Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 9/01/2003 10:06:00 AM

Sweet new game for the PC. Called Etherlords 2. (I aparently missed the first one...)

It's Magic:TG, and IMO- It's what Magic: Battlemage should have been. Individual Heros wander the map but when you find an enemy you enter a "Duel" layout which is totally ripped off of M:TG. Heroes each have their own life total, but they don't attack each other directly, instead using various "summoned" creatures to do the dirty work. Plus enchantments for the creatures, a few damage spells, etc. Even alot of the ability names were ripped right out of Magic- Flight, First Strike, Trample, etc...

I found it pretty damned sweet- but I've been looking for another game of this style for a while now. Your milage may vary.
