Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 12/31/2003 06:44:00 PM

Shatz- What Star Wars server are you on...?

Published by Anonymous on 12/31/2003 02:33:00 AM

is there a game thursday? I hope!

Published by Anonymous on 12/30/2003 07:42:00 PM

*blinks a lot* $281?! That's a few months of insurance, even after counting the rate rise from moving to Kent. Then again, insurance companies think I'm "inherently a better driver" since I'm not a 23-year-old male. *angelic look*

Published by Anonymous on 12/30/2003 04:10:00 PM

They wanted $3400 a year for insurance? What the feck does your Dad drive?

Published by Anonymous on 12/30/2003 02:11:00 PM

no!!!,i havent been driving since i got off my insurance on my dads car cus it was 281 a month.On my car its only 70 a month so i am guessing withing a month ill have my liscence

Published by Anonymous on 12/30/2003 12:27:00 PM

Got matches?

Published by Anonymous on 12/30/2003 12:10:00 AM

Got milk?

Published by Anonymous on 12/29/2003 11:41:00 PM

Got your license yet

Published by Anonymous on 12/29/2003 08:27:00 PM

i got my car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yes

Published by Anonymous on 12/25/2003 03:41:00 PM

I hope everyone got enough presents.

If not, be good next year.

Published by John on 12/25/2003 11:39:00 AM

Spyware is the devil!

Published by Anonymous on 12/25/2003 11:12:00 AM

"Merii Kurisumasu!"

Published by Anonymous on 12/24/2003 04:33:00 PM

Or better yet, avoid the adware/spyware and go here

However, I should warn you that lately I have been unable to find much Deadlands related material on Kazaa. Dunno why. Plenty of other material, just not much Deadlands.

Published by Anonymous on 12/22/2003 11:44:00 AM


Published by Dr Who on 12/21/2003 12:29:00 AM

Hey,guys. Anyone know of a good spot to find pdf's on deadlands. I liked the game that i was watching. I just would like the info to look at.....

Published by Anonymous on 12/19/2003 08:01:00 PM

Christmas Presents for Millionaire Videogamers

Games can be controversial editorials or lessons on fun

Published by John on 12/19/2003 03:29:00 PM


Published by Anonymous on 12/19/2003 01:25:00 PM

Yeah, Macs are nice that way. :)

Published by John on 12/18/2003 05:22:00 PM

Caroline--Instant messanger opens holes which allow both spyware and virus programs easy access to your system. It will even prevent the virus scanner/spyware software from preventing it. The adware is awful for IM users (if you haven't been hit yet it is only a matter of time), and the virus activity is going to explode soon. Of course if you use a mac you are fine, mostly :-)

Published by Anonymous on 12/18/2003 02:26:00 PM

i work 4 till 130 am on saturday,i dont have yahoo im i have aol im id is goopyguy5

Published by Anonymous on 12/18/2003 11:46:00 AM

John--Right... Why?

Published by John on 12/18/2003 11:10:00 AM


Published by Anonymous on 12/18/2003 02:23:00 AM

Larry, what is your yahoo im id?

Published by Anonymous on 12/18/2003 02:21:00 AM

Larry-- what do you work Sat. night?

Published by Anonymous on 12/18/2003 02:05:00 AM

ya...im not going to be able to make it to deadlands tonight,so Dustin dont worry about coming to get me.If you wanna still hang out sometime dustin just stop by.I have sunday off.

Published by Anonymous on 12/17/2003 01:49:00 PM

Dustin - The same.

Published by Anonymous on 12/17/2003 02:31:00 AM

Jeremy-- check your e-mail

Published by Anonymous on 12/15/2003 08:56:00 PM

Caroline: sure Se ya then

Jeremy: Thanks, will have check at next game.

Published by Anonymous on 12/15/2003 07:18:00 PM

Dustin--Lookie at this article. You mentioned wanting a small set of speakers for music at game. I've got a few spare sets.

Anyone else want a set of speakers for cheapish?

Leon--Available 5, 5:30ish on Th to redo my Deadlands char's stats?

Published by Anonymous on 12/15/2003 01:37:00 AM

I was realy looking forward to playing deadlands this thursday....BUT,it seems as though my manager scheduled me on thursday so i cant make it unless i find someone to switch me.Most likely i wont be able to make it

Published by Anonymous on 12/12/2003 12:45:00 PM

Lord of the Badgers

Published by Anonymous on 12/12/2003 05:16:00 AM

Evil Undead Badgers

Published by Anonymous on 12/12/2003 02:00:00 AM


Published by Anonymous on 12/11/2003 03:25:00 PM

My machine

p4 2.0
Jeremy's old mb (400 mhz fsb) built in ide raid
768 mb pc133 ram
4x agp G-force 4 mx 440 64 md ddr
30 gb hdd
12x dvd
450w switching power supply and aluminum foil case
19 inch gateway monitor same

need more hdd space
need a descent CD or DVD burner
need better video card

Man I wish I could over compensate

Published by John on 12/11/2003 03:05:00 PM


Published by Anonymous on 12/11/2003 02:50:00 PM

Dance, or in a blender? or perhaps a microwave...

Published by John on 12/11/2003 02:37:00 PM


Published by Anonymous on 12/11/2003 02:37:00 PM

Dustin - I'm going to be a bit late to tonight's game. Need to argue with BestBuy regarding a hardware return /exchange for Shatz's system. Aparently that video card is giving him shit, too...

Last time I buy anything from a company called BFG systems...

Published by Anonymous on 12/10/2003 05:11:00 PM

What about dead ferrets? Are they better or worse than dead weasels (weasels such as Rubbermaid when they cut jobs)? *glad she can't hear John singing*

Dustin--We should fight a zombie weasel. Yeah. :)

John--I'd take a reliable "fast" dial-up (48-53K) over heavily packetshaped and unstable college networks. Especially ones that restrict everyone to one IP address and don't allow any guest access. How are Wooster Novell and email holding up these days? ;)

Published by John on 12/10/2003 03:12:00 PM

Matt--I don't know about that....


"....I wanna be your dead weasel, I can still be a good pet. Don't flush me down yet. Think of all the good times, think of all the fun that we shared. I can still go thru my habitat, if you tilt it here and there...."

Dead Weasels Rule!

Published by Anonymous on 12/10/2003 12:54:00 PM

A dead weasel attached to a router is better than dialup.

Published by John on 12/10/2003 09:23:00 AM

Leon--It is still better than dialup.

Published by Anonymous on 12/10/2003 05:14:00 AM

Ah welcome to the dubious joys of dealing with Clear Picture/SSSNet

God I need a new computer

Can't afford one though, which means

God i need a new job :P

Published by John on 12/09/2003 04:17:00 PM

Oh yeah my new cable modem is installed, sweet!

Published by John on 12/09/2003 04:17:00 PM

Jeremy--Hell yeah I'm trying to compensate! Wasn't much to begin with and since I've been married I hardly ever use it anymore. Of course I'm speaking of my Atari 2600 *snicker*.

Dustin--I feel your pain. My 1.6 P4 laptop at work has become painfully slow.

Matt--You forgot the "I'm fairy bad" sticker! I mean that makes the whole case :) What Battlestar Galactica?

Published by Anonymous on 12/09/2003 02:55:00 PM

The new Battlestar made a lot of mistakes, particularly in character development. But.

The space combat was cool.

Published by Anonymous on 12/09/2003 02:54:00 PM

El boxen:

John's old case (Casetronics midsize ATX)
Athlon 2700+ with 333FSB.
Asus 987xVx board with onboard 10/100 LAN, 8 USB 2.0 slots, sound, and digital output
8x AGP with a 64MB Geforce4 (This gets upgraded soon)
512 PC2700 Ram,
60 Gigs HD space (20 and a 40. John is /definently/ compensatin'.)
16x DVD-Rom
42x CD-RW
350w Switching Antex supply.

Dustin: John had the flu today.

Published by Anonymous on 12/09/2003 08:13:00 AM

From playing on my computer at home, to coming to work this mourning, Ive' noticed one thing, Damn these machines are slow.

John-- can u i m at work?

Published by Anonymous on 12/09/2003 02:50:00 AM

Silver Bullet (an entry level server case, weighed 45 pounds empty when they shipped it to me)

You sure you're not trying to compensate for something, there? (Says the guy with the 32" VGA in his living room...)

Published by Anonymous on 12/08/2003 10:29:00 PM

I want a new computer *grumblesighcovet*

Published by John on 12/08/2003 03:59:00 PM

Oh yeah and a DVD drive....

Published by John on 12/08/2003 03:58:00 PM

Dustin--Your system rules eh? Okay then lets "throw em' up on the table and measure".

Silver Bullet (an entry level server case, weighed 45 pounds empty when they shipped it to me)
P4 2.53 gigahert
built in USB 2.0, as well as firewire
8x AGP slot
256 mb Asylum 8x video card
1 gig of ram
320 gig of HDD space (4 x 80 gig)
52x CD drive
52x CDRW drive
450 watt switching power supply

BooYeah! God I love computers ;-p

Published by Anonymous on 12/08/2003 02:52:00 PM

John-- You are right about Temple, this game rules when you play it on a descent system, my Machine rules.

Published by John on 12/08/2003 10:53:00 AM

Jeremy--My computer is so friggin' fast! Hell yeah!

If you have a decent video card and P4 computer you really need to check out Temple of Elemental Evil. It has a great interface, and uses the 3rd ed. (actually 3.5) rules. I didn't think that they could make a computer game that would be able to take advantage of all of the groovy parts of D & D, but I was wrong. Great game.

Dustin--So have you assembled your new hardware yet? Temple is a million times better when it isn't being played on a slow assed system :-)

Published by Anonymous on 12/05/2003 03:22:00 PM

*steals Dustin's thunder*
Jeremy & Wayne--Since Dustin's apparently being a lazyass and not posting, he said last night that his D&D game will happen next week because no one cares about Star Wars. Figured you two might like to be informed.

Published by Anonymous on 12/05/2003 03:13:00 PM

And that's why fanfiction exists: to fill plot holes. *evil grin*

Published by Anonymous on 12/05/2003 01:23:00 PM

Shatz- A good captain is supposed to do everything in their power to assure the safety of their crew, and especially the lives of the non-military civilian families onboard. A captain is expected to go down with the ship. Or in this case, go down on someone else... Either way...

Published by John on 12/05/2003 09:06:00 AM

Jeremy--Good point. A captain should be willing to "take one" for the team once in a while. I mean did Kirk ever deny his duty when it came to the Orion Slave girls, hell no!

Published by Anonymous on 12/04/2003 09:47:00 PM

Janeway was a frigid bitch. Shit, she had the opportunity to not only rescue the ENTIRE crew- all she had to do was sleep with Q. Hmmn. Tough choice. Risk dooming the entire crew, or give one of the lesser gods a hummer.

I'm positive if the rest of the crew knew about the offer, they'd have fired her out of a torpedo tube.

Yeah, so the entire series would have ended real quick that way. It's still no excuse.

Published by John on 12/04/2003 04:59:00 PM

Leon--I'm fairly certain you can post crap. Now if you posted that say Dusting was an ass licking cockmonkey sheep fucker that probably would merit a * or two. Just an observation.

Dustin--How are you doing kemosabe :-)

Jeremy--Do you have an ETA on the parts, I'm losing my computer wood. At my age that is very disturbing :-P

Published by Anonymous on 12/04/2003 04:37:00 PM

popularity is not equivalent to quality

Exactly. In fact, far too often it seems to be inverse to quality. In other words, don't just blame the marketers, blame the mindless marching morons who keep watching this c**p too.

Published by John on 12/04/2003 03:57:00 PM

Caroline--Fan Fiction? Of course I don't look at fan fiction, it isn't cannon. Plus look at Voyagers ratings, there can't be that many fanboys, look at Voyagers ratings!

Published by Anonymous on 12/04/2003 03:34:00 PM

And what about Janeway? Clearly you've never even peeked at Voyager fanfiction, John, because many many people (both male and female) obsess over those two. ^_^ I never really followed ST beyond Next Gen myself.

Anyhow, for most "new" series (i.e. anything entering production), it doesn't matter what fans actually think. It matters what marketing/advertising thinks that fans (and the general public) think. bah marketing; they will never understand that popularity is not equivalent to quality.

Published by Anonymous on 12/04/2003 03:30:00 PM

I mean Seven of Nine didn't make Voyager a classic, did it?

