 PM

A pissed off tree weilding a spiked chain is amusing. Doesn't make much sense, but it's definately amusing. ;)

Actually, the Slam is probably my best option. And maybe a few Monk levels. l;) Tree-fu!


::A large tree in orange robes leaps into the clearing...:: We meet again, defiler of the Forest.

::A confused human monk, holding a hot-dog over a poorly-made fire pit:: Gurp!

::The tree begins to do a sweeping kata...:: Do you recognize the technique which you will die by...?

::Monk:: Five Elements... Wood Style! ::Pause for laugh track:: Ha-hah! But I am also a master of Five Elements! Gold Defeats Wood! ::Begins his own kata::

::The tree laughs:: Pitiful human! I have a perfect defense against Gold! You will never land a blow! Now die!

::The two exchange blows- the human evading the crushing branches to land a few quick punches against the trunk, which is protected completely by the thick bark::

::Human:: Gold Style is useless against you! Wait... I will use fire!

::The tree snickers:: Your Kung-Fu is as useless as you are. Fire Style opposes Water.

::Human:: Not Fire Style. Fire. ::Pulls out a BIC lighter::

::Tree:: Mommy!

Published by Anonymous on 3/29/2003 08:03:00 AM

That does help you out a bit. It did seem you were going to get a wee bit hosed at higher levels with only one attack. Of course, since you're planning to use a weapon (unless you changed your mind) the extra slam won't help. But at least you'll have it available if you need it.

Published by Anonymous on 3/29/2003 12:01:00 AM

Aah. This sure solved a lot of my confusion. Treants never gain a BAB higher than +5, but according to the MM, they have two slam attacks when fully "grown." The official FAQ for Savage Species basically states that they forgot to include the Treant's attack progression.

A: Update the table from appendix A with these values (as provided by Rich Redman):

1st level, 1 slam, for 1d4 plus Strength
3rd level, 1 slam, for 1d6 plus Strength
6th level, 1 slam, for 2d4 plus Strength
9th level, 1 slam, for 2d6 plus Strength
12th level, 2 slams, both at 2d6 plus Strength


Published by Anonymous on 3/28/2003 09:15:00 PM

We mock death.

Really. I mean, after Lord Sandy kicked his ass, it's kind of hard to take death seriously. Okay, so it was only a *lesser* death, but christ, loosing to a Halfling like that...

Published by Anonymous on 3/28/2003 06:22:00 PM

John--Only someone who wanted their character to die, which I definitely do not. (Although my epic character would get rezzed, it's still not worth the joke.)

Jeremy--Deaf bard=Bard-"Find me a cleric/paladin now! Right now!" or DM-"Make a new character." Then again, it might not actually hurt bardic capabilities, if the char was advanced enough (although playing with another musician would be hard). I believe it was Beethoven who composed his last symphonies while old and deaf...

Published by Anonymous on 3/28/2003 05:49:00 PM

Bard boys bard boys
Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
when they sing for you
Bard boys, bard boys
Watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do
when they sing for you...
Kill Them All

Motto of the Ear of Grummush

Published by John on 3/28/2003 04:16:00 PM

Jeremy--I would never smite someone unless they asked me to, and who would be silly enough to do that...

Published by John on 3/28/2003 04:14:00 PM

Jeremy--Inspirational eleven poetry in sign language :)

Published by Anonymous on 3/28/2003 01:44:00 PM

Fine. Silence is not an option. Permanant deafness. We'll call it the "Ear of Grummish." A group that deafens themselves, then dedicates their lives to hunting bards. ;)

CD- Actually, the worst answer you could have gotten was "YOU HAVE OFFENDED THE DM! YOU DIE NOW!". ::Smite::

Published by Anonymous on 3/28/2003 11:55:00 AM

CD - Was refering to specializing in ranged weapontry.

Published by Anonymous on 3/28/2003 10:09:00 AM

John-Oh, that's fine. :) Just figured I'd ask, since the worst answer I could get is no.

Published by John on 3/28/2003 09:45:00 AM

Caroline--I really don't like changing characters after they been played.

Published by Anonymous on 3/27/2003 05:06:00 PM

DP-Yes, I've seen it. I just didn't see it soon enough to pick a good light weapon for use with weapon finesse (I was also a halfling at the time, so it would have had to be a tiny weapon). I'm not at the right level for full advantage of some of those pages either.
JS-Any chance I can substitute Weapon Finesse (short sword) for the Dodge feat that I haven't actually used? Pretty please?
JeremyF--I'm going to play a elven monk 1/rogue 2 in your game, since a lawful good monk/rogue wouldn't work very well (Dustin's game)
Dustin--I'm going to play a 5th level wizard in your game. I haven't decided which specialization yet.

Published by Anonymous on 3/27/2003 04:21:00 PM

JS - No I didn't just that at lvl 20 they can become a lich...as a class ability. Nothing broken about that as far as I can tell. You insinuated that all my choices were broken, at least that's how I read it...and how are psionics broken?

CD JS - On the wizard's site they also have a running article on bards and how to use them to their fullest extent.

Published by Anonymous on 3/27/2003 02:38:00 PM

JG-And it's the only non-verbal bard spell, so it actually works while under silence. :)

Published by John on 3/27/2003 02:31:00 PM

Jeremy--That is why I make a Joyful Noise (removes silence). I think I'll write an inspirational elven poem about it...

How is it I don't hear
I find it quite queer
Perhaps I shall sing
Like joyous bells ring
Then my voice returned
Evil magics I have spurned

Damn am I going to be a great bard or what?

Published by Anonymous on 3/27/2003 01:17:00 PM

In a world of Bards, I give thanks to the "Silence" spell.

Published by John on 3/27/2003 11:28:00 AM

Caroline--Your character is okay for Sunday. I really didn't look at the rules before I make my character. I had a mini with a sword and a guitar, and suddenly the "singing" cleric came to mind.

Everyone should know that I've started to write songs & inspirational poetry for my Bard. It is going to be so sweet.

Published by Anonymous on 3/27/2003 11:21:00 AM

JS and Wayne-A world with all singing swords... Sounds good to me. Yes... happy songs... especially the cursed evil swords... :-D Try to get a singing sword for your bard. All bards should have singing swords, especially neutral good pacifist bards since a cursed sword will turn into chaotic evil.

For creating your bard character, I suggest using Song and Silence for additional bard spells, feats, and musical instrument info. Since your spellpool and spells per day are limited, rely on Bardic music more and take "Extra Music" as a feat. It lets you use Bardic music effects 4 extra times a day. Make your Charisma high, since that gives you bonus spells and affects performance checks. I also suggest turning your Singing sword into a rapier so that you can take Weapon Finesse for it (use Dex to hit instead of Strength). Rings of Protection, Mage Armor, Crescendo, Ambient Song, and Cure spells are also recommended. If you can get a copy of Magic of Faerun, that has some more bard spells too.

JS-Did you get my email about Hospitaler stuff? Yes, no, limit the class more? :-p at avoiding the limitations of bardic spells and proficiencies by multi-classing into cleric.

Published by John on 3/27/2003 09:53:00 AM

Dan--Psionics is broken. Also: JS - With that same arguement I could say that the Nercomancer from that book is almost exactly like a wizard...at lower levels. But I'll go with what ever JF states... I didn't insinutate that the necromancer was broken, you did.

Jeremy F--Good luck with the dentist, hope you feel better.

Wouldn't a world populated with intelligent singing swords be way cool? Imagine an army of them all singing happy songs....

Published by Dr Who on 3/27/2003 01:36:00 AM

I'm thinking about going bard for the Jeremy thursday game if that works in your world well, Jeremy......

Published by Anonymous on 3/26/2003 11:35:00 PM

JeremyF-I'm out this Thursday, the same game that you're out.

Published by Anonymous on 3/26/2003 10:48:00 PM

Hey all, sorry but I dont get to check this very often right now.....hope everyones questions are still answered...

Caroline--which game are you not playing?

Shatz--I cleared your anti paladin class in case there was question, its cool....more than cool, it fits in better than you know. muahahahaha

Anyway, the next time I will actually see you ppl is for my game NEXT thursday, so if you have questions, post em on here and keep an eye open for my answers....when I get on I usually scroll back several days.

Published by Anonymous on 3/26/2003 05:39:00 PM

JS - Since when is a nercromancer or psion "broken" though?

CD - no fair monk/rogue was my idea first...not that I'm playing in that game.

Published by Anonymous on 3/26/2003 04:37:00 PM

Dustin--I'm vaguely thinking about wizard or monk, but nothing specific yet. *tries to distinguish her 6 D&D games by char class, if nothing else*

We definitely don't need any more clerics, what with two partial clerics and a maybe paladin.

*ponders* monk/rogue is another interesting option.

Group--Does backstabbing work with monk attacks? We could all multi-class for Dustin's game just to give him a hard time... *snickers*

Published by John on 3/26/2003 02:44:00 PM

Jeremy G--You are truly evil dude :) An elf Samurai? Coolio!

Published by Anonymous on 3/26/2003 01:15:00 PM

Shatz- Intentionally blind and disease people one week... cure them the next. All for a simple donation...

Caroline- I don't think that had anything to do with "good" and "evil." It was just a neutral "Uh... dude... your ring is broke..." kind of reaction. Now I suppose there might be some "Evil" in quietly asking the group to let him believe his own delusions. Sure, he might get his brain devoured by zombies, now. But I consider it all fair, after that "thief" remark...

Dustin- I'm still working on my character for your game. I'm kind of bouncing between Paladain, and pure Samurai (from Oriental Adventures) if they'll work in your campaign world.

Published by John on 3/26/2003 10:34:00 AM

Dustin--Just to let you know I ended up making a 3rd level cleric/ 2nd level bard for your game. I have a prestige class that I'm going for that I'll show you sometime, it won't happen for a couple of levels yet, so no big rush.

Hope that everyone is having a good day.

Published by John on 3/26/2003 09:38:00 AM

Dan--When did I say that the necromancer from the book wasn't just like a wizard? If you are refering to the comment about playing something "normal" that was to try and prevent people from playing "broken" characters. You know like bipedal tabby cats...

Jeremy G--You really need to go with an Ernest Angley thing. He like smacks people on the forehead :)

Caroline--Dustin's game is going to start out at 5th level.

