Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 11/19/2003 10:10:00 AM

Excel work for you? That'll give the nonPHB sourcebooks.

DCs are 19 for 0-level non-Evocation spells and 23 for 0-level Evocation spells. Can cast up to 6th level currently. For reference, the party's base saves at 11th lvl are ~3/7 + stat + magic items (~5-18).

Everyone else is divine, so unless they're using odd sourcebooks, they have the same spell lists (cleric, paladin, druid) and you should only need their save DCs.

I have two classes and a paper today, so I probably won't be able to get you the list until tonight. *goes back to working on paper*