It didn't? ... :)

Published by John on 12/04/2003 11:51:00 AM

Starbuck is a chick. Boomer is a chick. Cylons are chicks. I'm sorry but your typical scifi fan doesn't think with his penis. I mean Seven of Nine didn't make Voyager a classic, did it? How about a good storyline, and a creative team that doesn't feel the need to "improve" a classic show. Most don't realize it but Battlestar didn't get canceled because of ratings. It was too expensive to make, and at the time couldn't possibly make the network, or studio money. Freakin' scifi channed, what is next Buckarina Rodgers? Bastards.........

Okay I think I'm done.

Published by Anonymous on 12/04/2003 03:18:00 AM

So are the producers trying to appeal to men or women with the new all-female cast? Because either way, they're failing.

Published by Anonymous on 12/03/2003 10:55:00 PM

... The Cylons are now chicks. Ugh... http://rn01.rednova.com/news/images/4/2003/12/03/battlestar_galactica_3big_desktop_scifi.jpg

Published by Anonymous on 12/03/2003 10:29:00 AM

my computer finally cot over its virus...I had to help it blow its nose hear and there but it pulled through..haha im so cool

Published by Anonymous on 12/03/2003 10:27:00 AM

hmm...i dont know if i can make it in tonight to make a charcater for deadlands.Maybe if i can show up realy early tommorow.

Published by Anonymous on 12/03/2003 10:19:00 AM

I'll be missing tomorrow's game. Some end-of-the-year psudo-holiday get-together dinner-like substitute...
The 11th I'm not interested in...

Published by Anonymous on 12/03/2003 10:07:00 AM

So is this comment from this article

No to Star Wars; instead I'll be recovering from finals and moving stuff to break housing. Who's the guest GM anyhow?

Will the session planned for the 11th be moving to the 18th, or until after the holidays? Feel free to run games on Christmas and New Year's, but I'll be out-of-state.

Published by Anonymous on 12/03/2003 02:20:00 AM

This is funny

Published by Anonymous on 12/03/2003 12:56:00 AM

all-- My next game session (Dec 11) will be postponed. In its place, a guest Gm is going to be holding a one session only starwars game. He would like a max of six people, post if u are interested. Also he would like to know what erra everyone would like the session to be in.

Published by Anonymous on 12/02/2003 09:16:00 PM

The Roku HD1000 is a Linux-based PVR/entertainment hub whose manufacturers actually encourage hacking.

*looks toward gadgetboys* I sure can't afford it, but feel free to buy one and tell me whether it works well. According to the specs, it could broadcast anime (or any other audio/video) from a computer to a tv in another room... ;)

Other neat toys are on Wired's list of Gadgets for 2003.

Published by Anonymous on 12/02/2003 03:43:00 PM

Well, this comic discusses a possible Roman campaign setting. Of course, that setting leaves out most of Roman history by focusing on the cult of Christianity. The Slashdot thread agrees with you that our D&D would be the Roman's equivalent of D20 modern, or even Shadowrun. The Romans did have dungeons and believe in dragons (or at least ghosts, werewolves, and witches) and magic; the real novelty would be the newer weapons.

For some reason, a post on that thread thinks that a certain ancient person was put up on the cross because he "failed his saving throw" and then was resurrected by the GM for "plot reasons". :D

Published by John on 12/02/2003 01:44:00 PM

Caroline--I wonder what campagin setting the Romans were playing in? Would D20 modern be our D&D? Huh, really makes you think :-P

Published by Anonymous on 12/01/2003 11:45:00 PM

The oldest (and most expensive) gaming die ever.

Published by Anonymous on 12/01/2003 01:55:00 AM

allright ill try to make it in later then on monday if i can get there

Published by Anonymous on 11/30/2003 05:23:00 PM

Monday or Wednesday is fine with me.

Published by Anonymous on 11/30/2003 12:39:00 PM

*blinks* Somebody's making crocheted laptop cases and plush game consoles. And somebody else is actually paying for them. *blinks more*

Creating Adventure Games on Your Computer. From 1983. Neat. :)

Larry--Want a Greek army to go with that Trojan horse?

Dustin--I think the party could take some half-dragons down. Depending on their CR/alignment/intelligence, we might even think to negotiate with them. Nah, we seldom get good results from negotiation. :)

Published by Anonymous on 11/29/2003 03:25:00 PM

Dustin...My computer has a virus called trojan or something.Anyways I have monday off maybe we can go make our deadlands characters if Leon will be at erics.Wedensday i get off at 8 i think so maybe then too if monday wont work.

Published by Anonymous on 11/28/2003 04:18:00 AM

Dustin & Shatzer - I'm going to be placing an order for the motherboards tomorrow. I need to verify the order with you two before doing it to make sure everything is kosher.

Dustin - You said you wanted a new motherboard and processor- but you also said you wanted 8X AGP. Neither of our "spare" mobos support 8X. The Abit IS7 we're looking at getting does. I need to know if you want one of these, too?

Published by Anonymous on 11/28/2003 01:28:00 AM

As a follow-up to Dustin's much earlier post--Orlando Bloom discusses his last day in costume. “They cut together a little gag reel. It was, like, four minutes of all these different Leggy moments from the whole shoot and outtakes and stuff. It was hilarious! It had all this ’80s music. You know that song ‘Hungry Eyes’? ‘One look at you and I touch the sky’ ? They had this homoerotic thing where they had a shot of Viggo pulling out his sword and looking at me, and me looking at him and drawing my bow. It was brilliant, man.”

I wonder if the video will make it onto the Net (or at least Kazaa)... *muses*

Published by Anonymous on 11/27/2003 02:42:00 AM

Ya i wanna make a deadlands chracter.i dont know when ill be able to make it in before thursday,i dont know till i get my work schedule..i think dusty needs to make one also,maybe we can both come in sometimeand do that before thursday.Dusty get back to me when your available to go.

Published by Anonymous on 11/26/2003 08:28:00 PM

OK, anyone who actually wants to show up tommorow evening to create their deadlands character, i'll be there around 5 or so. If you need a character and can't make it Thursday (I hear there's some little holiday interfering) , let me know if there's a good time for you to do it before next thursday. Or we could always do it then, but if so, please show up as early as you can.

Published by Anonymous on 11/25/2003 05:30:00 PM

Nah, he should play a kender. :)

Published by Anonymous on 11/25/2003 04:32:00 PM

He should play a dwarf

Published by Anonymous on 11/25/2003 04:06:00 PM

Dusty!!!!! you freakin fart attack from sansabar!!!! i cannot make it today!!!!!you better get this before you stop over!!!!!

Published by John on 11/25/2003 01:57:00 PM

Ass + monkey = Dustin


Published by Anonymous on 11/25/2003 02:22:00 AM

hey dustin...i cant make it tomm... hope you get this in time

Published by Anonymous on 11/25/2003 01:19:00 AM

Dustin- Depends? Will I have to drive him home...?

Published by Anonymous on 11/24/2003 07:30:00 PM

Hmm... Optional racial levels for PHB races is an interesting idea (take a look at Monte Cook's web page and pdf); it reminds me of 1st ed's problems, but might help balance out some of the low ECL races of FR and Savage Species. Opinions?

Jeremy--You may find this thread about paladin alignments useful.

Published by Anonymous on 11/24/2003 12:12:00 PM

Jeremy-- Do u mind if I bring Larry along tommorow?

Published by Anonymous on 11/23/2003 02:38:00 PM

*begin amused sarcasm*
But why not pass out rare artifacts like leftover Halloween candy? :D Twould be fun because everyone always needs more rare artifacts. Besides, then Dustin wouldn't have to worry about writing intricate plot hooks; he could just elaborate on the major societal problems caused when the party possessed said artifacts (both the things society would do to the party, and the things the party would do to society). Can you tell yet that monitoring a lab for 10 straight hours is the best thing ever?
*end amused sarcasm*

Published by Anonymous on 11/23/2003 02:20:00 PM

Dustin - I did. For me to poop on!

Speaking of which... Dustin shows up at my apartment last night. He wanted his jacket back, and was concerned that I might actually have pooped on it...

Poor boy...

Published by Anonymous on 11/23/2003 02:17:00 PM

Caroline - Actually, there is no treasure for you to know about. *None* of this, (or any money that could possibly be made by these items) will be reaching the party, (including myself) in any way- at least for right now.

I did not just walk out of the Grey Tower and say to the party "Oh, I almost forgot. I found this stuff a few dungeons back. Anyone know what it is?... " and start passing rare artifacts around like leftover Halloween candy...

Published by Anonymous on 11/23/2003 03:42:00 AM

Dustin--Yes, I'm aware that only two characters know about it in-game. I still wonder ooc how Jeremy's character justified it. Stealing from the party's dead enemies makes sense, but those weren't direct party enemies and it was looting graves. Wayne's char can justify looting very easily, so no questions there. I also doubt that my char will be told about the real source of this treasure, hence the ooc question.

Published by Anonymous on 11/23/2003 02:06:00 AM

Jeremy--And how did your char justify taking this treasure again?

Caroline-- In game, only Wayne and Jeremy know of the loot, that sound like justification enough.

Published by Anonymous on 11/23/2003 12:17:00 AM

Dustin--Larry actually has the jacket. He might give it to you if you apologize, but it's up to him.
Now you could find out what "or else" means, but do you really want to know? *malicious look*

Oh, and my char is vaguely considering taking a level or two of the Holy Liberator prestige class from DoF (just to make your life more complicated). Let me know whether that's allowed sometime before she hits 16th lvl (feat reqt). She'd really like to take Archmage from FR, but she'd need two feats for that. At some point, she'll also go back to the library so that the party's divine casters can read the Book of Exalted Deeds and she can get more spells.

Leon--Thanks for the additional information, but the section on the Inquisition was really a endnote to the motivation for the Crusades, the topic at hand. Crusade-like phenomena, with or without the direct support of religion, has occurred throughout known history anyhow.

Published by Anonymous on 11/22/2003 11:22:00 PM

Nice post on the crusades. One might also point out that while the Crusades to the Holy Land are the most familiar, various campaigns against heretics in France and pagans and heretics in the Baltic region are also sometimes reffered to as such and were primarily undertaken by religious orders of knighthood such as the Templars. These crusades form the final bridge between Crusade and Inquisition.

Published by Anonymous on 11/22/2003 05:54:00 PM

right? Or else

And another thing Caroline, Or els what?

Published by Anonymous on 11/22/2003 05:51:00 PM

For what do we negotiate the jacket for, if all u want is the cards, their yours, Can I stop by Sunday and pick it up?

Published by Anonymous on 11/22/2003 02:52:00 PM

Dustin - I did. For me to poop on!

Caroline - Damn. Thanks!

Published by Anonymous on 11/22/2003 02:51:00 PM

Dustin--The jacket's being held for ransom.

*looks* Treasure. Neat. *casts Detect Magic*
*blinkblink* *casts Identify* *looks more in awe*
*takes rings and staff* Anyone going to argue? *innocent look* Oh, all right... *puts Ring of Dragon Command back* Selling my other two rings will help cover my share.

Jeremy--And how did your char justify taking this treasure again? You're welcome for the info on the Crusades. I'm a future librarian; finding, collating, and explaining information is what I do.

Published by Anonymous on 11/22/2003 10:51:00 AM

You know It is his Bow he has in his hand, but it still looks funny.

Published by Anonymous on 11/22/2003 10:37:00 AM

Did anyone grab my jacket after I left on Thursday?

Published by Anonymous on 11/22/2003 10:36:00 AM

Loot found in the tomes:
+3 flaming vorpal greatsword
+2 Heatrseeker longbow
+1 flaming, shocking, keen, smiting Semitar, grants ability to smite (good or evil) 3 times per day.
Ring of wizardry + 10
Ring of dragon comand, red
Staff of the magi

Published by Anonymous on 11/22/2003 02:01:00 AM

Jeremy, Dustin--A bit more background on the Crusaders' motivations. In a lot of ways, they're similar to the classical sieges/battles of the Iliad, the Odyssey, the Aeneid...

After a peace movement in tenth-century Europe gradually discouraged wars among Christians, they had to send the aggressive people somewhere. With his proclamation of the Crusades, Pope Urban II linked the idea of a military expedition with a pilgrimage. From Urban's point of view, all Crusaders would earn eternal salvation when Jerusalem was returned to Christianity after centuries in Muslim hands. But Crusades and Crusaders are modern words for these concepts. When a Crusader put on the cross, he became a pilgrim; they even called eachother pilgrims. After all, they were going to holy sites; they were just bringing along twenty thousand well-armed friends.

There were no exceptional atrocities in the Crusades, given the standards of the age. That's just the way things went when regions and cities were conquered in those days. It's not that atrocities didn't occur, it's just they were frequently exaggerated.