Published by Anonymous on 3/25/2003 11:31:00 PM

Monday group--Upon further thought, sorry about that attempt to let JF's char know that his "invisibility ring" doesn't work. I wasn't playing evil enough, due to the "good influence" of the Sunday game and not getting enough sleep.

Leon--How are you playing a cleric/ranger as a first level char in Dustin's game?

JeremyF game-3rd-level evil
Dustin game-1st level good elf
Let me know if I'm wrong about the char levels for their games.

Game schedule for the next few weeks (for JG's benefit ;-))
1st week. This Thursday, John's game (no me or JeremyF this week)
2nd week. Sunday and Monday, no game
2. Thursday, Jeremy's game
3. Sunday, Dustin's game
3rd week. Monday, John's game
3. Thursday, John's game
4th week. Sunday, John's game
4. Monday, John's game
4. Thursday, Jeremy's game
5th week. repeat week 3
6th week. repeat week 4
John will have a game twice every week; Jeremy and Dustin will alternate weeks.

Published by Anonymous on 3/25/2003 10:58:00 PM

Mmmn.... I'm looking forward to playing my Evil cleric in JF's game. I've even been reading up on Jonathan Edwards and Jerry Falwell to get into character.

Published by Anonymous on 3/25/2003 03:52:00 PM

JS - With that same arguement I could say that the Nercomancer from that book is almost exactly like a wizard...at lower levels. But I'll go with what ever JF states...

Published by John on 3/25/2003 10:02:00 AM

Good morning everyone. I hope that you all had fun last night, killing Gnome Skeletons. (Jeremy G you know they scared you bad!) Just thought that I would drop you a few notes.

For the Monday Game:

When you step down the stairs you see a flash of light. The stairs behind you are blocked by some sort of wall of force. You are now locked into the dungeon. A hallway extends beyond your sight, from it's far end you hear scratching sounds. Have fun...

Published by Anonymous on 3/24/2003 05:40:00 PM

My Sunday character, as mentioned at the game, is going to be a cleric/ranger.

Published by John on 3/24/2003 05:19:00 PM

See everyone tonight, bwhahahahahahahahahahaha

Published by Anonymous on 3/24/2003 05:07:00 PM

Okay... Downloaded the Kingdoms of Kalimar PHB, when someone suggested there was a feat that allowed my rouge to crit the uncrittable. Just read through the feats section, didn't see anything.

Published by Anonymous on 3/24/2003 04:52:00 PM

That should do it.

Published by Dr Who on 3/24/2003 04:40:00 PM

Email me at wjdunsmore27@yahoo.com with your answer please...

Published by Dr Who on 3/24/2003 04:39:00 PM

Can someone tell me the basics of figuring out your HP?

Published by John on 3/24/2003 04:04:00 PM

Wayne--This is only going to be every other week. So you really aren't "changing" your character, but playing a whole new character. Also this week will actually be my game, next week we will be playing Jeremy's.

Published by Dr Who on 3/24/2003 03:07:00 PM

Am i the only one for sure that is changing their character due to the Evil Group parameter?


Published by John on 3/24/2003 10:35:00 AM

Dan--It is nothing more than an anti paladin really. Especially at lower levels.

Published by Anonymous on 3/24/2003 10:25:00 AM

JS - Death Knight? And you were getting on MY case about playing something normal.

Published by John on 3/24/2003 09:06:00 AM

My character for the new Sunday game is an Elven "do a little bit of everying". I'll fight some, heal some, cast a few arcane type spells, and sing happy little songs to make you feel all warm and fuzzy.

My character for the new Thursday game is going to be some sort of divine fighter or cleric type (depending on how Jeremy F feels about the Death Knight class).

Published by John on 3/24/2003 09:03:00 AM

Leon--You would assume a healthy dose of undead and constructs (mostly minor "cheap" ones).

Jeremy--Don't you mean evil midgits?

Jeremy F--I was thinking of playing a Death Knight. They are basically anti-paladins with a few cool powers. I'll show you the class this week. Hope your tooth thing goes well.

Published by Anonymous on 3/23/2003 11:35:00 AM

Evil Cleric: Hehehehe! I gave that one long thought myself before setteling on the fighter (originally, he was going to be a cleric, just not openly). A lot of people don't like third ed clerics. I'm not one of them.

Jeremy F: Is it possible for my character to have an exotic mount? I was thinking either Dire Boar or Rhino with the Warbeast template. I'll show you what I'm talking about later.

Published by Anonymous on 3/23/2003 10:29:00 AM

There is already a game on Sunday's at UE's far as I know.

The off-Sunday games could also be hosted at my place. UE is better than it used to be, but it's still infestered with migits.

JF- An evil campaign? Excellent... (Muahahahahaha...)

What is all this "Cleric... if I really, really *haaaaave* to..." crap? ::Shakes head:: Stumpy should implode all of you, just to teach you a lesson.

*I'll* play the Dark Cleric in JFs game. Show you bastniches how it's done. Hooyah.

Published by Anonymous on 3/23/2003 03:22:00 AM

All---sorry it took me so darn long to get the baseline to you guys, John kinda caught me offguard....but here goes....evil group, paladin is not allowed, any other phb class is ok....level to 3....For what I have planned, first level characters are gonna get whacked on....and try to be as diversified as possible(just a recommendation) and this is a new world, not Johns, Dwarves are ok by me.

Wayne--sorry you gotta recreate, but you shouldnt be running a character in two seperate games at the same time anyway.

From what I am seeing for classes for you guys, they look pretty good.

Jeremy G---you posted yer addy, so I can just meet you there.

See most of you tomorrow, and the rest on monday :D

Published by Dr Who on 3/23/2003 02:38:00 AM

Character For Jeremy Thursday Game---


Published by Dr Who on 3/23/2003 02:24:00 AM

Well, guys. Considering the group???? I'd like to stick with the paladin for the alternate thursday game....

Published by Anonymous on 3/22/2003 10:14:00 PM

JS - but I didn't actually do anything. Also that was to play on what everyone else thought already. But oh well...

There is already a game on Sunday's at UE's far as I know.

As I've said previously I would be interested in DMing provided the players wil bare with me and my inexperience.

Published by Anonymous on 3/22/2003 09:24:00 PM

One thing I would like to know. When researching the history of the island, did we discover any info on what types of creatures the previous parties had encountered? (trying not to use player knowledge, but would like to prepare spells according to what I expect to encounter)

Published by Anonymous on 3/22/2003 07:45:00 PM

John--For the epic game, are we allowed to combine two powers on a single item (for a correspondingly higher cost)?

Bracers of Armor (+6 AC) & Archery (+2 to attack, +1 to damage within 30 ft), Cloak of Charisma & Resistance; etc.

Failing that, could I raise the increases on the Bracers of Archery to +3 attack, +2 damage or something higher?

Published by Anonymous on 3/22/2003 06:54:00 PM

Jeremy game so far
JeremyB=DM, of course
JeremyA=elf something? (wizard?)
John=High elf, something that's not wizard
Leon=brute-force fighter?
Dustin=dwarven fighter, paladin, caster, druid maybe (not barbarian)
Dan=sorceror focusing on transmutation or necromancy, or something else besides cleric (cleric if he has to)
me=rogue (or cleric if i have to)
Dustin's friend=??

Dustin--I vote you should play a cleric for the Jeremy game, so Dan or I don't have to. :-)

Published by John on 3/22/2003 04:23:00 PM

For Monday Game:

Okay the island it is. See you guys on Monday.

Published by John on 3/22/2003 04:22:00 PM

Dustin--I would play, were would you be playing?

See everyone tommorrow.

Published by Anonymous on 3/22/2003 03:59:00 PM

Would anyone be interested in starting a game on the Sundays that John is not DMing, I would like to try may hand at it.

Published by Anonymous on 3/22/2003 03:55:00 PM

Would it be possible to get a roll call for the possible char selections for the Jeremy game, depending on what alignment and what yall are playing I might be either a dwarven fighter or a palidin or a spell caster of some sort, I am getting sick of playing a bash and smash class. I might even play a druid, who knows...:)

Published by John on 3/22/2003 02:10:00 PM


Kewl we have brute force covered.

Published by Anonymous on 3/22/2003 01:37:00 PM

Not planning on redoing Bridgitt. I was thinking more along the lines of brute force this time.

Published by John on 3/22/2003 10:39:00 AM

Why is that my character's in John's games all end up being sexual devients? Or rather VEIWED as sexual devients.

Dan--Says the cleric that took the fighter in the woods to freak him out and make him wonder? I think that it has been earned :)

Leon--Just don't play a sword master chick, they are so last year...

Published by Anonymous on 3/22/2003 09:01:00 AM

I'd thought I might play a paladin in Jeremy's game, but he said they probably won't be allowed. I'm still thinking about a warrior of some type.

Published by Anonymous on 3/21/2003 11:33:00 PM

My first comment was about the Thursday night game (Jeremy's). My comment to you was about the Monday night game. Not meaning to offend, either way.

Which healer is that? *confused*

Published by Anonymous on 3/21/2003 10:46:00 PM

But we've already got a healer who like filling holes.... bwaaah-haah-hah!

I was talking about the Thursday game that Jeremy B is doing, unless you were refering to your char for that game.

Published by Anonymous on 3/21/2003 09:20:00 PM

So what classes are people planning on playing for Jeremy's game? General party alignment or other info determined yet? I was thinking rogue, but cleric would also work if worse came to worse. (more buff spells *sigh*) Twitchy Dan-cleric is fun to watch though... *snickers*

Dustin--You should be playing your character a little more intelligently... *muses* 13 or 14, I think it was?

Published by Anonymous on 3/21/2003 06:59:00 PM

Why is that my character's in John's games all end up being sexual devients? Or rather VEIWED as sexual devients.

If I -must- play a cleric I will. *fingers twitch*

Published by Anonymous on 3/21/2003 06:53:00 PM

If ther is going to be any choking going on, It will be on a Rouge's neck

Aw... Barbarians are so cuuute when they get hit with a "hold person" spell.

Do we have a healer, If not I am willing to fill that hole.

But we've already got a healer who like filling holes.... bwaaah-haah-hah!

Published by Anonymous on 3/21/2003 05:54:00 PM

::Makes a mental note to buy a good, sturdy leash next time they're in town, with a choker-chain...::

If ther is going to be any choking going on, It will be on a Rouge's neck. hehehehehehe:) Thanks for the help on creating the sunday char.
Thursday group-- I was thinking of playing either a palidin or a dwarven fighter, depending on the alingment of the group. Do we have a healer, If not I am willing to fill that hole.

