Published by Anonymous on 11/01/2003 06:11:00 PM
Dead Rogue Treasure
5 Scimitars (unidentified)
2 Greatswords (unidentified)
Gloves of Dex +2
Ring of Proc +2
Glowing Short Sword +1
2 Chain Shirts +2
4 Scrolls of Improved Invisibility (Give to rogues, as long as they're used responsibly)
1525 gp
5 Scimitars (unidentified)
2 Greatswords (unidentified)
Gloves of Dex +2
Ring of Proc +2
Glowing Short Sword +1
2 Chain Shirts +2
4 Scrolls of Improved Invisibility (Give to rogues, as long as they're used responsibly)
1525 gp