Because it was so prevalent, violence was seen as morally neutral during this time. Whether violence was good or bad depended on the intentions, motivations, and ends sought of the person who committed or had commanded the violence. This interesting notion of violence was combined with notions of love and family. The Crusades were preached as a way to love God, the Father, and a way to love Christian Brothers. The violence necessary for the Crusading act, an act that cleaned one of all sins and displayed love to God, was seen as a form of piety and worship.

Various papal promises during the Crusades included eternal life to crusaders and parents of crusaders, and plenary indulgence (exchanged for penance or time in purgatory) to anyone assisted the Crusades, whether by going himself, sending someone in his place, or aiding in the construction of ships which would carry the Crusaders.

Many of the noble Crusaders looked forward to getting an estate somewhere in the Holy Land. Many of the peasants escaped their harsh lives by making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and retaking it as a millennial kingdom. Most Crusaders didn't conceptualize the difference between going on a pilgrimage and gaining worldly blessings. Why wouldn't God bless them with worldly benefits as well?

Many who joined a Crusade were granted exemption from debt, taxation, and interest payments. However, the Crusades were also really expensive for nobles and govermebts; some noble families spent two or three times their annual income to send family members there. During many of the Crusades (there were at least four), those who did not join were required to pay extra taxes. Criminals joined the Crusades in order to escape punishment for their crimes; some criminals even used this indulgence as an excuse to sin with impunity. Many others went merely for the love of adventure.

The motivation for the massacres is really tied to the sense of "us" and "them." Since Christians were going off to reconquer the Holy Land from Islam, seen as the enemy of Christianity, it was a very easy but terrible step to take that any enemy of Christianity was in the way, and should be destroyed.

The first mass killing of the Jews was carried out by the so-called People's Crusades, which attached itself to the army of knights and followed along behind it. Jewish settlements were utterly destroyed by these peasant hordes, who believed that all Jews had to die before the Second Coming. Official Church doctrine said that all Jews must be converted to Christianity before the Second Coming. But one easy way to settle this matter was to kill the Jews, so there would be no unconverted Jews left. And that's what just they did.

Violence done in the Crusades was seen as justified because the violence: 1) was done out of a righteous vendetta against enemies who had wrongfully dishonored, abused and stolen from the family of Christianity; 2) was done as an expression of love, which was the highest duty of a Christian; and 3) was committed under the command leadership of a just God.

Most Turks didn't take the Crusaders seriously because they didn't believe that so many soldiers could have marched that far without supply lines or command structure. It was a miracle that any Crusaders got there, let alone 1 in 20 (of course, they pillaged everything along the way). In a sense, their "miraculous journey" enhanced their religious conception of God's leadership, guidance, and protection. When the armies of the Fourth Crusade finally arrived at Jerusalem, they immediately performed a religious procession around the whole city as a penitential rite to confirm the pilgrimage; then they assaulted the city, knowing God was on their side. After that first attack failed, they constructed many, many seige machines; a month later, they broke through the city walls.

No one really knows how many people were slaughtered when Jerusalem fell. Western sources describe some tens of thousands: the blood from the slaughtered reached up to the knees of their horses; Muslim sources disagree, saying only three thousand were killed. Over the course of the Crusades, the mobs also killed many Christians (even entire cities) because they simply couldn't distinguish a Christian from a Muslim from a Jew by dress or behavior. No matter how many were killed, the miracle of the conquest of the city in 1099, returning it to Christian possession, reaffirmed that the earthly Jerusalem was the heavenly apocalyptic city.

In the fanaticism of the Crusades, we see the beginning of the Inquisition, under which anyone considered a heretic was tortured and killed by the Roman Catholic Church. From warfare against the distant non-believer, it was not a far step to war against the heretics at home. The Inquisition with all its horror could never have taken such deep root without the Crusades' awakening of religious passions.

Published by Anonymous on 11/21/2003 06:49:00 PM

John: Yeah, that works just fine.

Published by Anonymous on 11/21/2003 06:36:00 PM

Dustin--So you're going to buy Jeremy a pack of cards and give him change, and apologize to Larry for almost stranding him at Country Kitchen, right? Or else.

Published by John on 11/21/2003 03:50:00 PM

Leon--Hey I'll stop by Monday night, say around 5:30 - 6:00. Does that work for you?

Published by Anonymous on 11/21/2003 03:27:00 PM

Yeah, I got there late, I figured I must have missed you. Sorry.

Looking at my schedule, I'll be kinda busy this weekend but I will be at the shop around 5 on Sunday. Monday I'll probably be there all afternoon/evening.

Let me know which works for you.

Published by John on 11/21/2003 10:18:00 AM

Leon--I dropped by the comic store on Thursday. I had to leave a little after 6, so I must of just missed you. If you want to post a time that I can meet you I'll make sure and bring the Deadlands Books. Let me know.

Jeremy & Dustin--I sent the email to Strongbad yesterday. Heh heh heh heh......

Published by Anonymous on 11/20/2003 02:38:00 PM

Neat! Henshin Hall of Fame (Japanese Rubber Monsters from the 1970s) and a G4 Cubequarium

Published by John on 11/20/2003 08:39:00 AM

Caroline--Discoball? I like it!

Dan--Hey you live! So how is it going? What have you been up to?

Published by Anonymous on 11/20/2003 02:57:00 AM

Anyone still have any of my books? If so I'll be in the area Thanksgiving weds to Sunday.

Published by Anonymous on 11/19/2003 09:07:00 PM

I always liked Astalavista.com, but Google has this nice caching feature... Now if only Google clustered search results into keyword folders.

Hey, blacklights, Pacman, lava lamp... might as well add a discoball for shiny!

Published by Anonymous on 11/19/2003 03:34:00 PM

I finally beat metroid prime!

Published by John on 11/19/2003 03:14:00 PM

I just read this on USA Todays entertainment section.

"...In a sign of the growing importance of DVD sales to Hollywood, 20th Century Fox is considering a plan to resume production of Family Guy, a sometimes crude animated comedy that the Fox network took off the air more than 18 months ago. As many as 35 new episodes could return in January 2005, marking the first time that a canceled series has been revived based on strong DVD demand and ratings in syndication..."

Oh hell yeah!

Published by John on 11/19/2003 03:04:00 PM

Dustin--Yahoo sucks big time. Long live Google.

Published by Anonymous on 11/19/2003 01:34:00 PM

Dustin--Yes, but I'll be out of my room (i.e. no access to spell list) from approximately now until 9 or 11. I'll get the list to you around then.

Published by John on 11/19/2003 11:09:00 AM

Dustin--Good morning assmonkey :-P

Okay that Trigun show was pretty strange. Kind of fun, but strange.

Jeremy--So do you want me to make a viso layout of the living room of your appartment. Then we can take measurements and get ready to move your mame system. Hell Yeah! Dude also how cool would a black light in the overhead be? I mean crank the blacklight up and play some pac man. Oh baby that would be something sweet!

Published by Anonymous on 11/19/2003 10:44:00 AM

Caroline-- do u yahoo?

Published by Anonymous on 11/19/2003 10:10:00 AM

Excel work for you? That'll give the nonPHB sourcebooks.

DCs are 19 for 0-level non-Evocation spells and 23 for 0-level Evocation spells. Can cast up to 6th level currently. For reference, the party's base saves at 11th lvl are ~3/7 + stat + magic items (~5-18).

Everyone else is divine, so unless they're using odd sourcebooks, they have the same spell lists (cleric, paladin, druid) and you should only need their save DCs.

I have two classes and a paper today, so I probably won't be able to get you the list until tonight. *goes back to working on paper*

Published by Anonymous on 11/19/2003 09:36:00 AM

All spell casters--I need for you to email me an updated spell list, and a list of your spell save dc's. Email is dmellott2001@(delete)yahoo.com

Published by Anonymous on 11/18/2003 10:28:00 PM

Jeremy: yeah, I still need a new drive. Thanks.

Published by Anonymous on 11/18/2003 05:33:00 PM

Leon - Got some CD-RW drives in finally. Digital Research 52x. It'll set you back $25 if you're still interested. Interest would require some sort of response.

Published by John on 11/18/2003 09:05:00 AM

Jeremy--Really? What didn't sell? I thought it would be that stupid bank, but you said someone actually bid on it. I'll have another load ready for you (it takes a while to sort out all my crap!).

Published by Anonymous on 11/18/2003 03:41:00 AM

Thanksgiving, no... I won't be there either.

Shatzer- Just about everything sold. If you're serious about moving your stuff, I can help you fill up the back of your pickup to drop a load off. Yes, I mean that...

Published by Anonymous on 11/17/2003 10:09:00 PM

Oh yeah that is Thanksgiving isn't it. Will anyone actually be there?

Published by Anonymous on 11/17/2003 07:28:00 PM

Leon--I'll almost certainly be missing your first game (Thanksgiving and all), but hey I have a real char concept now.

Dustin--*evil grin* You're going to regret saying that...

Published by Anonymous on 11/17/2003 07:21:00 PM

I could run my game, but it has occured to me that only three players have actually created characters yet. I'd like to get that done other than during the time when I should be killing them. So let's do yours this week and mine next week.

So now I need to know two things, who is playing Deadlands (on alternate Thursdays) and when can they meet me to create a character?

Published by John on 11/17/2003 03:44:00 PM

Dustin--Assmonkey? Okay so be it that is your name.

Published by Anonymous on 11/17/2003 12:52:00 PM

Jeremy-- Assmonkey would like a drive also.

Leon-- are we playing my game this Thursday or Deadlands, I have my game prepaired either way.

Published by John on 11/17/2003 10:47:00 AM

Jeremy--Shatzman needs a drive if you have extra!

Published by Anonymous on 11/16/2003 08:42:00 PM

Leon - Got some CD-RW drives in finally. Digital Research 52x. It'll set you back $25 if you're still interested.

Caroline - Nothing extrodinary on your memory, as of yet. Best I've been able to find on 512s is the uber-generic OEM's from Pricewatch at around $40 a stick.

Published by Anonymous on 11/15/2003 05:12:00 PM

As does this one, especially with extra footage on the big screen.

"If we'd had more money, we would have used real horses instead of coconuts, and that would have destroyed it. We were saved from our own mediocrity by lack of money...how wonderful these reissues are...it's great that [the Python phenomenon] stays alive...but we're all still moving forward. We're not dead yet." --Terry Gilliam

I need a room like this one. Yeah. Maybe I can afford it next century.

Dustin--Can we hit the Cow Level around 20th level?

Published by Anonymous on 11/15/2003 11:28:00 AM

This Movie phuckin rocks.

Published by Anonymous on 11/15/2003 10:00:00 AM

actually, I found the magazine but I'd still like a digital copy as backup

leons1701(cut this part out)@hotmail.com

Published by Anonymous on 11/14/2003 02:30:00 PM

Leon--If you want that Pelor file, either tell Dustin to email me your email address, or post your email on the blog.

Published by John on 11/14/2003 09:24:00 AM

Dustin--How long did before they get power? A couple of places here in town are supposed to be down for another couple of days. Did you have fun last night?

Damn it got cold!

Published by Anonymous on 11/13/2003 06:11:00 PM

It is Tornado related, I need to help my Sister and brother in law clean out their freezer and fridge, and take it to my parents house. ummmmmm freeeee steak!

Published by John on 11/13/2003 04:29:00 PM

Dustin--Is it tornado related?

Published by Anonymous on 11/13/2003 02:42:00 PM

All--I'm probably going to be a little late tonight to the game. I shouldn't be too long though.

Published by John on 11/13/2003 09:09:00 AM

Caroline--There is damage all around campus, but the campus itself is okay. There is or was a park to the north of me, it is pretty much toast. Everything else seems fine to me.

Published by Anonymous on 11/13/2003 02:05:00 AM

Shatz- No, the kid was a nitwit. I just wasn't in the mood to ask how a monkey like him gets a job in the software department, and I don't even get a callback...

Published by Anonymous on 11/12/2003 11:26:00 PM

I heard that a tornado hit downtown Wooster. Power out in parts of town and trees blown over... Is everyone ok??

Published by Anonymous on 11/12/2003 01:03:00 PM

Is game happening on Thanksgiving? If it is, I'm probably missing it.

Published by Anonymous on 11/12/2003 01:00:00 PM

I think he got them from Dirty Dicks

Published by John on 11/12/2003 12:33:00 PM

Dustin--So since you told him to kill it does that mean you gave him crabs? :)

Published by Anonymous on 11/12/2003 12:09:00 PM

John-- don't scare him, He probly had nightmares about getting crabs. *Oh no Its gonna get me*

Published by John on 11/12/2003 11:31:00 AM

Dustin--Well Jeremy may disagree, but the kid was a nitwit. Wanna play some more Soul Calibre? poke poke poke....