Published by John on 3/21/2003 05:38:00 PM

Jeremy--You defended Dan? *sigh* I'm playing a High Elf, I'll let you know what the details offline. Would want anyone to take my ideas :)

Published by Anonymous on 3/21/2003 04:52:00 PM

My address is 1905 Portage Rd Apt 314. It's the apartment complex next to K-Mart. If you don't want to hunt the place down, I'll be at the comic shop Sunday at Noon to pick up Leon anyway. If you'd like, you can just head to the comic shop, and follow me from there. Just try to be there a bit before Noon so I don't leave without you.

I dont care where we go as long as there are things to kill. I like killing things : )

::Makes a mental note to buy a good, sturdy leash next time they're in town, with a choker-chain...::

Shatz- Actually, I was having second-thoughts on the brother/wizard thing anyway. What did you have in mind? Maybe we can still "hang" together. ;)

And, not to come to defense of Dan or anything... but sorcerers ARE from the PHB. ;)

Published by John on 3/21/2003 02:43:00 PM

Caroline--That sounds good to me. I'll meet you at the Taylor lot around 11:45. You should probably follow me over this time. We are going to alternate weeks on Thursdays, one week my game next week Jeremy F's. That way I actually get to play.

Published by Anonymous on 3/21/2003 02:27:00 PM

Thursday group--What's going on with that game? If the changes only apply to next session, then they won't really affect me; if the changes are permanent, then I kinda need to make a new character. :) Good luck with your session running either way, JeremyB.

JeremyA--Could you please post or email your address for the Sunday game?

John--If Jeremy doesn't get in touch with me soon, same ridetime, same rideplace (noonish, Taylor)? Thanks.

Published by John on 3/21/2003 12:58:00 PM

Dan--Seriously dude you should play something from the PHB. It is his first game as a DM.

Published by Anonymous on 3/21/2003 12:22:00 PM

Was thinking either a Sorc focused on Transmution or Necromancy

Published by John on 3/21/2003 11:25:00 AM

Dan--Yep stupid question.

Published by John on 3/21/2003 10:50:00 AM

Yep my bad Path Wardens.

Published by Anonymous on 3/21/2003 10:32:00 AM

JS - i thought you said they were Path Wardens? Eh prob just the fur in my ears.

Published by John on 3/21/2003 09:56:00 AM

I was wondering what you guys were thinking of playing in Jeremy F's game on Thursday?

Jeremy G--Would you be terribly mad if I played an elf? I mean you could play an elf and still be my brother. We should be the "urban" elves, "...solid..." I was thinking of not playing a wizard *gasp!* and trying something new.

Published by John on 3/21/2003 09:45:00 AM

For the Thursday game:

You guys are a bunch of wacky mofos :) I hope you all had as much fun as I did last night. Sometimes we need to get a little goofy, and you guys were goofy. All told you guys actually did a very good thing by destroying the evil artifact sword, thus the xps you earned. Now to business...

Ned the farmer will speak to you guys about the glade wardens, and the good work they do. Some of the farmers in the area occasionally get angry at the wardens because they will defend the natural predators and prevent the farmers from killing them. They say that they do this to keep an agreement with a powerful group of druids who allow them to stay in the woods. Ned also speaks of a cousin that lives farther north of Nellix who has been trying to defend his farm from raiding giants and ogres.

Published by John on 3/21/2003 09:35:00 AM

For the Monday game:

A little history...

Poppov the mage was in charge of "training" monsters for use in Marcus the Dragon Lord's army. He used the island for these purposes. No one is quite sure how he did this, but the island was where it happened. When Marcus was defeated and fled to parts unknown he took with him as many of his allies as he could. One of those who fled with him was Poppov. Since then the city of Greyhawk has attempted on several occasions to "clean" the island off. None of these groups have been successful. No one has ever ventured very far into the "training" grounds to map it, plus there are rumors that you can't map it for some "magical" reasons. The island itself is dangerous to get to normally due to the tides and the reefs that surround it. Poppov augmented these natural barriers by importing territorial sea monsters who will also defend it's shorelines.

Published by Anonymous on 3/21/2003 03:55:00 AM

Nordok Speaks:

There are things to kill in the Sewer. There are things to kill on the island. There are things to kill at the drake hunt.There are things to kill on the open sea. So many choices... I dont care where we go as long as there are things to kill. I like killing things: )

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 07:38:00 PM

Leon and Jeremy--These examples are exactly why I was asking for advice, so thanks for the help. Although I've read and heard about 3rd ed for years, I've only played it since the Monday game started... Now I just have to pick and choose my (comparatively) limited feats from the many available. Of course, I could be a fighter just for the feats... *muses* Nah, smiting evil is more entertaining! :-D

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 05:51:00 PM

I'm going to hate myself later, I just know it. But here goes.

Caroline: Have you seen the one feat no epic level paladin should ever be without? The single most chesserific non-epic feat in a Wizards product? Hint, a paladin can get it at third level. I'm talking about Divine Might, of course. Triple the bang for your charisma bonus, which you ought to be cheesing out anyhow. Every point of bonus makes this feat more powerful, longer lasting and gives you one more potential use per day. Turn Ms. Charming into a slicing, dicing, damage dealing machine, and all for the low, low price of two feats and pumping an attribute you ought to be pumping already. I've never understood why every paladin doesn't have this one.

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 04:45:00 PM

Who knows maybe by the time we're done with the maze/island one of us will have teleport?

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 02:56:00 PM

Dan--I'm sure that you, or the party, can afford a decent bow or crossbow. It's Greyhawk; they sell almost everything. Hmm... aberrants... they seem interesting.

Group--If the journey is that treacherous, we may need to stay on the island for a few days at a time or until we're done with it. Also, we may need to rig up some reliable signal so that a captain will come out and get us. (Of all the times to not have teleport ;-))

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 02:55:00 PM

John--Has anyone who tried entering that maze ever come out again? If they have, what hazards did they report? Are there any maps of the island or the maze? Are the lighthouse and the tower manned, monster-filled or just deserted? Could we use one of those buildings as a base of operations? Did Poppov die, or just leave? If he died, how did he die; if he left, where did he go? How long has Poppov been absent (i.e. how long have the monsters been able to run feral and reproduce)
"not many captains", hence there are a few captains who would be willing to do it repeatedly. How much would they charge per journey, or per period of time? What hazards are in the bay (riptides, reefs, sandbars, etc)?
Any info from last session on when we might be needed again?
More info on Drakes?

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 02:06:00 PM

Another fun thing is that using a feat or two from Sav Spe you can get the breath weapon....non-epically. In fact you could have a gargantuan non-basic dragon w/ breath weapon about 10 levels before a str8 druid could do it. And all this fun almost broken stuff is just from official Wizards books.

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 01:45:00 PM

So alot of time on the island will be below ground, in the maze, eh? Any word from the employee what type of activity there is above ground? Wondering if it's worth the trouble to dig in, if we're just going to be on the offensive most of the time, hunting these things down underground...

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 01:39:00 PM

Shatz- I'm not really sure what the Elemental argument started from, or what the point of it was... but the Collosal/Dragon/SU abilities is a combination of a few things. By L10, the Shifter Prestige from MotW gains the ability to WildShape into any animal from Diminutive to Gargantuan. Plus it gains access to a number of non-animal forms, normally restricted no normal Wildshape. One of these is "Dragon Form." It allows a Wildshape into a Dragon. (Which still follows all WildShape rules- no SU abilites, breath weapons, etc...)

There is an Epic Feat which specifically states that a Wildshape character may turn into one of the basic Dragon types- and right in the text says the dragon gains all abilities of that dragon, including breath weapons. The text also says the dragon's max size is limited to the largest Animal size the wildshaper has access to.

Normally, this would be Gargantuan. Scarry enough. The second feat in question, also from the Epic Book, upgrades the max Animal size from G to C. So straight from the sourcebooks, it looks to be pretty simple. He can shift into a Dragon, the Dragon Feat gives him the SU abilities, and the size feat gives him a max of a Collosal Dragon.

As for other forms, depends on the text.

Published by John on 3/20/2003 11:38:00 AM

With all due respect to Dan, I make the rulings, not SRD. I don't look at the SRD, I look at the printed materials. That doesn't mean that I don't agree with what they have on the web, just realize that I use the printed material, and that is all you can count on me approving.

Jeremy Flemming--I'll look at your shifter, but god help me I don't see how a dragon can be "unbalancing" to the party. ...I can't believe I just said that. How scary is that thought... Okay I'm assuming that the feat that allows you to be a Colossal animal is an epic one. I will look into it before the session starts. Just from experience you don't get supernatural abilities of a creature when you shift into them. Also I'm not even sure Dragons are considered to be animals.

Jeremy G--The island is in the center of the bay. It is just a 30 minute boat ride to the island, but so treacherous that not many captains are willing to do it repeatedly.

Caroline--The island is 5 miles wide, and 10 miles long. It has a lighthouse and a small tower on it. Beneath the island is a maze of tunnels that contain many creatures that Poppov the mage used to "train" monsters for the armies of Marcus the Red. This would be an extended mission, that would take a great deal of time. Again payment for the island is based on how much success that you have. The more you kill, the more you get. Leon ran a really cool BESM game over at the comic store. *in character* "...Golem smash..."

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 09:35:00 AM

JG - I know what you're talking about...well I know a REALLY flamey guy that even when he plays a 13th gen he gets wrangled into playing at the very least the primogen. He never has worn lace though..only leather on occasion, but I digress. The monk he played in a DnD game absolutely hilarious. "And I smack it." but anyway you'd have to have been there...as I get more off track.

CD - Aberrant not Abomination...aberant is there other world. More powerful charcters than in WoD. Also easier to come up with mission type games.

All - For more info on Aberrant check out http://www.white-wolf.com/aberrant.html and ask you self "What would you do if you had the power of a god?" It's the catch phrase from the site.

All in Evil Game - I now have a BAB that makes it so I can actually hit things. Anyone have a spare bow?

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 05:52:00 AM

Azmir speaks:

It seems the boat mission is out, which is probably wise. I am not certain that we have that much time before our presence may be required again. I would need to know more about the Drakes they are interested in, before turning that down. Honestly, the island sounds like the simplest, most profitable mission. There are far more dangerous things in the sewers of Greyhawk than a few ratmen, therefore I suspect we would recieve little compensation for claiming the pack we eliminated. Let me do some more research on this island and what might be found there.

