Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 9/21/2003 03:11:00 PM

Ok, the campain will take place in fuedal japan, gunpowder has just been found, but you will not have access to it. You all are going to be pesants who show some talent. Your Fuedal overlord will insist that you work for him as new trainees, to become protectors of his lands. you will all start at 1st level. the overloard you are being selected for is a rather cruel man, If anyone in the party kills another member of the party, the party will be destroyed. the only resrticted class will be sorcer, the overloard would insist that you learn arcanum from his alchamist. the peasents of this area are verry poor, the overloard will see to all of you needs. the overloards name is Hatchimi Augosaki of the Augosaki clan. Again, you will have to be evil, human, and asian.

If nobody wants to play in a new game, I will have my regular Thursday game ready just incase.