Jeremy--Boo look at me I'm a scary hermit crab! :-P *snicker* That is what you get for listening to Dustin.

Published by Anonymous on 11/12/2003 10:21:00 AM

All-- I've got great news, Unreal tournament 2004 releases this coming winter for computer, and it looks freakin awsome.

Published by Anonymous on 11/12/2003 09:43:00 AM

John-- Cudoes on the way u put down neverwinter knights with that kid at bestbuy.

All-- my email provider is currently switching servers. If anyone needs to get ahold of me, my current email address is dmellott2001atyahoodotcom

Published by John on 11/12/2003 09:09:00 AM

Vampires. Spaceships. Tanks. A good time was had by all!

Published by Anonymous on 11/11/2003 06:09:00 PM

Dustin: Sorry, i can't make it today. Maybe we can talk before the game thursday.

Published by John on 11/11/2003 03:42:00 PM

Dustin--Hey dude I tried to email you but the old email address doesn't work. How about you email me your new address :)

Published by Anonymous on 11/11/2003 02:14:00 PM

Dustin--Speaking of funny, next level gives my char a feat, which will be Energy Admixture (Fire). Admixtured Shocking Arrow is an effective 6th lvl spell. Normal arrow damage and 2d8+20 elemental damage (half fire, half acid or electric). Before you grumble much at me, she can only produce 1 or 2 of those a day, unless the party's completely out-of-combat. Somehow I think the party would rather have Mass Haste during combat than a single superarrow.

Published by Anonymous on 11/11/2003 10:32:00 AM

Uall gotta see this it is funny. That will be ten minut.

Published by Anonymous on 11/11/2003 09:48:00 AM

Leon-- Can I meat u at Ericks around 5:00 today, We need to talk.

Published by Anonymous on 11/11/2003 09:31:00 AM

John-- To answer your Question, School isn't going so good. I managed to get a c - in math, which means that i loose my funding. yeah.

Published by John on 11/11/2003 09:23:00 AM

Good morning

Published by Anonymous on 11/10/2003 10:28:00 PM

Now, I never said whether the movies were increasing or decreasing their quality (or lack thereof) to meet MST3K levels.

Leon--Sorry, I can't reliably play on those days. Could play Mondays for this semester and break, and possibly Fridays for break and next semester, but neither one works well. Tuesday is completely out. Ah well, let me know how the game goes. *vicarious spectator*

Published by Anonymous on 11/10/2003 09:57:00 PM

LOL you guys really need to post a list of what you watch to the blog or something.'

From what I've heard, most of these movies would need to RISE to MST quality.

As far as Deadlands goes, which night interests people?

Best nights for me are Monday or Friday, Tuesday would be possible but not the best.

If we play weekdays, Ryan may join. More players, good.

And As ,oops, Dustin may even grace us with his presence.

Published by Anonymous on 11/10/2003 06:33:00 PM

John--Your taste in movies is, as always, impeccable. Or did I mean unparalleled? Hmm... Hit MST3k quality yet? "Blue Devils" are getting near that point.

Published by John on 11/10/2003 05:30:00 PM

Jeremy--Eh, I was just kidding. Um, maybe you should sleep some before posting. :-P

Caroline--I think we are food orderable. You havent' heard about the movie I made Jeremy watch last week, heh heh heh. Lets just say zombies, lesbian vampires with Star Wars Blasters, and El Diablo de Azul (Mexican masked wrestler). I never ever should of been allowed to shop on the net :-)

Published by Anonymous on 11/10/2003 04:24:00 PM

Yeah... I would definitely look into FF if I had
1. A decently new computer
2. More free time (or just less homework and less procrastination).

Does it compare well with Evercrack (aside from the massive boost in sys reqts)?

pretty colors?

Food orderable, or should eat beforehand?

Published by Anonymous on 11/10/2003 04:22:00 PM

Actually, I decided it would be a good thing to take a few days off FF. It's an addictive, soul-sucking whore of a game. Five stars. =) That, and if I didn't actually get more than a few hours sleep, I'd have slept through Tuesday...

Caroline, yeah, movies. Doors open at six. No clue what we are watching just yet, but of course you can come...

"In addition I think that he may be falling for a little white mage, screen name naughty kitty ;-)"

Hey! You be nice! (And you've got it all wrong. She's a thief, who IS a naughty kitty. Mithra. They're a race of cat-people, an' all...)


I said nothing. I'm still online right? Woohoo! Level 14!

Published by Anonymous on 11/10/2003 04:07:00 PM

Yes, but can he still read then? Since I may or may not see you tomorrow, what's on the movie list?

And of course the real question is whether Dustin shows up. Right, Dustin?

Published by John on 11/10/2003 03:59:00 PM

Caroline--You should email him. He may check his email when his eyes get too blurry to play FF online.

Published by Anonymous on 11/10/2003 03:49:00 PM

*snickers* Pixel Friends go well with the weekly Thursday make-believe. So how is he watching movies? or are you watching movies somewhere else?

Anyhow, let me know if/when to come see movies. Or else I'll sit around and do homework of all things. *sniffle*

Published by John on 11/10/2003 03:47:00 PM

Sorry Jeremy has fallen into that black hole known as Final Fantasy online. He has new little pixel friends that keep him company. In addition I think that he may be falling for a little white mage, screen name naughty kitty ;-)

Don't you all miss me? Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha...

Published by Anonymous on 11/10/2003 02:16:00 PM

Hmm... Tuesday. Tuesday is Veteran's Day, so classes are cancelled. Can I tag along to watch movies?


Published by John on 11/10/2003 01:18:00 PM

Dustin--You didn't answer my question. How is your new job going? How about school? You know I never get to see you anymore (yipee *er* I mean bummer).

Published by John on 11/10/2003 01:16:00 PM

Assmonkey--You can earn your name back by showing up Tuesday on time! Pssssssssssst :-P

Published by Anonymous on 11/10/2003 12:24:00 PM

Blame John. I only called you that once. *innocent look*

Published by Anonymous on 11/10/2003 12:08:00 PM

good point. No more assmonkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Published by Anonymous on 11/10/2003 11:57:00 AM

Dustin--As DM, you can do whatever you want. As players, we can ignore your game. :)

Published by John on 11/10/2003 11:15:00 AM

Dustin--Actually I was wondering how your new job was going.

Caroline--How is school going?

Dan--You still out there?

Published by John on 11/10/2003 11:14:00 AM

Assmonkey--You shouldn't be so mean. I was never that mean.................. bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....... Okay even I couldn't keep a straight face :)

Published by Anonymous on 11/10/2003 11:09:00 AM

Caroline--And I could kill all the characters.
do u im

Published by Anonymous on 11/10/2003 10:35:00 AM


Jeremy--Got those CDs for you; will bring them on Thurs.

Dustin--We could come up with other names for you, y'know.

Published by John on 11/10/2003 09:41:00 AM

Caroline--I'll stop by this Thursday with the stuff.

Leon--I see that you are having issues with your Deadlands game. Do you still want the stuff? If so does Thursday work for you?

Assmonkey--So you don't wan't anyone calling you Assmonkey? I suppose, Assmonkey, that means that I'll have to "pick" up the slack. This, friend Assmonkey, is a challange that I'm willing to take. Until later, Assmonkey, have a good day. :-P

Published by Anonymous on 11/09/2003 01:38:00 PM

The Kender Encyclopedia. No need to say more :D

Published by Anonymous on 11/08/2003 11:36:00 AM

Are we playing it tonight, I need to know if I need to show up early

Published by Anonymous on 11/08/2003 07:35:00 AM

I've been thinking about moving it anyhow, this makes it official. Any suggestions people?

Wednesday is out, any other day should work.

Oh BTW, Ryan said he might join if it was a weekday, adding another player, a good thing.

Published by Anonymous on 11/07/2003 08:47:00 PM

Leon--It seems like people don't want to (or can't) play on Saturdays. If people will come play on a different day, run your game on that day instead. *makes face at her limited schedule* Although the system did look neat... Ah well.

Published by Anonymous on 11/07/2003 07:38:00 PM

Leon, I'm going to have to indefinately pull out of your game. Saturday Evening just isn't working. Which is upsetting, since it looked like an awesome system...

Published by Anonymous on 11/06/2003 03:01:00 PM

The next person who calls me assmonkey, besides John, Will be deducted 20,000 xp, anyone els have somthing to add?

Published by Anonymous on 11/06/2003 02:39:00 PM

Assmonkey--Any news on that semester schedule of yours? For planning tonight, we do have another paladin after all. Oh, and making the hallways 10 ft wide (instead of 5 ft wide) would get all the chars involved/placed in greater danger.

Jeremy--I guess you just won't be getting a pick of the magic items, only a share of the money. *snickers* Or John could drop by your place earlier or come to Eric's.

John--I have the money when you have the books. I'll definitely be in town today and next Th. Saturdays depends on how many players Leon can get.

Published by John on 11/06/2003 12:50:00 PM

Heh heh heh Dustin has a new Blogger handle........ :-P

Published by Dr Who on 11/06/2003 12:33:00 PM

Assmonkey - I got a cold/flu. Spent most of the night in the bathroom. I won't be making it to the game tonight. Hope you all have fun.......

Published by John on 11/06/2003 11:39:00 AM

Assmonkey--Doesn't it suck when life interrupts you plans?

Published by Anonymous on 11/06/2003 11:06:00 AM

Jeremy-- This is Assmonkey, I wrote the next part of the storyline expecting you to be ontime. If you don't show up, It might cause a small problem with the rest of the group.

Published by Anonymous on 11/05/2003 07:15:00 PM


Assmonkey- I'll be showing up to your game a few hours late tomorrow. Probably 8PMish- Depends on whenever John shows up to drop off his stuff.

Published by Anonymous on 11/05/2003 05:25:00 PM

Redundancy is not Your forte, everyone already knows that I am an assmonkey.

Published by Anonymous on 11/05/2003 05:01:00 PM

Repeat out-loud for the class:

"Yeah, I can babysit. I just need to make a quick phone call to let some people know I won't be showing up tonight, so they don't think I'm an assmonkey."

Published by Anonymous on 11/05/2003 04:51:00 PM

Yes John, I know what a phone is, once I got volunteered, I would of have to of let the kids stay by themselves to call.

Published by John on 11/05/2003 04:31:00 PM

Dustin--Know what a phone is? We waited for you, assmonkey!

Caroline--Biozombie is one of the new breed of Asian Zombie movies, very kewl stuff. And I should know, I'm a zombie lord....... boogie boogie boogie...

Published by Anonymous on 11/05/2003 03:42:00 PM

Wow Larry does post, that is amazing.
Jeremy--Sorry bout last night, Got volunteered to babysit.

Published by Anonymous on 11/05/2003 02:27:00 PM

dusty has my old character sheet in his truck somewhere

Published by Anonymous on 11/05/2003 12:41:00 PM

For more efficient (or at least systematic) looting...
Brian--Please post what your char had.
Larry--Please post what your char had (if you're on the blog *forgetful*).
Jeremy--Please post what Dave's char had. Any news about that RAM?
What's Bio-zombies about anyhow?

Published by Dr Who on 11/05/2003 12:08:00 PM

Now that it is wednesday, I would like the gloves of dex for my character. I am not sure about any thing else at the moment. CYA guys thursday.

Published by John on 11/05/2003 10:50:00 AM

Jeremy--Best movie ever!

Published by Anonymous on 11/04/2003 12:24:00 PM

Shatz- Yeah, I'm still interested in the BESM books. (Along with any of the e-bay stuff, if that's still happening.) If we're doing the movie thing tonight, I'd like to keep it a bit short. One movie. Maybe grab something to eat, then show Dustin Bio-Zombies? (Or not. But bring Bio-zombies anyway. I need to make a new copy of it.) I'll have your money if you want to bring 'em to the movie t'night.

Dustin- Bring my Escaflowne back, damnit.

Published by Anonymous on 11/03/2003 08:07:00 PM

Nah, we had lots of killing, just PCs killing NPCs instead of vice versa.

Published by Dr Who on 11/03/2003 05:57:00 PM

No. the seocnd time around he kept the death down to a min.

Published by John on 11/03/2003 03:59:00 PM

Looks like another bloodbath, did Dustin kill you all again?

Published by Dr Who on 11/03/2003 01:04:00 PM

Fawn Had a few Items:

Here's the list

Ring of Protection +2
Gloves of Dex +2

Rope w/grappling hook
Climber's kit
10 days rations
Theives Tools

pouch 1
Pouch 2
10 pitons
Siganl Whistle

Mythril Shirt
Composite Short Bow
Rapier +1


Fawn didn't have alot since she came in at an odd point.