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 05:09:00 AM

Bells shmells, just take shifts.

CD- thanks for looking out about the street address.

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 01:58:00 AM

JG--It was an argument to the druid to get him to kill drakes, hence not logical to anyone else. Besides, that was the part where I was lying through the skin of my teeth. ;-) He's an evil druid; he should understand the cycle of life and death. Especially the "We live, and they die" part. Hence, let's go kill drakes. :-D

Oh, beach and ocean. Comes from not actually seeing a map, I guess. The 'beach as far as the eye can see' part does depend on the size of the island. If it's smaller, it'll curve faster. Ignore the circular wall suggestion.

Oil--thinking of real-world costs, due to lack of books. Ignore the oil suggestion.

IC: "We might as well buy some thread and bells then, although the bells will be a little bit expensive. If they're made well, I'll reimburse the party for the bells for use when we're not camping in a small area. Maybe we could get the druid to suggest some cheap, natural noisemakers to offset the cost. I can only think of seashells and wind chimes: those wouldn't help since they would move with every single gust of wind."

Did you get Internet then, or do you work late shifts? Could you post the street address for your apt complex, so I and JF and Dustin won't have to ask for a Sunday ride from someone?

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 01:41:00 AM

We'd try to pick older ones who were nearing the end of their time, and to leave the younger ones alone.

IC: Oh HELL no...! I don't care if they call Drakes "Little Dragons." An OLD "Little Dragon" is still a BIG "Little Dragon..." You hunt the elders. I'm lookin' for unguarded hatchlings. Something that has a bit LESS of a chance of killing us all... ::Smirks::

We should probably make a full circular wall as well, bracing it appropriately.

Possibly. I just didn't think we could pull that off in a day, even with hired help. Not to mention the added cost. The biggest function is to stop things charging out of the woods and catching us off-guard. We've got beach as far as the eye can see on either side, and an ocean to our backs. At most, if we do have the time and the ability, those three sides wouldn't need as strong of a defense...

Depending on the time and expense, we could make a moat of oil and set it alight.

That would cost a small fortune in oil, and would only burn for few hours at best before needing another fortune's worth of oil. Besides, it would easily take two or three boats alone packed full with barrels of oil to pull that off...

We also don't know if the creatures on that island can fly, so defense against that should be considered as well.

::Taps the bow slung over his shoulder:: A good offense, as they say. Most all of us have bows anyway. Those that don't, we can show them how to use a crossbow in only a few hours lessons...

Do you or Azimir have any alarm spells that would alert us of creatures passing nearby?

::Nods:: We do. But I think those spells would better be used for attack and defense. Besides, to be totally honest, the alarm spells we know really aren't that powerful. A run of thread and a few bells set between sticks will do you just as good. And anything smart enough to avoid those in the dark, most likely wouldn't be fooled such a low-level spell in the first place.

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 01:24:00 AM

Re Whitewolf: I know a lot about Vampire (TT and Larp). The campus larp atmosphere is pretty good for mixing casual gamers and powergamers. We have some weird people, but not weirder than our group. I know bits about Werewolf, Mage, Changeling, Wraith, Kindred of the East, etc. I believe there's a game or two in most of those around on campus currently.

Dan--Feel free to argue, but I still hold that Aberants are not meant for real gaming (werewolves should not get embraced by vampires).

Other gaming systems: Have people looked into the BESM, Lord of the Rings (odd), or Wheel of Time systems (d20)? BESM plays well and the other two seem pretty neat to me.

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 01:14:00 AM

JF--Since your objections to the drake mission stems from being a druid...
::Invokes Inspire Courage by playing a martial song about killing dragons for glory and honor... and magical treasure. also "Fascinates" JF's char to prevent him from ignoring the message. After the music (and the inspire courage) stops, talks specifically to JF's char:: Nature is cruel; since drakes are part of nature, they will die eventually. We're just... hastening the natural process a little. As people, we too are part of the cycle of nature, generally acting as predators. Why not continue fulfilling our predatorial role? Also, you could to use the rest of the drakes' bodies for some other purpose, thus recycling their bodies and preserving the balance of nature. *honestly and persuasively* (If only I was two levels higher, that would be a "suggestion" instead of a thoughtful request)

We'd give them a fair chance, after all; I doubt they'd lay down and just let us slaughter them. We'd try to pick older ones who were nearing the end of their time, and to leave the younger ones alone. *lying through the skin of her teeth* Come on, it'll be an adventure!

JS--How big is the island anyhow?

JG--Depending on whether her gentle persuasion worked on the Druid ;-)
::peers at map, looking at various terrain features::
Your plan sounds good in general, but I have a few suggestions. We should either camp here ::points at a small stream:: or else be sure to bring lots of water/alcohol. We should probably make a full circular wall as well, bracing it appropriately. It doesn't have to be that big, if it's just the seven of us. Depending on the time and expense, we could make a moat of oil and set it alight. We don't know if the creatures on that island can fly or tunnel, so defense against that should be considered as well. Do you or Azimir have any spells that would alert us about creatures passing nearby?

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 12:56:00 AM

[Edit to previous post- I was the Mage ST...]

I've done both. We did mostly TT, because the LARP was all gamers we usually tried not to associate with. They were all either the frighteningly faggoty gothic black-lace prance around spouting off depressing poetry Vampire players, or they were absolutely psychotic 'I really am a vampire, I like blood, fear the sun, gee, it's fun to bone-meld people into freaky mutant things and leave them in the church for people to find..." kind of players.

Oooh. Crits to uncrittable things. My theify likes... =)

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 12:46:00 AM

Well I know all of those. Of you that know White Wolf...do you know LARP or TT and what venue do you think would be the most interesting? Anyone ever hear of their Aberant line?

JG - Found a feat that allows you to crit on uncrit-able things in an official Wizards' book (Kingdom of Kalimar) one would intuit that that means you could sneak them too.

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 12:41:00 AM

Dan- Oh.... Okay then...

JF- What he said. ;)

I've played quite a bit of WW. I'm most familair with (and used to ST) the Mages in "Pittsburgh by Night" when I was away at "college." One roomate was the Werewolf ST, and I've got decent familiarity with the wolves, and the other was the Vampire ST. (Though I've only played a vamp once, and just scratch at the rules.) We also did a bit with the Kindred of the East stuff.

Published by Anonymous on 3/20/2003 12:35:00 AM

JG - Technically he will still be an elf...subtypes don't remove race. Just that rather being a humaniod elf, he'd be a shapeshifter elf

JF - You can take the Colossal Wild Shape feat sas soon as you can take an epic feat as you can shift upto Gargantuan via the Shifter class. I don't have the MoW book in front of me but at what level do you gaint he ability to shift into an elemental from it?

All - How many people on this list have played or heard of White Wolf? I was debating whether to try my hand at being an ST or a DM first.

Published by Anonymous on 3/19/2003 07:50:00 PM

JF- You're still a Druid. You're just no longer an Elf. You're Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. ;) As for the Colossal Wild Shape thing, at least with the Dragon feat, it expressly states that your max Dragon size is limited to your Animal size. The Colossal feat gives you the size as an Animal, so the Dragon feat would be based on it.

As for Elementals, yes, you gain ALL the special abilities and subtypes of the elemental. The only real limitation is that the Elemental Wild Shape is limited to a max size of, I think, Large.

Which also answers my question right there- I was about to ask what the problem is with the Drake mission. Forgot about the Druid thing.

Shatz- How far is the island from the mainland? I'm wondering how feasable it is to travel back and forth daily, or if we'll need to set base-camp on the island itself.

The boat thing was just a joke. Unless we all decide to become pirates, (arrgh!) then stealing a boat isn't going to do us any good.

The Drake mission would be my #1 choice- but I'd prefer not to leave people behind. Heading back to the sewers doesn't impress me. Which leaves the island. Good place to rake up some cash.

In Character:
::Flags down the barmaid and orders another bottle of Elven Wine for the table and a pony-keg of the cheapest, most watered-down mead on the menu for the "halfbloods" before turning back to the map in the center of the table....::

I say we take the island. I'm talkin' full sortie. We might have to pull from personal cash here, but I say we stock up on the critical supplies- healing, definately, to help take the load off our friend with the shrunken head here.

We should be able to do this in three small boats. I'm sure we can find some hands in this city who'll put in a day's work for a handful of copper. One boat worth of us. One boat worth of workers. One boat worth of supplies. Heavy rope, shovels, picks, lanterns, torches, and lots of spears. It's a small expense compared to what we look to make if we do some real damage to this island.

::Taps the map:: I say we set up camp here, and spend the best part of the first day digging in. With the pesant help, we should be able to at least set up a serviceable defensive position. Trench here, building this area up into a wall, and lash the spears in place. We've got a half-circle defensive wall around the camp where nothing is going to get in without a world of hurt. A few simple raised observation platforms here and here.

From there, we can keep moving out, and covering more territory till everything on that island is gone. Anything that is too big to handle outright, we hit with everything we've got, and move back into a defensive position until it falls, or it drives us back into the sea!

::Leans back and takes a sip of his wine, looking to the others for comment.::

Published by Anonymous on 3/19/2003 06:21:00 PM

Group--So far the consensus seems to be: Get payment for the rat things in the sewers (but don't bother going any further), then 4. (island).
JeremyF objects to drake, Dan and I object to boat.
1. drake 2. boat 3. sewers 4. island
Dan: 1 and 4, maybe 3
JeremyG: all
JeremyF: 3, 4, maybe 2
me: 1,4 (What's up with the rat things? If we already did something in the sewers that qualifies for payment, sure. I'm just not interested in slogging through the whole sewer system.)
I hope Leon and whatsisname check the blog soon enough to give some input.

Published by Anonymous on 3/19/2003 06:06:00 PM

JF - Remember the name of the ability is GREATER Wild Shape. Also yes any epic or non-epic Wild feat you take applies to what you can do with your Shifter abilities...it's in the description.

Published by Anonymous on 3/19/2003 05:19:00 PM

John--Wayne gave you a wrong email addy....here is the right one... wjdunsmore27@yahoo.com.....thanks

Published by Anonymous on 3/19/2003 05:18:00 PM

Dan, this just applies to elementals though right? Wilds explicitly names dragon breath weapons as an ability I dont acquire on shape change...