Published by John on 11/03/2003 09:15:00 AM

Leon--Is this the week that you wanted to get your Deadlands books? If so would it be Saturday again? I could do it earlier in the week so you had them in advance of you game. Up to you.

Caroline--Have you decided when it would work best for you to get the White Wolf books? Again let me know, I'll work around you.

Jeremy--I have decided that the BESM books can go. I have the main book, gamemaster's screen, and Tank Police supplement. I will sell it all for $30. Let me know.

Published by Anonymous on 11/02/2003 08:31:00 PM

Aurien Nightbreeze had a lot of stuff:
Here's the list

Mithril Breastplate+1
Ring of Protection+3
+2 Corrosive Longsword
+1 Shocking Shortsword
+1 Flaming Mighty Composite Longbow (+3 Str Mod)
Gloves of Ogre Power
Ammulet of Health +2
Wand of Cure Critical (40 charges)
Quiver of Ehlonna
Vest of Charisma +2
Cloak of Elvenkind
Boots of Elvenkind and Speed
Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic
5 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds
2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
50 platinum
40 gold

Published by Anonymous on 11/01/2003 06:11:00 PM

Dead Rogue Treasure
5 Scimitars (unidentified)
2 Greatswords (unidentified)
Gloves of Dex +2
Ring of Proc +2
Glowing Short Sword +1
2 Chain Shirts +2
4 Scrolls of Improved Invisibility (Give to rogues, as long as they're used responsibly)
1525 gp

Published by Anonymous on 11/01/2003 05:40:00 PM

A shortage or excess of anything has negative effects. Somehow football manages to cause riots no matter who wins. And that's not even counting the injuries caused during the game, or the ridiculous salaries given to the top players...

Porn doesn't have a large audience (discounting pornographic spam) at any one time or cause riots. If it causes problems with marriages, then the marriage had other problems anyways. Children should not be viewing or involved in porn, but the borderline between childhood, adolescence, and adulthood is rather fuzzy.

Published by Anonymous on 11/01/2003 04:49:00 PM

Well, porn does have negative effects, but then, so does watching football, and nobody (well, nobody important anyhow) is in any rush to ban football. Hmm, porn and football. hey OSU is losing, maybe I should start up KaZaa.

Published by Anonymous on 11/01/2003 03:02:00 PM

Not that I support child porn, but the govmt has shown yet again that it has no concept of people's "leisure activities" and the true reason for tech innovation.
Protection from Pornography Week (Oct 26-Nov 1)
First they came for the bukkake websites, and I did not speak out because I was not a bukkake website. George W. Bush says:

Pornography can have debilitating effects on communities, marriages, families, and children. During Protection From Pornography Week, we commit to take steps to confront the dangers of pornography.

Published by Anonymous on 10/31/2003 06:35:00 PM

Double D10? I may want one just for the novelty of it. Would make a curious percentile dice.

Published by Anonymous on 10/31/2003 05:06:00 PM

I have double d10s! *beams* If anyone wants some for themselves, I could sell some to you. Now what we really need are double d8s for the arrows... *muses* I also have some more double d6s, but not many chars need those.
Will post dead rogue treasure soon-ish.

Published by Anonymous on 10/30/2003 02:47:00 PM

Jeremy--Are u playing tonight?

Published by Anonymous on 10/30/2003 02:35:00 PM

Dustin- Final Fantasy XI: Online is out. And you want me to leave the house? To play *your* game? What... you think you're SquareEnix now? Look what you're competing with!

This better be good....


Published by Anonymous on 10/29/2003 11:46:00 PM

Just in case, for anyone who didn't get the word last Saturday, which is most of you (yah yella bellied losers), there will be no Deadlands game this week. I'm hoping to get some more players to join by next week. I'm also hoping that the people already in the group will actually show up.

Published by Anonymous on 10/29/2003 11:42:00 PM

BTW, those of you making new chars for Dustin's game tommorow night may wish to give some thought to what deity you serve. Just a suggestion.

Yes, I'm playing a cleric. no I'm not telling you any more than that. Yet.

Published by Anonymous on 10/28/2003 12:32:00 PM

X, the series... I think I've seen that. If I'm remembering the right series, it was rather good.

*laugh-twitch at the last fight in the X movie* No further comment on the movie.

Movies in descending order of logic... Escaflowne->Eva->X

Why are movies based on series always on crack?

Published by Anonymous on 10/28/2003 12:31:00 PM

Jeremy- are you going to be tossing them to the hdd for the bleam machine, we could watch them on a 32 inch high res computer monitor.

Published by Anonymous on 10/28/2003 12:24:00 PM

John-- the only thing it had in common with the series was the name and name of characters, if you are going to make a movie based off of a TV series, at least base it of the g*#$@#$% TV series.

Published by Anonymous on 10/28/2003 11:23:00 AM

Just making sure it was watched and out of the way...

Alright. New series. I've got a couple of new series downloaded I've been wanting to watch. I'll have to check their quality and see how well they look full-screen before making any decision, but I'm leaning towards X:1999 - the TV series.

If it's half-way as cool as the Manga, then it's hella' badass...

If it's half-way as cool as the movie, then you're going to want to stab your eyes out with a fork. The movie sucked. You can imagine how half-of-suck is even worse...

Published by John on 10/28/2003 11:14:00 AM


Published by Anonymous on 10/28/2003 10:56:00 AM

Jeremy-- I wached it and didn't like it.

Published by Anonymous on 10/28/2003 09:40:00 AM

Did you watch it...?

Published by Anonymous on 10/28/2003 09:25:00 AM

Jeremy--Escaflone the movie. Are we still up for tonight?

Published by Anonymous on 10/28/2003 09:01:00 AM

Dustin, what DVD did I give you last week?

Published by Anonymous on 10/27/2003 08:32:00 PM

It's Monday. What do you think?

Published by Anonymous on 10/27/2003 05:59:00 PM

has everyone gone braindead....

Published by Anonymous on 10/27/2003 05:54:00 PM


Published by John on 10/27/2003 05:34:00 PM


Published by Anonymous on 10/27/2003 05:14:00 PM


Published by Anonymous on 10/27/2003 04:40:00 PM


Published by John on 10/27/2003 01:06:00 PM


Published by Anonymous on 10/27/2003 12:54:00 PM


Published by Anonymous on 10/27/2003 09:34:00 AM

Jeremy-- are we still up for anime and Tuesday?

Published by Anonymous on 10/26/2003 12:53:00 PM

So WoC is developing an Underdark book, which should be out this week. They also posted an interview with the developers. Although it's a 3.5 book, it seems to have some interesting things that could be adapted/appropriated. Tremorsense boots, daylight pellets, new monsters, etc.

Published by Anonymous on 10/25/2003 03:44:00 PM

Point for discussion: changing the money split slightly so that Valfor gives us 10,000 upfront for taking the mission and the local grey tower gives us each 5,000 upfront to clean out the rats.

My char's yelling at Valfor to get replacement peoples here NOW, but at the moment, she's angrier at the local grey tower for sending us against the ratmen (that is, until she sees what the crypt thingies will do to the party).

Questions/requests for Valfor: The party needs a rogue to get back in the sewers, and a fighter and a cleric to survive there. What does the key piece look like and/or how will we recognize it? Is the crypt likely to have creatures that drain stats or levels (using in-game terms)? Any more dangers we should know about?

Published by Anonymous on 10/25/2003 12:41:00 PM

His name is valfor, and he will give the new starting char 15000 gp to take the mission. he will also send a bag of holding down with 30,000 gp in it for caroline and jeremy.

Leon-- I wont be able to make it to the game tonight, Ive got a 20 page paper due on mon.

Published by Anonymous on 10/25/2003 12:30:00 PM

Jeremy--And who taught Dustin about rogue tactics?

First off, if you can manage to justify looting in paladin ethics, my char (sole surviving :D) will help loot. (If you can't, my char will loot and not tell you.) However, the thieves' guild got to the looting first, and a black pudding ate Brian's stuff before that. So we have to wait on backup, kill said thieves' guild (now that Dustin has readjusted CR), and attempt to find stuff. On the plus side, I levelled and Valefor will give us stuff (i.e. we get to extort stuff from Valefor) for continuing on his deadly quest.

Published by Anonymous on 10/25/2003 10:37:00 AM

I can be there at 3:00

Published by Anonymous on 10/25/2003 10:09:00 AM

BTW, dustin could you show up early for Deadlands today to create your character?

While you're at it, there's some stuff I want to run by you for my new D&D character.

Published by Anonymous on 10/25/2003 10:07:00 AM

So when our new characters wipe out the thieves, we'll get most of our stuff back WOOT!

Published by Anonymous on 10/25/2003 09:26:00 AM

Jeremy- you can loot the bodies, if you go into the theives guild and kill all the rouges and take the stuff that you think is theirs.

Published by Anonymous on 10/24/2003 09:38:00 PM

Shatz- I'll take the BESM stuff.

Dustin- If everyone is dead, can I loot the bodies of the rest of the party...?

Published by Anonymous on 10/24/2003 07:42:00 PM

Don't you wish that ide transfered as fast as fire wire, i have been transfering 34 gigs of data and it has taken 2 hours sofar. still going.

Published by Anonymous on 10/24/2003 07:40:00 PM

Againg, i appoligise for killing everyone, but you gotta admite that it was a good ambush.

Published by Anonymous on 10/24/2003 05:30:00 PM

Excerpted from a scary 1984-ish Wired article about an inner-city charter school which tracks kids' school attendence (soon everything else) with RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chips.

Reading, Writing, and RFID

Gary Stillman, the director of a small K-8 charter school in Buffalo, New York, is an RFID believer.

While privacy advocates fret that the embedded microchips will be used to track people surreptitiously, Stillman said he believes that RFID tags will make his inner city school safer and more efficient.

Stillman has gone whole-hog for radio-frequency technology, which his year-old Enterprise Charter School started using last month to record the time of day students arrive in the morning. In the next months, he plans to use RFID to track library loans, disciplinary records, cafeteria purchases and visits to the nurse's office. Eventually he'd like to expand the system to track students' punctuality (or lack thereof) for every class and to verify the time they get on and off school buses.

"That way, we could confirm that Johnny Jones got off at Oak and Hurtle at 3:22," Stillman said. "All this relates to safety and keeping track of kids.... Eventually it will become a monitoring tool for us."

"(It's) the same as swiping a mag-strip card for access control, or presenting a photo ID badge to a security guard, both of which are commonplace occurrences," Straitiff said.

Additionally, Stillman said that the RFID-linked databases would require separate passwords to access students' disciplinary, attendance, health, library and cafeteria records.

"It's as private as anything else can be when your information is stored on a server," he said.

Published by John on 10/24/2003 03:51:00 PM

Caroline--I supervised from my air conditioned office this year. Muhahahahahahahahahahaha........ My students were always good this time.

Published by Anonymous on 10/24/2003 03:34:00 PM

I thought you were still dealing with the Small Houses... Are the Consultants more efficient or did the dept finally get funds to hire more?

You could have students deal with the eMacs too.
1. Find a few boxes.
2. Print mailing labels with sender's address of Antarctica, so you don't have to pay postage.
3. Put eMacs in labelled boxes.
4. Leave boxes out for mailman to pick up.

Alternatively, wait a month or three and "lose" them in the snow.

Published by John on 10/24/2003 02:00:00 PM

Caroline--You forget I have students to deal with Orientation, though the eMacs do make me angry...... urge to kill rising rising. Where is Dustin when you need him?

Published by Anonymous on 10/24/2003 11:45:00 AM

John--As much fun as you have Wednesdays of Orientation and with the eMacs. ;)

Published by John on 10/24/2003 11:39:00 AM

Caroline--It's all good. Have fun with the midterms.

Published by Anonymous on 10/24/2003 10:48:00 AM

John--Give me a week or so to get money in hand and deal with nasty mid-term type things.

Dustin--If nothing else, you're succeeding in making my wizard very, very paranoid.

Published by John on 10/24/2003 09:41:00 AM

Caroline--When would it be good for you to make the exchange cash for books? Just let me know, I'll work around you.

Jeremy--I have decided the BESM books are up for grabs. I think $25 for my main book, Tank Police supplement, and BESM screen. Let me know if you want it.

Is anyone interested in my Cthulu stuff (including D20 main book), D20 modern, or D20 Silver age sentinals? Let me know, otherwise it is eBay time.

Published by Anonymous on 10/23/2003 03:34:00 PM

I wish my homework could be finished in 2 hours like that. Dumb grad school.

Published by Anonymous on 10/23/2003 03:22:00 PM

If any one is still reading the blogg, I will be hosting my game, I got my homework done.