John...nevermind, the shifter is from Wizards...but I do have another question...One epic feat can give me colossal wild shape..The description under for the feat says "animal" assuming of course that most druids are not shifters(frankly Jeremy G is right, I am no longer druid, but still retain my druid abilities) ...my question would be if I take this feat, will you limit me to colossal on ONLY animals, or can I size up my shifter ability to colossal? Likewise, can Dragon shape feat give me the abilities of other creature types? I can already assume dragon form anyway, just trying to get the breath weapon. Not as worried about this one though.

All at Monday game--I was thinking, pay may not be well on boat mission, but john may be making up for that in experience points or items...who knows...I'm not totally writing that one off yet. Guess I'm open to all except the drake mission.

Published by Anonymous on 3/19/2003 04:47:00 PM

The shifter is from a wizards book i believe he was refering to the Children of Dune pretiege class or the Worm armor.

Published by Anonymous on 3/19/2003 04:37:00 PM

JF - Quoted from the SRD on Wizard's site:
At 16th level or higher, the druid may use wild shape to change into a Small, Medium-size, or Large air, earth, fire, or water elemental once per day. The druid gains all the elemental's special abilities. At 18th level, the druid can do this three times per day.
Because they constantly keep the SRD upto date with any tweaks this mean that the above is a standard and accepted rule.

Published by Anonymous on 3/19/2003 04:11:00 PM

John--does that mean my shifter is NOT approved?

Group--personally I vote for 4 or 3....Jeremy G is right, we can claim the rats we ALREADY cooked...

Dan--Fill me in on elemental shift, not sure what you mean..

Published by Anonymous on 3/19/2003 03:37:00 PM

JS-Can we get a few more details on the contracts first, namely answering the questions Jeremy, Dan, and I had (even if OOC answers)? Thanks.

Published by John on 3/19/2003 03:18:00 PM

Everyone should be aware that anything not in a wizard published sourcebook it subject to approval. Most of the D20 license stuff is very good, some is very broken. Just an FYI.

Children of Dune sucked mucho arseo...

Okay guys talk amoung yourselves and decide which contract you want.

Published by Anonymous on 3/19/2003 02:50:00 PM

JF - The rules for elemental shift are special rules outside of the base rules of Wild Shape as clerified in MoW, this is why at the beginning of Elemental shifting the number of times that one can shift into an element is limited. I still believe that the ability to shift into something more than an animal beast etc is a virtual feat as much as the ranger's two weapon fighting and the monk's unarmed strike.

CD - Have you seen Children of Dune? There will be no nature draining there! It'll just die naturally. But seriously thinking about a monk prestiege class here. THough finding desert worms might be hard. Oh, you can actually get a dragon mount...even pre-epic according to Defender's of the Faith.

JS - 1 and 4 sound cool. Would take 3 if I could find some fire resistance potions/scrolls to use. Burn baby burn! Oh at at some point my evil char would like to encounter his divine ancestor/deity so he can get a prestiege class that needs that special.

Published by Anonymous on 3/19/2003 02:19:00 PM

I'm fully moved in to the new apartment, but I'll be without phone or internet access till at least Monday. I'll be checking in at work at least one a day, however. Those wanting e-mails, you'll probably get them tomorrow afternoon.

Shatz- First off, we should get that Greyhawk sewer contract, and claim the ratfolks. We don't have to tell them it's already been done.
1.) Sounds simple enough.
2.) Hmmn. How big of a ship, and how many crew? And does she have cannons? A few months at sea, we can whipe 'em all out and we'd be one step closer to becomin' Dread Pirates. Arrgh! (And we'd have our own boat!)
4.) Close to home. Though I'm OoC I'm concerned about our ability to handle the island.

I'd also be checking the underground for other "special" contracts.

Jeremy F- Technically, you're no longer an Elf. Your "race" is now "shapechanger." (Check the text in MotW) ;)

That was "Wild". Which, is a waste of a +3 enchantment- go ahead and scratch it out. You get it as a natural ability as a Shapeshifter. You've got another +3 to spend on that armor at the price quoted. You can either throw another +3 worth of enchantments on it, or knock the price down to a +7 item, if you need the money. (Heheh...)

Caroline- Epic Paladins are just like Non-Epic Paladins- only bigger. There isn't any change, except for possibly a few bonus feats and the fact that you keep getting access to larger and larger mounts. Your abilities like "Lay on Hands" just keeps going up. (There may even be a feat that increases that... I'll have to look.) You can also drop the classic Warhorse, and go exotic. Pegasai, Unicorns, and Griphons are common, but just about any Lawful Good creature in the book is possible.

And you have so much access to CHA-boosting items, you've got save scores up into the 40s. Do you have Defenders of the Faith? It has all the specific Holy type feats in it. I'd need to know what feats you've already taken, what weapon(s) you fight with, and what kind of mount you have to really suggest any feats. If you take a flying mount, you're going to want to blow a few feats on airial combat manuvers. Etc etc...

Or some archer feats. You don't neccisarily have to go Prestige to become one dangerous sunnabitch with a bow. Nothing says you have to even be the classic Paladan with the classic Holy Sword. You can just as easily put that magic into a Holy Bow. Which would give you access to quite a few uber-dangerous Epic Archery feats. You can fight in close-combat without drawing an AoO, and one favorite- fire arrows at *every* target within 30 feet in a single attack, just as an example. ;)

Published by John on 3/19/2003 01:48:00 PM

Jeremy F--You can be "the" elven druid from the Thursday campagin. That will involve you in some political stuff though, so I'll fill you in.

Well guys what about feedback for where you would like the Monday game to go. I've heard from Caroline.

Published by Anonymous on 3/19/2003 01:35:00 PM

Jeremy G--Thank you very much..I will take those two epic feats, please bring epic book so I can figure everything out...question, my armor we picked out, the ironwood, I took nimble and glamer on it, I cant read my writing for the third enchantment(haha) you remember what is was? Its a +3 if that helps...

John--Had a cool idea...my epic character is a Druid shifter...you have an issue with him being "The" Elven druid from the thursday game?(grins)

Dan--ruling in the wilds book overrides previous rules...a shapeshift into a form does not grant supernatural attacks of that form(i.e. dragon breath weapons, poison weapon of the iron golem)although it does grant the natural armor and magic armor bonus(does that make sense? lol)

Published by Anonymous on 3/19/2003 01:21:00 PM

And all I have is this magical sword. Oh well. :-D

Published by John on 3/19/2003 01:03:00 PM

Caroline--They opened the door and got mucho neato magic stuff.

Published by Anonymous on 3/19/2003 12:55:00 PM

•Drake eyes means killing drakes, yes? How nasty are drakes? Interested.
•Defending ship on a round trip=boring; Defending ship on a trip to another city and visiting there=slightly less boring. Not interested.
•Sewer system. eh. constitution-sucking bats and poo gas. Not interested.
•Island sounds good, but the payment terms aren't as good as the sewers. Do they have any speculation what's on it? Interested.
And what happened wih The Door?

Published by John on 3/19/2003 10:58:00 AM

For the Monday game:

The following open contracts are available.

1. An organization of wizards is asking for a group of intrepid adventurers to locate a pair of Drake eyes. The pay is 1000 gp per eye delivered.
2. There is a ship that requires mercenaries to act in it's defense. The pay is 250 gp for the round trip journey and will take several months.
3. The city is offering rewards for cleaning out the sewer system of Greyhawk. Pay will be based upon what is killed, and how much area is cleared.
4. The city is offering contracts to clean off the island in the bay that was once inhabited by Poppov the mage. Pay is based upon success.

Please try and let me know which of the contracts you guys are interested in before Monday, so that I may write it. Thanks.

Published by John on 3/19/2003 10:48:00 AM

Worm Kitty? You guys are weird :)

Published by Anonymous on 3/19/2003 05:39:00 AM

Caroline- Copy cat!!!!!!!!

Published by Anonymous on 3/19/2003 12:42:00 AM

JeremyG and/or Dan--*chimes in with Dustin* Could you email me some of the basic info on epic paladins? Ability changes, a recommended epic feat or two, that sorta thing. cdegg@wooster.edu

Published by Anonymous on 3/19/2003 12:12:00 AM

John- I will most likely be a 24th lv monk.

Jerremy Alpha, my email is dmellott@nvi.net could you email me info on epic monks.

Published by Anonymous on 3/18/2003 11:56:00 PM

Dan--You could always look into "Blight Magic", but that's eee-vil. Blight magic could give your kitty "worm armor" and bunches of magic from stripping natural energy from the land. I bet The Elven Druid would just love the energy-stripping part. *snickers* If you're interested, Chad has a copy that you could look at sometime after break.

Leon--I agree with you that it should be Dex, but I'm not sure whether that change would affect game balance. It would definitely help out the magic-user classes though, both yours and mine. ;-)

Published by Anonymous on 3/18/2003 10:07:00 PM

I'm sorry but after seeing Children of Dune I know what any of my characters want....natural armor that gives haste! So what if I have to have little worm thingies crawling around in me! Though I can just see it..."Hey that cat has worms!" hrm...prestiege class?

Published by Anonymous on 3/18/2003 07:57:00 PM

JG, LS, JS--- I'll probably be in town Friday and Saturday. Other than moving and a revision on a manuscript I am not aware of anything going on if you wanted to get together for diner or something. Patti/Giselle may yet be there for one final session. According to her things are not going well and she may have to stay just a bit longer to finish the move =(. I'll let you know more info the closer things get.

Published by Anonymous on 3/18/2003 07:16:00 PM

I can easily understand the strength bonus for melee....but touch definately should be dex...maybe w/ 3.5 they'll fix that?

Published by Anonymous on 3/18/2003 07:10:00 PM

I just need to get this one off my chest. Why does Strength affect melee *touch* attacks? I can (after years of D&D) buy into ST bonuses to hit in normal melee, but why on earth does a ST 9 character have a penalty to *touch* someone. My personal feel, touch attacks should be Dex based, regardless of whether or not they are ranged. Anyone else have a thought on the matter?

Not just looking for an advantage for Azmir, it really does bother me.