Published by Anonymous on 10/23/2003 02:58:00 PM

This is a test of the emergency broadcasting company, this is only a test. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp. Thank you for your patience.

Published by Anonymous on 10/23/2003 01:24:00 PM

I have too much homework to do this evining, I wont be hosting tonight.

Published by Anonymous on 10/23/2003 10:46:00 AM

I will not be showing up to the games this week...

Published by John on 10/23/2003 08:13:00 AM

See you there at 3.

Published by Anonymous on 10/23/2003 04:27:00 AM

Sure, I can be there at 3.

Published by Anonymous on 10/22/2003 08:09:00 PM

The polynomials or the people?

Published by Anonymous on 10/22/2003 04:21:00 PM

no they suck.

Published by Anonymous on 10/22/2003 03:42:00 PM

Dustin -- Only b/c my char isn't 1st-level anymore :-P
Find anyone to factor polynomials yet?

Published by Anonymous on 10/22/2003 12:54:00 PM

Caroline-- 1 wizard - all her hit points squared = (1 really dead wizard)

Published by John on 10/22/2003 12:14:00 PM

Oh yeah like I said the whole bunch of White Wolf books go for a mere $150 bucks.

Published by John on 10/22/2003 12:13:00 PM

White Wolf list:

Vampire 1st ed
Player's Guide 1st ed
Storyteller's Guide 1st ed
Vampire 2nd ed (hard cover)
Player's Guide 2nd ed (hard cover)
The Hunters Hunted
Anarch Cookbook
Players Guide to Sabbat
Story Teller's Screen
Ashes to Ashes (setting)
Giovani Last Supper (setting)
Dark Colony (setting)
Clanbooks: Assamite, Brujah, Gangrel, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Setites, Torreador, Tremere, Tzsimsce, and Ventrue

Live Action:
The Masquerade 2nd ed
The Masquerade Character Book

Werewolf 2nd ed (hard cover)
Werewolf 1st ed
Storyteller's screen
Litany of the tribes 3
Breed: Moloke

Mage 1st ed
Storyteller's screen
Hidden Lore (setting)

Changeling 1st ed
Storyteller's screen
Player's kit

Published by Anonymous on 10/22/2003 11:44:00 AM

Um yeah, why do you think my char hides in the middle/back of the party?

Polynomials, eh? Have fun with that.
2dustins squared + 1dustin - 1 = (2dustins - 1)(1 dustin + 1)

Published by Anonymous on 10/22/2003 11:39:00 AM

Caroline-- It's not that I don't like wizards, It's that I am going to have to find a new and inventive way of killing said wizard. *evil grin*

Does anyone feel like tutoring a dumbass in math, particularly factoring polynomials?

Published by Anonymous on 10/22/2003 11:11:00 AM

Why Dustin, all I was doing *mock-innocent look* was notifying you of spells I'd be taking at 11th level... If you don't want to hear about them, then I just won't tell you. *evil grin*

Published by Anonymous on 10/22/2003 08:39:00 AM

I hate wizards.

Published by Anonymous on 10/21/2003 06:16:00 PM

Hey Dustin, the session after this one I can cast Mass Haste on the party (extra partial action, AC bonus) and then cast Slow on 11 opponents (partial action; AC, att, dmg, Refl penalties). Won't that be neat? Oh, and Disintegrate and Chain Lightning and stuff. :D

Published by John on 10/21/2003 08:07:00 AM

I'll post the White Wolf list in the next couple of days.

Published by John on 10/21/2003 08:06:00 AM

Leon--I'll put you on the "schedule". Can you be at the shop earlier, maybe around 3?

Published by Anonymous on 10/20/2003 07:10:00 PM

I'm interested all right. I won't have $60 until the end of the week when I get paid. What say we meet Saturday, I'll be there by 5PM for the game.

Published by Anonymous on 10/20/2003 04:37:00 PM

I'm interested in the White Wolf set. I think Matt was interested in some of it as well. I know you have a whole lot of books, but it would be nice to have a few details about the collection (All subsystems, all subsystem core books, etc?).

Published by John on 10/20/2003 11:38:00 AM

Also is anyone interested in my White Wolf stuff? I have a ton, but it must all go! So please don't ask if you don't have $150 to spend.

Published by John on 10/20/2003 08:29:00 AM

Jeremy--The best part of Deadlands is playing a huckster. Your magic is effected by the playing cards you draw, it is way kewl.

Published by John on 10/20/2003 08:25:00 AM

Leon--Sorry that I didn't make it Sunday. Here is a list of the books that I have.

The Weird West:

Deadlands main book
The quick and the dead
The book of the dead
Hucksters and Hexes
Cthulu adventure
Deadlands poker deck

Hell on Earth:

Main book
Spirit Warriors


I also have that plastic container of poker chips

The cover prices on the Books themselves is over $160 bucks. You can have all it for $60. Again I'm sorry that I didn't make it Sunday, so if you want it just post a time after 6pm that you will be at the comic store and I'll meet you there. Please do post if you want it or not, because if you don't I'll offer it to your players.

Oh yeah and just for fun, if you buy the books I'll give you my deadlands card game stuff when I find it. (since I'm cleaning out the house it should be within the next couple of weeks.)

Published by Anonymous on 10/19/2003 01:58:00 PM

An interview with the developers of D&D Online. It doesn't say much about the tech of the MMORPG, but at least the developers have some design philosophy...

Woot! There's a (currently vaporware) story about a GBA adaptor to let it play NES or Famicon cartridges... Now if companies would only start reissuing said cartridges...

Published by Anonymous on 10/18/2003 12:59:00 PM

You use playing cards for Deadlands? Kick ass. Is that the primary randomizer, or does Deadlands still use dice?

I've been reading about a few diceless / Playing-card based systems, but all of the onese I'd seen the reviews said they were kind of flaky.

Published by Anonymous on 10/18/2003 12:50:00 PM

I've got one deck of cards covered; more if I dig through stuff.

Published by Anonymous on 10/18/2003 12:41:00 PM

More detail about the setting. You are in Cripple Creek, Kansas, a moderately prosperous town in the eastern part of Kansas, not too far from the Missouri border. The entire area (the entire state really) is disputed territory claimed by both North and South, although neither side is able to effectively adminster it. Cripple Creek is settled by Union sympathisers, but they are more loyal to their own pockets than to any nation or cause for the most part, so a good deal of Cripple Creek's economy is involved in cross-border trade, much of it illicit. Why you're in town is up to you, it's a likely area for anyone to pass through. Bounty hunters or lawmen will note the large number of outlaws operating in the KA/MO area. Gamblers will know that the tables at Parker Place are reasonably famous and there is about to be a large tournament there. Almost any type of character can be found in or around town.

Published by Anonymous on 10/18/2003 12:28:00 PM

Yeah, I'm hoping to get started a little after 6. As I said before, character generation will take a while, but I think we should be able to get some playing in. I'd like everyone to have at least some idea what kind of character they will be playing. In addition to all the standard western types there are four types of special character: The huckster (an arcane spellcaster who gambles with dark spirits for his powers), the shaman (an indian who uses his special connection to the spirit world to request favors from the spirits), the blessed (a member of any number of religions who uses the power of faith to heal and protect as well as smite the wicked) and the mad scientist (who builds astonishing devices beyond the bounds of conventional science). We'll need mostly conventional characters, in fact I'd almost prefer the original group to concetrate on the usuall western professions, it will be far simpler while learning a new system, but i won't tell you you can't play an unusual character.

Oh, BTW, if you can, please bring a deck of playing cards, preferably one with two distinct jokers. I have a number of decks myself, but more will help during character generation.

Published by Anonymous on 10/18/2003 09:45:00 AM

John--See ya sunday.
Leon-- Are we playing your game today?

Published by John on 10/17/2003 02:27:00 PM

Must of scared Dustin off.....

Published by John on 10/16/2003 02:46:00 PM

I put on my steel toed boots and kick you in the nuts. Then shocked by the lack of resistance, and my own inablility to locate such a small target I speak. "Obeetaybee".

Published by Anonymous on 10/16/2003 01:17:00 PM

I pull off my glove, walk calmly to you and slap the glove across your face. "I accept your challenge." Does noon work for you?

Published by John on 10/16/2003 01:09:00 PM

Dustin--Does that mean you accept my challenge, you lowly son of a motherless dog! You vomitous squealing vermin! Prepare your buttocks for a pummeling!

Published by Anonymous on 10/16/2003 12:31:00 PM

I might be a little late due to a lecture on "Neomedievalism & Video Games" (Woot!) Shouldn't be though.

Published by Anonymous on 10/16/2003 12:20:00 PM

You only won two games, in other words Bring it, if you think you can.

Published by John on 10/16/2003 12:05:00 PM

Dustin--What is it worth to you? Heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehe...... I think that they may still be on my laptop, I'll check for you hombre. You want I should kick your ass at magic again this week at Eric's?

Published by Anonymous on 10/16/2003 11:32:00 AM

Wayn--eighth Lvl good char with no race restrictions. post your char consept for approvial.

Published by Dr Who on 10/16/2003 10:05:00 AM

Hail, All.

Me's Back.

Corporate Screwup Has been Fixed(For the moment).

Dustin- What lvl would you like to start my character at for tonight?

Hope everyone is well and see you tonight........

Published by Anonymous on 10/16/2003 10:00:00 AM

John-- could you email me any excel worksheets that you used for D&D.

Published by Anonymous on 10/16/2003 08:52:00 AM

Does anyone want to take a guess as to what happens when you don't shutdown a windows 2000 computer for two months, and you let it go into hibernation mode instead?

You corrupt the virtual memory manager. I hate Bill Gates.

It only took five seconds to fix, but still a windows protection error missing or corrupt vmm32.dll. I say it again, I hate Bill Gates

Published by Anonymous on 10/16/2003 08:46:00 AM

we should be playing my game tonight. I will keep you posted

Published by Anonymous on 10/15/2003 10:50:00 PM

Yeah, still planning on Saturday. I suspect a good bit of time will be spent on character generation, but I hope to get things at least started before the end of the night.

Somethings very wrong with that spell. I'd be checking for errata, if Wizards ever bothered to keep current errata files posted. As with so many things, Steve Jackson games does this best, they've had the current errata for all games they ever published available online since the days of their dial up BBS. It's over 20 years later and WotC with less material and way more money can't post errata for more than 4 or 5 of their books. (blows a big, fat raspberry in the direction of Renton)

Published by Anonymous on 10/15/2003 04:22:00 PM

All--Is it just me or is this Savage Species spell on crack?
Earth Reaver
Trans [Fire]; Clr 4, Sorc/Wiz 4; CT: 1 action
Range: Medium
Area: 20-ft.-radius spread, +10 ft./lvl (Neat, 120 ft radius spread)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

You point at a spot on the ground, and the earth at that point erupts in a shower of rock, dirt, and fire. Creatures and objects within the area take 7d6 of damage; the damage is 4d6 impact and 3d6 fire. Those who fail the (non-existent) saving throw are knocked prone.

Dustin--Much sympathy on the workload, as I had a paper due at 2 and have a midterm coming up at 6.

Jeremy--Definitely interested in cheap memory. Let me know how cheap a single 512 chip would be (dratted single upgradable slot). I could trade you a used 64 meg chip for a minor discount. *snickers* ResellerRatings, eh? Yeah, I know all about CompUSA's teaser items, since I worked there as a cashier for a summer. Some very nice deals for the people who remember to fill out the rebates and are willing to wait a long time. But we cashiers always dreaded the resulting Sunday crowds... especially since they wouldn't let us use our employee discounts on the "free" items. :D Hmm... what's the upfront cost on that 200GB HD and the rebate expir? *ponders getting a cheap external case or replacing current 60 GB HD*

Leon--How's your game going? Still planning on this Saturday?

Published by Anonymous on 10/15/2003 02:14:00 PM

Caroline: We don't deal with Laptop parts. I'd check E-bay.

Memory, I can keep an eye out for. For 512's, usually MAX $40 a chip. Currently only have a few PC100 256's laying around. Nothing new.

Actually, I may have some used 512s I could make you a deal on. I think we might have some 512/133s pulled from one of our personal systems when we upgraded to DDR. I'll check on that.

I hate buying from Pricewatch. I've actually stopped using them, since I've had so much trouble with all the damned Pakistanis. (Why is it that every goddamned independant PC dealer is a crook, who can't speak a word of English?) Bait and switch, sending the wrong parts, lies about shipping rates, etc. ("Well, shipping is listed as .97 cents fixed, but we're going to charge you $19 shipping if you want a guarantee that it will actually show up.)

If I'm searching for specific hardware on the net, I either look for respected sellers on E-bay or ResellerRatings.com. Not only can you do a search for best price, but they also have each site rated for customer satisfaction.

Besides, most of the best "after rebate" deals come from the major retail chains. Best Buy, CompUSA, etc. They almost always have one "teaser" item on sale for next-to-nothing to encourage people to come into the store. Free RAM, free CD-Rs, etc...

Of course, my latest deal... (After rebates):
200GB Dell branded Western Digital HD, $37 shipped. Woot! ::Dances::

Published by Anonymous on 10/15/2003 11:36:00 AM

As of right now, we might be postoning my game this Thursday, this is dependant on how much homework I get done befor tommorow. I will keep you posted as to if we will be playing tommorow.

Published by John on 10/15/2003 08:20:00 AM

Actually yes, but did I bring the list to work *eh* no..... I'll either post it from home tonight or bring the list to work tomorrow.

Published by Anonymous on 10/15/2003 07:56:00 AM

A T3 isn't important in and of itself; it merely represents the expensive (more than $50) level of bandwidth that I can't afford. If I could actually afford it, then I would get the best option, which would prolly be hogging a major university's 10 gigabit/sec Internet II (Abilene) connection. ooooo gigabits of bandwidth...

And yes, I know about Pricewatch... I just happen to think that Jeremy's rebate deals might be more reliable than Joe Schmo's random tech company.

Published by Anonymous on 10/15/2003 01:31:00 AM

why would you ever get a t3, it cost roughly $1500 a month which is 4.41Mbs . get an oc1 which is $1200 a month and 51.8Mbs, muhahahahacough cough cough, I still can't get over this damn cough.

Caroline check out this web sight for parts deals.

Published by Anonymous on 10/14/2003 06:18:00 PM

Hey, John. You ever get around to doing that inventory of your Deadlands stuff?

Published by Anonymous on 10/13/2003 08:37:00 PM

Hmm... *crosses fingers* ever see any deals on
- PC100 (or PC133) 512 meg chips
- 60-80GB laptop HDs
- laptop CD-R or CD-RW/DVD-R drives? (but that's even less likely...)

Published by Anonymous on 10/13/2003 08:11:00 PM

Leon, if you're in need of a CD burner, I can keep an eye out for deals. We regularly find burners for about $10 (after all rebates are applied.) If you're in need of one, I'll make sure to pick one up next time we see it.

If you don't have any open bays, then rip that damned CD-ROM out and replace it with the CD-R.

Published by Anonymous on 10/13/2003 07:19:00 PM

External CD burners aren't all that expensive... or you could swap out the internal one... or you could pick up this 300GB HD.

"Yes it only runs at 5400rpm...
...but as a timesaver, it comes with its own RIAA and MPAA subpoenas attached."

Published by Anonymous on 10/13/2003 03:55:00 PM

T3? Hell yeah, I'll take one. And a terabyte or three of storage. But until I win the lottery, I'll have to make do with cable and 30 gigs. Of course, it would help if I could burn CD's (damn broken ass piece of shit)

Published by Anonymous on 10/13/2003 12:26:00 PM

mp3s, not necessarily. But music videos, full movies, tv episodes, or high-quality audio...

Bandwidth is also a consideration, alas. *wants a T3 line for herself* Resource hog, me? *innocent look*

Either way, I'd be happier with something approaching a terabyte, rather than ~80 gigs between 2 computers.

Published by Anonymous on 10/13/2003 11:36:00 AM

It's doubtful that even the most voracious downloader of MP3s would ever need a petabyte -- a million gigabytes -- worth of disk space to house their collection.

I take that as a challenge...

Personally, I'm more than happy with a terabyte.

Published by Anonymous on 10/12/2003 10:45:00 PM

Which came first, alcohol or exasperating tech support (/counseling/mentoring) jobs? *snickers*

On another note, I want a petabyte for Christmas. Just not at the price they're charging....

Published by Anonymous on 10/12/2003 09:10:00 PM

vodka es goot, iam drunk.

Published by Anonymous on 10/12/2003 08:37:00 PM

It is official, I now have the areas most complete collection of d&d books that I have ever seen. I just bought Johns entire collection. Lots of reading to do, see yall Thursday, muuuuuuhahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahaha..... Cough cough couch, I hope I can get over this damn cough.

Published by Anonymous on 10/11/2003 09:07:00 PM

Some initial info about the Deadlands campaign.

It's set in 1877, but a very different 1877 from our world.

Here's what everyone knows, more or less.

At the height of the Confederate invasion of Pennsylvania in 1863, something very strange happened at the battle of Gettysburg. What exactly, nobody knows, but rumor speaks of dead soldiers rising to fight again, often against their former companions. Whatever actually happened that day, both armies were decimated and unable to continue fighting. Although there have been large campaigns fought since, for the most part a strange armistice of sorts has settled in by default. Open warfare has been largely replaced by skirmishes and raids. After seventeen years, both sides are weary of war, but unwilling to concede defeat.

With the white men distracted, two Indian nations have been able to assert their independence, the Sioux Nations in the Dakotas and the Coyote Confederation in Oklahoma. Further west, the Mormons of Desseret are an independent nation in all but name. Technically part of the Union, they follow the laws of the land only when it suits them to do so. California was nearly destroyed in the Great Quake, it's coastline shattered into a maze of twisted waterways disputed by Union and Confederate forces as well as Mexican.

All over the west, rumors of strange beasts abound. From giant burrowing worms in the Mohave desert, to undead gunslingers, to vampires and werewolves, all the beasts of legend and many never before imagined now seem to walk the earth.

To fight these beasts, men have turned to science to develop new and more deadly weaponry. Mad scientists turn out everything from steam powered gatlings and mechanical mules to miracle healing elixirs and Aether blasters.

Rumors abound of men armed with mystical powers of their own as well. Best known are the Blessed, who call upon the power of God to protect, to heal and to smite the wicked. But beware, for many have turned to strange, appocalyptic cults and declare all outsiders to be wicked. Indian shamans as well are widely believed to call upon the spirits to aid them and their followers. Less well known are the deadly hucksters, masters of the arcane lore hidden in Hoyle's Book of Games.

More posts to follow explaining your start point and some of the local situation.

Also, more on the types of characters available.

Published by Anonymous on 10/11/2003 08:33:00 PM

Speaking of Matrix, I saw a trailer for it (and also one for LotR) at Kill Bill. Looks about like expected, lots of cool effects and a plot that will probably sink under it's own pretentions. Worth watching though, if only for the cool mecha.

Published by Anonymous on 10/11/2003 06:21:00 PM

*sigh* Kill Bill, another good thing that I can't do until homework is done... Hopefully, its reality matches the hype for Matrix Revolutions.

"What will be different in Revolutions? It's the final, ultimate manifestation of Larry and Andy Wachowski's anime dream: to make a movie as close to anime as possible. Take the best and coolest aspects of anime -- large-scale robotics, entanglements between man and machine -- and tranform it into a feature, live-action film. You'll also see lots more bullets."
"The most difficult thing about creating effects for the trilogy? Designing choreography that could never be actualized by human beings."

Published by Anonymous on 10/11/2003 06:18:00 PM

Kill Bill F-ing rocks!

Nuff said.

Published by Anonymous on 10/11/2003 04:53:00 PM

The problem with that (using the original element) is that the # of elemental spells is unbalanced. Most of them are fire-based, with a few cold and electric (and acid) here and there. Tis a possibility though.

More random theory questions:
What happens when Chain Spell or Split Ray is applied to Disintegrate?
What level would a multi-target version of Polymorph Other be? (depends on the target/lvl distribution, obviously)

Published by Anonymous on 10/11/2003 12:39:00 PM

I said a little powerful, not too powerful. Making it a 2 level adjustment is almost certainly too much. Perhaps it should be only useable on spells that are already of one of the two elemental types choosen.

Published by Anonymous on 10/11/2003 11:05:00 AM

It dose seem a little over powerful, but I think making it 2 levels higher is a little much.

Published by Anonymous on 10/11/2003 10:19:00 AM

It could be changed to 2 levels higher, but since it does nothing to damage/range, it's only important for targets with serious energy vulnerabilities/immunities/healing... Energy Admixture doubles damage and is 4 levels higher. Archmage lets you use substitution with more elements, but that costs a high-level spell slot and affects all your spells. Basically, I'm experimenting with the flexibility of a nonelemental savant and testing my sense of game balance. I was thinking of a series of these types of feats (choose between three and four elements), but I'm not sure whether the levels would scale and whether anyone would want to take them.

Published by Anonymous on 10/11/2003 09:51:00 AM

Interesting feat. After a bit of thought and comparing it to Energy Substitution, it seems a little powerful but probably not out of line.

Published by Anonymous on 10/10/2003 11:06:00 PM

They wern't seen as evil. they were being controled by the gem. the were alowed to keep a peice of the key, because they helped to seel the gem and create the key. solar and Lunas, Titus's sons formed the two cities in the bowl. Once they were allowed to learn what happened to their father, wich was about 100 years after the fact, is when the cities started to become racial elitists. And at that time the elves wernt seen sa much of a threat to anybody, alot of tem died during the epic battle.

Published by Anonymous on 10/10/2003 03:34:00 PM

Dustin--If the elves had just lost an epic battle and were seen as evil, why were they trusted with anything, let alone part of an important artifact? And why did other races not protest the elves' practice of slavery and racial elitism?

All--Is this feat balanced?
Energy Duo [Metamagic] (feat name subject to change)
Prepare a spell with two types of energy. At the time of casting, select which type of energy is in effect.
Pre-req: Energy Substitution
Benefit: Choose two types of energy: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. During spell preparation, the caster can modify a spell with the energy descriptor to use the two chosen types of energy instead. When casting, one specific type of energy is chosen from the pair. A dual spell works normally in all respects except the type of damage dealt (as Energy Substitution).
A dual spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times; each time it applies to a different pair of energies.

Published by Anonymous on 10/10/2003 11:15:00 AM

this is the story valfor told you

Five thousand years ago, when the world was still young, a great and evil elf name Titus was beginning to grow in power. He believed that Elves were the supreme race, and began a mass war against all of the other races. His army began a march West over the mountains from the bowl, and began slaughtering anything that was not elf kind. King Lusken of the shore, realizing that his people and the realm were in danger, began raising his own army to try to defeat the Elvin king. The common races flocked to the kingdom of Lusken to seek refuge from the marauding elves. Realizing that all of the lower races were gathering in the kingdom of Lusken, Titus led his army in to destroy them. An epic battle ensued, Titus was defeated and his army destroyed. After the battle, it was discovered that Titus had a gem around his neck that gave him the power to control people’s minds and do exactly what he said, without question. Realizing the power of the gem, King Lusken ordered the gem be buried with Titus’s body in a crypt deep under his palace, which is now under the black mages tower in Lusken. And the key that could open the crypt to be broken into five pieces and guarded by each of the five goodly races. One of the pieces was sent to be protected by the elves in the bowl, one with the humans of the planes, one with the Halflings of the shire one with the gnomes of Atlantus and one with the dwarves of the mountain bowl. I believe that the dwarves of the bowl have two of the five pieces and are searching for the rest.
I am willing to pay each of you 10,000 gp for each piece that you retrive for me, the key can only be destroyed once the 5 pieces are reunited.

Published by John on 10/10/2003 08:41:00 AM

I have a fairly decent stack of Deadlands stuff. I'll "inventory" it this weekend and post what I have.

Published by Anonymous on 10/10/2003 04:03:00 AM

John: Do you have any Deadlands supplements for sale?

Published by John on 10/09/2003 02:07:00 PM

Matt--Yes I have much lead

Published by Anonymous on 10/09/2003 12:58:00 PM

see yall at the game

Published by Anonymous on 10/09/2003 12:04:00 PM

Shatz: I have the main book, and don't really give a fig about the Mechwarrior stuff. OTOH, the minis and Battletech Books might be something....

Published by Anonymous on 10/09/2003 10:33:00 AM

All-- We will be playing my regular Thursday game today. I hope yall enjoy. Oh by the way, it is official, I have Pneumonia, or am getting over it. It is not contageous, and if you can handle a dm on codine cough syrup, we should have fun tonight.

Published by John on 10/09/2003 09:04:00 AM

Matt--Well I have all those minis, as well as the books. Oh yeah and the Mechwarrior RPG. I also have the Changeling main book. ShadowRun can kiss my ass....

Published by Anonymous on 10/09/2003 04:32:00 AM

Caroline: A prestige class with it's own spell progression is significantly weaker than one which increases previously existing ability. To be balanced, classes that advance spellcasting are significantly weaker in their other abilities. Furthermore, classes with thier own lists are typically focused on other abilites (either combat or stealth type abilites most typically) rather than spellcasting. A class that granted all the abilites of the templar to a cleric while allowing them to keep advancing their spellcasting ability normally would be incredibly broken, regardless of requirements. It might be possible to balance the class by having it advance spellcasting level every other level or even every third, but every level is right out.