Published by Anonymous on 3/18/2003 06:32:00 PM

JG - In the def of greater wild shap it says that it is identical to wild shape and those feats such as Dragon Wild Shape improve Wild Shape not add things external to it. In short think virtual feats. Also remember that a druid who gets elemental form gets ALL of the special abilities, including attatcks. So following this logic once a Shifter can become an elemental sky's the limit. If you think this is unbalanced remember that Shifters do not advance their spells at all.

Published by Anonymous on 3/18/2003 04:57:00 PM

John--I believe... 24th level paladin with a few (two, prolly) archer feats and Cleave and the like. Not entirely sure on equip yet. I haven't seen the epic book yet to know what epic paladins are like, so there's a slight chance I could switch around some feats to prestige into Deepwoods Sniper or Peerless Archer (Silver Marches) or something from another splat book (Tome and Blood?).

I'm not here for the next two Thursdays (20 and 27), but I'm here for Sunday and Monday (23, 24). Should be in from then on (April and May).

Published by John on 3/18/2003 02:46:00 PM

Jeremy--Damn dude, the Dawg' is dead today.

What is everyone playing in the epic game on Sunday? It would be nice to know so that I can scale it for you guys.

Caroline--Are you going to be back for this Sunday? How about the following Monday?

See everyone for a wacky Thursday fun happy goodness.

Published by John on 3/18/2003 02:43:00 PM

Caroline--There are always sewers and always "poo gas" heh heh heh...

Jeremy--I will assume that Stumpy will take Holy Screech back when Giselle announces she is retiring. They don't call it a "handy" haversack for nothing. They do that because Ironwood is a very precious material, and making it into anything other than a stick is difficult. So instead of spending an ass load of money on Ironwood armor, make it himself. Hell it could be a great business oppurtunity :)

Published by Anonymous on 3/18/2003 02:32:00 PM

John- Questions for the DM. You have any clue what it costs for Ironwood armor? The book prices don't make a damn bit of sense. The suggested price in MoTW for a +2 suit of Ironwood Full Plate is 130,000gp and change. Strip the +2 enchantment, and you're left with 126,000gps for a mundane suit of Ironwood. You could buy a +10 suit of mithril for that much.

Meanwhile, with the 14 levels of Druid JF's character has, he has access to a spell that turns metal into wood. (Forget the name, don't have my books on me right now.) A suit of masterwork metal armor costs what, a little over 3000gps? Two spells- he turns it into wood, then turns that wood into Ironwood. All he's got invested is a Permanancy on the Ironwood spell. Personally, I think 126,000gps for that is a bit insane.

Published by Anonymous on 3/18/2003 02:20:00 PM

Jeremy F- I got the chance to look at the Epic Handbook when I got home. The Shifter abilities are insane, but they're not actually as powerful as the Epic feats of the same name. With the Epic shapechanger feats, you DO actually gain the breath weapon and special attacks of the forms you change into. You've got a hard-on over dragons, so if you take the Epic feat "Dragon Wild Shape" you can actually gain the abilities of the dragon you change into. Most importantly, the precious breath weapon.

Oh... and if that gargantuan size limitation bothers you, there is also an Epic feat that will upgrade your max size to Colossal. ;)

It also says in the Shapechanger description (in MoTW) that you actually choose what items absorb into you when you change, and what items stay. Items that say automatically resize themselves to fit, so long as the new form has a place to put them. So technically, you don't NEED to put the +3 "Wild" enchantment on things to keep armor or magic rings in animal form, as long as they still have arms, fingers, etc. Which, if nothing else, makes it a hell of a lot easier to figure out how to shop for your character. Most everything that would work for a monk would work to enchance your natural hand/claw attacks as a creature.

Go ahead and e-mail me if you get the chance: Lamune_Baba@Yahoo.com

Published by Anonymous on 3/18/2003 02:07:00 PM

Jeremy--I was vaguely thinking about two haversacks, since they're cheap. Barricade Buckler, Ring of sustenance, or ring of extra turning would be neat too... Please elaborate on Holy Screech (and the Epic Crossbow of Doom if they're not the same thing). It sounds interesting, even if my char prolly won't have it. :-)

Published by Anonymous on 3/18/2003 01:52:00 PM

"I don't know him! I don't know him!"

CD- Even with a billion gold, people still buy a haversack. It's a beautiful thing. Heward needs to win the Nobel Prize for Magic. ;)

I want Holy Screech back! Patty's character still has the Epic Crossbow o' Doom. :(

Published by Anonymous on 3/18/2003 01:51:00 PM

Celestial? Cool. *calls up a demon with her nonexistent Summon Monster 5* Sic'em.

So are we done with the sewers then?

Dan--the library in the mountains, where you asked what would happen to you if you agreed to be a library zombie... Any time that you refused to heal someone who could kick your ass (our "fighter" duo)... Shall I go on? *snickers*

Published by John on 3/18/2003 11:38:00 AM

Dan--Hmmm blaming the "poo gas" I like it :)

Published by Anonymous on 3/18/2003 10:37:00 AM

I won't be so dumb once we aren't in poo gas all the time. The fumes were/are getting to me.

CD - When was my char being suicidal before?

Published by John on 3/18/2003 10:26:00 AM

Dan--dumb ass :)

Everyone have fun last night taunting my celestial? *sniff* I want to strike fear in your hearts and you guys taunt me. I guess I'll just have to make things more difficult in the future, since I'm obviously not challenging you.

Published by Anonymous on 3/18/2003 07:55:00 AM

Smite him! Smite him!

Published by Anonymous on 3/18/2003 01:30:00 AM

Dan--Huh? Is your char having suicidal tendencies again?

Published by Anonymous on 3/17/2003 11:53:00 PM

Smite me! Smite me!

Published by Anonymous on 3/17/2003 10:43:00 PM

A million and what?!! I wonder how ridiculous my paladin items can be with that kind of cash... Lessee *makes up random magic items without actually looking at books* Holy Defending Keen Vorpal Flameburst Battleaxe of Strength/Mighty Cleaving +5. Mighty composite seeking keen ironwood keen longbow of ice +5... Elven Chain of Etherealness +5. Shield of Constitution +6. Belt of Strength +6. Boots of Speed +6. Cloak of Charisma +6. Hat of Wisdom +3. Heward's Handy Haversack. Ring of Improved Invisibility. And potions. Lots of potions... This is going to be fun... *evil grin*

Published by Anonymous on 3/17/2003 04:28:00 PM

Just realized most probably won't see that before game. Didn't look at the time.

Published by Anonymous on 3/17/2003 04:27:00 PM

AFAIK there should be a game tonight. Cancelled games are later. I think.

Published by Anonymous on 3/17/2003 03:40:00 PM

Jeremy---I think there was...the cancelled games are in a couple weeks I think...JF

Published by Anonymous on 3/17/2003 03:28:00 PM

Alright... whatever. I'll be there at 5pm, regardless. Dan, if you want to come with the Epic book, feel free to join us. We're gonna' see just how broken a L24 character can be. 1,800,000 starting gold. Shoppin' spreeeeeeeeeeeeee.....

Published by Anonymous on 3/17/2003 03:01:00 PM

Jeremy- Was there a game tonight? I have absolutely no attention span- all I remember is someone saying something about one of the games being canceled. Which one, I don't know...

Published by Anonymous on 3/17/2003 02:41:00 PM

Oh...what time should i be there with the Epic book?

Published by Anonymous on 3/17/2003 02:24:00 PM

K, I am now officially confused...game tonight or not???

Published by Anonymous on 3/17/2003 02:21:00 PM

Hmmm..I thought we were playing tonight....Dan, would be appreciated..JF

Published by Anonymous on 3/17/2003 12:54:00 PM

John, Leon, J.G.--- Okay, I think I have a new functional email address. I do not know how well I can send things with it yet (occassional error messages), but I receive things just fine. Address is: pkunkel1@comcast.net

Published by Anonymous on 3/17/2003 12:50:00 PM

I have an Epic book and being the rules monger that I am I should be able to help them out.

LS - thanks for the info...much apreciated

Published by Anonymous on 3/17/2003 12:30:00 PM

Jeremy, Dustin- Things are a bit of a mess right now. I'm half-way moved between two apartments right now. Trying to get things cleaned up. Unless we've got a game today, I won't be able to make it to the shop early to construct the Epic characters.

Published by Anonymous on 3/17/2003 12:25:00 PM

We had no game today, correct?

Published by Anonymous on 3/17/2003 05:43:00 AM

That's only true with prestige classes. And only those that have an unarmed attack progression similar to the monk. Try PHB p 55 second paragraph under Base Attack Bonus.

Published by Anonymous on 3/16/2003 11:23:00 PM

Was looking through Oriental Adventures and unarmed attacks are based on BAB according to that at least with prestiege classes. Am I miss reading it?

Published by Anonymous on 3/16/2003 04:21:00 PM

Followup to my previous post, i'm not certain how this should work with flurry of blows, since that is effectively two weapon fighting for monks. Simplest solution, once again, only one attack is gained, exactly as stated in rules. Does allow an ungodly number of attacks at a very low level though. Doubling is out of the question.

Published by Anonymous on 3/16/2003 04:18:00 PM

Number of attacks, not a problem. Monks extra attacks add one attack each increment. Fighting with more hands does not increase that. However, extra attack is added to already existing attacks, so no attacks are lost. Remember that base attack bonus from hit dice is not counted towards monk progression, you are a multiclassed character. Increasing damage of claws is a bit more problematic. Allowing it to increase at first level gives you the benefits of a larger size without the penalties, but may still be a viable solution. I'd prefer allowing your natural weapons to gain the normal damage progression of your unarmed attacks. Note that if fighting creatures that require bludgeoning weapons for full damage, you can use the normal monk number of attacks and damage to strike with feet, elbows, knees etc.

Published by Anonymous on 3/16/2003 12:42:00 PM

Dan--You could have always have a bracelet or a belt or something instead of a collar. Although it would be easier to pretend that you were a "domesticated tiger" if you wore a collar... *evil grin* I think 6 attacks is overkill at lower levels, but I'm not really sure how to modify that.

Published by Anonymous on 3/16/2003 12:38:00 PM

JF - Monks don't increase the damage done by the weapons, because you can have magic weapons so it doesn't need balancing. Unless there's a magic surgeon to replace my claws or I'm gonna get colars intended for Ranger and Druid companions, theres no balancing if my claws are light weapons. Knowing John though I might get colared. "It's a fashion statement...really."

The reduced number of attacks refers to the faster increase innumber of attacks in unarmed attacks. They go every 3, rather than every 5. Does than mean that I get 2 times the attacks or I have to settle for fewer?

Published by Anonymous on 3/16/2003 12:36:00 PM

Jeremy--I came up with that idea too, putting the two heavy "people" on the ends. No one listened to either of us. And who thought to bring rope in the first place? Yours truly. *snickers*

Published by Anonymous on 3/16/2003 12:10:00 PM

Caroline- If anyone would have listened to the tree, and used the damned rope as a safety-line, you wouldn't have fallen in the first place. =P

Not that I mind. Once you're all dead, you squishy-type make wonderful plant-food.

Published by Anonymous on 3/16/2003 01:43:00 AM

Dan---May be wrong here, but it seems to me the monk suffers no penalty for light weapon use(i.e. still counted as unarmed) I would think your claws should count the same way, finding a monk weapon somewhat close in type(ie. slashing) ....just as a sidenote, I do believe David Caradine was "Grasshopper" not "Tiger" but you seem to have the hopper part down.

Published by Anonymous on 3/15/2003 11:27:00 PM

JG- I'd have to snip off the swords to have them work.

Is it so wrong to like jumping on things...to kill them?

Group - any ideas on what happens when I get monk levels? Do my number of attacks get reduced? I now get 2 claww attacks plus a bite. Do my claws increase in damage? A medium size creature deals 1d4 bare handed but my claws do 1d6. Default monk damage is 1d6.

Published by Anonymous on 3/15/2003 04:38:00 PM

John--Nah, the vocab was fine; my complaint is about your intonation/expression/style (which is normally excellent ;-) ) . It was very clear which parts of the background material were yours and which parts were straight from the magazine, since the parts from the magazine sounded like you were reading instead of talking...
Jeremy--And just how hard would it have been for the 3.5 ton tree to fall off the bridge? I bet you would have put down roots in the ground 500 ft below. :-) at John and group :-P at Jeremy

Published by Anonymous on 3/15/2003 01:02:00 PM

Dan- The web site for those cat-people figs I was talking about earlier: http://www.100kingdoms.com/store/

Look on the sidebar under "Panthera Tribe." My personal favorites being the Tiger Swordsman and Vusimuzi.

Published by Anonymous on 3/15/2003 12:52:00 PM

I'd prefer that the DM not sound like he's reading directly off a piece of paper.

She means, don't use so many big words, Shatz. She's accusing you of sounding fake, because the box-text uses words with more than two syllables.
She's dissin' you, Shatz. I wouldn't put up with that if I were you. Should have let her get blown off that bridge. ;)

Published by Anonymous on 3/14/2003 02:13:00 PM

You mean a tabby tiger who pounces on everything? : )

And none of us died on that bridge either. *claps for us*

John--I think it would be better if you embellished the module a little bit. I'd prefer that the DM not sound like he's reading directly off a piece of paper. ; ) I won't be here for Mon 17th or Thurs 20th (vacation is a good thing). Will be back for Sun 23 and Mon 24. Will be out again on Thurs 27th for LARP (also a good thing). Will be back for game on Mon 31 and will be in game from then on.

Leon--could you burn me a copy of all your D&D pdfs? I'll replace the CDs used for that, if you want.

Published by John on 3/14/2003 09:29:00 AM

Sweet Dan is a tabby cat.

Hope everyone had a good time last night. Hey I didn't kill anyone's character, despite Dustin :) I would like some feedback on the setting & running from printed material. I haven't run from a "module" in quite a long time & was pretty rusty. Which do you guys like better?

Published by Anonymous on 3/13/2003 05:24:00 PM

For appearances I'll be going with what ever level of morph John states. Heck if he's mean I might be mistaken for a rakshasa or how ever it's spelled.

Published by John on 3/13/2003 05:17:00 PM

See everyone tonight

Published by Anonymous on 3/13/2003 05:14:00 PM

Respectable in regards to appearance. And sheer pesant reaction. The "hide the children!" instict is pretty strong round these parts.

Actually, an antrho may slide. Depends on how much animal shows through. A half-dog demon, like Inu-Yasha, who basically just has cute ears will probably go over reasonably well. A man with a tiger's head, and claws... well... most people are going to be hiding in the root cellar.

Published by Anonymous on 3/13/2003 04:39:00 PM

Actually if I can I might be playing an awakened wolf or kitty opinions?

And what's so nonrespectable about a Tiger man?

Published by Anonymous on 3/13/2003 04:24:00 PM

Sad when the talking tree is the most "respectable" member of the group. Heh...

This is gonna' be amusing. :)

Published by Anonymous on 3/13/2003 02:42:00 PM

John - Anthros equal awakening gone wrong (or a arcane higher level version) or random new race?

Published by John on 3/13/2003 02:07:00 PM

Caroline--Walk into town with a Tree, Ogre, Tigerman, and a cricket and see what happens.

Published by Anonymous on 3/13/2003 01:35:00 PM

Besides, it's not the size of the wood that matters... it's what you do with it. Yeah....

Published by Anonymous on 3/13/2003 01:10:00 PM

and how exactly does making odd creatures limit possibilities? It seems like it would expand those possibilities. Well, I suppose the Treant is going to have some size issues... What are the dimensions on this type of Treant?

Published by John on 3/13/2003 09:37:00 AM

You know if everyone keeps making these "odd" creatures you are going to severly limit your possibilities. Now everyone can make these characters, just thought that I would let you know.

See everyone tonight at 6:30

Published by Anonymous on 3/13/2003 12:46:00 AM

Level adjustment of awakened animals would have to be determined by the formula, although most would get at least a -1 because of lacking hands, etc. For example, an awakened badger would have 3 HD and a level adjustment of:
+1 (maybe +2) for unbalanced stats (+4 ST, +8 DX, +4 CN, +2 WI)
-1 for Tiny Size. +1 for burrowing speed. +1 for multiple attacks with natural weapons. +1 for scent. Rage does not have an offical adjustment, but should be calcualted at +1 to start. -1 for lack of hands. Level Adjustment is probably too high for a fighter type creature due to low base damage. Rogue is a poor choice because most skills would be difficult to use without hands. Has no special bonuses for spellcasting. Drop it by one more. Total Level Adjsustment +2. Starting ECL 6 (3 HD + LA 2 + 1 character level). Note that awakened animals are not recomended, due mostly to the difficulty of carrying/using items. Anthropomorphic are probably better.


Published by Anonymous on 3/12/2003 07:04:00 PM

John--The invisibility ring would be neat, but feel free to give me something else if you have better ideas. Or better yet, never use that yellow die in a game involving my characters. Ever. : )

Published by Anonymous on 3/12/2003 05:37:00 PM

Anyone muddle out how to create an awakened animal? Is it like making a fur...er anthropomorphic character but with less level adjustment? The side bar tells the conversion of abilities, but not ECL or any of that.

Published by John on 3/12/2003 04:03:00 PM

Caroline--All sorts of kick ass equipment can/will be made available to you. It all depends on how good of a mood that I'm in. Also food helps, feeding me makes me generous, even though I killed the guy who bought me pizza. Huh, go figure. Well it wasn't on purpose, it was the special yellow die.

...my precious, yellow die, yes precious...

Published by Anonymous on 3/12/2003 03:52:00 PM

Hey! I'm the one playing the halfling here! And I don't even have a cursed ring of invisibility to call my precious... *sniffles* lostes it is...

John--can I have a ring of invisibility (preferably non-cursed) in any of the games? Also, how do we know which additional equipment becomes accessible at higher levels? DMG maybe?

Published by John on 3/12/2003 03:19:00 PM

Leon--Yes 3rd level starting equipment.

Jeremy F--Okee dokee, see you then.

Jeremy G--Gee some people just want everything :)

Published by Anonymous on 3/12/2003 02:02:00 PM

::Hides:: Because the aluminum batsis will hurts the Smeagul. Yes... hurtsis it will. Smeaguls was thinkings more of NERF bats? NERF squishy, will not hurts the Smeagul! Parking Lot? Show yous, I will! This ways... this ways, Hobbitsis...

John- I've noticed that the Savage Species Ents and the Monster Manual Ents have a few interesting differences. The MM Ents have half-damage versus peircing. (Makes sense.) The SS Ents now have a DR versus slashing. (Huh?) The SS Ents are also absolutely hozed when it comes to fire damage. Both took double-damage, but the MM Ent was basically given evasion vs. fire. (Double damage, reflex for none.) The SS Ent is hit for double, and suffers a -10 penalty to reflex saves on top of that.

Just my observations... =)

Published by Anonymous on 3/12/2003 12:30:00 PM

Jeremy---Oh, that works...but why not aluminum bats? And where is this parking lot you speak of? lol
Ok, I'm not used to d&d(duh)...you all making strange characters has me at a loss. Maybe I'll be a newt, or have leon turn me into one.
John--I have minor surgery around 6pm tomorrow, I will be there, although a little tardy.

Published by Anonymous on 3/11/2003 11:03:00 PM

So if I wanted to, say, play a dragon, I would need to wait for a decently high character of mine to keel over or come up with a Monster class for the dragon type?

Published by Anonymous on 3/11/2003 11:02:00 PM

Hey John. Standard third level starting equipment?

Published by Anonymous on 3/11/2003 10:58:00 PM

It's simple. Sort of. ECL is the total effective level of the character. It includes all class levels, all monster hit dice and level adjustment. It's what level your character "really" is. Level Adjustment is a sort of "virtual levels". They are added to your characters class levels and monster hit dice (if any) to get the ECL. Starting ECL is the ECL for a character of that race with one class level, the point at which they "Start" as relatively normal PC's and can multiclass normally. Savage Species introduces a way to parcel out a creatures powers over their levels from both HD and LA, allowing them to be viable characters before this Starting Point. Hope this helps.

Published by Anonymous on 3/11/2003 10:21:00 PM

This is a q' for anyone with Savage Species. In one of the big set of tables they list Level Adj. and Starting ECL if one makes a character using the table which is used? Are the two combined to make a Monster class or what?

Published by Anonymous on 3/11/2003 08:10:00 PM

Jeremy- No no no... you're thinking too much in character. Character combat wouldn't be any fair at all. I was thinking whiffle bats in the Lyric parking lot. ;)

Welcome to the Blog.