Published by Anonymous on 10/08/2003 03:48:00 PM

John: Any Changeling stuff? And/or ShadowRun and Battletech stuff?

Published by John on 10/08/2003 12:11:00 PM

All prices are flexible and start at say 25% off cover for the older stuff. The All Flesh stays (love zombies), but BESM, White Wolf, Silver Age Sentinels, D20 modern, etc. is up for grabs.

Published by Anonymous on 10/08/2003 11:28:00 AM

John--How much is the White Wolf stuff running? Any other general categories (BESM, All Flesh...)?

Published by John on 10/08/2003 10:27:00 AM

I am selling all of my gaming books. The D&D stuff is gone, if anyone is interested in the rest either post here or email me. My prices are insane!

Published by Anonymous on 10/08/2003 02:00:00 AM

Dustin--Good luck with stuff... The schoolwork's starting to pile up for me too.
Unless you suddenly turn into a bad DM, I'd still like to play in your game on Thursdays. *waits for others to chime in with opinions* The decision on switching Thursdays seems to fall on you and Brian and Leon though. Do you have enough time to plan and run a game every week?
Brian & Leon--Are your games prepared enough to start running every other Thursday/Saturday?

Published by Anonymous on 10/08/2003 12:27:00 AM

John- yep, did you get my reply

All-- Unfortunately school is becoming a lil much. Here are our options, I drop the drow game and my reg Thursday game, or I drop the drow game and run reg Thursday every week. There is a third option, I drop the drow game and give up opposite Thursday game to someone else. Either option, looks like the drow game is postponed until summer, too much work to run two separate games at once and still maintain a 4.0. So the basic question is, do you guys still want to play my reg Thursday game? I would like to run it this Thursday, sense I put so much time into the next game. I leave the decision up to yall.

Published by Anonymous on 10/07/2003 11:56:00 AM

Dustin--Dropload doesn't seem to be working. If you want to try transferring RacesoF via AIM or YahooMess, email me a SN. Otherwise, you'll just have to survive with all the other Drow stuff.

Published by John on 10/07/2003 10:06:00 AM

Dustin--Did you get the email this time?

Published by Anonymous on 10/06/2003 04:26:00 PM

To be more specific and ignoring all other advantages of prestige classes... Is a prestige class who gets its own limited divine/arcane spells comparable to one that requires divine/arcane casting ability and then continues a divine/arcane progression? For example, would it change the game balance to have a templar with divine progression (with divine casting pre-req) instead of a limited spell list?

Published by Anonymous on 10/06/2003 03:47:00 PM

Caroline: I'm not entirely sure I understood your question, but here goes. If a class casts divine spells, it doesn't matter how limited the their power is, so long as they can cast spells of the required level. So a 7th level Consecrated Harrier or Templar would both meet the requirements for Divine Disciple. And advancing as a Divine Disiple (or any similar class) could advance the casters level as either. Note that neither class gains new spells after level 10 so a 7th level Templar/ 5th level Divine Disciple still casts the same spells as a 10th level templar, although her caster level will be 12 for duration, penetrating SR etc.

Published by Anonymous on 10/05/2003 01:15:00 PM

Dustin--this page has Drizzt's Guide to the Underdark, Faiths and Pantheons, Lords of Darkness, Monsters of Faerun. This other page (page taken off-line as of 10/8) has the Core Evil book and Book of Vile Darkness. Still working on Races.

As for prestige classes, I'm interested in the Divine Oracle (DoF), Bane of Infidels (Masters of the Wild), Forbiddance of the Divine, or Faith Avenger (if it can be interpreted). My char will be fine with or without them. Just having trouble finding worthwhile non-good and non-necromantic divine PrCs.

All--Is limited divine casting ability (templar, consecrated harrier, etc) comparable to req casting ability of a certain level (divine disciple, contemplative) and then advancing the caster's level?

Published by Anonymous on 10/04/2003 10:04:00 AM

It will start th. the 9th

Published by Anonymous on 10/04/2003 02:26:00 AM

uh....so does this drow game start next thursday or this coming up?

Published by Anonymous on 10/03/2003 05:22:00 PM

Js-Still nothing

For the new th game, your house will give you a suite of armor +1 and a single +1 weapon. If you are a male, you can be a fighter, wizard, ranger, or rogue. Females must start as a cleric for at least 1 level, than go onto the class list for a male. All prestige classes must be approved ahead of time. If you are a male, you will not be able to own anything that is not given to you by your house. All party treasure must be give to your house and the matron mother will give it back to you if she feels generous. This is a female dominated society,any male who disrespect or disobeys a female will be sacrificed to lolth.

Published by Anonymous on 10/02/2003 05:17:00 PM

is there no game toinight or something?

Published by Anonymous on 10/02/2003 03:29:00 PM

shut up !!!!

Published by John on 10/02/2003 03:10:00 PM


Published by Anonymous on 10/02/2003 10:32:00 AM

no reply yet.

Published by John on 10/02/2003 09:25:00 AM

Yep, got it. Have you recieved my reply? Sneaky ain't I?

"....Merry Christmas to all now you are all gonna die. The night Santa went crazy..."

Published by Anonymous on 10/02/2003 02:38:00 AM

Js- it was the one that refered to playing magic.

Published by John on 10/01/2003 01:57:00 PM

Dustin--Perhaps, which one was it?

Published by Anonymous on 10/01/2003 09:44:00 AM

Shatz-- Bite me. Did you get my email a week ago? I don't know if my email system is working correctly yet.

Published by Anonymous on 9/30/2003 03:06:00 PM

We could play an Undead campaign. We'll all be mindless 1st-level Zombies who'll shamble around the villages looking for brains... brains....

Then there is always the old standby. The King has called for all brave heros to hunt down and destroy a mighty dragon that has been burninating the countryside...

Dustin- Fine. Go get Chinese. And get me the House Special Lo-Mein. Numbah 58. Be done ten minute.

Published by John on 9/30/2003 02:49:00 PM

Dustin--Two words buddy spell & check :-P

I LIVE..........

Published by Anonymous on 9/30/2003 02:04:00 PM

Dustin--I thought I gave it to you with the last laptop transfer... Check and see? In any case, I have a pdf of it which I'll bring on Th. Jeremy might have it too...

It adds some background history and feats, pretty similar to the Race chapter in PHB. You still have to combine it with the main FR book to get a full drow character.

Published by Anonymous on 9/30/2003 01:45:00 PM

I was going to suggest playing Caotic neutral, but drow are phaking evil, pardon my french. We will work somthing out.
no, i havn't seen Races of Faerun, where can i get it.

Jeremy--I am hungery too, I could almost eat an entire cat. meeeooowww. I love Chineese

Published by Anonymous on 9/30/2003 01:25:00 PM

Dustin--If we can work out some way to do spontaneous cures, then I'll play an evil cleric. No self-respecting evil cleric would waste prayer time on all cure spells and I doubt an evil deity would even allow that after a while.

If not, someone gets to wear the Cursed Belt of Gender Bending. Have fun. :)

Have you seen the drow info in Races of Faerun? Any idea of the starting char lvl, starting lvl gold (considering the lvl adjustment), etc?

Published by Anonymous on 9/30/2003 01:06:00 PM

I vote for chineese, as always

Published by Anonymous on 9/30/2003 12:59:00 PM

Yah, sure. I just called Pilot... they said the truck should be here between 3-5pm. Grr...

Jus' show up at my place at around sixish. And like... go get some sandwiches and some chips or something. I'm hungry... ;)

Published by Anonymous on 9/30/2003 12:14:00 PM

Jeremy-- ya up for Escaflone, sorry if i spelled it wrong.

Published by Anonymous on 9/30/2003 12:11:00 PM

Enh... any day is as good as any other. Weekends really aren't that special when you're clinically unemployed.

The only reason I'm even at the shop today is because I'm waiting for a damned truck to show up. Shipping that PacMan cab. The guy who wanted it is from Texas. He paid me $175 for the cabinet, and told me to bill the shipping costs to his Pilot account. So I just call the trucking ocmpany, give 'em the address, and say "it's his problem."

Pilot told me they'd be in "sometime between eight and five." 8am-5pm. Sunnavabitch...

Published by Anonymous on 9/30/2003 12:08:00 PM

Why, yes, I did see my computer clock before posting. Are you saying that I didn't have something more important than checking blog posts? If so... *gets out cluestick*

My char wants more info about the jobs; without that, they're pretty equal in her mind.

Jeremy--Check out bored.com

Published by Anonymous on 9/30/2003 10:46:00 AM

Wait a second... I don't get up before noon unless I have one of those.

Did you happen to check the time stamp of your post. lol

Have you guys decided on which job posted you will be taking.

Published by Anonymous on 9/30/2003 10:41:00 AM

I don't get up before 9:30 unless I have class, work, or something else major. Wait a second... I don't get up before noon unless I have something important. *yawn* Your full-time job... *waves hand ineffectually in Dustin's direction* is confusing your normal sleep cycle and your memory.

Published by Anonymous on 9/30/2003 09:48:00 AM

wow even that post made you sound tired

Jeremy-- as of today, could we change anime to Tuesday insted of Fri.

Published by Anonymous on 9/30/2003 08:41:00 AM

I try not to get up before 9:30 if I can help it...

Published by Anonymous on 9/30/2003 08:31:00 AM

Like I said, it is 9:30 an no one has posted but me today.
So far we have three votes for Sat., anyone els want to game on a Sat?

Published by Anonymous on 9/30/2003 02:12:00 AM

Brian== I would wait till th. but this seemes the only way yall will blogg.

Published by Anonymous on 9/29/2003 07:05:00 PM

If anyone has a GameBoy Advance and is bored with it (Sacrilege!), use these instructions to hook it up to this. oooooo... 4000 scanlines and terabytes of video... *dreams* Can you imagine the pixellation?

Dustin--Drow Siblings, eh? What about cousins? Either way, we're going to have lots of fun with sibling rivalry... *evil grin*
I agree with Brian that it may be easier to wait until Th to figure stuff out. The main free days in our two schedules are Th and Sat.
The Lusken options are fairly equal, imo. Trolls are the known danger, but the others have some definite hazards... I'd want more details about all three, escape routes, maybe backup.
What, 10 posts in a day is "no one blogging anymore"?

Leon and Brian--I'd like to hear more details about your games, if you have anything definite.

Published by Anonymous on 9/29/2003 06:19:00 PM

Dustin Why not wait until thursday when everyone should be there and just take a pole and or vote on the days that gaming can take place for the whole group. because it seems that there are more game oportunities poping up than there are days available to every one. so hten we can decide on which games everyone is interested in and which day suits everey one

Published by Anonymous on 9/29/2003 05:45:00 PM

Actually, any of those days would work for me. Although I would prefer not to play on tuesday since that would be three work nights in a row gaming. And I could alternate with you on any of those nights with my game. Guess we'll have to see what everyone else is up for.

Drow. Interesting. Could be fun. Level equivalents won't matter as much if we're all drow (althought you ought to keep them in mind when designing encounters)

Published by Anonymous on 9/29/2003 05:33:00 PM

Why dosn't anyone blogg anymore.

Published by Anonymous on 9/29/2003 11:51:00 AM

Here is My updated Schedule of days off, Days that I can game.

Saturday, Late afternoon
Sunday, all day

Which day would be good for everyone, if I were to start a new game.

Published by Anonymous on 9/29/2003 11:46:00 AM

Burnanating the country side, burnanting the peasants....

Jeremy--I be is. Mid Oct.

Published by Anonymous on 9/29/2003 11:31:00 AM

Wayne-- The only day that I will be able to run a game is going to be Thursday. I would like to start another game. Would it be at all possible to switch your game to another day, right now, I would much rather dm than game. Again I leave the dicision up to you. If we cant work it out to where you would feel comfurtable with a day, than I could try to run my other game on Sundays, if I could get enough interest for Sunday game.

If we must fight we will, there can be only one.

Published by Dr Who on 9/29/2003 11:25:00 AM

Hello, all. I hope that everyhting is going well.

All- unfornately, due to Corporate stupidity of Wal-Mart, My wife has the next couple of thursdays off. Her Lawyer has decided to meet with her and have her go to the doctor. Yes. My game will continue. I am not willing to give it up without a fight. I am going to have the game running agiain in a few weeks. Keep your eyes on the blog for what thursday that the game will start back up.

WAl-mart MUST DIE...........

Not that I am upset or anything............