Published by Anonymous on 3/11/2003 07:47:00 PM

Oh, my half-Ogre martial artist isn't going to work quite the way I thougth, so he'll be multi-classed as a martial artist and fighter.

Published by Anonymous on 3/11/2003 07:43:00 PM

BTW John, I'd probably be a bit annoyed after looking up the Staff of Darkness, except that I also realised just how broken Weeping Fool is.

Published by Anonymous on 3/11/2003 02:16:00 PM

John--Thanks for the invite.... Rest of you, whats up with this combining Jeremy's thing? Yeah, gladitorial combat Jeremy, hmmm, 2nd level druid vs. what, 4th level rogue? Sounds fair....by the way, I remember reading somewhere that wolverines have a taste for rogue elf. haha...See you all thursday.

Published by John on 3/11/2003 12:34:00 PM

I'm always up to give someone else a try at the old dm thing.

Dan--Be aware that you are in the elf lands. If they hate half-elves, who are fairly common, how will they feel about you? Just a thougth.

Oh yeah you are good guys in this one. And if it helps with character creation you will be adventuring in a woodland area for an extended period of time.

Published by Anonymous on 3/11/2003 11:11:00 AM

John - I could always try to run a game, been wanting to. Emphasis on try. Thoughts?

Oh thoughts on potential characters for the thursday game...insectiod elf monk or winged elf monk?

Published by John on 3/11/2003 08:53:00 AM

I love my new yellow d20, what a great die it is :)

Well I know that I had fun last night, I hope the rest of you enjoyed it as well. I will see you all on Thursday.

Published by John on 3/10/2003 04:37:00 PM

Jeremy--Oh yeah his name can't be woody, that is my Treant character (if I ever get to play in a game again).

Published by John on 3/10/2003 04:36:00 PM

Hmmmm..... a treant would work. Savage Species is way kewl!

Published by Anonymous on 3/10/2003 04:16:00 PM

I thought it went quite well. And it was a fun change from the regular adventures.

Wooooodsy type? ::Takes a look at Savage Species:: Treant! I could be a tree? A big walking, talking tree. Or a Grig! =)

Published by John on 3/10/2003 10:53:00 AM

Okay I think that the D & D murder mystery went well on Sunday, don't you guys?

Dustin if you are interested in playing in the Epic level game (every other Sunday) please let me know. I just found out that I will have several openings.

Jeremy it is official. You, myself and Leon are the only ones left. Columbus crew is doesn't want to drive up here anymore. Can' t say that I blame them.

Published by John on 3/10/2003 10:50:00 AM

Okay Thursday is closed.

I have on the Thursday list

Jeremy Alpha
Jeremy Beta
Dustin's friend

Did I leave anyone off?

For Thursday please make 3rd level characters. Be aware that you will be starting off in the Elven lands, and will need at least one "woodsy" type (ranger, druid, etc.). You still may not play Dwarves, Gnomes, or Half-orcs.

Published by Anonymous on 3/10/2003 08:08:00 AM

There can only be one! Highlander or The One, your choice. Although Highlander was a better movie, imo.

Published by Anonymous on 3/09/2003 11:55:00 PM

Bah. I refuse to merge. Unless there are some super-powers involved, as we combine into one perfect entity of great power and take over the world! Yes! You filthy humans will be doomed! DOOOOMED!

I say we fight in gladiatorial combat until one Jeremy has fallen.

Published by Anonymous on 3/09/2003 06:46:00 PM

Dustin & Jeremy's--That makes my suggestion about combining them even more relevant. One Jeremy=less confusion. Impractical to combine two people? Bah, anything can be done if we try hard enough. :)

Published by Anonymous on 3/08/2003 10:24:00 PM

Mr. Gaggins (just to be sure I be speakin' to the right Jeremy)-- Um, do you think you'll have an extra seat... Cannot seem to get out of this #$#$$^$%#$%#%##%*****W@#$^%%^&$ place! Its been one 'LL of a week. See you tomorrow, can't think of a better way to start off a week than either kill'n things or having John kill my character =D--- B

Published by Anonymous on 3/08/2003 02:16:00 PM

The other Jeremy, NOT (Jeremy Gaggins), also wants to play on Thursday.

Published by Anonymous on 3/08/2003 02:11:00 PM

I think only one of the Jeremy's (Jeremy Gaggins) wants to play on Thursday. Stupid multiple names for people. Clearly we should combine both Jeremy's into one person, purely to make talking about Jeremy easier. :)

Published by Anonymous on 3/07/2003 11:43:00 PM

There are two Jeremy's that play on monday, Jeremy Gaggins and the new one. That also make two Jeremy's who want to play on Thursday. Too many Jeremy's, I'm getting confused. That brings the grand total to seven people, including both Jeremy's and the Friend I will be bringing.

Published by John on 3/07/2003 11:15:00 AM

You were the Jeremy :)

Published by Anonymous on 3/07/2003 10:04:00 AM

Throw another Jeremy on the Thursday list... =)

Published by Anonymous on 3/07/2003 10:00:00 AM

I know a good number of people who like gaming, but they're either a. too busy with classes (some) b. too busy with classes and other games (most) c. flaky players (a few).

Published by John on 3/07/2003 09:38:00 AM

Okay let me talk to Eric and more importantly my wife to make sure Thursday is good for me. If so perhaps we can start next week, if not the week after for sure. If you have people who want to play let them know. I haven't written anything yet, so I don't know what the setting will be or what level it will be. Check here for details.

Also I have the following people interested in the game:

Dustin's friend?

If you know of anyone else please let me know and I'll add them to the list. I'm capping this game at 7, so I have one slot open.

Published by Anonymous on 3/07/2003 07:52:00 AM

Thursday sounds good to me. *counts potential players* That's 5 players (Dustin, Dustin's friend, me, Jeremy, Leon) for Thursday. Plus Eric's ok with it, which does tend to be helpful. :) Tuesday... could work, but barely... *makes face*. 3 straight nights of gaming is not a good idea when you have work and a TTh class on those days as well.

Although Thursday is best for me, I wouldn't be able to start a Thursday game until April 3rd. Or if it started next week (March 13th), I could play the first session, but would have a 2 week gap until April 3rd. Yay for vacation and LARPs on campus, respectively. : )

Premise of game? Maybe it could be an intermediate level game (starting at an arbitrary level between 5th-11th) Dustin or Jeremy--Multani?

Published by Anonymous on 3/06/2003 08:59:00 PM

Jeremy/multani, and I both agree that thursday is good, also I have one person that wants to join for thursday. Friday Definitely dosn't work. I took the liberity of asking Erick, He was all for a Thursday night game.

Published by Anonymous on 3/06/2003 06:10:00 PM

I'd probably be up for Thursday or Friday. Saturday is busy, at least for now, and you did say during the week. Tuesday is possible, barely, but not good for Eric's anyhow, MTG draft tourney that night.

Published by John on 3/06/2003 04:32:00 PM

Who would play in a Thursday night game? Also who knows anyone else that would play in a Thursday night game?

Published by Anonymous on 3/06/2003 03:19:00 PM

If we were to start another game, might I suggest Thursday.

Published by John on 3/06/2003 01:59:00 PM

If we were to start another game what night would you like it to be on? All this of course depends on finding a time that works with Uncle Eric's as well.

Published by Anonymous on 3/06/2003 01:52:00 PM

I wouldn't mind another game...

Published by John on 3/06/2003 01:31:00 PM

Dustin--I would like to wait a couple of weeks before adding anyone new. This summer I assume that we are going to lose Caroline and Dan. So there will be openings. Is there any interest in starting another game, sometime during the week?

Published by Anonymous on 3/06/2003 12:33:00 PM

the name was orack, he is a fallen comrad and you discrase him so. John-- I have a friend who wants to join for monday night, what should I tell him? I like the idea of the shrunken heads, can we go back and get orack's? :)

Published by John on 3/06/2003 12:25:00 PM

Uh... is this going to be like a party tradition? You know keep the shrunken heads of those who have fallen... I like it.

Published by Anonymous on 3/05/2003 02:50:00 PM

Create Shrunken Head? A simple Presditigitation from myself or the other "wizard" will shrink a head nicely.

Published by Anonymous on 3/05/2003 11:11:00 AM

Did you pick up Orac's head from the giantspider thingies? What help do you need with setting up a Create Shrunken Head feat? Write up one, get John to approve it. Seems simple to me.

*shrugs* I was trying to apply the eulogy to both Feldak and Orac; Yorick=Orc=Orac. It works a little better with Feldak/orc since he joked more.

Published by Anonymous on 3/05/2003 09:41:00 AM

What am I gonna do with a mundane shrunken head? Or is someone willing to help me come with a Create Shrunken Head feat? I have a free metamagic/item creation feat coming up so...suggestions?

Caroline--Thought it was more Or-Rock vs Nor-Ax. Weapon selection like.

Published by Anonymous on 3/04/2003 11:52:00 AM

Teamwork? We don't need no stinking teamwork! *everybody dies around her* Hmm... I guess teamwork might be a good idea.

A misappropriated (and googled) eulogy: "Alas, poor "Orc" [or Orac]...I knew him...a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fantasy...Where be your gibes now? your gambols? your songs? your flashes of merriment that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one now, to mock your own grinning?"

But I now have a sword that does decent damage... *beams* So what if it's loud. That doesn't matter. That doesn't matter at all. *watches out for anyone who tries to take it from her*

Published by John on 3/04/2003 09:11:00 AM

Hmmmmm...... what can I say about last night? Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch..... :) Oh well I guess I "learned" ya'll the value of teamwork. Oh yeah and I got to pop the head off a half-elf, that always brightens my day.

Published by John on 3/03/2003 09:42:00 AM

Lop the head off with an axe, scoop out the steamy gray matter and hand to Dan. No spell needed...

See everyone tonight bwahahahahahahahahahahaha....

Published by Anonymous on 3/01/2003 10:02:00 PM

mmm brains... *brain eater voice* John--Can I research a skull removal spell? Then the party can have an alternative to iron rations and I can give the removed skulls to Dan for shrunken head goodness.

Published by Anonymous on 3/01/2003 03:34:00 AM

Remember, the point is that you'll feel it slowly rocking and chittering as it eats your brains delicately. Because you cannot actually feel pain in the brain. Just pain around the brain. So as long as the skull is cleanly removed, all you get is a cool breeze as your grey matter is deliciously supped upon.